FF9 Gameplay Releases / Re: [FFIX] Balance Discussion / Mod
« on: 2021-02-13 00:09:26 »
Ciao ZeroShift, per ITA è stato già tutto rilasciato sulla mia pagina FB CaledorIT insieme alla correzione della traduzione del 9
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Great to see such fast fixes, thanks for your work!
But I'm pretty sure that oglop is there in Steam version (or at least in previous Moguri builds), because I never played in PSX, but do remember oglop in Blank's hands.
The bug with FMVs also appearing in title screen video - each subsequent time it is more and more slower. And it seems to me that FMVs a little bit faster then before, but maybe I am wrong with that.
Also there is no oglop in Blank's hands at the start of the game:
if ( VAR_GlobBool_146 == 0 ) {
Wait( 1 )
} else {
while ( ( GetCinematicFrame < 100) && ( ( SyncCinematic & 127 ) != 1 ) ) {
Wait( 1 )
I have the double character name issue you describing in your first post.
Also in certain scenes when characters speak with eachother some letters are missing.
int num2 = this.PatchAbility(num); // Added line of code
itemListDetailHUD.NameLabel.text = FF9TextTool.ActionAbilityName(num2); // Change num to num2
int mp = this.GetMp(aaData);
bool flag2 = mp != 0;
if (flag2)
itemListDetailHUD.NumberLabel.text = mp.ToString();
itemListDetailHUD.NumberLabel.text = string.Empty;
bool flag3 = abilityState == BattleHUD.AbilityStatus.ABILSTAT_DISABLE;
if (flag3)
itemListDetailHUD.NameLabel.color = FF9TextTool.Gray;
itemListDetailHUD.NumberLabel.color = FF9TextTool.Gray;
ButtonGroupState.SetButtonAnimation(itemListDetailHUD.Self, false);
itemListDetailHUD.NameLabel.color = FF9TextTool.White;
itemListDetailHUD.NumberLabel.color = FF9TextTool.White;
ButtonGroupState.SetButtonAnimation(itemListDetailHUD.Self, true);
itemListDetailHUD.Button.Help.TextKey = string.Empty;
itemListDetailHUD.Button.Help.Text = FF9TextTool.ActionAbilityHelpDescription(num2); // Change num to num2
private void DisplayAADetail(Transform item, ListDataTypeBase data, int index, bool isInit)
int mp = this.GetMp(FF9StateSystem.Battle.FF9Battle.aa_data[abilityListData.Id]);
int num2 = this.PatchAbility(abilityListData.Id); // Add this line
itemListDetailHUD.NameLabel.text = FF9TextTool.ActionAbilityName(num2); // Change abilityListData.Id to num2
itemListDetailHUD.NumberLabel.text = ((mp != 0) ? mp.ToString() : string.Empty);
if (abilityListData.Type == AbilityUI.AbilityType.CantSpell)
itemListDetailHUD.NameLabel.color = FF9TextTool.Gray;
itemListDetailHUD.NumberLabel.color = FF9TextTool.Gray;
else if (abilityListData.Type == AbilityUI.AbilityType.Enable)
itemListDetailHUD.NameLabel.color = FF9TextTool.White;
itemListDetailHUD.NumberLabel.color = FF9TextTool.White;
itemListDetailHUD.Button.Help.Enable = true;
itemListDetailHUD.Button.Help.Text = FF9TextTool.ActionAbilityHelpDescription(num2); // Change abilityListData.Id to num2
//Also copy paste the following anywhere within AbilityUI.cs
private int PatchAbility(int id)
if (AbilityUI.AbilCarbuncle == id)
switch (FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.party.member[this.currentPartyIndex].equip[4])
case 227:
id += 3;
case 228:
case 229:
id += 2;
if (AbilityUI.AbilFenril == id)
byte b = FF9StateSystem.Common.FF9.party.member[this.currentPartyIndex].equip[4];
id += ((b != 222) ? 0 : 1);
return id;
private static int AbilFenril = 66;
private static int AbilCarbuncle = 68;
zePilot submitted the fix in June to Memoria, gave the link in July for the Moguri file with the fix, then Albeoris added the fix to the main Memoria in September. The next update will use the last Memoria build, so it'll be included.
#xy 8 64
“Stiamo badando ai fioii.”
#cy 32
“Siamo bravi?”
{CHOICE}No, per niente!
#xy 88 176
“State facendo un ottimo lavoro.”
#xy 88 176
“È impossibile per dei bambini.”
#xy 48 56
Che è indossilibe?”
#xy 184 80
#xy 96 80
#xy 40 64
“Sono tanto beii!”
#xy 160 64
“Dopo ci diamo l'acqua…”