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Messages - StormEye

Pages: [1]
### Launching Final Fantasy VII ###
Checking FF7 is not running ...
Checking FF7 .exe exists at C:\Steam\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\FF7.exe ...
Verifying installed game is compatible ...
Verifying game is not installed in a System/Protected folder ...
Verifying game is full/max install ...
Creating missing required directories ...
Verifying additional files for 'battle' & 'kernel' folders exist ...
Verifying all movie files exist ...
Verifying music files exist ...
Verifying latest game driver is installed ...
Unknown error when launching the game: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: input

I have attached startup log.

I can get the game to start if I delete "7H_GameDriver.dll" located in root folder of FF7 Steam version.
However, if I do this, it seems like all config gets messed up, media doesn't play, and there are graphical anomalies.
Moreover, if I quit, and try to start the game again, "7H_GameDriver.dll" file again prevents game from starting, and I have to delete it resulting in same problem I am having.

Hope someone can help. Thanks.

FF7 Tools / Re: [FF7PC] Trainer - Ochu (2.0)
« on: 2015-06-24 04:06:02 »
The changes to the hex are all in plain text.  You can see them in the HL_Files\hext_in folder.

I didn't create the Tifa reels, that was done by Dziugo, who is very competent with assembly.

As per first page:

Gypt/Lucky Tifa/Default Run/No Dialogue Box

Thanks for the reply.

I will look into it.

Again, thank you for the wonderful trainer.

FF7 Tools / Re: [FF7PC] Trainer - Ochu (2.0)
« on: 2015-06-24 00:53:16 »
Thanks for the wonderful trainer.

I came around to playing this game again after so many years.

I want to ask, would you mind explaining how you were able to get the Tifa's limit break to only roll 'Yeah'? I sometimes play this on PSP, and was wondering if I would be able to simulate this on PSP, if it is simple memory changing.

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