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Messages - OLKv3

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I just finished this mod and have to comment on it.
I like what you did with Zidane. He's an excellent support and damage character now, perfect in his MC role. Zidane with Chemist was really helpful

I was fine with the difficulty, but I have to say the endgame is really hard on Vivi. Having Necron absorb damn near everything just made me rely on Steiner, Beatrix, and Eiko for the endgame, since she can up their attack and they can easily hit 9999 over and over again. Kuja going pissy boss mode and countering every attack with Curaga and the full party drain was a bit ridiculous too. Ozma basically forced auto reflect since there's no guard against Berserk, so him hitting that basically meant game over

Despite those complaints, I only died on Ozma lol. I had a fun time, but it's funny that even with this mod, even with all the buffs to Freya and Amarant, my endgame party was still Eiko, Zidane/Quina, and the 2 knights. Shock just can't be beaten in FF9, especially now that I have 2 of them

Crashing when opening a New Threat 2.0 save. An earlier save file loads, but my endgame save file crashes the program whenever I try to open it

Speaking of that fight, I'm trying to use Black Chocobo to trigger that fight by going back to the areas I'm locked out of, but Black Chocobo crashes whenever I load a New Threat 2.0 save file. Does anyone know of a fix for this?

Edit: The newer versions of Black Chocobo seem to be incompatible with endgame NT saves. But I went to older versions of it and it loaded the save fine.

*) A secret encounter was made unmissable and can be accessed on Type A and Type B

Spoiler: show
Is this about the Calamity fight? Are there new ways to trigger it?

I read somewhere, that when beating all Fort Condor battles, you get a Masamune.

I missed a couple of them and already finished Cosmo Canyon...

Is there any chance to replay them or do i have to start over again?

I think the free Masamune was patched out back in 1.5. Earlier builds had it, but I recently replayed it and didn't get anything for winning every Fort Condor battle. It was a bit TOO overpowered for something that requires no work or money really.

After replaying 1.5 I like how the summons were balanced in that game as good stat boosters to the type of build you want compared to 2.0 where the extremely heavy hit to DEX made me not bother with any of them besides Hades for stat protection
Also I really don't get why Ultima and Contain I think were locked so late to the final dungeon in 2.0. By time I got them I had no reason to really use them since almost everything was defeated

I see in this thread I'm not the only one who has slowdown on the world map.

Edit: Figured out the issue. Switch the game driver to Directx12. It'll work then

I saw that you said you wanted to expand on Type B. Is there any chance of making the bosses as fun and insane as 1.5 Arrange? Like having to face both Lost Numbers etc. I had a blast with 2.0 Type B but also felt it was much easier than 1.5 Arrange, even on Hard mode with no sources.
I'm at a divide where I love the improved combat mechanics of 2.0, but miss all the extra bosses and sidequests of 1.5

Are Gospel Sparks still available in this? If so, where?

How do I get the game to show the PSX controller icons? I have my DS4 connected and it works fine, but it still shows the PC icons (SWITCH) and such instead.

Hi, I already played and completed the 1.9 and was thinking to replay with the 2.0 version, but I noticed that getting W-item materia has become far easier to get compared to the previous version of the mod and I think everyone knows how gamebreaking this is.
I just want to ask if the duplicate glitch has been fixed or not
It hasn't been fixed. I got W.Item and have abused it immediately

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.94)
« on: 2020-09-21 16:24:43 »
Is it normal that I'm having trouble with money in the early game?  I've reached Junon and find myself unable to buy much having to sell my ethers. 

Am I missing something? :|
It happened to me on 1.5 so it's intended. I sold the MP Plus materia from Ziegfried and still went nearly broke by Cosmo Canyon. You'll be flooded with cash after you get the Highwind since you get much more AP and can easily max ALL materia to sell.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0)
« on: 2020-07-29 06:04:55 »
Nice, 2.0 is here! Eagerly awaiting Type B, I'll hold off till it's released  :-D

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2020-06-08 09:14:24 »
It's an old file. Once I beat the remaining two super bosses (a certain underwater creature and a certain white chocobo) I'll be doing another play through on an updated patch. Hadn't experienced Mr. Smile prior to this file so a few characters stats are a bit messy anyways.
Are you putting that run on Youtube as well?

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2020-06-01 11:07:05 »
Truly, I am a professional moron.

But speaking of E.Skills, do Malboros really have Magic Breath in 1.5v normal mode (not playing arranged yet)? Can't access Stillva's on the save I'm currently working on (disc 3), and Parasites don't have it when Manipulated.

Took a break from E.skills to get more side-quests done.

They have Bad Breath for me. I got Magic Breath from the Stilvas but that was on Disc 2. I don't know where they're supposed to be during the final disc

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2020-06-01 03:56:43 »
I just thought about it, is this Lv4 Suicide? If its name was changed to Quarry Fuse then no adjusting needed. They use it pretty often and I just didn't know better.

That's the move.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2020-05-31 12:45:34 »
Speaking of L4 Suicide. It's been changed to a much weaker Earth move but Jenova still royally screws your party over if you use it on her lol, from back when it was Suicide.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2020-05-26 09:09:00 »
It is possible, I believe its a glitch. I was able to go out of sector 7 right after I exit the train by fiddling around this area.

That's not caused by the mod, that's a glitch that's part of the normal game. Speedrunners use it all the time.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2020-05-25 22:53:36 »
Is it normal that 7th Heaven doesn't let me update? I have to delete NT and then download from the catalog to update.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2020-05-20 08:08:04 »
I come from someone that saw Wizard Staff and didn't even bother with any other staff I found after that. TBF it was endgame, but I haven't found the 4 last staves yet, according to the documentation.

I can concede with the Full Cure materia, because it can be easily missed without paying attention to the bartender's dialogue in Cosmo Canyon.
Nevertheless, I still think that restoring you to full MP is too much. It can still be "fun and effective", as you put it, but I'm not against Magic Counter+Renew anyway. Just tone down the MP recovery of Wizard Staff.

Edited for grammar
Yeah, lower it to 300 or so, the full MP with Slash all is completely busted lol. It negates all her other staves. Her ultimate weapon is pretty pointless once you have essentially unlimited MP.
Though I guess to be fair you can also do this with the W-Item glitch so eh.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2020-05-20 04:41:26 »
Just want to quote this to ask Sega Chief: Please don't start nerfing things like this suggests. That leads to a horrible loop a lot of projects get into where the developer just gets feedback from players with overly tuned characters and who enjoy punishing, grueling fights, and everyone else just has to deal with things gradually getting harder and harder as anything resembling an advantage for the player gets removed.

An important aspect of gameplay that a lot of people don't think about is when the player puts these things together, and realizes what they can do now. For instance, Aerith with Barrier + Added Effect. Most players have no idea this is possible, but when someone figures it out, that's a game changer. Suddenly it feels like a million things open up. Magic Counter + Renew is another one like that, where the player has a new tool in their kit that lets them deal with things that felt impossible.

Things like this just cull the number of strategies a player can use. If a player is FORCED to have certain Materia combinations on or something, or is FORCED to wear certain accessories or they just die, that's not strategy. That's just an artificial lock on the battle that takes away other options. New Threat manages to make most of its battles more involving than Vanilla FF7, but not so involved that every single one feels like a puzzle with one solution.

The player should be able to be flexible. The player should not feel like they're artificially forced to just follow a walkthrough of actions of something to beat a battle. If some options are unbalanced and overly powered, that should be fine, especially if they're something that can stumbled upon by thinking outside of the box. The player should be rewarded for trying new things, not punished by having those things taken away because they're a little too good. If something thinks they're too good, they can just challenge themselves by nothing using them, the game doesn't necessarily have to do that for them.
Thank you for saying this. New Threat shines because it's a rebalance instead of a typical hard hack. If he follows that guy's ideas then it turns into yet another typical hard hack

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2020-05-20 04:01:39 »
If you're using 7th heaven, make sure to have "Music Option" set to "VGMStream" in the settings.
It's specifically in Game Driver>Advanced
It is on that, that's why I'm confused.
I'm going to test the fight on Steam and see if it works

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2020-05-20 03:34:44 »
Good point, I'll do a sweep of random enemies and set elemental null/absorbs to half damage instead to make it less punishing if a bad element was set to the weapon. I can't really do this for flyers vs. Earth though, it'd be a bit odd for them to be hit by it. I've extensively reworked the way elements are utilised throughout the game so hopefully this also helps improve it.

I'm actually a bit confused by this; I checked the battle ID a few times and it is definitely the correct Ozma that's set up. But for some reason, people are getting the prototype one that's very buggy. What I think I'll do is just port over the Ozma data to overwrite the 'prototype' one.

As for the music, this is because the track uses the comical.ogg track. So if the track isn't replaced (as in, a music pack is used or the vgmstream folder isn't being used) then you get the unused track instead. I might just go for a regular boss theme or similar instead.

Huh. That is weird. Especially the music problem, since I haven't messed with the music at all so both should be working as intended.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2020-05-20 02:57:29 »
I beat the cameo boss and it seemed weird

Spoiler: show
Ozma didn't have his FF9 music like the youtube videos showed, instead he had some goofy music. Also none of it's attacks had animations or names, and I know they're supposed to.

The only mods I had on were Nino's character model replacers, 60fps, and Borderless Windows. Any idea what could've caused this?

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2020-05-18 19:44:25 »
I just beat the Diamond Match. Whew, that was a mean trick you pulled there lol. Definitely the toughest fight I had yet, and since I did it before the Level 4 limit quests, I hope the other bosses still give some challenge to me

Are the end game Disc 3 optional bosses any different on Arrange? Or should I just wait for 2.0? Looking forward to playing 2.0!

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