Nice to see that you solved your problem without me Meian ^^
Update to v0.38 :
- Updated the UI libraries ; the program opens faster,
- Improved the 3D model exporters (see below),
- Improved the "Preferences" and configuration file:
--- In the "Preferences" window, you can now select the background resolution in order to display/export the backgrounds properly even with a mod. By default, the resolution is 32 but you should set it to 64 if you use Fraggoso's or Meru's HD mod.
--- Most of the options are saved in the "HadesWorskshop.conf" file, meaning that the program remembers when you change the settings.
- Fixed a bug making the world map battle spot changes inefficient for the Steam version,
- Fixed a few bugs with the importation of files in some archives.
The .dll have changed: you need to extract them and you can dump the ones used by the old versions.
So, I am sorry for not making the importer yet but it was a pain to install, learn and use the FBX libraries. You can now export the 3D models in the following formats:
- FBX binary version 7500,
- FBX text version 7500,
- DXF,
- DAE,
- OBJ.
It seems though that only the two FBX versions formats are handled without problem. The OBJ version also works fine but doesn't have any bone or animation.
Blender unfortunatly can't import those FBX files (to my knowledge) and I couldn't find a nice and free replacement for it. Autodesk has everything you need, but it's not free most of the time. You can use
FBX Review to see the models (but not edit them) and you can import them in Unity. If anyone knows a free FBX editor (or converter), that would be very nice.
In order to export a 3D model, it's like for the last version: in the Unity Assets Viewer, verify that you have some "Automatically Convert 3D Models" option checked, select a file ".fbx" of type "1 (Game Object)" in one of the archives, and then right-click -> export selection. You can export the models from the archives p0data2 (weapons and battle scenes), p0data3 (a couple of World Map objects) and p0data4 (everything else: characters, accessories, monsters...). You need to export the related textures separatly.
It creates a single .fbx file containing the model + its skeleton + all its animations (most of them are automatically extracted from the p0data5 archive).
The models as they are exported are near complete. They only miss the texture animations (for Sealion's core, for instance (there are few of them)). Also, the material properties are mostly exported as custom properties and they can be ignored by the FBX editors (maybe Unity uses them): it mostly means that you'll see black textures when they should be transparent, which is also fairly rare.
It may also happen, for some reason, that the name of the texture(s) is not found and thus you can't see the textured model. For the FBX text version, you can fix that by opening the model with a text editor and specify the texture's name in the field "Path" of the related "Video" clip. Otherwise, a good editor allows you to select a texture.
The models that are not in the p0data4 archive are upside-down. It seems that everything in the p0data2 and p0data3 archives are upside-down since that's also the case for the textures. Nothing troublesome.
Finally, about the animation speed, it seems that the field models are properly timed but the battle models are twice faster than they should. For what I understood, all the models are timed in 60 fps but since the battles are played in 30 fps, they had to fasten the animations.
That's all there is to know. If you want to help to list the different models' animations, now is the time ^^
I saw that there are more unused animations than I thought: the party members have some unused animations and I saw a couple of enemy models with unused ones as well. All in all, it's very rewarding to be able to see all these animations

Next, I will do that model importer. It should take less time since I already have the file formats (both the FBX and the game's internal format). I will also see how the texture animations are made.