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Messages - ValentDs

Pages: [1]
we'll wait the end of rebirth then, but there's no option to have all sound effects from battle exactly like the original (magic, sword, limit, all) but all the footsteps environment sounds outside battle?

there's no working with playstation buttons? still only with (confirm) (cancel) (menu) "buttons"?

can we have the max only version? i love the footstep and ambience, but i want the OG sound effects during battle, is that version who can do that?

this works, BUT i can't get it work with echanced stock UI or kaktuar mod (want the ps1 buttons, especially for minigames) if i use those to overwrite confirm button with O during dialogues, game return in english

Troubleshooting / widescreen
« on: 2024-02-23 13:55:56 »
I got most of the graphic mods to work with the remaster (textures of battles, world map etc) but there's a way to put a 16:9 screen or those graphic mods works only with 4:3?

is it only me, or the game slow down when load modded textures?

someone still here in this topic?
I've the problem with the white glove, and i know the problem is because i use an XInput controller (360 wired) with big picture using mappings who use keyboard key instead (for using the D-Pad in the menu, use the trigger buttons ecc)
if i not activate steam keymappings and i let only the game see the controller, i could only use the analog stick for movement and the triggers not work (i know, ff8 on steam not natively work with XInput's triggers) and instead for L2 R2 buttons i need to use L3 and R3 (the analog pressed buttons)
there is any solution now? the better one will be using the keyboard keys on the controller with pig picture but this mod (psx buttons) not work

someone still here in this topic?
I've the problem with the white glove, and i know the problem is because i use an XInput controller (360 wired) with big picture using mappings who use keyboard key instead (for using the D-Pad in the menu, use the trigger buttons ecc)
if i not activate steam keymappings and i let only the game see the controller, i could only use the analog stick for movement and the triggers not work (i know, ff8 on steam not natively work with XInput's triggers) and instead for L2 R2 buttons i need to use L3 and R3 (the analog pressed buttons)
there is any solution now? the better one will be using the keyboard keys on the controller with pig picture but this mod not work

edit: ok now works

23.08.2020 01:29:02 |M| [SteamSdkWrapper] Initialized: True
23.08.2020 01:29:03 |M| Loading configuration Memoria.ini
23.08.2020 01:29:03 |M| [FontInterceptor] Dynamic font initialization.
23.08.2020 01:29:03 |M| [FontInterceptor] Pass through {Configuration.Font.Enabled = 0}.
23.08.2020 01:29:03 |M| [FontInterceptor] Loading font [Original: TBUDGoStd-Bold (UnityEngine.Font)]
23.08.2020 01:29:04 |M| [UIRoot] Changing a clip region of the UI root.
23.08.2020 01:29:04 |M| [GameLoopManager] RaiseStartEvent
23.08.2020 01:29:04 |M| InitializeItemText
23.08.2020 01:29:04 |M| [ResourceExporter] Pass through {Configuration.Export.Enabled = 0}.
23.08.2020 01:29:04 |M| [ResourceImporter] Pass through {Configuration.Import.Enabled = 0}.

i deleted all ff9 files, verify the integrity for re-download all ffix files, installed the moguri mod. when the game starts, only final fantasi ix black screen and never progress, why?

hi satsuki!
i tried to convert every single folder (world battle char) with the png files in iro ones with 7th heaven, but not worked. should i install your mods with reunion then? 7th heaven was good for me, but i couldn't figure out why not work, the mod of the other guy (the one with cloud not a puppet) iro worked flawless

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