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Messages - solidOz

Pages: [1]
Oh my this is funny... so I just had to use the Xbox button locations from my Xbox file and place the PSX buttons in -those- locations.  Anyway, look in the OP for the new file!  Thanks for your help, guys!

we thank you <3  ;)

I'm useing ScpServer, same link from eXistenZe. His button layout is the same way as mine too.

PS3 controller connected over USB

Circle -> Circle
Triangle -> Square
Square -> X
X -> Triangle

This is what I see when I access custom controlls in FF8. When I press Triangle the button gets assigned as Square.
I'm useing the default settings over the launcher.

If I don't touch the custom settings at all and leave it on normal I see "press Triangle" after a battle, even tho it should be X. It's pretty confusing.

I also have JoytoKey running, but the Dpad is the only thing I have mapped onto the Keyboard(Arrow Keys), the rest isn't mapped and default. This way I can use the Analogstick and the Dpad at the same time.

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