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Messages - skull-boy666

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Hey, sorry I didn't reply sooner, I've been very busy getting ready for Metrocon here in Florida, I'm really greatful for your work on getting rid of the O mouths on the game!! Now I won't be distracted by Sephiroth looking like his mouth is hanging open...

Again, sorry for the late reply, much appreciated!

I was afraid that might happen. Are you using FF7 through Steam or the PC re-release? If so, have a read of this first:

There was a tool kicking around to convert the PC re-release into the 'old' 1998 version but I'm not sure how functional that tool was or if it'd even be compatible with the Steam release at all (there're three versions; the original 1998, the re-release that came out on the Square-Enix store, and now this Steam version).

I saw on the Bootleg thread that a potential fix might be to make a new folder on the D:\ drive and call it Games, with a folder inside called Steam (so 'D:\Games\Steam') and then copy-paste all the FF7 files into there before patching them. Not sure if that'd work, though; it's probably gonna take a week or so before everything gets figured out but give it a try. And remember to give the patch administrator privileges if it doesn't already; anything that tries to alter a file in Program Files needs permission otherwise it gets blocked.

Damn, I didn't know about any of this before buying it, I should've just gotten the physical version like I planned to before this release. Oh well, I'll try some more stuff, but I'm guessing it's smart to just wait to see how things progress. I'll let you know if I find something that works.

Hi all, here's a patch I put together that'll remove all those gaping NPC mouth textures. It basically replaces all of the mouth textures with a 'blank' one that makes them look like they did on the PSX. Just tested it, and seems to have worked. Here's the link:

The patch is an .exe so you just run it and specify the 'field' folder in FF7's data folder when asked for it. I've only tested this with the old FF7 PC though, so not sure how compatible it's going to be with the newer versions. It's a pretty minor mod but good practice for creating patches and making them available. If there's any issues or if I've missed any of the mouth texture files then let me know; I've got a big ol' notepad listing every file in that char.lgp so I can fix it nice and quick. If there's a security issue with the patch not being able to access program files then try running it as administrator or copy-pasting the field folder to the desktop, patching it there, and then copy-pasting it back into the FF7 data folder (make sure to back everything up before modding, though).

This is the first mod (if you can call it that) I've uploaded but I've got a few bigger projects in the works. If I did anything wrong, then let me know.
You are my hero! I will try it out right now!
I'll let you know if it works, this is the first mod I've installed...

EDIT: Aw man, it keeps telling me the program's folder doesn't have any files to update, do you know what that means?

There are a few replacement mods that maintain the chibi aspect (and possibly overdo it) while making the models not look rushed. Check the Big List of Mods and see if any of those suit you.

Hey thanks! I hope there's something in there that suits my needs...
Also, hehe, Derpy <3

Troubleshooting / FF7 Mod - Remove Mouths (Help/Request)
« on: 2013-07-09 17:33:36 »
I'm sorry if this is the wrong topic to post this in, but it seemed to be the most approperiate to my very specific issue.

I'm seeking help to remove a minor annoyance I have with the PC version of FF7... I really don't like the mouths they added to the avatars, is there any way at all to just remove the mouth textures? Really, it's just the open mouth O's that I don't like, it looks silly to me, and they didn't have them in the original game.

"Uuuuuh...." Sephiroth looks like he's very confused and/or eating an Oreo...
Why wouldn't they give Sephiroth the same mouth that Cloud has?

Anyhow, again, if there's a mod out there that removes the weird mouths, I'd love that. If not, someone please point me in the right direction to request such a mod. If there is not such a mod in existence, I would very much like to recruit a modder to help make such a mod for me, so if that's possible, I'd love to know the details to make that happen.

Hell, I'd be happy if it's just taking Sephiroth's O mouth off, no one else who has it particularly bothers me.

EDIT: I don't want to use the Chibi replacer either, I like the Chibis, I just don't want the open mouth O mouths is all, they're distracting to me.

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