Author Topic: Simple Mod idea for Final Fantasy VIII, would it be easy to make?  (Read 3291 times)


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I had an idea for a simple gameplay change to Final Fantasy VIII, which I could see as improving the balancing of the game and circumventing some of the flaws with the junctioning system. This is simply to change the boost from junctioned magic to being based on character level rather than the amount of that magic stocked.

So in the vanilla game you can easily OP your characters early on, for example junctioning 100 curagas to HP for a massive stat boost when your character is at level 8, but with this mod junctioning curaga to your HP at level 8 would give you the stat boost of 8 curagas no matter how many you junction. The only way to get that same stat boost would be to level up to 99 to get the equivalent of junctioning 99 curagas in the vanilla game. Being level 23 gives the equivalent boost of 23 of the magic you are junctioning and so on.

I think it could go someway to taking the tedium out of magic drawing, while encouraging more use of the magic command and creating a balanced character progression as you level. What do people think? Would you be interested in playing the game this way? So would this be an easy mod to make or would anyone be interested in making it?

I was inspired to make it the other day after reading Kotakus Final Fantasy VIII retrospective and realizing it's not just me who thinks the way junctioning OPs characters and discourages magic use is one of the worst aspects of the game. I also just watched dark pixel gamings review on youtube who brought up the same issue. Otherwise this is one of my favourite games in the series, and it's a shame because I love the story and style of the game, but the junctioning system often holds me back from replaying it.


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Maybe that's why they stopped using that system on FFIX and on but it'll be nice to see a mod like this some day


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Should be easy enough to do if you know how to work with ff8.

The following patches in memory would do it for the English Steam version for stats other than hit or eva:

Code: [Select]
Address: 0x004966E5
From:    8A 14 4D F9 E0 CF 01
To:      8A 54 24 1C 90 90 90

Code: [Select]
Address: 0x00496788
From:    8A 14 4D F9 E0 CF 01
To:      8A 54 24 1C 90 90 90

Code: [Select]
Address: 0x004963CB
From:    8A 1C 45 F9 E0 CF 01
To:      8A 5C 24 14 90 90 90

The way this works is that the following functions:
Code: [Select]
0x496310: GetCharacterHP (int lvl, int char_id)
0x496440: GetCharacterStat (int lvl, int char_id, int stat)

are called with the character level as a parameter and it's easy to pull this off the stack when it tries to get the value for the junctioned magic amount.

Hit and Eva are calculated in the following functions:
Code: [Select]
0x4967C0: GetCharacterHit (int char_id)
0x4968A0: GetCharacterEva (int char_id, int unk1)

it's probably possible to change these too but it's more work than I'm willing to do.
« Last Edit: 2018-04-21 09:31:03 by JWP »