Author Topic: bosses too easy?  (Read 10527 times)


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bosses too easy?
« on: 2003-10-28 01:35:25 »
is it me or are the bosses too easy, I tend to do extra fighting which probably puts me at higher level then the average person but I expect bosses to pose a challenge, and going through the game I feel there is only a few that have a chance of killing me.

1 - There hps are way too low I think they should be at least 4x what they are

2 - More of them need to have confusion making it a lot tougher

3 - They should be stronger if character level is higher

Is it possible to make an editor that allows editing of monster stats, so I could make the game tougher for myself, I think the normal fights are ok because they cannot be too hard otherwise leveling up would be a bitch, but the bosses need to be tough enough so anyone not levelled up is a goner.


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bosses too easy?
« Reply #1 on: 2003-10-28 01:50:47 »
Play Galerians....

There is a thin line between challenging and frustratingly hard. Although I have to agree that FFX's last battle was a joke. Come on....automatic, auto reraise.


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bosses too easy?
« Reply #2 on: 2003-10-28 02:21:19 »
It's a final fantasy game. You're supposed to get strong and kick total ass....if you're willing to take the time to level up, that is. If you want a game that will conform to your current level, play freakin' FF8.

But if you want to be truly challenged by a FF game, play 9. Despite the little-kiddish feel to the game, it is a pretty challenging game.


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bosses too easy?
« Reply #3 on: 2003-10-28 02:41:06 »
I agree, the bosses are way too easy.
Quote from: Crysalis
3 - They should be stronger if character level is higher

In FF7, if cloud is level 98 or higher, Safer Sephiroth becomes more powerful:p . He's still way too easy to beat, though. My hardest boss was probably the Carry Armour.


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bosses too easy?
« Reply #4 on: 2003-10-28 02:59:13 »
Play Galerians....

Amen brother.  That is by far one of the hardest games I've ever played; and not just hard... but almost unfairly overwhelming.


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bosses too easy?
« Reply #5 on: 2003-10-28 10:05:49 »
Deamon Gate... agh!


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bosses too easy?
« Reply #6 on: 2003-10-28 15:16:28 »
In Galerians, I got to the second to last boss fight (his brother?) and pretty much died everytime. Mainly because I was at a point that I was shorting, and I had no pills to cure it. Now I have to start from the beginning again and conserve those pills or find the hidding places of the ones I missed.

But, I probably won't touch that game again, until...well....never.


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bosses too easy?
« Reply #7 on: 2003-10-28 17:19:32 »
Well Wait for final fantasy x-2 because the more you level up so do the monsters even the weak ones at the begining, but I don't know to much about the boses cause there isnt a lot of info yet about them.


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bosses too easy?
« Reply #8 on: 2003-10-28 18:01:04 »
Quote from: Jedimark
Deamon Gate... agh!

You had problems with him too? I hated his rock-on-head attack, but Aeris's limits came in useful, whilst Cloud ballistically wailed with Meteorain. I beat him in the end. :wink:


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bosses too easy?
« Reply #9 on: 2003-10-28 18:12:36 »
Yeah... and I always forget about it too... and I run up to it totaly un-prepared.

The Skillster

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bosses too easy?
« Reply #10 on: 2003-10-28 19:54:54 »
monsters leveling up was in FF8, infact it worked against the baddies themselves, as you get more EXP from higher level monsters,
besides by the time you get to a med to high level even early monsters bore you with dull fights, but last forever cos the monsters have stupid levels of HP but can do much damage.


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bosses too easy?
« Reply #11 on: 2003-10-30 03:30:26 »
Quote from: Jedimark
Yeah... and I always forget about it too... and I run up to it totaly un-prepared.

I made that mistake with
1.Carry Armour
3.Lost Number
and 4.Yeah, Demon's Gate.
AND NOW THEY'RE ALL DEAD!!!(much to my pleasure;lol :D )


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bosses too easy?
« Reply #12 on: 2003-10-30 07:43:09 »
But how can you not be prepared for Lost Number... its so blatently obvious that it is coming.


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bosses too easy?
« Reply #13 on: 2003-10-30 17:58:42 »
Well, i worked out the safe combination myself using the clues, but i didn't know that this ugly two-sided colorful monster was gonna pop out til i fought it. It whooped me first time. :(


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bosses too easy?
« Reply #14 on: 2003-10-30 21:46:24 »
hmm I always have my strongest combination of materia equuiped to my currently selected characters so neither lost monster, carry armour or the demons gate got me, in fact demon gate is very weak in my book, but my 1st time playing the game I think dyne did get me as my party is strong as a whole but barret had weak points when on his own.


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bosses too easy?
« Reply #15 on: 2003-10-30 22:15:53 »
The reason why they made the game itself so easy is because the materia system sucked so badly. And by "sucked so badly" I don't mean that it literally sucks. I mean that when you add certain materia and whatnot to your weapon/armor, it will take away stats from you. That means that it is more harmful than anything. So some player who has all characters loaded with all green materia wouldn't be at a disadvantage. But seriously...magic basically sucks in FF7. You can easily go through the game without even using magic, unless you absolutely must use it to defeat a certain enemy (physical resistance). So because Square was well aware some fool was going to use only magic, they made the game easy.

On the other hand, the materia system is good when you use the right kinds of materia.....but it was pretty ingenious to make the materia level up.


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bosses too easy?
« Reply #16 on: 2003-10-31 01:20:10 »
Quote from: Chrysalis
hmm I always have my strongest combination of materia equuiped to my currently selected characters so neither lost monster, carry armour or the demons gate got me, in fact demon gate is very weak in my book, but my 1st time playing the game I think dyne did get me as my party is strong as a whole but barret had weak points when on his own.

I had no trouble beating Dyne first time, but then my system suffered a memory wipe(bye bye saves)and when replaying, I had to try about 13 times before I actually got him. :erm:


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bosses too easy?
« Reply #17 on: 2003-10-31 02:49:08 »
Quote from: Rubicant_II
The reason why they made the game itself so easy is because the materia system sucked so badly. And by "sucked so badly" I don't mean that it literally sucks. I mean that when you add certain materia and whatnot to your weapon/armor, it will take away stats from you. That means that it is more harmful than anything. So some player who has all characters loaded with all green materia wouldn't be at a disadvantage. But seriously...magic basically sucks in FF7. You can easily go through the game without even using magic, unless you absolutely must use it to defeat a certain enemy (physical resistance). So because Square was well aware some fool was going to use only magic, they made the game easy.

On the other hand, the materia system is good when you use the right kinds of materia.....but it was pretty ingenious to make the materia level up.

You know the worst battle system i have ever played was IX's Utterly Horrid.. Materia Worked for me.. Junctioning was decent after i got used to it... Even the damn sphere grid was ok.. but those stupid little glowing orbs and pick your thing off of your weapon.. i hated that.. having to equip a shit weapon to get the skill from it.. God i hated IX.. And yes it was hard.. I think.. i dont know cuz i got bored playing it and cheated to beat it.. i think.. i'm pretty sure i did..


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bosses too easy?
« Reply #18 on: 2003-10-31 03:05:32 »
Holy crap man, you really do hate FF9. I thought the battle system was just fine. So you need to level up your abilities through equipment. Big whopping deal. It gives you an excuse to level up, instead of the mindless bullshit you go through to get more limit breaks, like in FF7. I must admit that the ability spheres (note that this is another way FF10 is a remake of FF9) were somewhat limited, but the numbers available went up as you got higher levels, so it all evened out. I just started playing FF9 again last weekend and I realized that as long as I leveled up the abilities from older equipment, I would be better prepared for bosses coming up ahead. First time I fought Black Waltz no.1, I got my ass handed to me. Blacky no.1 waltzed over to zidane, whipped out a chainsaw, and sawed his ass right off. It was hideous. He then took his ass, made a caricature of queene brahne's face out of it, and handed to him on a silver platter. That's how bad it was. Why did it happen? Because I was too lazy to get the abilities from my old equipment. But this second time around fighting that boss, I totally kicked his ass. Why? Because I took the time to level up my old abilities (which are quite important) and it paid off well. I took that snake, pickpocketed his ass, tied him and black waltz no.1 both in a knot, and I shot them with a 12 guage. *BAM* dead.

I hope that's convincing enough to clarify that FF9's battle system is a damn good one.


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bosses too easy?
« Reply #19 on: 2003-10-31 23:23:25 »
Yeah it is a total difference in opinion.. I really hated 9 and i dont think it was just the battle system.. I just hated it.. and the fact that i hated it so much i probably view the battle system in an unfair light.. I guess i didnt realize how much i hated that game until now.. it just really did nothing for me at all..

Honestly there were parts of it that were ok.. the whole thing that really turned me off to it was that the characters were like kids.. i couldnt identify with that at all.. and i think that built some sort of resentment.. The game seemed to be built on more of the fact that Steiner was a dumb oaf and vivi was a big pussy.. that didnt help build their characters for me.. IX was ok.. there i said it.. it had its good parts.. it was ok.. would i play it again.. Probably not..


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« Reply #20 on: 2003-11-02 06:37:57 »
FFIX does have good cutscenes though...
I have to agree with Caddberry there, FFIX's battle system, even though it has it's good points, is bad. I had a hard time getting used to it when i first got it about 5 years ago...well, im older now, i've beaten the final boss(despite the battle system :roll: )and i don't think there's much left to do. Square really could have done better. FFXI's battle system is cool, though, even if it does go slow at first, with the occasional flicker and freeze. However, though, my favourite battle system was probablt either the FFIII or FFVII one(yes i have played FFIII). LoL even the FFVIII one is better than FFIX. But now i've gotten use to it, and have finally started it again to master it(i do that with every game i own), and i finally am good at the battle system(phew). It's definately not a game for newbies, all thanks to the battle system. However if you are ace at FFVII, VIII and X's then you should be ok.
PS What is up with the main character(no, most of the characters)in FFIX looking so small and kiddish? Plus main character has got a huge head and looks real skinny.

No sweat Square, this isn't criticism, it's just my personal view.

The Skillster

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bosses too easy?
« Reply #21 on: 2003-11-02 09:22:20 »
Demons gate always caught me by surprise, cos its always straight after the red dragon fight, u never expect another fight straight after
and hes tough too


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bosses too easy?
« Reply #22 on: 2003-11-02 09:57:33 »
The characters do look a bit stupid. Their heads are too big for their bodies, thus depicting that they are not physically mature. The only two people that you actually play with that have improportionate heads are zidane and garnet. Everyone else either has their head tucked into a hat, or else covered by a massive 'fro. But there are other people in the game with improportionate heads...but who cares about that?

The only way you would ever do bad with the battle system in FF9 is if you're used to the sloppy POS systems like in FF7 and FF8. In those games, you pretty much never have to waste any time leveling up because those games are slop-through story-driven games. FF9 is hardcore. You have to work to succeed. That's how FF1 was like. You hand-tend your party into a group of badasses; no different in FF9. If you don't think it's fair or sensitive to your pansy-ass tactics in the other two FF games that EVERYONE has played (and are in fact the only reason they like FF, mind you), cry about it. I don't think square has the time to read your worthless letters that say "it's too hard" or "it's not sensitive to our needs" on behalf of ff9's battle system. What's done is done. Just because the only games you have played are the originals that came out on the PS1 does not neccesarily mean every other game in the series is like that. They can't just take one game, make a copy of it, change it around a little, repackage it, and make it even easier! What would be the marketing strategy in that?!

Yes! We basically are making a bunch of games to come for the consumer that totally suck. The only reason why people buy them is because they...totally suck at video games. They have no form of tactics inside their mind so they need simplistic crap so that we can make a buck.

I played FF9 all the way through and I was fully satisfied with the results because it was a challenging and enjoyable experience. There were minor problems, just like in everything in existence; Imperfection. But what really get me is this...the games that totally suck. What do they take us for? Morons? If I buy a game, I deserve to be challenged. What's next? A complete game which is just full of cutscenes and nothing more ----- OOOOPS!! I just spelled out xenosaga's main goal. Ugh, it just makes me sick. I will no longer participate in the delapitation of the video gamer's mind! I won't be a part of it!! Gahhh!!!

.............. -_- ............

You know what I like about you, sephiroth2000? You're really clear and factual with your opinions. You don't take random crap out of nowhere and put it into your posts. You're not interested in petty sayings that will only get you to get liked because you agree with the general conformative opinion. It really must be redeeming that you post exactly what you mean without any extra fluff only to slowly piss others off. You're not into that. And I respect you for that.


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bosses too easy?
« Reply #23 on: 2003-11-03 01:51:50 »
Quote from: The Skillster
Demons gate always caught me by surprise, cos its always straight after the red dragon fight, u never expect another fight straight after
and hes tough too

At Level 20- you have no chance(well, maybe a itsy bitsy one)
At Level 35+ you have a good chance
At Level 50+ you have a small chance of loosing
At Level 90+ you are invincible :wink: (i was level 42)
You are right, he is tough.

Thanks for respecting me, Rubicant_II.

Quote from: Rubicant_II
If I buy a game, I deserve to be challenged

I think exactly the same thing. I bought a game called Stronghold(it's a castle sim)and i beat it in about 2 hours, totally, at Very Hard difficulty. Even the end boss didn't put up the fight real life would. It was the same with Final Fantasy IV. Too easy by far. The greatest challenge I got from a game was probably FFI. Yes, Final Fantasy I. It is quite hard, you have to admit it.
A little quote i heard:
Quote from: PC Gamer Magazine Issue 91
the first game is always the best, as demonstrated with Tony Hawks, who's sequals were nothing compared to the original

Even though Tony Hawks and SWAT have nothing to do with this. Yet i totally agree, a game should be challenging enough to make up for what you spent to buy it(Stronghold was $50 blinkin dollars(NZ), and they wouldn't let me return it)and the time it took from your life. For the veteran gamer, Stronghold is a complete waste of time.
Ok, back to FFIX. It provided me with a bad battle system, but a moderate challenge, and a nice view of cutscenes. As soon as they came on my roomie shouted "grab the popcorn!" and we had a decent feast, that continued even after the cinematic was over. :lol: Hell, it was funny. Of course, the caretaker was none too pleased with us leaving the popcorn packets over the floor, forgetting he had taken out the bin.
If you want a challenge, but have no SNES, then get FF Origins. I promise, both games will keep you busy for a while!

Emerald Weapon

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bosses too easy?
« Reply #24 on: 2003-11-07 10:29:41 »
It is just me or what, i actually think plenty of bosses in FFVII are damn difficult. Thats because i hate to spend time on levelupping for ages, i guess, i just dont like it it takes some much time. But i agree if you do its easy but if you play the game the fast way and just do the neccesary then they are quite in balance with your characters at that time.