Final Fantasy 7 > Support

Installing new translation mod?

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I just installed the remako mod and number of others using 7th heaven 2.0 and it is working great! I am hoping to also start this new session with a fan translation. I dont see a translation mod in any of the mod files listed in the program. I have not had much luck finding .iro files for something like Beacause fan translation project neither. Is the fan translation already a part of one of the official mod packages? I would think this is a frequently requested thing

It looks like it's not possible to get an up to date retranslation working with 7th Heaven. It looks like DLPM(the guy who is working on the translation), wrapped his translation (Beacause) into his massive game overhaul mod called Reunion. And with Reunion being incompatible with the 7th Heaven mod manager, it looks as though you can't use 7th Heaven with the retranslation. You have to use all of Reunion or none of it.

Now there is a iro of an older version of the Beacause retranslation (ro3e, current version is ro6) that iIS compatible with 7th Heaven. But how much that translation has been updated from ro3e to ro6, I couldn't say.

Right now, on a personal level, I'm replaying the game with New Threat, Ninostyle models, and Satsuki/Team Avalance Fields. And hopefully by the time I finish and want to replay the game again, someone will have ported and iro version of Beacause to 7th Heaven. Until then, I guess we just gotta wait. Or use Reunion completely.


--- Quote from: rinaldus on 2020-04-25 16:08:30 ---And hopefully by the time I finish and want to replay the game again, someone will have ported and iro version of Beacause to 7th Heaven.
--- End quote ---
Not going to happen, at least not by anyone involved with 7H.

I'm not totally familiar with how the splitting of labor and general structure works around here. Couldn't someone not part of 7th Heaven make a Beacause iro compatible with the mod manager? Like take the time to take each piece of script and insert it into the game that's not so reliant on the whole of Reunion?

Read this rinaldus:
It's not because no one can, it's that no one that is a part of the 7th Heaven crew, or Reunion crew will do it. Reunion's creator does not want any of his work made into an IRO for 7th Heaven, Reunion is it's own mod installer as well, so your best bet if you want Beacause is to figure out how to install the other mods you want in Reunion.


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