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Topics - Venturer

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I've been sifting around a bit on Google and the search results  but I haven't seen anything pertaining to a mod that would allow you to soft reset to the main menu of Final Fantasy 9 using a keyboard button or controller mapped to said button. I'm wondering if it would actually be possible or if there's a mod made for it already somewhere on the internet that I haven't checked.

WIP / Alternate GF Profiles For SeeDReborn
« on: 2022-07-08 22:58:03 »
Part 2 of my last WIP for replacing character profiles for Guardian Forces this time.

The pictures are compatible with SeeDReborn mod paired with the 2013 Final Fantasy 8 Steam game (It could also maybe work with Seed Reborn but I haven't tested it since I don't have FF8 Remastered on PC). So long as you replace the gf_big00_13 and gf_big01_13 pngs inside the gf file that's also inside the textures file then you should be good.

None of the images in the pictures are made by me and all the links to the sources of where I found them can be found down below the pictures.

Troubleshooting / SeeDReborn Picture Troubles (Solved)
« on: 2022-06-27 20:25:03 »
I've been attempting to edit the character portraits of the GFs, but once I've edited the two pictures and replaced them they never seem to show up in the 2013 version of the game. :/ I haven't edited anything besides the pictures themes (how they look I mean). The dimensions are correct, it still has the same name, it still has the black border on the bottom like before, so I'm just kind of confused, because I've been able to successfully change the portrait pictures of the main cast.

Sorry if this isn't the right section to put this in, but I figured I might get an answer here sooner than just posting it on SeeDReborn's comment section.

Edit: So I managed to figure it out, I had to copy and paste the custom image that had been overlaid on the old one to a new clean .png and removed the black square at the bottom, but renamed it to be the same as the old images used before. That seemed to have fixed it, weirdly enough.

I've been busy for the past couple of days Frankensteining my own version of Final Fantasy 8 but whenever I search for any redone translations for Final Fantasy 8 I keep hitting a lot of dead ends with little answers. I was hoping to see if anyone else has finished doing a complete translation before I attempt do it on my own (Not using Google Translate, but a better program). Any help would be much appreciated.

Update: So I started translating Squall starting out in Balamb however, I lost all motivation and the want to as I played on, but if there is a want for me to give it a go again with the DeepL translator I'll probably consider it, but just know that most the dialogue is pretty accurate already to what have.

WIP / Alternate Character Profiles (3D & Regular)
« on: 2022-06-23 01:49:01 »
Been working on these for most of the day and I thought I might as well share these, even though I'm not sure if someone has done something like this already

I used the first two with the SeeDReborn mod paired with the 2013 Final Fantasy 8 Steam game and you could probably do the same with the Remastered version. So long as you replace the pngs in the face_b00 and face_b01 files inside the fa file that's also inside the textures file then you should be good.

If you're wondering why I've shared the link to the site hosting the image and not this site itself, it's because I don't really know any good sites besides Imgur (that doesn't work for me) to use image links to would work with this site. Hope you guys enjoy :)

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