For those who are having problems loading the dll (like Weisshuf and Skuffless) even having the log loading it properly, heres what happened to me:
The same problem was striking my game, log loading successfully but no mod working. But then I noticed something, when opening the game windowed mode, I could see the log working in parallel with the game and saw the log loading a little bit late than the game. So I've opened the Settings.ini from the HL_Files and changed the Delay from "2000" to "100" (havent tried other values but it worked for me). With that, the log loaded faster than the game and the MODs were working all the time.
I tried this solution but didn't work for me

I also have the Lunatic Pack and have tried different values for the Setting.ini, if I left it at "100" I get errors and none of the mods work, if I leave it at "5000" or "6000" the Magic.dll works at least, I think the Hard.dll and Damage.dll does as well but not very sure, haven't been able yet to reach 9999 of Damage yet during my tests, but the HP.dll definitely doesn't work with any combination I have tried so far.
Here's an image of how the Launcher

Any other suggestions?

BTW thanks for all the great mods

I made some more tests, and if I change the value to "1000" seems the HP.dll mod works although I get errors and the HP is not correctly displayed until I check the status: