« on: 2004-07-17 06:46:35 »
...ugh. That was more code heavy than I expected. However, determination won out, and I've completed a draft document. Unfortunately, it's (1) big and (2) table heavy, so I'm going to have to use those wonderful Code tags.
The document's *33KB* on my harddrive, and has all three parts of the Chocobo Ranch enclosed (Catching, Feeding, Mating).
Before you start reading and stuff, I'd like to ask for a little help: there's a stat that I've decided to call RunType for now (it'll likely be called Personality in later versions though). Now, it has three possible values: 0, 1 or 2. I've noticed that RunType 2 chocobos look like they're forever dashing on the setup screen when you play Chocobo Racing. However, RunType 2 chocobos are *rarer* with the better Ratings (only a 1/16 chance to get a RunType 2 Wonderful Chocobo). In addition, there's a Green that allows you to *remove* RunType 1 and 2 and replace it with 0 after enough feeding (and if you feed it enough to cause that, you'll get a fanfare and Billy will say that "their personality's improved!"). So... I'm assuming that RunType 1/2 are *BAD*.
But... I don't know what they do. I've watched the effects of Intelligence and Co-Operation first hand in Chocobo Racing... but RunType doesn't *seem* to affect anything that noticable. Maybe Intelligence overwrites it on auto... but... eh. I dunno.
If anyone wants to solve this puzzle, be my guest.
Anyhow, on to the data....
First, let's define the stats a Chocobo has:
Dash: The Chocobo's current sprinting speed
Max Dash: The maximum sprinting speed this Chocobo will ever aspire to
Run: The Chocobo's normal running speed
Max Run: The maximum running speed this Chocobo will ever aspire to
Stamina: The Chocobo's stamina, maxes at 9999
Accel: The Chocobo's acceleration
Co-Op: The Chocobo's co-operation (How well it obeys Manual Control)
Int: The Chocobo's intelligence (How well it uses Auto Control)
RunType: The Chocobo's running type (0:Normal to 2:Sprinter)
Normal is better?
RT Count: A counter connected to RunType regarding feeding
Races Won: The number of races the Chocobo has won
Gender: The gender of the Chocobo
Color: The color of the Chocobo
Rating: How *good* the Chocobo is. 1 is the best(Wonderful!), 8 is
the worst
[ Dash / 34] is the Speed that Chocobo Racing will report
[Stamina / 10] is the Stamina that Chocobo Racing will report
When you catch a Chocobo, it is placed in the yard. The *only* stat stored
for it is the Rating: Wonderful, Great, Good, etc. The stats are not decided
until you confirm with Billy that you'll move them into the stable.
The Ratings we will call them by are: Wonderful, Great, Good, So-So, Average,
Poor, Bad, Terrible
Naturally, all Chocobos caught will be Yellow Chocobos with the Rating they
were given when you caught them. As for the rest of the stats, they are
covered in the following sections:
Max Dash and Stamina
For each Rating, the base value of Max Dash and Stamina can be each have up
to 8 different values. The values are linked: if you get a certain value
for Max Dash, you will get the corresponding value for Stamina as well.
Here's a table showing the 8 choices for each Rating:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Wonderful MDash 3500 3600 3700 3800 3800 3900 4000 4000
Stam 4500 4300 4200 4000 4000 4000 3800 3500
Great MDash 3000 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600
Stam 3800 3600 3500 3400 3300 3200 3200 3000
Good MDash 2800 2800 3000 3000 3100 3100 3200 3300
Stam 3500 3300 3200 3100 3000 2900 2800 2600
So-So MDash 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 3000 3000 3000
Stam 3300 3100 3000 3000 2800 2700 2600 3000
Average MDash 2000 2200 2300 2400 2600 2800 2500...2500
Stam 2500 2300 2200 2100 1900 1800 2000...2000
Poor MDash 1800 1900 2100 2200 2300 2000...2000...2000
Stam 2000 1700 1500 1300 1000 1600...1600...1600
Bad MDash 1500 1600 1700 1900 2000 1800...1800...1800
Stam 1300 1200 1100 900 800 1000...1000...1000
Terrible MDash 1300 1400 1600 1700 1800 1500...1500...1500
Stam 1000 900 700 600 500 800....800....800
Once the base values for Max Dash and Stamina have been determined, they
will be adjusted seperately:
1/2 chance of being increased by Rnd(0..127)
1/2 chance of being decreased by Rnd(0..127)
A lot simpler than the previous section, Dash is set to merely a percentage
of the Max Stat. The formula used depends on the Rating:
Wonderful, Great, Good and So-So:
Dash = [Max Dash / 10] * Rnd(5..8)
Average, Poor, Bad and Terrible:
Dash = [Max Dash / 10] * ([Rnd(0..255) / 50] + 3)
Run and Max Run
These are again related, so we will deal with them together.
First, we must define a modifier we will be using. It differs depending on
the Rating of the Chocobo:
Wonderful, Great, Good and So-So: x = 100 * Rnd(2..4)
Average, Poor, Bad and Terrible: x = 100 * Rnd(2..5)
Once this is defined, then:
Max Run = Max Dash - x
Run = Dash - x
And that's the base stats done.
The Rest of the Stats
Let's go over the rest.
Co-Op, RT Count and Races Won are all set to 0, naturally.
Gender is randomly determined between Male and Female, 50/50 chance of
Acceleration and Intelligence are randomly determined multiples of 10, again
based on the Rating:
Acceleration Intelligence
Wonderful/ Great: 10 * Rnd(6..7) 10 * Rnd(5..6)
Good/ So-So: 10 * Rnd(5..6) 10 * Rnd(3..4)
Average/ Poor: 10 * Rnd(3..5) 10 * Rnd(0..2)
Bad/ Terrible: 10 * Rnd(2..5) 10 * Rnd(0..2)
And finally, RunType is randomly determined. First, you have a chance at
RunType 0 - the Normal RunType - and this depends on the Rating again:
Chance of RunType 0
Wonderful/ Great: 7/8
Good/ So-So: 3/4
Average/ Poor: 1/2
Bad/ Terrible: 1/2
If you don't get RunType 0, then you have a 50/50 chance each of RunTypes
1 and 2.
And that's that! The new Chocobo is created. All that remains is to name
it and put in the stable. And then we can get to feeding it...
Fairly simple: each Green increases certain stats by random amounts per
Green. Here's how each of the Greens change a Chocobo's stats.
x = Rnd(0..3)
Dash increases by x, Maximum of Max Dash
Run increases by Rnd(0..2), Maximum of Max Run
Stamina increases by 3 - x, Maximum of 9999
Co-Op increases by 1, Maximum of 100
Int increases by Rnd(1..2), Maximum of 100
Co-Op increases by 1, Maximum of 100
Dash increases by Rnd(1..4), Maximum of Max Dash
Run increases by Rnd(1..4), Maximum of Max Run
Stamina increases by Rnd(1..2), Maximum of 9999
Int increases by 1, Maximum of 100
Co-Op increases by 1, Maximum of 100
Int increases by Rnd(1..8), Maximum of 100
If RunType > 0, Then RT Count increases by Rnd(1..4)
If RT Count reaches the maximum of 100, RunType = 0
Co-Op increases by 1, Maximum of 100
75% chance Co-Op will increase by 1 again, Maximum of 100
Dash increases by Rnd(0..3), Maximum of Max Dash
Run increases by Rnd(0..3), Maximum of Max Run
Stamina increases by Rnd(3..10), Maximum of 9999
Co-Op increases by 2, Maximum of 100
Dash increases by Rnd(1..16), Maximum of Max Dash
Run increases by Rnd(3..10), Maximum of Max Run
25% chance: Accel increases by 1, Maximum of 80
Co-Op increases by 2, Maximum of 100
x = [Dash / 20]
y = [Rnd(0..255) / 25]
50% chance: x = x + y
50% chance: x = x - y, Minimum of 0
Increase Dash by x, Maximum of Max Dash
x = [Run / 20]
y = [Rnd(0..255) / 25]
50% chance: x = x + y
50% chance: x = x - y, Minimum of 0
Increase Run by x, Maximum of Max Run
x = [Stamina / 100]
y = [Rnd(0..255) / 25]
50% chance: x = x + y
50% chance: x = x - y, Minimum of 0
Increase Stamina by x, Maximum of 9999
Co-Op increases by 3, Maximum of 100
x = [Dash / 10]
y = [Rnd(0..255) / 25]
50% chance: x = x + y
50% chance: x = x - y, Minimum of 0
Increase Dash by x, Maximum of Max Dash
x = [Run / 10]
y = [Rnd(0..255) / 25]
50% chance: x = x + y
50% chance: x = x - y, Minimum of 0
Increase Run by x, Maximum of Max Run
x = [Stamina / 50]
y = [Rnd(0..255) / 25]
50% chance: x = x + y
50% chance: x = x - y, Minimum of 0
Increase Stamina by x, Maximum of 9999
Int increases by Rnd(1..4), Maximum of 100
Co-Op increases by 4, Maximum of 100
And now, on to the final section: breeding....
When you're ready to mate two Chocobos to create a newborn one... well, the
most important choice you get to make is which Nut you'll feed them.
Therefore, we will go over each Nut in turn.
A few notes before we begin. The first Chocobo you pick is very important
when determining the stats of a baby for most of the Nuts. You'll also
notice the following:
1) It is impossible to make your first Green or Blue Chocobo without a
Carob Nut.
2) However, it *IS* possible to make a Black Chocobo with any Nut except
a Zeio.
3) While it's possible to get a guaranteed Gold Chocobo when mating a
Black and a Wonderful Chocobo (providing they have won enough
total races), mating a Black and a Gold is *NOT* a guarantee
unless the Gold has a Wonderful Rating.
So, some fairly interesting things to see.
In addition, the code is very complicated, and I can't guarantee I haven't
made any mistakes with translating it into readable form. This document
was difficult enough to compile.
Pepio Nut
Basic Stats
Max Dash : Average of Parents' Max Dash - 100*Rnd(1..2)
Minimum of 300
Dash : Average of Parents' Dash - 100*Rnd(1..2)
Minimum of 300
Max Run : Average of Parents' Max Run - 100*Rnd(1..4)
Minimum of 300
Run : Average of Parents' Run - 100*Rnd(1..2)
Minimum of 300
Stamina : Average of Parents' Stamina - Rnd(0..255)
Minimum of 1
Note that the minimums only apply for the initial values; further
reductions can safely ignore them
If Dash is greater than or equal to Max Dash, subtract 100 from it until it
is lower than Max Dash
If Max Run is greater than or equal to Max Dash, subtract 100 from it until
it is lower than Max Dash
If Run is greater than or equal to either Dash or Max Run, subtract 100
from it until it is lower than both
If the baby chocobo's Max Dash is under 4000, there is a 1/512 chance that
a bonus will be applied to the Chocobo's Dash stats, using the following:
1/128: Max Dash is set to 4000
1/128: Max Dash is set to 4100
2/128: Max Dash is set to 4200
3/128: Max Dash is set to 4300
1/128: Max Dash is set to 4500
120/128: No change to Max Dash
Its Dash is then set to its Max Dash, and then 6 random numbers each
between 0 and 255 (Rnd(0..255)) are subtracted from it. That means
that it could end up anywhere between 0 to 1530 beneath your Max Dash.
Extra Stats
Accel : Average of Parents' Accel
Co-Op : 0
Int : Average of Parents' Int
RunType : See Notes
RT Count : 0
Races Won: 0
Gender : 50% chance of Male or Female
If mating a Green and Blue Chocobo together, there is a 25% chance of a
Black Chocobo
If that fails or you're not using a Green and Blue, then it's 50% chance
of the father's color and 50% chance of the mother's color
In all cases, the baby's Rating has a 50% chance of being equal to the
father's, and 50% chance of being equal to the mother's
Luchile Nut
Basic Stats
Max Dash : 50% chance of Average of Parents' Max Dash
50% chance of Average of Parents' Max Dash - Rnd(0..255)
Minimum of 300
Dash : 50% chance of Average of Parents' Dash
50% chance of Average of Parents' Dash - Rnd(0..255)
Minimum of 300
Max Run : 50% chance of Average of Parents' Max Run
50% chance of Average of Parents' Max Run - 2*Rnd(0..255)
Minimum of 300
Run : 50% chance of Average of Parents' Run
50% chance of Average of Parents' Run - 2*Rnd(0.255)
Minimum of 300
Stamina : Average of Parents' Stamina
Note that the minimums only apply for the initial values; further
reductions can safely ignore them
If Dash is greater than or equal to Max Dash, subtract 100 from it until it
is lower than Max Dash
If Max Run is greater than or equal to Max Dash, subtract 100 from it until
it is lower than Max Dash
If Run is greater than or equal to either Dash or Max Run, subtract 100
from it until it is lower than both
Extra Stats
Accel : Average of Parents' Accel
Co-Op : 0
Int : Average of Parents' Int
RunType : See Notes
RT Count : 0
Races Won: 0
Gender : 50% chance of Male or Female
If mating a Green and Blue Chocobo together, there is a 25% chance of a
Black Chocobo
If that fails or you're not using a Green and Blue, then it's 50% chance
of the father's color and 50% chance of the mother's color
In all cases, the baby's Rating has a 50% chance of being equal to the
father's, and 50% chance of being equal to the mother's
Saraha Nut
Basic Stats
Max Dash : 3/32 chance of the *first* Parent's Max Dash increased by
1/33rd, maximum of 6000
3/32 chance of the *first* Parent's Max Dash decreased by
1/33rd, minimum of 1
26/32 chance of average of Parent's Max Dash
Dash : Average of Parents' Dash
Max Run : 3/32 chance of the *first* Parent's Max Run increased by
1/33rd, maximum of 6000
3/32 chance of the *first* Parent's Max Run decreased by
1/33rd, minimum of 1
26/32 chance of average of Parent's Max Run
Run : Average of Parents' Run
Stamina : 3/32 chance of the *first* Parent's Stamina increased by
1/33rd, maximum of 9999
3/32 chance of the *first* Parent's Stamina decreased by
1/33rd, minimum of 100
26/32 chance of average of Parent's Stamina
If Max Run got the 3/32 chance of a 1/33rd increase and Max Run is greater
than or equal to Max Dash, subtract 100 from it until it is lower than
Max Dash
If Run is greater than or equal to Max Run, subtract 100 from it until it
is lower than Max Run
Extra Stats
Accel : Average of Parents' Accel
Co-Op : 0
Int : Average of Parents' Int
RunType : See Notes
RT Count : 0
Races Won: 0
Gender : 50% chance of Male or Female
If mating a Green and Blue Chocobo together, there is a 50% chance of a
Black Chocobo
If that fails or you're not using a Green and Blue, then it's 50% chance
of the father's color and 50% chance of the mother's color
In all cases, the baby's Rating has a 50% chance of being equal to the
father's, and 50% chance of being equal to the mother's
Lasan Nut
Basic Stats
Max Dash : 50/256 chance of the *first* Parent's Max Dash increased by
1/20th, maximum of 6000
25/256 chance of the *first* Parent's Max Dash decreased by
1/20th, minimum of 1
181/256 chance of average of Parent's Max Dash
Dash : Average of Parents' Dash
Max Run : 50/256 chance of the *first* Parent's Max Run increased by
1/20th, maximum of 6000
25/256 chance of the *first* Parent's Max Run decreased by
1/20th, minimum of 1
181/256 chance of average of Parent's Max Run
Run : Average of Parents' Run
Stamina : 50/256 chance of the *first* Parent's Stamina increased by
1/20th, maximum of 9999
25/256 chance of the *first* Parent's Stamina decreased by
1/20th, minimum of 100
181/256 chance of average of Parent's Stamina
If Max Run got the 50/256 chance of a 1/20th increase and Max Run is
greater than or equal to Max Dash, subtract 100 from it until it is lower
than Max Dash
If Run is greater than or equal to Max Run, subtract 100 from it until it
is lower than Max Run
Extra Stats
Accel : Average of Parents' Accel
Co-Op : 0
Int : Average of Parents' Int
RunType : See Notes
RT Count : 0
Races Won: 0
Gender : 50% chance of Male or Female
If mating a Green and Blue Chocobo together, there is a 50% chance of a
Black Chocobo
If that fails or you're not using a Green and Blue, then it's 50% chance
of the father's color and 50% chance of the mother's color
In all cases, the baby's Rating has a 50% chance of being equal to the
father's, and 50% chance of being equal to the mother's
Pram Nut
Basic Stats
Max Dash : 50/256 chance of the *first* Parent's Max Dash increased by
1/18th, maximum of 6000
25/256 chance of the *first* Parent's Max Dash decreased by
1/33rd, minimum of 1
181/256 chance of average of Parent's Max Dash
Dash : Average of Parents' Dash
Max Run : 50/256 chance of the *first* Parent's Max Run increased by
1/18th, maximum of 6000
206/256 chance of average of Parent's Max Run
Run : Average of Parents' Run
Stamina : 50/256 chance of the *first* Parent's Stamina increased by
1/18th, maximum of 9999
35/256 chance of the *first* Parent's Stamina decreased by
1/10th, minimum of 100
171/256 chance of average of Parent's Stamina
If Max Run got the 50/256 chance of a 1/18th increase and Max Run is
greater than or equal to Max Dash, subtract 100 from it until it is lower
than Max Dash
If Run is greater than or equal to Max Run, subtract 100 from it until it
is lower than Max Run
Extra Stats
Accel : Average of Parents' Accel
Co-Op : 0
Int : Average of Parents' Int
RunType : See Notes
RT Count : 0
Races Won: 0
Gender : 50% chance of Male or Female
If mating a Green and Blue Chocobo together, there is a 50% chance of a
Black Chocobo
If that fails or you're not using a Green and Blue, then it's 50% chance
of the father's color and 50% chance of the mother's color
In all cases, the baby's Rating has a 50% chance of being equal to the
father's, and 50% chance of being equal to the mother's
Porov Nut
Basic Stats
Max Dash : 70/256 chance of the *first* Parent's Max Dash increased by
1/15th, maximum of 6000
186/256 chance of average of Parent's Max Dash
Dash : Average of Parents' Dash
Max Run : 50/256 chance of the *first* Parent's Max Run increased by
1/15th, maximum of 6000
25/256 chance of the *first* Parent's Max Run decreased by
1/20th, minimum of 1
181/256 chance of average of Parent's Max Run
Run : Average of Parents' Run
Stamina : 50/256 chance of the *first* Parent's Stamina increased by
1/20th, maximum of 9999
206/256 chance of average of Parent's Stamina
If Max Run got the 50/256 chance of a 1/15th increase and Max Run is
greater than or equal to Max Dash, subtract 100 from it until it is lower
than Max Dash
If Run is greater than or equal to Max Run, subtract 100 from it until it
is lower than Max Run
Extra Stats
Accel : Average of Parents' Accel
Co-Op : 0
Int : Average of Parents' Int
RunType : See Notes
RT Count : 0
Races Won: 0
Gender : 50% chance of Male or Female
If mating a Green and Blue Chocobo together, there is a 25% chance of a
Black Chocobo
If that fails or you're not using a Green and Blue, then it's 50% chance
of the father's color and 50% chance of the mother's color
In all cases, the baby's Rating has a 50% chance of being equal to the
father's, and 50% chance of being equal to the mother's
Carob Nut
Basic Stats
Max Dash : See below
Dash : Average of Parent's Dash
Max Run : 30/256 chance of highest of Parents' Max Run increased by
1/10th, maximum of 6000
55/256 chance of highest of Parents' Max Run decreased by
1/20th, minimum of 1
161/256 chance of average of Parents' Max Run
Run : Average of Parent's Run
Stamina : 50/256 chance of highest of Parents' Stamina increased by
1/20th, maximum of 9999
216/256 chance of average of Parents' Stamina
If a Black Chocobo was born (see below for what causes this) and the
average of the Parents' Max Dash is less than 4000, then the following
'bonuses' will be applied:
7/16: Max Dash is set to 4000
4/16: Max Dash is set to 4200
1/16: Max Dash is set to 4300
1/16: Max Dash is set to 4400
2/16: Max Dash is set to 4500
1/16: Max Dash is set to 4800
After this bonus, the Max Dash is further modified:
x = [Rnd(0..255) / 5]
50% chance that Max Dash is increased by 'x'
otherwise, Max Dash is decreased by 'x'
Otherwise (the baby is not a Black Chocobo or the average Max Dash was
greater or equal to 4000):
60/256: The baby's Max Dash will be set to the highest of the Parents'
Max Dash increased by 1/10th, maximum of 6000
196/256: The baby's Max Dash will be set to the average of the Parents'
Max Dash
If the Chocobo's Max Run is greater or equal to its Max Dash, then Max Run
is reduced by 100 repeatedly until it is lower than Max Dash.
Finally, if the baby Chocobo's Run is greater or equal to its Max Run, the
Run value is reduced by 100 repeatedly until it is lower than Max Run.
Extra Stats
Accel : Average of Parents' Accel
Co-Op : 0
Int : Average of Parents' Int
RunType : See Notes
RT Count : 0
Races Won: 0
Gender : 50% chance of Male or Female
If a Blue and a Green Chocobo are being mated, then:
If the total number of races won by its parents is 9 or more, then
the baby is automatically a Black Chocobo
If it's less than 9:
10/256 chance: Black Chocobo
128/256 chance: Blue Chocobo
118/256 chance: Green Chocobo
The baby's Rating will be either Great (50%) or Good (50%)
Otherwise, if both of the parents are Great or Good Chocobos:
If the total number of races won by the parents is 4 or more, then
the baby is automatically either a Blue (50%) or Green (50%)
If it's less:
69/256 chance: Blue Chocobo
69/256 chance: Green Chocobo
118/256 chance: Yellow Chocobo
The Rating of the newborn Chocobo will be Great if both parents have
the same Rating, and will have an equal chance of Great or Good if
the parents were of different Ratings
If the *first* Parent you picked was a Great or Good Chocobo, but the
second isn't, then there's a 25% chance that it won't matter, and it'll
use the above condition (both parents are Great/Good) to work out Color
and Rating. The Rating of the newborn in this case will be the same as
the first Parent
If *everything else* fails, then the baby will be a Yellow Chocobo, and
have a 50/50 chance of getting either its mother's or its father's
Zeio Nut
Basic Stats
Max Dash : See below
Dash : Average of Parent's Dash
Max Run : 80/256 chance of highest of Parents' Max Run increased by
1/8th, maximum of 6000
15/256 chance of highest of Parents' Max Run decreased by
1/20th, minimum of 1
161/256 chance of average of Parents' Max Run
Run : Average of Parent's Run
Stamina : 175/256 chance of highest of Parents' Stamina increased by
1/20th, maximum of 9999
81/256 chance of average of Parents' Stamina
If a Gold Chocobo was born (see below for what causes this) and the average
of the Parents' Max Dash is less than 5000, then the following 'bonuses'
will be applied:
7/16: Max Dash is set to 5000
2/16: Max Dash is set to 5100
2/16: Max Dash is set to 5200
1/16: Max Dash is set to 5300
1/16: Max Dash is set to 5400
2/16: Max Dash is set to 5500
1/16: Max Dash is set to 5950
After this bonus, the Max Dash is further modified:
x = [Random(0..255) / 10]
50% chance that Max Dash is increased by 'x'
otherwise, Max Dash is decreased by 'x'
Otherwise (the baby is not a Gold Chocobo or the average Max Dash was
greater or equal to 5000):
55/256: The baby's Max Dash will be set to the highest of the Parents'
Max Dash increased by 1/10th, maximum of 6000
201/256: The baby's Max Dash will be set to the average of the Parents'
Max Dash
If the Chocobo's Max Run is greater or equal to its Max Dash, then Max Run
is reduced by 100 repeatedly until it is lower than Max Dash.
If a Gold Chocobo was born and its Max Run is less than 4000, then it gets
a bonus of 1000 to its Max Run. This can potentially cause it to go
above Max Dash.
Finally, if the baby Chocobo's Run is greater or equal to its Max Run, the
Run value is reduced by 100 repeatedly until it is lower than Max Run.
Extra Stats
Accel : Average of Parents' Accel
Co-Op : 0
Int : Average of Parents' Int
RunType : See Notes
RT Count : 0
Races Won: 0
Gender : 50% chance of Male or Female
First, if you are mating a Black and a Wonderful Chocobo, then:
1/32 chance: Gold Chocobo
31/32 chance: Gold Chocobo *ONLY* if the total number of
Races Won by the parents add up to 12 or more
If you get a Gold Chocobo by this method, then it will have a
Rating of Great
If you don't get an automatic Gold Chocobo or aren't mating a Black and a
Wonderful Chocobo in the first place, then you have a 50% chance of the
father's color and a 50% chance of the mother's color
Under those circumstances, there's a 50/50 chance it'll get either the
father's or the mother's Rating
The Parent Chocobos must wait 3-10 battles before they recover.
The Baby Chocobo must wait 3-18 battles before it matures.
There is a 17/256 chance that the new Chocobo will be naturally more adapt at
dashing than running, which places penalties on its Run stats and grants
bonuses to its Dash stats. However, it requires a couple of extra
First, x = 100 * Rnd(3..10)
Now, the modifications will only go ahead if the Baby's Run stat is
greater than x, and that the Baby's Max Dash stat, when increased
by x, does not exceed 6000.
If this is true, then:
Baby's Run and Max Run stats are reduced by x.
Baby's Dash and Max Dash stats are increased by x.
Finally, the RunType of the Baby Chocobo is determined like so:
If both of the parents had a RunType that was not 0, then the Baby has
a 50% chance each of RunTypes 1 and 2.
If at least one of them had a RunType that was 0, there is a 50% chance
that the baby will have either RunTypes 1 or 2 (equal chance).
Otherwise, what the baby gets becomes slightly more complicated. It
*should* be RunType 0, but because FF7 does not reinitialise the
variable, it is *possible* for the baby to get the RunType of the
previous chocobo that was born provided you haven't left the screen
since the last breeding. Since it's only possible to get two babies
without leaving the ranch, this generally has very little effect...
but it is, at least, possible.
In general though, you should get RunType 0 if the previous conditions
And... uh... I'm done. Think I'll get some sleep now....