Author Topic: [FF8PC-Steam] FF8 Controller Buttons v2.0 (Compatible with FF8_Buttons Patch)  (Read 315409 times)


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Just in case anyone here is still struggling with the wrong buttons showing up like I was, I edited the file in GIMP to make it show up with X as confirm, O as cancel, Triangle as Menu, and Square as the triple triad challenge button.
(If it doesn't show up automatically, the first link is what my controls look like and the second link is the actual picture you should drop into the sy/sysfld00 folder.)
I'm using a Steam Controller with everything mapped to keyboard buttons and this works for me! Hope this helps others because I know I was frustrated at the buttons not showing up how I wanted them to.

Edit: When you save the image from imgur, make sure you save it as sysfld00_17 before you drop it into the sy/sysfld00 folder. It should save as PNG automatically but you'll need to set the name yourself.
« Last Edit: 2017-02-13 18:24:23 by Blackwind121 »


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Hello, the xbox 360 controller does not work, I've been working perfectly until today, it stays black screen.


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Am I the only on who gets something a little weird when using a PS4 controller via USB? The O and X graphics  are switched (as in, when I press O on the config screen, it shows an X and vice versa). The same thing happens with the Square and Triangle Buttons

Water Max

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Am I the only on who gets something a little weird when using a PS4 controller via USB? The O and X graphics  are switched (as in, when I press O on the config screen, it shows an X and vice versa). The same thing happens with the Square and Triangle Buttons
I had the same problem too but I'm using the program DS4Windows so I managed make a unique controller profile which I called Final Fantasy VIII to change the controller's conversion to an XBOX 360 controller so that all the PS4 button graphics appear correctly in the game. I also fixed the problem with the dpad not responding at all by make them have the same controls as on the left stick and I changed L2, R2, share and options to where they should be in comparison to where they are on a PS1 controller.


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I downloaded Seed Reborn 3.2, Tonberry 2.04, and and the CB Xbox controller but I still can't get it to work properly. Not too sure what I'm doing wrong. :(


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I downloaded Seed Reborn 3.2, Tonberry 2.04, and and the CB Xbox controller but I still can't get it to work properly. Not too sure what I'm doing wrong. :(

How does the game behave when you use the mods?  Are the buttons in the wrong place?  I need some more information before I can tell you how to fix your issue.


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The game runs perfectly but it still shows up at B1-B12. Gonna try to make it easier on myself and try the Lunatic Pandora package on a fresh install then retry the controller mod to see if that works out better.

Edit: Alright, after adding Lunatic Pandora on a clean install the buttons will show up in the config menu but *only* if I hold X. And if I tab to desktop then come back the screen will be "stuck" of a character model or the special characters page.
« Last Edit: 2017-11-20 08:36:36 by captain-vodka »


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The game runs perfectly but it still shows up at B1-B12. Gonna try to make it easier on myself and try the Lunatic Pandora package on a fresh install then retry the controller mod to see if that works out better.

Edit: Alright, after adding Lunatic Pandora on a clean install the buttons will show up in the config menu but *only* if I hold X. And if I tab to desktop then come back the screen will be "stuck" of a character model or the special characters page.

Hm.  That's strange behavior.... what version of the mod are you using?  A HID version or a standard one?  Give me all of the possible specifics... controller model, os version, etc.

As far as the alt-tab issue.. that happens due to the cache sometimes... you just have to alt tab a couple more times, and it should go away.  Mavirick and JeMaCheHi were working on a new version, but since Mav has completely vanished off the planet (hehe), we might be waiting on that forever.


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Hm.  That's strange behavior.... what version of the mod are you using?  A HID version or a standard one?  Give me all of the possible specifics... controller model, os version, etc.

As far as the alt-tab issue.. that happens due to the cache sometimes... you just have to alt tab a couple more times, and it should go away.  Mavirick and JeMaCheHi were working on a new version, but since Mav has completely vanished off the planet (hehe), we might be waiting on that forever.

I'm using the standard Xbox mod, controller model 1403, Windows 10 64 bit, and whatever Lunatic Pandora gave me.

No biggie about the alt-tab though, I just didn't know if there was a fix for it or not.

Wait, can I use a wireless 360 controller with an adapter or does it have to be wired? Or does it not matter??
« Last Edit: 2017-11-26 21:42:50 by captain-vodka »


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I'm using the standard Xbox mod, controller model 1403, Windows 10 64 bit, and whatever Lunatic Pandora gave me.

No biggie about the alt-tab though, I just didn't know if there was a fix for it or not.

Wait, can I use a wireless 360 controller with an adapter or does it have to be wired? Or does it not matter??

It shouldn't matter... but you have to make sure the controller is connected before you run the launcher.  It sounds like the issue you're having is due to the keyboard being recognized 'first'.  If everything is plugged in and connected before you run the launcher (not just the game), then it should work just fine.


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It shouldn't matter... but you have to make sure the controller is connected before you run the launcher.  It sounds like the issue you're having is due to the keyboard being recognized 'first'.  If everything is plugged in and connected before you run the launcher (not just the game), then it should work just fine.

It wasn't that but after removing it from E: and reinstalling to C: the mod seemed to work as intended. I'm not sure why it would do that but I'm in love with the controller mod now.
Thank you! (:


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Hello, i was put the mod and all was ok and perfect, the only issue i have is the buttons icons not corresponding to the real buttons  and no matters how i setting in the launch of the game  lol
I wonder if have some kind of way to fix  :-D because wen i push x and is acept/talk and triangle is cancel  (but  in the menus the icons  appear like if is circle for accept and square to cancel) lol please little help over here lol  :cry: 

PD: Im using ps4 controller, without any kind of program or tool
Sorry for my english ^^


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Any options for DS4WINDOWS ?

The 3 options use the wrong button.

« Last Edit: 2018-03-04 20:31:16 by cloudelka »


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If you go through the posts, there are a bunch of alternative versions that users have made for themselves for making the buttons work with their setups - try page 3 or 4 and you should find what you're looking for.


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It looks like the nature of this mod will soon change!!!!

Very soon, Shunsq's PSX controller button fix will be -the- fix that people will want to use for FF VIII.  If you were to have any version of SeeDReborn, his mod would automatically give you the correct icons (since I've already replaced them, but had no way for the game to 'direct' to them until now) - and the only reason to have any version of -this- mod specifically would be if you wanted to have xbox360/ps3-4/snes buttons rather than the 'original' PSX buttons that come with SeeDReborn or the original game.  This version will also be good for anyone who uses a key-mapper for their controller.  Having said that, I can't wait!  WTG Shunsq!

zl Nexus

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Hey, There! Would it be possible to get instructions for adding xbox buttons for dummies?


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Hey, There! Would it be possible to get instructions for adding xbox buttons for dummies?

Easiest way:
1.  Download Tonberry Enhanced 2.04 - put all of the contents in FINAL FANTASY VIII/
2.  Download the SeeDReborn hashmap.  You can find it on the Tonberry page as the second post (by me).
3.  Put it in FINAL FANTASY VIII/tonberry/hashmap --
4.  Download whichever xbox format you use (regular or keymapped)
5.  Put the 'sy' folder into the /FINAL FANTASY VIII/textures/ folder that you got from the tonberry download.



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Hi! Newbie here, I bought the Lunatic Pandora pack and I've been messing around with the mods, and I read up on this thread because I'm using DS4 with a ps4 controller and I was having so much trouble getting it to work. I finally managed to solve it (rather than using hexlaunch or plugging in the controller once the game is launched), I downloaded the PSX version of the files (so not the one for HID displays), and it would work, but the triangle/square and cross/circle buttons were swapped. I am very comfortable with Photoshop so all I did was flip the buttons round making sure they were all aligned in the same place, and now my buttons work great! I still can't get rid of the square button icon next to the START but I wouldn't want to experiment without knowing what I'm actually doing.  If anyone else is having the same issue, I've attached a link to dropbox so you can download the sy folder that has all the files corrected, I hope it also works out for someone else!

PS. I have the DS4 profile as 'Default' and the Controller settings on the game as Default also. I'm not good at modding and fiddling with things, I just managed to scrape a solution and wanted to share in case anyone isn't confident with photoshop or editing programs.


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EDIT: Nevermind, u told us in your description, I missed it sry :)

Hey Mcindus, I've running in to an issues here. I'm using ScpServer with a PS3 Controller, everything works fine so far. But I show you with a screenshot what I mean.

Spoiler: show

If I want to escape a battle I press the left and right thumbstick, but the "X" button is always showing too on the right thumbstick, I think that should not be like that. Is there anything I missed?
« Last Edit: 2018-04-05 22:02:04 by Fendera »


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Hello Fendera,
You can also use in addition this mod i created :
It really replaces the B1,B2,etc... by the existing psx buttons.
It works in conjunction with Mcindus textures.


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I will be releasing an updated version of this mod for use with Shunsq's new controller mod!  Coming soon! (seriously lol)


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I am using a 360 controller,

when i first played the game my escape from battle buttons were the left and right stick buttons. I messed around with the configs for a little but now I cant reset, every time I press right stick it exits the config and every time I press left stick it resets to defaults.

I suspect I am missing something obvious here as there must be a way to map these buttons (seeing as they were in the original layout) but I cant for the life of me figure it out.

Any idea whats going on?


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I will be releasing an updated version of this mod for use with Shunsq's new controller mod!  Coming soon! (seriously lol)
Just wait and see this updated version


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For people that still have problems with their PS4 controller button arrangement, try this file:


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hey mcindus, i just downloaded and installed the Lunatic Pandora and i donated via paypal.  Everything looks great but still want some want install the xbox controller button.  I downloaded the xbox360 buttons and i copied the "sy" folder from it to the texture folder in FF8/texture but it asked if it wanted to replace it not merge.   I tried either way but every time i open the game and go to config/controller it still says "b1,b2,b3" etc.  Wondering if you can help me out.
Thank you