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Messages - TheHierarchy

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I would like to see this mod happen, FF VIII in my opinion was up there, next to FFVII. IS there a way to also increase the polygons for the models i wonder? this would be a breakthrough for this game.

Releases / Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« on: 2014-05-22 06:54:22 »
I meant to say the model has a texture glitch. is there a way i can replace the same battle model with proper textures?

Releases / Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« on: 2014-05-21 19:44:25 »
does anyone have a good battle model of Reno? the face textures seem to be scrambled when he appears in battle.

Releases / Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« on: 2014-05-11 00:35:05 »

That doesn't look bad, though!  The  mouth seems to have some sort of issue with the line, but it's still the original design.  I'm actually quite happy with it.

The mouth is supposed to be straighter, i guess the picture came out a little offset. no big deal, here's an other picture.

The File is also here below, if anyone wants to use it.

Hierarchy's Classic Cloud Remastered.

I didn't make a battle version or other variations of cloud like how there's supposed to be in the game. I've been busy with lots of other stuff. so if anyone is willing to tackle all the variations and upload it, I'm all for it.

On the other hand

That changes too much and for absolutely no good reason that I can see over the one above.

The changes were to the face, and a little bit of the body dimensions. the nose and chin were re-sculpted to feel closer to the renders, and even art.

Besides that, Cloud was pretty much a serous guy even when he was young,

Just about all of my sources were inspired from concepts depicting him as such; which is why he was remastered to be in that way.

Releases / Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« on: 2014-05-08 20:12:54 »
It was the ulgp program i was using, it seemed to be corrupted.

my results so far.

the eyes on the character are just right, they blink nicely. i'm going to upload him soon after i'm done with some more testing.

Releases / Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« on: 2014-05-08 15:22:31 »
Have you actually tried the direct folders though (direct\char and direct\battle)? You just copy in the files. lgp tools do need to be run as admin.

just tried direct folders and ran as Admin, same result. cloud ends up getting scrambled with the old model parts. no idea what this could be.

Releases / Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« on: 2014-05-08 08:15:55 »
iv'e tried repackaging them directly into the files over a dozen times already, same result. maybe something is wrong with my ulgp or maybe in need to run it as admin.

Releases / Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« on: 2014-05-06 23:27:36 »
Cloud should be angry, he's had a troubled life.  :)

Anyways new Cloud Update,

for some reason i can't repackage this correctly.

it's still ends up getting scrambled. any thoughts?

Releases / Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« on: 2014-05-05 23:50:06 »
does it look better now?

I'm also having an issue packaging the character in the game, it seems to be all scrambled up when i play it. i keep ending up with the same results when i repackage it over and over. any clues?

Releases / Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« on: 2014-05-05 08:46:07 »
alighty,  so far this is what i've done.

this is about as accurate of the original anime stile of cloud as i can do, while still being an upgrade. the face was redone.  i still got to do some more testing, and then after that i will send it out for everyone to try out.

my main goal was to keep the serous tone the game had, given the story circumstances. anyways, I'd like to also check out some other characters and see what i can do for them when i can. 

Releases / Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« on: 2014-05-02 18:44:31 »
The hair is fine actually, The mini tutorial on stitching was very helpful none the less.   I'm trying to get the face textures to save properly but i keep getting errors. i have the texture with the error right here,

all i want are the same original eyes, mouth and eyebrows. but i seem to be bumping into issues.

Releases / Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« on: 2014-05-01 18:59:25 »
I'm more for the CC style, too. It has a more advanced Manga look.
But I try to keep the original style as much as possible.
Anyway that's how Cloud currently looks:

There is no way I use the HQ models of the rendered scenes as reference:

The face is entirely different.

Not that I'm closer to the draw, which is of course not possible because I used the Dessidia model as a reference, but the shape of the head is more natural.
And that's what I want, a natural Manga look. No vessels as boots and no detective conan like heads. Normally Nomura had to redraw the characters after the story was finished. Because Cloud isn't the cool super Soldier (yes the Desidia design is closer to what Cloud is), Tifa's character isn't so strong as she was planed first, she is in her acting now very feminine which makes her skimpy skirt dress unnecessary, Vincent thought that he needs a new dress with a unique gear now where he is a monster (or does Hojo dressed him this way?) and Yuffie... well I didn't even knew what that dress should represent. Half skimpy school girl, half ninja? I ever thought she looks a bit like a tourist not like a ninja. The rest of the team is OK because they aren't effected by the story changes so much. Yes even Cait Sith, it's hard to make a bad character even more worse. As I said normally Nomura had to run over the design again, but there was no time anymore. What we currently have is a have done piece of work.

If people have a problem with my style, then do what I did. Make your own models or alter the models I have done. That was my motivation.
I did. Look the ending2 at 5:43. Do you see what's wrong with Cloud? :wink:
Only a guess of me. But I think Nomura wanted a realistic look, but if you paint a lot of chibi formed characters you can loose the sense for the proportions.

Early concept of Cloud (I had preferred it, because its closer to the Fenrir wolf Cloud represents)

I can see where you're coming from, i only want to create models based around the original anime designs and not the later ones, because that's how many of us interpreted the original game. Of course the gameplay was composed of super deformed characters because that was the style of many Jrpgs dating back to current. In this case though the remodeled models are aimed to replicate the ones found in the original sequences and battle mode so as not to feel great changes in the world when story segments switch.

The cloud head that comes with the battle model (high res) is perfect.  As a true representation of the original design, it doesn't really get any better.

I would agree with that. so far this is the best i was able to do.

It's the upgraded model with the original face textures.

The face dimensions were also edited to be similar to the one found in this shot.

I'm still having issues applying the face textures correctly and editing them without much knowledge around the proper tools to use for that sort of stuff.  any clues for proper texture editing?

Releases / Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« on: 2014-04-30 18:04:07 »
I agree.  I am not sure what Kal is doing for Reunion. Whether he is keeping it more to the original design (I hope so, because I'd not be able to add it otherwise :P )

I also prefer the original style and feel there is too much deviation from it.  But I don't have to install it so...

If it means anything I'm currently testing out some designs for cloud, it may help with the identity crisis going on, it's worth a shot. the ultimate goal though should be to work on top of the original models so concepts shouldn't feel too foreign.  that being said, Kaldarasha's models were on the right track; just needed some tweaking.

As good as the old 90s render is, it's nose is a massively long L, not to mention purple isn't a very heroic color.

His face was meant to look like that, they originally settled for anime like characters in realistic backdrops. cloud's outfit isn't purple it's blue, but since technology was limited back then they used a lot of highlights instead of proper skin and clothing shaders. so cloud's outfit is mixing a lot of glossy light sources instead of proper tone balances.

Plus, considering where the belt is in that picture, his torso looks almost degenerately small compared to his legs.

All of the original drawings of FF VII's human characters had short torsos and long legs to begin with. it was part of the design.


Releases / Re: Improved and added unshaded characters
« on: 2014-04-28 22:16:14 »

So this is the last head from me for this year. I have designed the head with the head from Cloud in Dessidia as reference. So it's a bit different from the original game model. The eyes are completely new repainted with a more glossy look. I need to add the earring, but this will not be a problem anyway.
Well I need to update my own library first before I releasing anything. Aerith and Sephiroth need new back hair and I have to split the eyes of the new heads in a left and right part for a correct blinking.

My only true gripe with modding is its lack of continuity in design. Many modders have their own style, and when combining them together, sometimes the look and feel of the game loses its identity and you can start to distinctly tell which mods were made by different authors (No offense to the Optimus Prime idea, but that's kind of what I'm talking about  :-P).

I think Moders should take to making cloud look closer to the renders.

(thin mouth, Pointy Chin, anime eyes)

I'm sure lots of players would feel more at home to it. It's one of the most impressionable renders of him, I mean it pretty much made me into an instant fan of the game.


Speaking on the side, I've noticed this site has remained strong compared to the dozens of other sites that have attempted to remake the game. this has got me thinking, the only effective way to do a remake is by working on top of the game it's self; such as adding and reworking assets into the game, or maybe attaching code to enter 3D or re-rendered levels. in the end you would have to own a copy of the game to truly work and enjoy any enhancements in peace.

FF7 Tools / Re: Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2013-08-11 21:15:23 »
Please, don't use Compute to ground high! It only affects the current animation (not the model). If you do that, you need to do this for all animations of the model. And it doesn't always work correctly.
You could also try this with the light: Z max left and Y max right with all lights on.

ah, ok then, my bad. I notice levitating characters too. so now i know not to use it. but the rest I've said works just fine with me.

FF7 Tools / Re: Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2013-08-11 00:26:33 »
you can also re-shade your characters if they're still appearing to bright. (to do that save them once and then go over them again.)  hope all of what I've said helps.

FF7 Tools / Re: Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2013-08-10 23:51:04 »
If you're trying to run the kimera program on a 64bit version of windows 8 this is what i tried.

1.Copy the "MSSTDFMT.DLL" file to the "sysWOW64" folder
2. Locate command line executable"cmd" (go to the start menu and type cmd.)
3. Before running cmd right click it and run as administrator.
4. enter in the following-  %windir%\SysWoW64\regsvr32.exe %windir%\SysWoW64\namedll.dll

with both lower and capital case letters, space and all. (between "regsvr32.exe and %windir%" is a space.)

5. right click the kimera program and run it as administrator. (in order to run the program you must run it as administrator.)

that's about all i remember doing, only one file for me needed copying to the "sysWOW64" folder.  if it's not working you probably have something missing or need updates.

If anyone wants to know my characters, The models i used are "Kaldarasha's unshaded models",  to shade them here is a visual representation. 

My cloud model is the "Highres cloud" which doesn't need any shading. to get the perfect shaded Sephiroth it may take some work.

explanation, for my Sephiroth.

Use "ulgp" to unpack and inject your .LGP characters.

here are the list of all the characters and the names kimera uses to recognize the files. (characters must be saved in lowercase letters.)

that's it.

FF7 Tools / Re: Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2013-08-02 07:01:36 »
The effects work, awesome!!!

FF7 Tools / Re: Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2013-07-31 17:53:54 »
Ok, thanks for the information Aali.

EDIT: Done. You can grab 0.97a at the first page.

Ah, good news.  going to see how it works on my models.

FF7 Tools / Re: Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2013-07-27 04:37:40 »
The program loads the models and saves them in FFVII format but It seems to be the same situation, PCreator only loads .3DS files, which strips all detail.

I loaded up one of Biturn's .LWO conversions (which doesn't strip any detail) and converted it into a 3DS file. according to Lightwave painted polygons are not recognized as real textures;

which is probably why they default on the color. If that's the case for these particular characters models (As they were made) i might as well just wait for a fix on the kimera program and it's method of saving.

FF7 Tools / Re: Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2013-07-26 23:21:13 »
Kimera also has a problem saving texture slot information. This will result in an invisible model in the game because no texture is loaded. Use a program like PCreator to assign the textures to the model.

Do you have a link?

FF7 Tools / Re: Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2013-07-26 20:51:24 »
Sorry TheHierarchy, but adding more formats support is not in my plans. The source code is available, though, so anyone else could write it.

I see, ok then.

The real solution is fixing the discrepancy between Kimera and FF7 engine color handling.

yeah, that would be straight to the point......with all of this working around I've been doing, I guess somehow i ended up in the Himalayas.  :-)

many thanks if you or anyone could find a fix to the invisible models.

FF7 Tools / Re: Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2013-07-26 19:40:47 »
Well, I just tried out a few suggestions along with some of my own programs, and as "Kaldarasha " states; there's no real solution to export/import successfully without having to redo the textures.  :-(

Kimera is a program that currently reads only in .3DS; which is a format that expels all textures.  I was however lucky to find an other format in Biturn that one of my programs can read without discarding textures; ".LWO" Lightwave.

.....but the End result is still the same so, It would be nice if Kimera could read .LWO or more extensions. that would give much more flexibility to moders.

FF7 Tools / Re: Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2013-07-25 21:45:42 »
Ok i managed to do a conversion but i end up loosing all of the textures. :-(

ASE seems to convert just about right.

...............But the kimara program can't load it, any ways of getting the textures to port straight over?

FF7 Tools / Re: Kimera: FF7 p model simple editor
« on: 2013-07-25 01:04:02 »
Kimera kills a needed information for transparency ( from my understanding it's some kind of a material information, which is needed for the transparency to work).
It was some what hard to restore it, but well...
I don't know if it works, a second time for the models, but you must convert the rsd-files of the models with bitrun to a 3ds file and then you must apply the new bones to the model.

That's sounds pretty complicated.  :(  but i'll try that out when i get a chance.

I got sephiroth partly showing now but it's still glitched up.

I'll see what i can come up with.

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