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Messages - nfitc1

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Archive / Re: Portable FF7 *UPDATE: Now with video proof!*
« on: 2008-09-25 13:24:31 »
As awesome as this is (and I'm sure it'll work without seeing the video) I'm not sure this is a good idea in the long term.

The Flash Drives (as they're technically called) aren't made to be read/written to in high volumes multiple times. I'm talking on the order of hundreds or thousands of reads, not just a few dozen. This, of course, depends greatly on the quality of the brand of the one you're using. Some Linux distros can be run from a Flash Drive if you have the ability, but they recommend against doing that longer than a few weeks since the hardware in the drive will start to corrupt.
I don't use flash cards so I can't attest to their integrity, but the same probably applies.

That's great, Lee, thanks. Just one more question: Do the files ff7dec create still gzip'd or are they raw?

I'm cool with the PC version having a kernel2.bin. I really only wanted to edit the data for the items/weapons/armor (only the first 9 files anyway), but leave the text to the already functioning Teioh. I'm guessing that the kernel.bin on the PSX was an attempt to force regionalization (among other things) and the kernel2.bin on the PC was a way out of that. So am I correct in assuming that the two kernel.bin files are identical? If that's the case then there'll be no problem.

PS - I'm thinking of calling this prog "Wall Market". Appropriate, no? ;)

Hi all! This is my first post here, but I've been visiting these forums off and on for months now. All the while getting awesome patches and enhancements to FF7. I'm really impressed by the community effort put into this!

On topic: This is exactly the thing I conceived of making yesterday. I know Teioh will open kernel2.bin, but I DO want to modify/create weapons, armor, accessories, items and make it a stable resource for other people to use. The biggest obstacle I can see is the BIN-GZIP of kernel.bin. ff7_gzip would work perfectly with this, but the documentation doesn't come with the zip package. Can someone point me to a website or tell me the command format so that I can use this with my project? The wiki has awesome documentation and I have already done a few proof of concept trials so I think this will work if I can get past this hurdle.

I'd like it to work for PC and PSX and, correct me if I'm wrong, the kernel.bin files are the same, right? If so that issue is moot. I have experience with this sort of thing and am the author of a few (albeit, slightly outdated) emulator tools. I'd love to give this a shot since no one has done so yet.

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