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Miscellaneous Forums => Graphical => Topic started by: Chthon on 2023-06-14 03:14:25

Title: Preview of NTSC-J Mode for FFNx
Post by: Chthon on 2023-06-14 03:14:25
"NTSC-J mode" is a forthcoming feature for FFNx. If NTSC-J mode is enabled, FFNx performs a conversion to simulate the color gamut of the 1990s Japanese television sets that FF7 and FF8 were originally designed for. The resulting colors are more faithful to the original artistic intent, and generally brighter and more vivid.
This mode is appropriate for:
This mode is not appropriate for mod assets made from scratch that truly use the sRGB color gamut. Such assets can be made suitable for this mode using this converter program (https://github.com/ChthonVII/gamutthingy).

If you would like to try out a preview of NTSC-J mode:

Some notes on mod compatibility:
Github-inclined people can review the pull request including NTSC-J mode here (https://github.com/julianxhokaxhiu/FFNx/pull/575).
Title: Re: Preview of NTSC-J Mode for FFNx
Post by: Kuraudo. on 2023-08-20 14:19:00
Thank you, really, for this masterpiece and so much passion in those commits.

PS: I send you a PM.