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Messages - romangabriel

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Ah that explains it.  Yes i skipped while the NPC's were walking towards Shinra President so their dialogue script was not triggered. 

Its no big deal though, i am a habitual game saver  :-D

Just a warning to anyone with the Skip Cutscene option enabled on "Gameplay Tweaks": If you try to skip the meeting at Shinra HQ scene that takes place after Don Corneo drops you into the sewers, the game will freeze.  No dialogue will be shown and the game just freezes up with the music looping.

Won't be any need for that crap if my next installer does what I've designed it to do. And it will be able to work completely independently of 7th heaven.

Awesome!  I don't know why i had so much trouble with this game, but its understandable that modifying a 20 year old game (which was a crappy port to begin with) and getting it to run on modern systems is no easy task. Thank you everyone who works hard on this stuff for us fans.

I struggled mightily trying to install this mod for the past few days with my '98 original CD Roms via 7th heaven on Windows 7 x64. Very frustrating  :'( :'(!  It would always crash at startup (followed the faq and used old version of 7th heaven), even if this was the only mod i had active and trying every exe file (ff7/mo/bc/). 

Finally uninstalled everything, clean installed with Tom's installer, and manually installed this mod in the (x86) squaresoft folder and it works like a charm.  Thank you for your hard work on this project.  I'm so glad that i did not waste my money buying the original discs.

If anyone else is having trouble with the Program Files x86/square soft folder, make sure you have full permissions enabled so that you can overwrite files.

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