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Messages - usb

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Hey USB, i know it's won't be easy as it seems, and work on Italian Reunion must take a lot of time for you, but whenever it's possible, could you post some of the fixes and addons for an english one too, somewhere with a separate link? Some changes you do, like option for transparent battle, field models,  shop menu fixes and descriptions are great, but as far as i know, those can't be added to the english version.

Don't expect anything in short time... if you have some knowledge with makou reactor you can use my new model (vanilla inside new translation\ char folder or model overhaul) and put in the field (according to the list in first post).
All my exe editing are in hext folder (some are in separate files and most inside ita_fix file): most are commented to know what they modify

Or with touphscript you can dump eng text and patch my italian version (but in this case there should be some problem in some field for added new text and choice variable modified)

Link e1.0.5 fixed, my mistake

Hello good morning / good afternoon / night to all.
I wanted to ask here in this post if anyone has the download of the Lost Wing's FF7 Revisited mod?

is this one? .. i don't know if somebody has the file, good luck for the search
or this one? the download still working

FF7 Tools / Re: [PC] Text editor - touphScript (v1.4.0)
« on: 2020-04-21 19:13:19 »
I've tried with this solution. Something changed, but still it doesn't work.
This is the log now:
Code: [Select]
Registry values found:SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII
Error creating spacing table
Cannot read / error reading flevel
Couldn't dump world_us: basic_ios::clear: iostream error
Couldn't dump scene: converting to scene failed, basic_ios::clear: iostream error
Couldn't dump kernel: basic_ios::clear: iostream error
Couldn't dump kernel2: basic_ios::clear: iostream error
Couldn't dump exe: basic_ios::clear: iostream error

The problem seems to be a missing spacing table. I've tried re-enabling the one under #override window.bin - spacing table, but it doesn't work and says:

Code: [Select]
Registry values found:SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII
FF7.exe not found, using spacing values in config file.

And that's probably because I'm trying to use it on the 7H FF7.exe while the string, as you said, is thought for use with Reunion.
Well, I actually don't know, I'm just guessing.

never tried 7th exe but try in #Override paths to write the full path of every files, like
flevel = C:\Users\touphScript 1.4\flevel.lgp
and so on for the other

if you don't want to dump text from a specific file in # Dump Text set it to 0

basic_ios::clear: iostream error     
Cannot read / error reading flevel 

in my test they appear when it's missing the file (dump enabled but not path set)

don't use override spacing

Support / Re: The Reunion R06: Menu Enhancement Textures
« on: 2020-04-21 18:39:20 »
Yeah, but i don't need any other UI upscale, i need the one that comes with Reunion by default, but converted in PNG format since i need to modify it with some elements that are present in UI upscales into those default textures.

For example, i need to add upscaled timer texture that is present in upscaled UI, though i don't want to modify anything else than the timer, that's why i need to have the stock UI in PNG, otherwise it won't work correctly.

Edit: The thing is, when is just insert some parts of UI, it starts to look for other PNGs, it doesn't merge with the TEX files, so that makes battle UI appear as black boxes 'cause of the missing texture.

to convert tex to png (and png to tex) the best choice is vincent tim . This program can extract all the palette from a tex file, read the readme to understand the command line option

Support / Re: The Reunion R06: Menu Enhancement Textures
« on: 2020-04-21 16:06:04 »
Hi, can someone please help me out with getting The Reunions Menu enhancement textures converted in PNG format for "textures' folder? By default, they are provided in TEX format located in New_Translation\menu folder.

Most of the UI mods out there have those TEX files split into 4 pngs, like "btl_win_b_h_01, btl_win_b_h_02, btl_win_b_h_03, etc...".
How can i get the same with Reunions stock Menu Enhancement UI textures?

the tex files are the original game texture format. All the hd texture use png or dds (dds not available for reunion). For install read here

satsuki made a simple installer (also for reunion) that let you choose what hd texture you want to insall

FF7 Tools / Re: [PC] Text editor - touphScript (v1.4.0)
« on: 2020-04-21 11:22:07 »
Latest 1.4 version is missing some text files. These are inspired from Reunion R06 installer and should work with this 1.4

Create a file with notepad++ in utf-8-bom, named Chars.txt and paste the code here (this is vanilla chars table)
Create a file with notepad++ in utf-8, named touphScript.ini and paste the code here

Put both file where is touphScript.exe

In touphScript.ini the part under:
# Override common spacing values
#override window.bin  - spacing table
are disabled (the values are from my italian reunion port and not vanilla game, don't know what appen in vanilla game so better leave disabled... to enable delete #)

Does anyone know where the text for the battle area is stored?
I'm working on a personal translation and cannot find where "Off course!" and "No, way!" is stored to correct.

they are in ff7.exe (or ff7_en.exe)... in the exe you can find a lot of menu entries and the shop buy sell exit
Other text in Battle (character speech, rnemy name and Attack name) are in scene.bin
In kernel2.bin item name and description, Battle command text

WIP / Re: [FF7PC] Post bug reports here
« on: 2020-04-20 15:43:15 »
@usb - Semkin 5 was corrected by me.  Check original flevel and The Reunion Database.

now make sense, didn't checked original flevel

Yeah - I saved Makou there and wasn't meant to.  Is it at least passable? That's very annoying.

no crash, no freeze or stuck in the cave. You can exit or re-enter at the bottom of the cave and you'll never be blocked, you just need to avoid the second cloud  ;D

new translation r06e, gaiin_6
cloud sword code is incomplete: it appears a second cloud with sword in wrong position

Scusa, avrei una domanda: i 2 archivi zip che hai messo come download contengono entrambi due cartelle, Model_overhaul e New_translation. Visto che dici "estrarre il contenuto dello zip nelle cartelle XY, devo mettere solo quelle due cartelle, oppure il loro contenuto?
Grazie per la risposta.

sia per lo zip 1.1 che per l'update 1.4.1 devi estrarre entrambe le cartelle (non il loro contenuto) in <your ff7 install folder>\FINAL FANTASY VII\The_Reunion\BASE  (dove comunque sono già presenti)

perchè Audio_Log_Level va messo a 0?
perché in tuttele versioni di reunion fino alla R06d il log audio se abilitato portava a crash (frequenti) alla fine di una battaglia

gongaga inn

the cursor disappears if you go under the "not really" option


My apologies.  That "save" box in top right should indeed be hidden.  I've resolved.

Thank you for your work

WIP / Re: [FF7PC] Post bug reports here
« on: 2020-04-17 12:21:30 »
This is the original as well. Not a bug but a possible field improvement:

list of field with this problem (maybe it's not complete; the sword animation sometimes is BIBF and sometimes ETAA)
gaiin 6
junin 3
datiao 6   
subin 1a   
subin 1b   
subin 2b   
tunnel 6   
canon 2   

I don't know why in other filed this is not appening (for example in semkin_5 the programmers made the correct animation with sword)

I've made a fix for all this field in my italian project for R06d in update 1.4 if you want to check (i'm not a professional in editing field but all possible crash/freeze should have been fixed)

As for test save file i've used this monster pack:

How do you manually mount the iso file?

with a program like daemon tools

scusa se ho risposto mooolto in ritardo ma quali file? non sono solo i file della cartella 60i? ce ne sono altri  e se si mi puoi dire quali?.
scusa se ti sto scocciando per delle questioni che non riguardano esplicitamente la tua mod ma apprezzo molto il tuo aiuto.

E i file della cartella char e hext e menu cosa fanno esattamente?
grazie ancora

ok anche se prima non andava e faceva crascare il gioco ora la mod animations di 7h haven funziona e il gioco durante le battaglie va a 60 fps per quello sono apposto

Per file intendevo le texture tradotte (i file .tex)
60 fps scordateli, la cartella non basta. Serve anche il framework modificato di reunion
Dentro char trovi i modelli aggiuntivi (normalmente vanno dentro chars.lgp, ma reunion può caricarli da cartelle esterne)
In hext trovi tutte le modifiche per adattare l'italiano a reunion (spaziatura dei font, posizione dei menu, ecc) che vengono caricate all'avvio on the fly, senza la necessità di modificare exe o altri file di gioco
in menu le texture dei menu in ita
In txt invece ci sono i testi in ita di tutto l'exe (quindi i menu di gioco e il menu dello shop) e di una parte del minigame del sottomarino.. questi non puoi farli funzionare perché reunion carica il file di testo (il gioco originale no, devi usare touphscript per tradurre l'exe e non funzionerà perché lo spazio  per il testo è minore)

Comunque come ha detto kuraudo. sono due piattaforme di modding diverse (ed incompatibili)

quindi se metto il contenuto delle cartelle chocobo e coaster nella cartella cartella direct 7 haven le carica o devo trovare un programma che le inserisce dentro i file lpg?
 stavo pensando di buttare la cartella 60i dentro la cartella direct per vedere se le battaglie vanno a 60fps
i 60 fps non funzionano con solo la cartella
per la cartella direct non ricordo se servono tutti i file del lgp o solo quelli modificati (prova con entrambi i metodi)

dopo aver scritto il mio precedente messaggio
ho copiato alcuni file di New_Translation tranne char chocobo ecc e per ora la traduzione è cambiata tipo thunder a fulgor e buster blade a spada potenthis ma il gioco si avvia solo tramite 7 haven ora ahahah ma fa nulla sembra tenere le modifiche di traduzione e sono sparite le censure

ora devo capire cosa fanno





e non ho installato The Reunion - R06d

world.lgp (in originale world_us.lgp) personaggi,texture e testi quando sei fuori dalle città (nella mappa del mondo)
high.lgp (in originale high_us.lgp) motorcycle minigame
wm0* world map mesh e forse altro
gli lgp di new translation sono in francese occhio (placeholder per le texture generiche): dentro le cartelle chocobo, high, sub, condor ci sono le texture dei minigame in ita (sono da mettere dentro i rispettivi lgp)
in chars ci sono personaggi aggiuntivi

reunion ha molti bugfix (alcuni dentro il flevel, altri invece nelle dll che rendono questa mod incompatibile con 7th h.)

quello che stai facendo è comunque un pastrocchio

ok scusa il disturbo ma ho ancora 2 domande

primo: cosa fa esattamente  The Reunion R06d  scusa so che modifica alcune cose ma non ho capito bene

2) io ho 5,86 gb di mod iro poi diventerebbero inutilizzabili? e non ho più modelli chibi e uso pure chaos

3)e se volessi solo la traduzione io al tempo ho installato FFVII_PC_2012_traduzione_ita e ha file diversi mi sembra.
quindi stavo cercando dei file uguali da sovrascrivere presi della tua traduzione per inserirli nella mia cartella ff7

4) se io volessi solo la traduzione? o mi conviene abbandonare 7 haven? è meglio The Reunion?

qui tutte le info di reunion
è un progetto di ritraduzione inglese (in questo thread invece c'è il port in ita della ritraduzione di Caledor della R05 con un suo framework per le mod, nuovi suoni in ogg, model overhaul ed incompatibile con 7th heaven.
Alcune delle mod (texture, modelli o suoni) possono essere usate in reunion scompattando il file iro e seguendo i consigli qui (per i modelli la cartella non sarà texture ma chars o direct\chars, per i suoni music, ecc)
Mod che modificano il file fleve.lgp (es. jessie mod), i menu o mod come la dynamic weapons non sono compatibili

Questa traduzione è più aggiornata e basata sulla ritraduzione inglese, ma compatibile solo con reunion
Se scegliere 7th heaven o reunion puoi solo decidere te.. potresti provare ad avere 2 installazioni di ff7 in cartelle diverse (una con reunion e una per 7th heaven, ma io non ho mai provato)

sorry 7haven mods work?

scusate funzionano le mod 7haven?

7th Heaven is incompatible with reunion r06

ha ho installato pure la mod di ninostyle ma funziona comunque o i capelli  di cloud travestito da donna baggano le trame?

ha I installed the ninostyle mod as well but does it work anyway or does the cloud hair disguised as a woman scuffle the wefts?

intanto la cartella di installazione è









ho sbagliato qualcosa? prima di installarlo col gioco con 7 haven attivo o deciso di provare con una cartella vuota cosa installava

The installation folder is completely wrong

Puoi sempre installare le mod dei personaggi nella cartella global (o se sono in formato direct in global/direct). Mai provato con altre mod di personaggi Cloud con parrucca: in teoria non essendoci il modello caricherà quello chibi di default (creando incongruenze se il modello dei personaggi è diverso dallo chibi)

WIP / Re: [FF7PC] Post bug reports here
« on: 2020-04-11 18:03:15 »
obviously you guys know this, but the vanilla model has no sword on the back

using the model with the sword makes it look a lot worse than it really is

right, with model overhaul this scene is absurd... but with this animation the developers should have used bhff.hrc (cloud model with sword)

new 1.2 link, wrong folder position

Another question, does the x360 and xone buttons mod alter anything in the script other than button icons? Can those be used with English version too?

If it does, maybe someone can provide unaltered versions of the script before the were translated, but include button icons so they can be used with english Reunion as well?

you need the font with a field modified (for modified colors buttons). The layout is the same as the psx and you can try to use with original reunion (only usfont* file) but, if it's used specific color buttons you'll never see xbox B button, xbox A button and xbox Y button

Troubleshooting / Re: FF7 PSX expand kernel.bin
« on: 2020-04-08 08:10:30 »
Yes for extract i also use CDmage but i need create a new kernel file in the ISO, CDmage doesn´t have this function.
My antivirus blocked download link, it´s possible the file have a virus?
Thanks for your reply.
I don't know, nod32 says the file is clean... if you're in doubt just use a virtual machine

new link

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