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Messages - Loseless

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Thanks for reply, Sega Chief

That's what I've been trying to do, fight those little guys back there and avoid ones before the boss. I managed to hold them, but its not that profitable.

I do like hard RPGs. i've written a published Star Ocean 2 Universe Guide, for gods sake... And that hurts. But the game mechanic makes it so that if you really know what your doing, you can get past the early challenges. Here the same principle doesn't quite apply. Mainly because you have access to stores after you get through some difficult enemies. But still.

FF7's materia system provides a rather unique tactical framework to get past challenging enemies. Unfortunately, the more useful materias are only accessible by the end of the game, and that makes them, otherwise extremely interesting, quite pointless. Look at Magic Counter, for example. Amazing materia. Only useful for the third disc (or very late second). Same goes for Sneak Attack and a dozen more.

Sneak attacking with strong spells to damage though enemies at the beginning of a battle could be a great strategy. More if we had access to Mega-All (right know I'm not sure that ST spells hit all enemies in Sneak Attack with Mega-All. Life2 works with Final Attack this way if Mega-All is present, so it might do the same for Sneak Attack).

Anyway, forgive me late hour thoughts. I wrote a published FF7 guide in my country back in the days and worked a lot with materia strategies. I was one of those guys who managed to beat the weapons without KOTR, Mime, Limit spamming or source farming. My only regret was that the greatest combos and strategies could only be used against the giant tin cans, as we didn't had access to said materias before them, and had no one to use the combos on (maybe except for Master Tonberries).

So here goes a suggestion for the developers: many of these materias are very interesting early on. In a normal play-through they could be overpowered. But here that principle doesn't really apply. So promoting strategy would be a great way to hook old time players. Why not spread some of those great materia around disc one caves and optional treasure boxes and/or Gould Saucer? Have the players earn them.

Hello everybody. New guy here.

I just tried the mod. Love some of the changes. Didn't like the materia and equipment changes so much, so I ended up not patching them.

As for the mod, I pretty much gave up before the scorpion robot. Got killed by the encounter with the machine thing, the blue guard and the tombstone thing. Used all my four potions and cast 6 spells before running out of MP and dying. Had to start the game again and died at the same point, before the save point. Tried a third time and managed to save, only to run out of potions before reaching the boss.

So I decided my strategy wasn't working. Tried to gain a few levels near the elevator, where the enemies are easier. Gained two levels but kept loosing after that. I only had two potions and whenever I ran into the three blue guys, it was game over. I can manage them in a straight fight with a few spells to back it up. But if they inflict darkness in one of my characters, its game over... I don't have enough potions to hold on and one character alone can't fight the three of them.

So yeah, the mod its pretty much broken as it is. I reckon there must be something I'm missing, or that perhaps not patching the materia and equipment deprived me of something I was supposed to have...

Any thoughts would be helpful. I think I'm gonna try "buying" potions with the save editor, as well as some accessory to ward of darkness. Maybe then I'll get past this part.

But from my experienced in RPGs and modding in general: changes should be made gradual. The player should have time to get the feeling and start experiencing the increased difficulty in a way they can actually managed. Right at the beginning there are no stores or inns. If the players screw up or are unlucky they're done for. That's not really something "difficult", but rather unfair. Rising the difficulty after sector 7 would make more sense, as the players has had the opportunity to buy materia and itens, along with getting Tifa.

PS: this is the most annoying forum I've ever seen when it comes to posting. There are many options to four check-up questions during registration, confirmation emails and more four check questions after each post. This is 2014, not 1999. Spambots aren't untouchable anymore. There are better security methods out there.

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