Author Topic: GameManager V3  (Read 1661 times)


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GameManager V3
« on: 2011-12-14 19:55:29 »
Hi all,
Basically I've coded this new program to manage pc games, its now in its 3rd version and I personally think its pritty decent and so much better than V2 but ill let you make your own minds up :)

GameManager is a program that is designed to automate the process of downloading game fan art, front and back box art, banner art, screenshots, game info, official patches, walkthroughs and organise the data in a functional and sleak interface, allowing you to browse, sort, filter, patch, mount game images and run your games.


-Downloads fan, front box, back box and banner art, screenshoots and Game Info and showcases the data in the user interface
-Showcases games in InfoView, CoverFlow or BannerFlow
-Run games from the interface
-Take screenshots in games and view them from the interface
-Download and install official game patches
-AutoMount image files when you run games, unmount them when done(Requires DAEMON Tools or Alcohol 120% to be installed)
-Run post-game and pre-game batch files
-View game Info such as release date, publisher or genre
-Quickly find your games by filtering by keyword/s you type
-Organise Games by categories such as release date, publisher or platform
-Show only games from a certain platform
-Launch straight from the interface into games of many consoles (requires use of emulators/roms*)

*You must own the orginal console and games for you to be able to play them on a emulator.
