Author Topic: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods and Modding Framework-The Reunion [R06f]  (Read 3052251 times)


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I noticed that if I disable The Reunion, the game no longer sees my save file, until I re-enable it again. Is this normal? If so, does this mean that cloud saves don't work? If cloud saves don't work, where is the save file located so I can back it up myself?

I discovered the same thing, but quickly found that it's just because Reunion's save directory is different from Steam's by default. While Reunion's directory is in its own folder as mentioned above, I found Steam's save files for FF7 in my Documents folder, I believe in a "Square Enix" -> "Final Fantasy VII" folder. The saves can be dragged and dropped between the 2 folders (and even renamed to a different save "slot" filename to avoid overwriting anything between the two). That's what I did to move my Vanilla save to Reunion and it worked fine.


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This is a problem because the team that worked on Steam version are brain dead.  They changed Save location and if you copy the saves across to that location, they will be deleted if a checksum fails  - which it will - UNLESS you resave from the Steam version (i..e with Reunion disabled).


1. Disable reunion
2. Copy save across to Steam save location
3. Open steam version
4.  Open save and then resave immediately.

If anyone has any idea how to make this more painless or remove this insane behaviour, let me know. Best person to ask would be Sithlord?

Also, why would anyone want Cloud support for this game.  Which tit made that happen?


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Also, why would anyone want Cloud support for this game.  Which tit made that happen?
Because cloud.  Everything's better in the cloud, and the cloud will solve all your problems.  It'll solve world hunger, cure erectile dysfunction, and enable warp travel.  C'mon, get with the game!


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The save is in the application directory under a save folder. So assuming you're using steam it's going to be under .../Steam/.../common/FINAL FANTASY VII/save. Up one level from where Options.ini is, since you're presumably editing that to turn it on/off.

They absolutely use separate sets of saves and this one won't be cloud backed up, I assume Reunion expects them in a different format (granted I haven't tried plopping in a vanilla save to see what happens).

This is a problem because the team that worked on Steam version are brain dead.  They changed Save location and if you copy the saves across to that location, they will be deleted if a checksum fails  - which it will - UNLESS you resave from the Steam version (i..e with Reunion disabled).


1. Disable reunion
2. Copy save across to Steam save location
3. Open steam version
4.  Open save and then resave immediately.

If anyone has any idea how to make this more painless or remove this insane behaviour, let me know. Best person to ask would be Sithlord?

Also, why would anyone want Cloud support for this game.  Which tit made that happen?

Ah thanks for the explanation. Was interested in cloud saves because I would've liked to continue my save from a different PC that I have the game installed on. Also in case anything ever happened to my PC or drive or whatever, having it backed up is nice. Nothing that just transferring or backing up manually wouldn't solve, but having the saves automatically backed up/sync'd is nice.


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Ah thanks for the explanation. Was interested in cloud saves because I would've liked to continue my save from a different PC that I have the game installed on. Also in case anything ever happened to my PC or drive or whatever, having it backed up is nice. Nothing that just transferring or backing up manually wouldn't solve, but having the saves automatically backed up/sync'd is nice.

Be aware though, that there have been many reports about the SquareEnix Cloud Save feature being unreliable: Sometimes the cloud save seems to be offline for long periods of time for no apparent reason.

Haven't ever used it myself, so I can't verify this, but it's mentioned again and again in the steam forums for FF7. So I guess it would be fine to use the cloud save feature to transfer the save to a different machine (when it's working), but I wouldn't rely on it otherwise.


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Hi, i'm new here, i know i'm supposed to post logs and stuff but don't really know how to do it  :P

I got a couple of severe bugs in my newest playthrough:

1)When first meeting Hojo after a couple of sentences Barret starts running towards a rail and keeps running in place.
2)In Kalm during the flashback sequence if I enter Cloud's house, there is 2 Clouds and they just stand doing nothing.

Steam version, installed the latest hotfix, when I disable the translation on the .ini all works normally.

Just guide me through what I need to do, to post about the bug.


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Apologies if this is already answered, but I can't find a search function to search just this thread on the forum.

What is the source of the new music .oggs? I'm guessing either the Steam release of the game (I'm running the original CDs) or someone ripped the original soundtrack from the PSX? The documentation makes clear the sound effects are sourced from the PSX, but does not elaborate on the new music.


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I'd edit my previous post, but as a new user I'm not allowed to.

The combat music sounds hauntingly familiar. I'm guessing these were either ripped from the same (or an equivalent) softsynth that shipped with the 1998 version, or they're based on the SoundBlaster AWE SoundFont MIDI playback.


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For some reason the latest release (R06) does not seem to work with the Steam version of FFVII.  I have tried to install it on two separate pcs.  On.e of them has a Ryzen 5 3600 and RX 5700 and 16gb of ddr4 ram.  The second has an i3-2350m and 4 gbs of ram.  It does not even seem to run and there is no crash.dmp or reunion.log.  It does not seem to run at all.  The file labeled The_Reunion states "Warning: No valid registry entry was found.
Are you sure Final Fantasy VII is installed properly and that this is a legitimate copy?" 


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I´ve got the same "Barret keeps running in place"-bug as AndreSZKL. But the whole savegame seems to broken and the bug persists, even if I load it without Reunion. Does the mod make any changes to the savegames? I can´t find anything about that bug on the internet, so I can only assume it is reunion-related, but I´m not entirely sure.

I uploaded the savegame and all the other files here:

Once I go up the lift, a scene starts and after Hojo´s "There are far too many frivolous things.."-line, Barrets runs into the rail and there is no way to continue the game.

Some more details: I´ve started the vanilla-game without any mods up to the very first savepoint then continued with R06 and Hotfix 6 and no other mods.


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Hi, i'm new here, i know i'm supposed to post logs and stuff but don't really know how to do it  :P

I got a couple of severe bugs in my newest playthrough:

1)When first meeting Hojo after a couple of sentences Barret starts running towards a rail and keeps running in place.
2)In Kalm during the flashback sequence if I enter Cloud's house, there is 2 Clouds and they just stand doing nothing.

Steam version, installed the latest hotfix, when I disable the translation on the .ini all works normally.

Just guide me through what I need to do, to post about the bug.

These are both in the database, and scheduled to be fixed when R06b is released. For 1 I believe you can fix it by swapping the order of your party members, for 2 there's a weird workaround if you turn the model overhaul on in Options.ini (...\FINAL FANTASY VII\The Reunion\Options.ini), the hitbox will be smaller, and you can squeeze around the second Cloud. Otherwise, as you probably found with the Hojo bug, you can temporarily disable New Translation is Options.ini, until the next savepoint. Not ideal I know, but probably better than being stuck until R06b releases unless DPLB has a surprise release tomorrow or something.

E: Here's a list of bugs I've encountered on the critical path that cause the game to crash/prevent progression, up until you get Highwind, and their workarounds until R06b comes around with the fixes. Hope it saves you some headaches. You do not need to report any of these, they are known, these are just instructions for how to get past them until the fixes arrive:

1 At Hojo, Barret runs into the wall (above)
2. Two Clouds in the flashback (above)
3. In Cid's house, when Palmer shows up, leaving the house will cause the game to hang, AFAIK there is no workaround except disabling New Translation.
4. In Disc 2, after fighting the goons with Cait Sith and releasing Barret from his handcuffs, attempting to move will make the game just fall apart and hard crash with no logs generated. The only way to fix this is to use Ochu to edit the address for the third party slot from FE to FF, unfortunately this doesn't always work, and DPLB edited his post where he told me exactly what to enter to fix it (meaning I suspect it's part of a larger problem), so I suspect you should probably just disable New Translation for this section. Note that since Reunion removes the save point right before this segment, this means you need to disable it at the last save point in the Whirlwind Maze/Tornado Labyrinth before the end of Disc 1.

5? I think there was also an issue when you get let into the caves in the back of Cosmo Canyon with Red XIII, but for the life of me I can't recall for sure, and if it was an issue I'm pretty sure it was either a party member swap or, as usual, disabling New Translation.
« Last Edit: 2020-02-09 03:29:20 by Zaeri »


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you don't need to do all of that if you install hotfix 6.  but one ir two areas require disabling new translation   it's probably best to wait for release R06b which is being released next week.  please see first post snd read the reunion database


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Hi DLPB, I'm getting another freezing issue during a boss battle very similar to the Pyramid issue with Reno that you were able to duplicate. When Bottomswell in Junon casts Waterball with new translation disabled, the game freezes and music continues playing. Doesn't happen with new translation enabled.

Here're the files:



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Prob exact same issue and fixed already due to the pyramid issue being fixed


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For 1 I believe you can fix it by swapping the order of your party members

Yeah, switching Barrett and Tifa solved the problem! Thanks for your help!  :-D I actually tried using the database before, but I failed to switch the tabs at the bottom  :-[  :roll:

Another question: I found this mod while searching for modding-possibilities that won´t disable steam-achievements. A lot of people claimed that achievements are still working with Reunion, but right now they wont work for me. Is this missinformation or a bug? Or just something that was true and has changed now?


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I'm having some trouble over-riding the stock .ogg music files.

I'm grabbing and looping a bunch of fantastic music from Youtube, and dropping it into [BASE]/The_Reunion/CUSTOM/remako/Music, [along with the texture assets from Remako] with names similar to the stock .ogg files. But they don't appear to be reliably selected for playback. SOMEtimes they are, but usually they aren't.

Is there a way for a mod to override the stock musics without tampering with the base install?

Also DPLB, I wish to thank you and your band of insane modders. You've done a fantastic service to this ancient game.


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the id numbers must match for effects and music and be the same format trailing zeroes to be loaded.

You'll have to show me the filename of the ones that aren't loading and upload a few that aren't - to be sure.

Any that are in the custom music folder will automatically supersede the default install.  Currently GLOBAL in R06 but will be BASE in R06b.
« Last Edit: 2020-02-11 13:58:02 by DLPB »


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The trailing zeroes is exactly what I needed to know, thanks.

For anyone else not quite sure what that means:

[BASE]\The_Reunion\GLOBAL\Music\006 Mako Reactor.ogg
will be overridden by:
[BASE]\The_Reunion\CUSTOM\remako\Music\0060 Mako Reactor [EnricoD].ogg

if Options.ini includes the setting
Mod_ID = remako


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Finally registered on this forum after being a long-time lurker :o
Thank you DLPB and the rest of the team for all the efforts you have been putting into this!

Can't wait for R06b to finally try it out.

Also, I own a lifetime premium 1fichier account so I can provide a mirror link for new releases.
(uploaded files will remain there forever unless they go out of business)


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The trailing zeroes is exactly what I needed to know, thanks.

For anyone else not quite sure what that means:

[BASE]\The_Reunion\GLOBAL\Music\006 Mako Reactor.ogg
will be overridden by:
[BASE]\The_Reunion\CUSTOM\remako\Music\0060 Mako Reactor [EnricoD].ogg

if Options.ini includes the setting
Mod_ID = remako

You added another zero.


You're welcome.

I've just edited 74 fields to allow:

flevel.lgp   N/A   "Ability to skip longer scenes by holding Select and Cancel for 3 seconds. This is only supported when using Beacause (New Translation).  So far, the following can be skipped:

Flashback at Aerith's house
Flashback of Cloud's past at Kalm
Flashback of Corel burning
Flashback at Cid's house.
Cloud and Tifa in the Lifestream"   "AndyPandy
Sega Chief"   DLPB   R06b

Field Script Additions tab
« Last Edit: 2020-02-14 03:23:55 by DLPB »


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You added another zero.

I dunno what stupid thing I was doing earlier, but it didn't work until I added that trailing zero. And now it works flawlessly without it exactly as you describe. </shrug>

May I ask what then did you mean by
the id numbers must match for effects and music and be the same format trailing zeroes to be loaded.

To avoid confusion, the correct quote should actually look like:
[BASE]\The_Reunion\GLOBAL\Music\006 Mako Reactor.ogg
will be overridden by:
[BASE]\The_Reunion\CUSTOM\remako\Music\006 Mako Reactor [EnricoD].ogg

I'd like to request you make Tifa's Promise flashback right after the initial bombing mission skippable as well.


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it's small enough that you can use speed up control

Though I'll check it and add a skip if it's a bit long.  Human brain doesn't do time very well from memory it seems... even though I've seen that scene 1000 times.
« Last Edit: 2020-02-14 14:50:49 by DLPB »


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Is there any way to change where saves are stored?


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Nope.  Although I am looking into creating a tool in the future to be able to easily copy to Steam location and back - and so forth.   

You could always use my tool Ochu  which can save and load states.  From there it would be pretty easy to just load steam up and save properly.

Almost ready for R06b.  Added:

flevel.lgp   N/A   "Ability to skip longer scenes by holding Select and Cancel for 3 seconds. This is only supported when using Beacause (New Translation).  So far, the following can be skipped:

Flashback of the water tower promise (from the Seventh Heaven).
King / Old man and woman scene at the Honeybee Manor.
Flashback at Aerith's house.
Flashback of Cloud's past at Kalm.
Flashback of Corel village burning (from the Ropeway Station).
Mog minigame at the Gold Saucer.
Date / Enchantment night at the Gold Saucer.
Flashback of Barrett and Dyne at Mt Corel (from Corel Prison).
Flashback at Cid's house.
Professor Gusto's videos  at Icicle Lodge.
Cloud and Tifa in the Lifestream.
Cloud and Tifa on the hill."   "AndyPandy
Sega Chief
Lord UrQuan
DLPB"   DLPB   R06b

To do:

1 second Select + Cancel hold to return to Gold Saucer from minigames:


Snowboard and Submarine already have a pause function to do this, but I'll be consistent.  G-Bike actually has code to do this but never utilized.

« Last Edit: 2020-02-15 03:08:48 by DLPB »


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I think something's wrong with Yuffie's cast/summon animation in 60fps mode 2. The animation takes longer than I remember it taking, like she's moving in slow motion.

Anyone else seeing that?

Standard models, 60fps mode 2.