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Messages - Hot Coldman

Pages: [1]
I don't remember the exact specifics to get this working with all terrain mods fully working too.. there is a way but you will have to tinker with files and replace some files by taking some DLL from an old verison of 7th Heaven and putting it into the new one's... um..good luck

I used to have precisely the same problem with injecting, saying "The value cannot be null".  It took a long time but it works for me now.

Holy cow. I worked on fixing this for 4 days and tinkered with so many .extensions and file properties that I had
never even heard of before and I finally got it working with all the textures loading and no injection errors ever.
I can finally play the game for the 1st time without Popeye characters and pixelated low res backgrounds. Nice!!

I hope I will never have to deal with .toml files and easyhook dll's again. Haha. I had to do that to get it working.

Troubleshooting / Re: Does any know how I can fix this?
« on: 2021-04-10 17:19:09 »
Me too.

Troubleshooting / Re: Game will not launch with mods on
« on: 2021-04-10 17:18:30 »
I have the same issue. Tried fiddling with it for two days.

I can use 2.0 just fine, except field textures won't load on 2.0. BUT whenever I launch ff7 with 2.2, I get

23:23:11|WARN|SeventhHeaven.Classes.GameLauncher|   received errors: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: ptr;  ...
23:23:11|ERROR|SeventhHeaven.Classes.GameLauncher|Failed to inject after max amount of tries (14) ...
23:23:11|ERROR|SeventhHeaven.Classes.GameLauncher|System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: ptr
   at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(IntPtr ptr, Type t)
   at EasyHook.NativeAPI_EasyHook.GetDelegate[T](String name)
   at EasyHook.NativeAPI_EasyHook.RtlGetLastErrorStringCopy()
   at SeventhHeaven.Classes.GameLauncher.LaunchGame(Boolean varDump, Boolean debug, Boolean launchWithNoMods, Boolean LaunchWithNoValidation)

Ive tried running as admin etc. Ive also tried deleting the settings.xml as I know it say theres a nul value somewhere.... Kinda frustrated, Im hoping its something.... simple. Yes I have also reinstalled both 7th heaven and FFVII in different places on my hard drive. Even used the registry cleaning tool for ffvii and I am dumbfounded...

Asfar as I can tell there's some null error or easyhook error? No idea. On windows 10.

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