Project forums > Team Avalanche
OFFICAL TEAM AVALANCHE TROUBLESHOOTING THREADFOR ISSUES RELATING TO 2D OVERHAUL & WORLD MAP RECONSTRUCTION PROJECTWith the 2D Overhaul(2DO) well under way, and the World Map Reconstruction Project(WMRP) starting to get some legs, I feel this thread needs to be created. Many people are experiencing small install related issues and I don't think the release threads should be bogged down with troubleshooting issues. Post your particular problem in here and someone will be along to help you sort it out. After a while i see most issues being covered, so it should be as easy as finding someone who already SOLVED your problem.
If you have any problems installing either package, please post your issue here.
Include the following:
What mod are you installing? (2DO or WMRP)
What other mods have you installed?
What version is your game?
Include your APP.log (enclose it in "code" tags)
Be patient and provid as much information as possible, and your problem will be solved ASAP.
Please refrain from posting the following in this thread:
Issues with Aali's Driver (post it here)
Issues with running the game in general
Help me beat XXX boss or find XXX item
Issues with PRP or other custom models(post in the relevent thread)
Do you think you could post the file to be removed from the GUI overhaul beta 8 to fix the KotR animation bug? I feel like it's less likely to get buried behind pages and pages of posts here...
Also any other fixes to beta 8 that may exist that I haven't caught that others have would probably be helpful. This looks like a nice place to compile fixes...
--- Quote from: titeguy3 on 2009-09-13 01:51:42 ---Do you think you could post the file to be removed from the GUI overhaul beta 8 to fix the KotR animation bug? I feel like it's less likely to get buried behind pages and pages of posts here...
Also any other fixes to beta 8 that may exist that I haven't caught that others have would probably be helpful. This looks like a nice place to compile fixes...
--- End quote ---
Good idea, delete tube_1 before running the patch will fix the problem
You need to copy the 'Limit' folder into the 'MagicTex' folder
or edit the batch file and remove the \MagicTex part of this line ( copy "%cd%\MagicTex\Limit\*.*" "%cd%\magic\ff7\data\battle\limit2\tifa1\" /Y )
Yeah i fixed that on my end. Will be done correctly in beta 9
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