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Topics - Raziel80

Pages: [1] 2
1) Do we need to equip Pre-emptive materia on the third character to skip the special battles?
Because, when I equip Pre-emptive materia on the first or second character, max Pre-emptive materia rate = 85, and when Pre-emptive materia equipped on the third character, max Pre-emptive materia rate = 213.
Description about Pre-emptive materia:
A 5-star ONLY Pre-Emptive Materia will also HALVE the chance of getting the Ambush and Back Attack special formations. This ONLY works when you place the Pre-Emptive Materia on your 3rd (last) character.
2) What are the maximum chances for Pre-emptive materia to skip special formation battles on the field maps and world map?

How does Chocobo Lure rating affect the chance of chocobo battles on the world map? Need a calculation formula.
What are the chances of chocobo battles on the world map with a Chocobo Lure rating of 12, 20, 28?

Probability for Chocobo battles on the world map:
Chocobo Ranch: 4 battles with probability 24 each: 24*4=96 total
Junon: 4 battles with probability 16 each: 16*4=64 total
Everywhere else: total probability = 32

Code: [Select]
Chocobo Encounter Chart:

|Chocobo Lure |Rating:|Chance Chocobo |Chance Chocobo |Chance Chocobo         |
|Materia Lvl: |       |battle Ranch:  |battle Junon:  |battle everywhere else:|
|Level 1&2    |   8   |     75%       |      50%      |         25%           |
|Level 3&4    |  16   |    100%       |     100%      |         50%           |
|2x Lvl 3 or 4|  32   |    100%       |     100%      |        100%           |

Chocobo Lure Materia
1:  + 8 Chocobo Lure Rating
2:  +12 Chocobo Lure Rating
3:  +16 Chocobo Lure Rating

How to find morph formula calculation through the debugger?

When I use gzip to recompress (BATTLE.X) file after editing, it turns out 7 bytes larger than the original file and that's after I reinsert the 8 byte header. What bytes need to be removed after recompressing the BATTLE.X file? (FF7 PSX PAL English SCES-00867)
SymphoniC said that this is because: "compression utilities by default add a time stamp when compressing"
I guess most compression utilities by default add in the filename and a time stamp when compressing and stuff like that.

It looks like something has been added to the beginning of the file.

original BATTLE.X looks like this: (first 0x28 bytes for comparison)
Code: [Select]
Offset      0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7   8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F

00000000   C0 38 05 00 D8 41 07 00  1F 8B 08 00 00 00 00 00   А8  ШA   ‹     
00000010   00 00 C4 BD 0D 7C 5C 55  99 3F FE CC 9D 9B 64 92     ДЅ |\U™?юМќ›d’
00000020   A6 ED 4D 3A 2D 53 A8 74                            ¦нM:-SЁt

after recompressing and reinserting the 8 byte header BATTLE.X looks like this
Code: [Select]
Offset      0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7   8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F

00000000   C0 38 05 00 D8 41 07 00  1F 8B 08 08 9B 11 A9 60   А8  ШA   ‹  › ©`
00000010   00 03 42 41 54 54 4C 45  00 C4 BD 0D 7C 5C 55 99     BATTLE ДЅ |\U™
00000020   3F FE CC 9D 9B 64 92 A6                            ?юМќ›d’¦

So, I deleted in the edited BATTLE.X 7 bytes: 03 42 41 54 54 4C 45 at offset 0x11. (this means the word BATTLE, the gzip tool may have added the filename)
Then I changed 1F 8B 08 08 9B 11 A9 60 from offset 0x08 to 1F 8B 08 00 00 00 00 00. (don’t know, because there’s something wrong with that)
Did I do everything right?

Additional question. What tools are exist for working with BIN, BIN-GZIP, LZS archives, to decompress/recompress?

How does character level or other stats affect the accuracy of physical attacks? For example: It can be seen that at character level 15 in fury status, physical attacks are less likely to hit than if the character was at level 90 in fury status. I would like to see formulas that affect accuracy.

How to keep HP, HP Max values on, even with battle command menu up in battle? When battle command menu is transparent and has 3 command columns, then HP, HP Max values disappear from battle menu.
Battle command menu transparency: FF7 PC: 0x00dc3cd8: change 00 to 01.
PSX: 80062C94: change 00 to 01.  PSX Pal English version [SCES_00867].
Interested in how to do this for PC and PSX versions.

How does the game determine which encounters to use on the World map? For example, a game uses a pointer for field map encounters. And what does the game use on the world map for encounters, which variables and pointers are used?

How to find enemy encounters in current area in memory, during gameplay? I want to find Battle ID and Probability for this battle for each area from field files, but in memory. Each unique area can support up to: 6 Normal battles and 4 Special Formation battles. I found several, but I don’t see how they are connected to each other. I want to add this data to my trainer to see which enemies you can meet in the current area. This data is located in very different places in memory. Maybe FF7 uses some kind of pointers for this?

How to multiply / divide the number of gained limit bar units, during fury/sadness, by 0, 3, 4, 6, 8 and not overwrite next instruction?
Code: [Select]
FF7_EN.exe+1DF2A2 - D1 E1                 - shl ecx,1   - multiply by 2, once  -> instruction for fury
FF7_EN.exe+1DF2BF - D1 F9                 - sar ecx,1   - signed divide by 2, once  -> instruction for sadness

How to move the location of the battle command menu to the left, to not cover current Health points? How to make the battle menu transparent? For PC and PSX versions.
Answer to my questions:
1) To remove battle command menu borders and background:
0x0091C3E8: change 01 to 00

2) transparency for all menu and battle command menu background:
0x00dc3cd8: change 00 to 01

3) To move the location of the battle command menu to the left:
Battle Command menu Window X-coord (2 bytes): 0x0091C3D8, original value 0x0090
all battle menu commands X-coord (2 bytes): 0x006DE734, original value 0x009C
limit battle menu command X-coord (2 bytes): 0x006DE4CD, original value 0x009C
if Coin command is equipped, Coin command X-coord (2 bytes): 0x006DE685, original value 0x009C
if Coin command is equipped, Throw command X-coord (2 bytes): 0x006DE6CC, original value 0x009C
Command menu red arrows X-coord (2 bytes): 0x006DE7D9, original value 0x0098

Still have a questions, how to make only the battle menu transparent?
How to prevent current HP and Max HP values ​​from disappearing in the battle menu when the battle command menu occupies two or three columns?

How can be edited the formula for ultimate weapons for Death Penalty and Premium Heart? How does the formulas look like in bytes in the .exe file?

I have a few questions about Fury and Sadness statuses.
For fury status:
1) What values display accuracy that changes after fury or darkness statuses?
2) What values display decreased accuracy by 30% during fury status?
3) What values ​​represent a double increase in the filling of the limit bar during fury status?

For sadness status:
1) What values display defense that changes during sadness status?
2) What values display increased defense by 30% during sadness status (or damage reduced by 30%)?
3) What values ​​represent a double decrease in the filling of the limit bar during sadness status?

What properties does FF7 store in 6 bytes of item data in battle? And in the magic attack/ summon/ En.Skill, command attacks in battle?

Answer to question: 6 bytes Item data in battle:
0 - unknown
1 - Item Id (2 bytes)
2 - Item Id
3 - quantity
4 - Targeting Data
5 - properties; 01h - Can't be sold; 02h - unuseable in battle;  08h - Can't be thrown.
If slot is empty then: 0 - 00; 1 - FF; 2 - FF; 3 - 00; 4 - 00; 5 - 0B.

8 bytes Magic / Summon / En.Skill data in battle:

0 - Magic Id (Attack ID)
1 - mana cost
2 - for magic: uses for "all" ability (How many times can be used) / for Summon: uses (How many times Summon can be used) / for E.Skill: unknown
3 - 4x (quadra magic) 0 - disabled; 1 - enabled;
4 - uses for "4x" ability (How many times can be used)
5 - Targeting Data
6 - some property; (02h - disabled;) / for magic: 10h - '"all" arrow for magic
7 - added ability; (00h - Nothing; 01h - Absorb MP; 02h - Absorb HP; 08h - Steal As Well; 10h - Extra Cut; 20h - Turbo MP1; A0h - Turbo MP5; E0h - Turbo MP7)

6 bytes Command data in battle:

0 - Command Id
1 - Cursor Action
2 - Targeting Data
3 - some property; 02h - disabled; 10h - "all" arrow for command
4 - uses for command "all" ability (How many times can be used)
5 - added ability; (00h - Nothing; 01h - Absorb MP; 02h - Absorb HP; 08h - Steal As Well; 10h - Extra Cut;)

Cursor Action with Command Id:
Spoiler: show

Cursor Action with Command Id (2 bytes)
0701h Attack
0102h Magic
0203h Summon
0304h Item
0705h Steal
0006h Sense
0B07h Coin
0508h Throw
0009h Morph
000Ah D.Blow
000Bh Manipulate
000Ch Mime
040Dh E.Skill
0711h Mug
0012h Change
0013h Defend
0614h Limit
0815h W-Magic
0916h W-Summon
0A17h W-Item
0018h Slash All
0719h 2x-Cut
001Ah Flash
001Bh 4x-Cut
00FFh None

Cursor Action (information from WallMarket)

00h Obey Command Target Data
01h Magic Menu
02h Summon Menu
03h Item Menu
04h E.Skill Menu
05h Throw Menu
06h Limit
07h Obey Weapon Target Data
08h W-Magic Menu
09h W-Summon Menu
0Ah W-Item Menu
0Bh Coin Menu

Magic Hammer, FF7 trainer, Version: 1.07, for PSX Pal English version of the game [SCES_00867], ][SCES_10867], ][SCES_20867].

Trainer works only with the ePSXe (1.7.0 - 2.0.5 versions),
exe file of the emulator should have a name: ePSXe.exe or ePSXe ENG.exe.
The trainer work on Windows 32 bit.

Description: The trainer contains cheat codes. To see data of FF7 and to test the game.
Just in case, make a backup copy of the Save file.

 press Ctrl + G, to hide Refresh buttons

How to use:
Launch ePSXe emulator, run Final Fantasy 7, then launch trainer.
To change data, click on the value in textbox and change value with keyboard buttons, then press "Enter" button.
To refresh values, click on the empty spot outside of GroupBoxes or click on the Refresh button.
To know what cheat code does, just hover mouse on the checkbox or other item and wait for 1 second and explanation will pop up.

Tab "Equipment": Click on the Refresh button, then click on the materia, to see current AP of materia

Tab "Action Data":  the values in this tab are not always correct, it depends on what attack you are performing.

Spoiler: show

Spoiler: show

New in version 1.13:
Added in "Cheats 2" tab:
Added controls for the battle menu interface:
- Transparent menu checkbox
- Move menu checkbox: Move menu to the left
- Move Names checkbox: Move character names to the left; (can not be changed in battle. Change out of battle)
- Remove help background checkbox (see Screenshot 1 below)
- Remove help borders checkbox (see Screenshot 2 below)
- Remove menu borders checkbox: Remove battle command menu borders (see Screenshot 3 below)
- HP visible under menu: HP, HP Max, barrier and magic barrier bars are visible under transparent menu; (can not be changed in battle. Change out of battle)

Screenshots of battle menu interface:
Spoiler: show

Download: Magic Hammer v1.15 (32 bit).rar - for ePSXe from 1.7.0 to 2.0.5. Launch ePSXe emulator, run Final Fantasy 7, then launch trainer. Exe file of the emulator must have name: ePSXe.exe or ePSXe ENG.exe.
                   Magic Hammer v1.15 (32\64 bit) for Windows7.rar

Previous versions:
                   Magic Hammer v1.07.rar - for ePSXe 1.7.0 only
                   Magic Hammer v1.08.rar - for ePSXe from 1.7.0 to 2.0.5.
                   Magic Hammer v1.09.rar - for ePSXe from 1.7.0 to 2.0.5.
                   Magic Hammer v1.11 (32 bit).rar - for ePSXe from 1.7.0 to 2.0.5.
                   Magic Hammer v1.12 (32 bit).rar - for ePSXe from 1.7.0 to 2.0.5.
                   Magic Hammer v1.13 (32 bit).rar - for ePSXe from 1.7.0 to 2.0.5.
                   Magic Hammer v1.14 (32 bit).rar - for ePSXe from 1.7.0 to 2.0.5.

Thanks to all who helped to create this trainer: Dark Byte, Corroder, mgr.inz.Player and other.

Releases / [FF7PSX PAL-Eng] Lucky Tifa patch
« on: 2019-03-11 14:21:44 »
Lucky Tifa patch for PSX Pal English version of the game [SCES_00867].

Tifa never get misses patch: All "miss" icons are changed to "Hit"
Some Lucky Tifa patch: "miss" icons are changed to "Yeah!".
Lucky Tifa patch: All slots display "Yeah!".

How to use: import SCES_008.67-Lucky Tifa file or one of the others in the FF7.iso disc in place of the SCES_008.67 with CDMageBeta.

Download: Lucky Tifa patch.rar - for Pal English version

Lucky Tifa patch for PSX NTSC version [SCUS_941.63].

7 Hits patch: All "miss" icons are changed to "Hit"
Slightly Lucky Tifa patch: "miss" icons are changed to "Yeah!".
Lucky Tifa patch: All slots display "Yeah!".

How to use: import SCUS_941.63-Lucky Tifa file or one of the others in the FF7.iso disc in place of the SCUS_941.63 with CDMageBeta.

Download: Lucky Tifa patch-(SCUS_941.63).rar

The patch was made by Mr2 at my request.

FF7 trainers for PSX Pal English version of the game [SCES_00867], ][SCES_10867], ][SCES_20867].
Trainers are created with Cheat Engine with "Generate generic trainer" function.

Requirements: installed Cheat Engine 6.4 or later.
Trainers work with ePSXe 1.7.0 only, exe file of the emulator must be called: ePSXe.exe
Trainers work on Win XP 32 bit and should work on other Windows 32 bit. On Windows 64 bit does not work. Although you can try to run the ePSXe.exe file (version 1.7.0) in 32-bit compatibility mode or 32-bit compatibility with Windows XP compatibility, it is not known whether it will work. Need testers for this.

How to use:
Launch ePSXe emulator first, then launch trainer.

Lucky Tifa trainers description:
Spoiler: show
Lucky Tifa trainer: All slots in Tifa's limit display "Yeah!". Press Ctrl+T to activate.

Lucky Tifa 3 trainer:
1) Ctrl+3: Tifa never miss - means Tifa will never get "miss" in Tifa's limit. All "miss" icons are changed to "Hit"
2) Ctrl+4: Some Lucky Tifa: "miss" icons are changed to "Yeah!".
3) Ctrl+5: Lucky Tifa: All slots display "Yeah!".

Lucky Tifa 3-alt trainer: same as before, but hotkeys are: Ctrl+Alt+3, Ctrl+Alt+4, Ctrl+Alt+5.

Tifa like 1st, 2nd reel trainer:
1) Ctrl+1: like 1st reel - reels from 2 to 7 look like first reel, 4 "Yeah!" icons, 12 "Hit" icons
2) Ctrl+2: like 2nd reel - reels from 3 to 7 look like second reel, 3 "Yeah!" , 2 "miss" , 11 "Hit" icons

Tifa like 1st, 2nd reel-alt trainer: same as before, but hotkeys are: Ctrl+Alt+1, Ctrl+Alt+2

Lucky Tifa 5 trainer:
1) Ctrl+1: like 1st reel - reels from 2 to 7 look like first reel, 4 "Yeah!" icons, 12 "Hit" icons
2) Ctrl+2: like 2nd reel - reels from 3 to 7 look like second reel, 3 "Yeah!" , 2 "miss" , 11 "Hit" icons
3) Ctrl+3: Tifa never miss - means Tifa will never get "miss" in Tifa's limit. All "miss" icons are changed to "Hit"
4) Ctrl+4: Some Lucky Tifa: "miss" icons are changed to "Yeah!".
5) Ctrl+5: Lucky Tifa: All slots display "Yeah!".
6) Ctrl+0: original limit - slots display the same as it was in the game before

Lucky Tifa 5-alt trainer: same as before, but to hotkeys "Alt" button is added

Lucky Tifa-NTSC: trainer for NTSC version (SCUS_941.63)
1) Ctrl+3: 7 Hits: All "miss" icons are changed to "Hit"
2) Ctrl+4: Slightly Lucky Tifa: "miss" icons are changed to "Yeah!".
3) Ctrl+5: Lucky Tifa: All slots display "Yeah!".

Spoiler: show

Download: Lucky Tifa (v1.01).rar - for Pal English version [SCES_00867] for Windows 32 bit
                   Lucky Tifa-NTSC.rar - (for ePSXe 1.7.0) for NTSC version (SCUS_941.63) for Windows 32 bit. Trainers in the archive are standalone,
Lucky Tifa (light)-NTSC.exe trainer, requires installed Cheat Engine 6.5 or later

Lucky Cait Sith trainers: possibility to manipulate Cait Sith's "Slots" Limit Break.

How to use: Stop three reels with "O" - circle button (press the circle 3 times), then use: Right keyboard button - to the right reel; Left keyboard button - to the left reel. Up - next slot; Down - previous slot.

Lucky Cait Sith trainers description:
Spoiler: show
Lucky Cait Sith-AA script-Enter trainer: Press Ctrl+Shift+S to activate script. Up on the keyboard - next slot, Down on the keyboard - previous slot.

Lucky Cait Sith-always disabled Evil flag trainer: Evil flag is always disabled. Press Ctrl+E to activate.

Lucky Cait Sith-standalone: standalone trainer (for OS 32 bit) - does not require installed Cheat Engine. Ctrl+F to activate; Ctrl+E to disable Evil flag.
Push "About" button on the trainer to see the following description:

Spoiler: show

Cait Sith class trainers description:
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Cait Sith-1 class trainer:
1) Ctrl+1: Cait Sith-Attacker: All 16 slots in each reel are changed to Crowns, he will always perform "Toy Soldier" attack
2) Ctrl+2: Cait Sith-Healer: All slots are changed to Stars, he will always perform Mog Dance
3) Ctrl+3: Cait Sith-Summoner: All slots are changed to Bars, he will always perform "Summon" attack
4) Ctrl+4: Cait Sith-Lucky Girl status Summoner: All slots are changed to Hearts, he will always perform "Lucky Girl"
5) Ctrl+5: Cait Sith-Transformer: All slots are changed to Mogs, he will always perform "Transform"

Cait Sith-2 classes trainer:
1) Ctrl+1: Cait Sith-Attacker, Healer: 8 slots are changed to Crowns, 8 slots changed to Stars in each reel
2) Ctrl+2: Cait Sith-Attacker, Summoner: 8 slots are changed to Crowns, 8 slots are changed to Bars in each reel, etc.

Cait Sith-3 classes trainer:
1) Ctrl+1: Cait Sith-Attacker, Healer, Summoner: 5 slots are changed to Crowns, 5 slots are changed to Stars, 6 slots are changed to Bars in each reel, etc.

Cait Sith-4-5 classes trainer:
1) Ctrl+1: Cait Sith-Attacker, Healer, Summoner, Lucky Girl status summoner: 4 slots are changed to Crowns, 4 slots are changed to Stars, 4 slots are changed to Bars, 4 slots are changed to Hearts in each reel, etc.

Cait Sith-6 classes trainer: reels have all 6 icons, but the same icons follow each other.

Spoiler: show

Download: Lucky Cait Sith (v1.01).rar

Control Vincent and Vincent's attacks trainers description:
Spoiler: show
control Vincent's attacks trainer: Use when Vincent is uncontrollable in the beast form. Ctrl+Shift+1: 0% chance to use second limit attack; Ctrl+Shift+2: 30% chance to use second limit attack; Ctrl+Shift+3: 100% chance to use second limit attack; Usually Vincent has 30% chance to use second limit attack. We can change these chances in the middle of a battle. Chances to use second limit attack, when he in the beast form, will remain to the next battles, until you reload your save.

Control Vincent and Vincent's attacks trainer: this trainer also gives the possibility to control Vincent when he is in the beast form or when he is uncontrollable we can change chances to use second limit attack.

control Vincent's attack-4 magic slot trainer: Requirements: Vincent must equip at least one magic materia. 4th magic slot has first limit attack, see screenshots.

control Vincent's attacks-4 and 5 magic slots trainer: Requirements: Vincent must equip at least one magic materia. 4th magic slot has first limit attack, 5th limit slot has second limit attack, see screenshots.
Warning: Vincent performs second limit attacks with wrong animation. Beast Flare performed with Laser animation; Live Wire performed with Bad Breath animation; Nightmare performed with Aqualung animation; Satan Slam performed with Magic Breath animation; After Beast Flare and Satan Slam with wrong animations, enemies will still stay on the screen even if they are already killed.

control Vincent's attacks-4 and 7 magic slots trainer: Requirements: Vincent must equip at least one magic materia. Same trainer as before, but 7th magic slot has second limit attack, see screenshots. Vincent performs second limit attacks with wrong animation.

Spoiler: show

Download: Control Vincent (v1.01).rar

Other trainers:

Always run trainer: run by default.

Coin trainer: if Coin command will be chosen, 600000 will change to 10000.

small Cait Sith trainer: makes Cait Sith smaller at the beginning of the battle.

Summons speed x 3 trainer: Standalone trainer (for OS 32 bit) - does not require installed Cheat Engine. Warning: Do not launch trainer twice because it will close emulator's window with error. To work without errors: close emulator's window after trainer was closed, then launch emulator again and launch trainer again.
Speed of the Summon attacks is 3 times faster. Limit level 4 attacks will be also performed with speed x 3. To disable Summons speed x 3, close trainer.
Thanks DLPB for the idea.

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Sense 65535 trainer: Sense increased to 65535.

Time trainer: Requires Cheat engine 6.5 or later. Shows game time after 99 hours. This is infinite timer, that always shows game time. Because it will reset to 0 after 4294967295 seconds, which equals 1193046 hours 28 minutes 15 seconds, which equals ~136 years.

Text autoskip trainer: Requires Cheat engine 6.5 or later. Skips text automatically by pushing circle button, when text window appears. Stops text autoskip if you need to choose answer to a question in text window, it will continue text autoskip after answer. Works correctly at 75 %. Thanks to this trainer, you do not need to press circle button 5000 times.
Do not use together with Lucky Cait Sith-AA script-Enter trainer or with other AA script, because emulator can freeze - it is not allowed to use two AA scripts at the same time. If you want to use Text autoskip trainer with Lucky Cait Sith, then use Text autoskip trainer with Lucky Cait Sith-standalone trainer.

Spoiler: show

Download: Other trainers (v1.02).rar

Let me know if the trainers can work on the windows 7, 8 or 10.

Thanks to all who helped to create all these trainers: Garik66, MasterGH, Xipho, AntonVit, Dino, X86Jumps and other.

White Wind, FF7 trainer, version: 1.09, for PSX Pal English version of the game [SCES_00867], ][SCES_10867], ][SCES_20867].

Trainer works only with the ePSXe (1.7.0 - 2.0.5 versions),
exe file of the emulator should have a name: ePSXe.exe or ePSXe ENG.exe.
The trainer work on Windows 32 bit.

Description: The trainer contains many cheat codes. To see data of FF7 and to test the game.
Just in case, make a backup copy of the Save file.

How to use:
Launch ePSXe emulator, run Final Fantasy 7, then launch trainer.
To change data, click on the value in textbox and change value with keyboard buttons, then press "Enter" button.
To update values, click on the Refresh button or click on the empty spot outside of GroupBoxes.

Tabs that update data automatically each 1 second:
Stats, Materia 1, Materia 2, Other, In-B Enemy, In-B Status, Coord, Cheats 2, Materia q-ty, Command, Magic.

Spoiler: show
  on the tab "Materia Inv" press Ctrl + H
  on the tab "Limits" press Ctrl + J
  on the tab "In-B Enemy" press Ctrl + U
  on the tab "In-B Status" press Ctrl + U

  on the tab "Materia 1" or "Materia 2"
  press Ctrl + V, to hide comboboxes

  on the tab "Cheats" press Ctrl + K,
  to hide checkbox

  press Ctrl + G, to hide Refresh buttons

New in version 1.13:
Hotkeys for Cait Sith limit:
"N" - disable evil flag in Cait Sith limit. How to use: stop first reel with circle button, then press "N" keyboard button.
"M" - stop all reels in Cait Sith limit.
"Right" keyboard button - to the right reel; "Left" keyboard button - to the left reel.
"Up" - next slot;" Down" - previous slot.

Hotkeys for Battle Square reels:
"Ctrl + Up" - next slot;" Ctrl + Down" - previous slot.

Detailed description:
Spoiler: show
Not all data can be changed. Some values are for Read Only.
To know what cheat code does, just hover mouse on the checkbox or other item and wait for 1 second and explanation will pop up.

Tab "Limits"
To change Enemy Skills in materia: put E.Skill materia in the inventory in slot 1, then click on the Refresh button or click on the empty spot outside of GroupBoxes, and change Enemy Skills in materia with checkboxes.

Tab "Cheats" :
"Remove All Materia" and "Remove All Items" buttons, removes all materia or all items from inventory.

Tab "In-B Enemy" (In-Battle Enemy):
Values from AP and below are for Read Only.

Tab "In-B Status" (In-Battle Status):
To disable Cait Sith's Limit Evil flag: click on the checkbox "Evil flag enabled", after first reel is stopped. Checkbox must be Unchecked to disable Evil flag.

Tab "Coord" (Coordinates):
To track location of the Ultimate weapon: When Ultimate weapon is flying somewhere on the world map, click on the checkbox "track the location of the Ultimate weapon". Where on the World map: "H" is Highwind or Cloud, and "X" is the Ultimate weapon.
Also right click on the GroupBox "Field Coord", the same options as in the menu items will pop up. See screenshot with Coord Tab.

Spoiler: show

Spoiler: show

Download: White Wind v1.17 (32 bit).rar - for ePSXe from 1.7.0 to 2.0.5. Launch ePSXe emulator, run Final Fantasy 7, then launch trainer. Exe file of the emulator must have name: ePSXe.exe or ePSXe ENG.exe.
                   White Wind v1.17 (32\64 bit) for Windows7.rar

Previous versions:
                   White Wind v1.09.rar - for ePSXe 1.7.0 only
                   White Wind v1.10.rar - for ePSXe from 1.7.0 to 2.0.5.
                   White Wind v1.12 (32 bit).rar - for ePSXe from 1.7.0 to 2.0.5.
                   White Wind v1.13 (32 bit).rar - for ePSXe from 1.7.0 to 2.0.5.
                   White Wind v1.14 (32 bit).rar - for ePSXe from 1.7.0 to 2.0.5.
                   White Wind v1.15 (32 bit).rar - for ePSXe from 1.7.0 to 2.0.5.
                   White Wind v1.16 (32 bit).rar - for ePSXe from 1.7.0 to 2.0.5.

Thanks to all who helped to create this trainer: ReWanet, MasterGH, Dark Byte, FreeER, mgr.inz.Player and other.

How to export World map picture from FF7 disc? Are there any programs for this? But, I need only a picture of the world map. Maybe someone has exported world map picture with good resolution? I searched through google, but without result.

FF7 Tools / [PSX/PC] Scene files Editor - Bahamut (v1.03)
« on: 2018-01-08 15:57:28 »
Bahamut , FF7 Editor for 256 Scene files extracted from Scene.bin file, Version: 1.0.

Description: Bahamut is editor, calculator, patcher for 256 scene files (from scene1 to scene256).
Bahamut's window size (1393 x 784). This program is something similar to Hojo, Proud Clod and Enemy Manipulator. And created for MOD developers, for (faster) easier editing.

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0

OS: 32-bit Windows XP sp3 (did not tested on other OS)

How to use:
1) Extract the scene.bin file from any Final Fantasy 7 ISO with CDMageBeta.
2) Use the SceneReader program to extract 256 scene files from scene.bin file. And put 256 scene files in the folder called "unpacked", which is located in the program folder. Scene files must start from scene1 to scene256.
3) Edit this 256 files with Bahamut program. Bahamut can save 1 scene file at a time.
You need to: open scene file, edit this file, then press save button, then open other scene file (or choose other scene file in the list on the left side of program).
4) Use SceneReader to make a new scene.bin archive with new edited 256 scene files.
After this, do not forget to update the Kernel.bin file with Scene.bin. Example: open Scene.bin in Proud Clod program and press "Create Scene.bin", and on question: Check scene data in Kernel.bin? press "Yes" button and press "Yes" again to correct data in kernel. Use for this: Proud Clod or Hojo.
5) Import Scene.bin file and corrected kernel.bin into your Final Fantasy VII ISO with CDMageBeta.

Bahamut (v1.0)
- can edit 256 scene files (from scene1 to scene256)
- can patch 256 scene files
- can edit other data (Enemies: HP, MP, Strength and other data) in the 256 scene files

Notes: After editing, do not forget to update the Kernel.bin file with Scene.bin. Use for this: Proud Clod or Hojo. Examples: Open Scene.bin in Proud Clod program and press "Create Scene.bin", and after question: Check scene data in Kernel.bin? press "Yes" button and press "Yes" again to correct data in kernel.
Or open Scene.bin in Hojo program and press Update kernel file.

The scene file that is currently open is displayed near the save button.

Detailed description:
Spoiler: show

Tab "Stats":
In this Tab can be edited different stats, for separate monsters, like HP, MP, Strength and other.
For example: You want  to add for monster 50% HP, then just write 1,5 in numeric field near monster's HP and for result press "=" button (In other words just multiply his HP by 1,5). Or press "show %" checkbox and insted of 1,5 write 50 in the same numeric field and for result press "=" button. Same can be done to add HP for monsters. HP can be increased and decreased in the same way, for example HP can be multiplied by from 0,1 to 10 or from 1% to 1000%.

Tab "Patch All":
Buttons "patch all" can patch (change and save) all scene files in one click (they patch scenes: from scene9 to scene245). They patch all monsters except: 3 weapons (Ruby, Diamond, Emerald weapons) and except monster's parts such as pedestals and other similar, that cannot be targeted.
On this Tab also possible to add +10 HP to every monster or +20 to Strength.
On this Tab also possible to increase Item's Drop chances or Steal chances separately. (Example: if you will double Drop chance for 1st Item. If Drop chance was 32, then 32 x 2 = (63 max) = it is 100 % chance to Drop 1st item. If monster can drop couple items, then he will drop always only 1st item).

Tab "Battle Setup":
This Tab shows how much of total Exp, AP, Gil can be gotten from monster groups and where they can be found. And chances for this monster groups (Enemy Formations) on the maps. If you want to change Enemy Formations in the game, then use for this Proud Clod. Because this Tab only shows total Exp, AP, Gil.
- Chance: Forced means that it is a Forced Encounter
- Chance: Forced (Optional) means that you can choose to fight or not. (As it was with Turks, during Midgar Raid on Disc 2)
- Disabled Enc. means that this encounter is disabled on the map
- Battle Square: Set 1 means After Getting Buggy but Before Tiny Bronco
- Battle Square: Set 2 means After Getting Tiny Bronco
- Battle Square: Set 3 means After Getting Highwind

According to the Enemy Mechanics FAQ by TFergusson:
Spoiler: show
Each unique area can support up to: 6 Normal battles and 4 Special Formation battles. 
In addition, World Map areas can support a further 4 Chocobo battles.
As soon as the chance succeeds and a random battle is going to occur, the following things are considered in order:
   Unique/Chocobo Battles
   Pre-emptive Chance
   Special Formations
   Normal Battles

If the area has any Special Formation battles, you have a chance of getting them first.
All Special Formation Battles have a chance out of 64 of occurring.
The chance of not getting a Special Formation battle is equal to 64/64 minus the sum of the probabilities of all available Special Formation battles.
If neither a Special Formation nor a Chocobo Battle has been able to occur, then the normal battles are finally checked.  This is a simple chance out of 64 for each battle allowed, with a single Rnd(0..63) deciding which of the battles is chosen.
There is one exception however: if you get the *exact* same battle formation as you did last time, then the game will reroll *once* for a new Normal Battle.  If you still get the same battle, then no further rerolls are done. However, this does mean that you are less likely (in general) to get the same battle than you are to get a new battle.
BUG: Due to an error with regards to signed numbers, any Normal Battle chance that is 32/64 or greater will actually be treated as a negative number: Chance - 64. For the most part, if it was the first encounter in the list, it will cause it to have a 100% chance of being selected, providing no Special Battle was encountered.
Note that World Map encounters do not suffer from this bug.

Screenshots: Tab "Stats":
Spoiler: show

Screenshot: Tab "Patch All":
Spoiler: show

Screenshots: Tab "Battle Setup":
Spoiler: show

Download: Bahamut v1.03.rar

Previous versions:
                  Bahamut v1.0.rar
                  Bahamut v1.01.rar - (added max lvl 255)
                  Bahamut v1.02.rar - (decimals removed)

Document used for 3rd Tab "Battle Setup" (for Enemy groups:): Enemy Formations

Thanks to Shogun31337, OwenGlendower and Laziz for helping me to create this program.

[FF7 PSX] How to keep original file size of the scene.bin after editing in Proud Clod or in other applications/programs? [FF7 PSX] How mod makers keep their scene.bin file in original size 264 kb after editing? Because after editing the scene.bin size becomes 272 kb.

Quicksilver , FF7 PSX Initial Data editor for Cait Sith and Vincent, Version: 1.0

Description: Quicksilver is FF7 PSX PAL English version, Initial equipment editor for Cait Sith and Vincent in the Namemenu.mnu file. Also this tool must work with FF7 PSX NTSC version, because Namemenu.mnu files must be identical in the PAL English and NTSC versions.
(Initial equipment of all characters, except Cait Sith and Vincent, can be changed with Black Chocobo or Wallmarket. Initial equipment of Cait Sith and Vincent, can be changed with Quicksilver.)

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0

OS: 32-bit Windows XP sp3 (did not tested on other OS)
or Windows 7

Quicksilver (v1.0)
- can edit Initial Equipment of Cait Sith and Vincent in the Namemenu.mnu file
- can edit Initial Materia of Cait Sith and Vincent
- can edit other Initial data of Cait Sith and Vincent in the Namemenu.mnu file

Quicksilver (v1.2.1)
- added Menu default name. Added Menu default name for all 9 characters, except Young Cloud and Sephiroth, because they does not have Menu default name. Changing the Menu default name works in the game for all 9 characters. (Note: In the Menu Name all spaces after letters, must be removed before writing new name. Changing of the Menu Name will change the Default Name in the game. Changing of the Name will not change the Default Name in the game).
- added initial data for all 11 characters (for read only). Data for Cait Sith and Vincent can be changed, because changing this data will work also in the game. And changing initial data for other 9 characters will not work in the game, because their initial data will be overwritten by kernel.bin file. (To change initial data of all characters except Cait Sith and Vincent, use Wallmarket)
- added Chocobo default name (Choco) to Young Cloud and Sephiroth, because they does not have Menu default name. Now, chocobo's Menu default name can be changed.
- added buttons to remove materia and edit materia's AP.
- added description to all equipment and materia.
Quicksilver (v1.2.2)
- fixed some minor errors
- changed default color of the program

Spoiler: show

Download: Quicksilver v1.0.rar

Download: Quicksilver v1.2.1.rar
                  Quicksilver v1.2.2.rar

Thanks to Shogun31337 for helping to update this application. Thanks to Laziz who wrote big part of the application.

Who can make editor, that can change initial equipment of Cait Sith and Vincent for PSX PAL english version? Editor that can change in the NAMEMENU.MNU file: initial weapon, armor, accessory, initial materia in weapon and armor, AP in initial materia for Cait Sith and Vincent on the PSX.

Gameplay / Always run patch
« on: 2016-02-26 15:01:23 »
Can somebody create always run or run by default patch for PSX? I can only try to create such patch, but I don't have enough knowledge to make this patch.

How to decrease the size of Cait Sith in the battle on psx? I mean, I need Cait Sith size like in the small status condition, but without dealing 1 damage with normal attacks.

I have two questions.
1) How to extend time in menu to 999hrs for PSX?
2) How to make sense work to the upper limit 65535 for PSX?

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