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Messages - Yagami Light

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WIP / Re: [FF8 R - Steam] Project Ruby HD Battlefields
« on: 2025-02-15 10:36:12 »
FFNX is for the original ff8, I'm only doing stuff for the remastered version. If I recall the original ff8 had banding issues, ff8 remastered is just the better version overall.

WIP / Re: [FF8 R - Steam] Project Ruby HD Battlefields
« on: 2025-02-14 22:47:52 »
For the fields I have over 40 done, though they still need final checks and bug fixes. I could do them quicker but quality would drop, my goal is crisp clear textures. The current system that changes ff8 textures is too buggy and imo needs to be replaced.

WIP / Re: [FF8 R - Steam] Project Ruby HD Battlefields
« on: 2025-02-14 17:28:09 »
I guess all data have been lost ?
Maybe with all new tools around it's a good moment to come back to this Yagami Light ? :D

No nothing has been lost I still have all the files, in fact the only way to get all the battlefield textures was to extract all of them manually from the files itself as any other auto extraction method had errors in the texture, which I have now done.
Looking back I should have done 1k floor textures and just upscaled instead. But no at the moment I'm doing field and menu textures heres the battlefield and menu screenshots you can find field textures on steam.

You can use Sebanisu's tool to mass extract all background layers and swizzle them for use in game. vastly superior to Pupu though there are some bugs during the swizzle process, not sure why he hasn't posted it here

Don't bother using AI upscales as I'm already doing that, (Fire cavern and Balamb town already done)

Does anyone have a working link of just the program with the banding fix? Cant compile because visual studio gives lots of errors.

1. Place demaster files inside ff8 remastered main directory
2. Create new folder called DEMASTER_EXP inside ff8 remastered main directory
3. Use ZZZdearchive tool to extract the files from main.zzz and other.zzz and place those files inside DEMASTER_EXP
4. Does the game run? if not check demaster config file and change settings, still not working? verify integrity through steam and try again.
5. Do a quick edit to the square logo inside the texture folder to see if the changes happen in game.
6. Make sure any mods downloaded are in the correct folders inside the texture folder, and not just 'placed' inside the texture folder.

That is great to know.  :D

Your definitely legal software that allows extracting, modifying and re-releasing trademarked artwork (often behind a patreon paywall) does not support piracy…
The best way to promote the worst received game in a saga is definitely acting entitled with those willing to TRY it.

If you cant afford to buy the game, which is very cheap during the sales then I believe you are the entitled one. Maki has spent a lot of time fixing the barebones mess square enix created. 
You are out of your mind if you think ff8 is the worst received game in the series. You dont need patreon to mod the game.

Thank you Maki! Appreciate your work, updated, everything works great so far.

Nobody responded because I already answered that question two posts above your original comment. You either downgrade the game to 1.01 or wait for Maki to patch the tool. Please read next time.

WIP / Re: [FF8 R - Steam] Project Ruby HD Battlefields
« on: 2021-11-20 11:48:23 »
Balamb beach is complete, shame the sea cant be animated yet

WIP / Re: Recreating Project: Final Fantasy VIII
« on: 2021-11-01 12:25:12 »
Those renders look beautiful Yasin, is this your own style or are you trying to replicate the original? The bottom back side of the chairs are supposed to be blue fabric material and for the back of the desks, its either painted wood or fabric, I dont think it's supposed to be a long cloth but still amazing work!

FF8 remastered was recently updated to fix the slow down caused by windows 10, so you will have to wait for a new update from Maki.

WIP / Re: [FF8 R - Steam] Project Ruby HD Battlefields
« on: 2021-08-24 13:33:25 »
Updated the textures for Dollet towns floor and tower textures, I will add comparison once its fully complete. Dollet tower should be done soon

Dont use demaster mod manager as that can be buggy, make sure all the settings in the demaster config are correct. Only use zzzdearchive to unpack all the main game folders to a new folder named DEMASTER_EXP, then you can manually change all of the textures. Make sure its a legit game too otherwise it wont work.

Announcements and site development / Re: We were hacked.
« on: 2021-07-12 18:23:57 »
I was wondering what was going on, thought it was a joke due to the euro football finals, I've changed my password to be on the safe side, were you able to identify which account was compromised? So they can do a virus scan on their end etc

WIP / [FF8 R - Steam] Project Ruby HD Battlefields
« on: 2021-06-15 15:14:48 »
Hi everyone I've been slowly learning Photoshop and wanted to try improve the old muddy battlefields of the game. So I've decided to post them here to see what everyone thinks.
Keep in mind it's not finished, all textures are WIP and subject to change. Some of the textures look bad as I've improved over time and not happy with them. (Dollets towns floor as an example will be replaced).
I've had issues with the game changing the brightness of the textures once they are in game, with no skip button for cutscenes slowing down progress.
It would be nice if the UV's could be fixed, as the textures glitch out or they don't align correctly.
The main goal of this project is to improve the look of the game while keeping the original game design intact.
All textures will be in 4k - Thanks to Makis tool I'm currently working on 10 battlefields so consider these just a taster.

I dont see the issue with releasing the gigapixel version, since its already released for the old version by fated. I used makis tool to make a remastered version but there was no point going through the game if the bug fixes have already been done. If you already had a release why hasn't a link been posted months ago in fateds thread?

General Discussion / Re: [FF7R IG] Discussion & News
« on: 2021-02-26 12:12:16 »
Ever Crisis is the closest thing ff7 fans will get to an original ff7 remake, expecting a pc version for ff7 remake later this year.

Use the latest version tonberry 2.04, the eden textures are out of date and buggy, use project angel wing textures and up to date hashes for the field textures.

Heres a link for the gigapixel version of the remastered edition, there will be errors but since nobody has posted a new version here it is

I've changed some of the fire cavern field names,  there are some errors in the final room and a small error in the room before. Heres the link to the updated fields

The exe is insider the texturemodhelper folder, if it doesn't run, update .Net framework to the latest version, try running the program as admin or see if windows/anti virus is blocking the program from running. 

Releases / Re: [FF8:Remastered] Darz FMV's - 4k Upscaled
« on: 2020-06-26 13:35:50 »
The changes are directly injected, only difference is everything is not compressed, Maki uses the same system the current developers for the remastered version used. The textures will never be just part of the game because the game has a resolution limit, so for HD textures to work it needs to be done externally.

Do not update using the launcher it will give errors, use this link to download, copy and paste the files over. If you are using mods, use them one at a time to see which one is giving errors.

This tool will not work if you are using pirated copies of the game, buy it officially on steam for the mods to work.

If you have already used a UV patch fix before using demaster you will need to verify game cache on steam and update ff8 remastered to the latest patch to not get errors. you dont copy the whole texture folder over you have to copy the individual textures into their respective folders for example battlefield textures named a0stg will need to be copied into
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VIII Remastered\DEMASTER_EXP\textures\battle.fs\hd_new

You also need to make sure other.zzz and main.zzz are both extracted to the DEMASTER_EXP folder

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