Author Topic: 7th Heaven Canary Bug Reports and Suggestions  (Read 8944 times)


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7th Heaven Canary Bug Reports and Suggestions
« on: 2021-08-02 01:01:54 »
7th Heaven Canary Bug Reports/Suggestion Thread

Right now 7th Heaven is being updated frequently, and bugs can pop up here and there.
We're working on pushing forward to a stable release!
For that to happen we need to get rid of as many bugs in the canary version that we can find!
Also if you have any ideas that would improve the quality of life for 7th Heaven, we'd love to hear those too!

As time goes on, this page will be updated with current known issues, and solutions that might need another kind of
fix outside of a 7th Heaven issue.

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« Last Edit: 2021-08-02 18:15:29 by strife98 »

Re: 7th Heaven Canary Bug Reports and Suggestions
« Reply #1 on: 2023-10-03 00:01:00 »
Would it be possible to add some overscan or integer scaling in a future update? I'm having a slight scaling issue not with 7th heaven or the game but with the CRT I'm using & I have it scaled about the best I can get but FF7 is still to far off screen. Most PC games & emulators I don't have this issue either cause I can scale it or what's off screen isn't important. Love the work done btw.


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Re: 7th Heaven Canary Bug Reports and Suggestions
« Reply #2 on: 2023-10-28 05:31:25 »
The enemy level booster in Gameplay Tweaks might be busted. Tried it out and used sense and there was no change.


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Re: 7th Heaven Canary Bug Reports and Suggestions
« Reply #3 on: 2023-10-31 18:56:06 »
Hi im having trouble using 7th Heaven. i figured out how to dl some of the mods but when i click play on 7th Heaven i get this error message

### Launching Final Fantasy VII ###
Unknown error when launching the game: There was an error generating the XML document.

Anyone know how to fix this? ANy help would be appreicated thanks!


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Re: 7th Heaven Canary Bug Reports and Suggestions
« Reply #4 on: 2024-02-26 15:46:55 »
Feature suggestions:

1A. Add Master Volume slider to Game Launcher Settings. Would be easier to change the in-game volumes all at once. This, or:

1B. Make it so that if you hold Shift while sliding any of the volume sliders, it would adjust all sliders at the same time.

2. Add a hotkey "m" to mute all in-game sounds during gameplay. This would be handy, if for example watching streams or listening other music during gameplay.


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Re: 7th Heaven Canary Bug Reports and Suggestions
« Reply #5 on: 2024-09-15 03:44:32 »
Was trying to play the game this morning, and an update came through while i was asleep.
Now whenever i try to launch the game, i get the error message "Please use the launcher 'FF7_Launcher.exe' ...".
So i tried using that launcher, but nothing happens, not even a little bit of activity in task manager. It worked 10h ago, but not now. :P
Anyone knows what's going on here?
Should i just wait for an update again, or should i remove 7th heaven and reinstall an older version?


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Re: 7th Heaven Canary Bug Reports and Suggestions
« Reply #6 on: 2024-09-15 10:43:48 »
Hello, I'm new to this forum but from the "7th Heaven Help" page I was redirected here to ask for help: I get the error code "YARR! Unable to continue." which I read is because the software thinks that I don't have a legit copy of the game.
The thing is that I have a steam copy and thing were working great previous the update, what can I do?
(Also tell me if  I need to attach some files or screenshots as proof)


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Re: 7th Heaven Canary Bug Reports and Suggestions
« Reply #7 on: 2024-09-16 04:16:57 »
Hello Smonimon.

I had a similar problem, maybe this works for you, too:


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Re: 7th Heaven Canary Bug Reports and Suggestions
« Reply #8 on: 2024-09-16 05:59:37 »
Ive solved it!
I had to go to Settings -> General Settings, Switch the "Paths/ FF7 Exe:" to the 7th heaven launcher, press play, get an error message, go back to "Paths/ FF7 Exe:" and switch back to "ff7_en.exe" and it worked.

Don't ask me why. :P

Thanks anyway for the reply. <3