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Messages - Akari

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Completely Unrelated / Armageddon Riders
« on: 2011-07-01 05:38:19 »
A little advertisement. The company where I'm working in just release game for PSN. It's called Armageddon Riders. Take a look. You may find it interesting =)

Developer: Targem Games
Publisher: Targem Games
Game Site:

Armageddon Riders is a bloody car battle for fans of fast drive, with no rules and no brakes! You're driving a killing machine on the streets of a dead city. Your enemies are zombies and marauders. Go get them!
There has been a fatal accident in the Large Hadron Collider that plunged the nearby city into chaos, filling it with anomalies and turning the residents into zombies. The restricted zone became a Mecca for marauders and criminals who hunted for artifacts and thrills of dead city street racing. Outrageous speed, rivers of blood, brutal cars, equipped with instruments of destruction: spikes, saws and blades, and don't forget the boosters. Hundreds of hungry zombies roam the streets, jumping on cars and trying to get to the drivers. To survive there and return to tell the tale is a real challenge.

There is a new game Armageddon Riders Review.

This game is available on PSN.

Ist section used to determinate number of tiles in sector and time when read tex page and type of image (bit per point) and blending type from sector3.
You can see how it handled in PSX here (look for // init packets for background function)
Or you can see it's interpretation in my exporter code (look for function DumpBackground)

Q-Gears / Re: Current state.
« on: 2011-06-24 12:25:12 »
Now I start to work on UI system for q-gears. nothing spectacular yet though =D
Just small colorfull quads =)

Works using lua =)

* [Camera] Add free camera speed multiplyer when shift is pressed for faster movement. [Akari]
* [Application] Add screenshot console command. Take screenshot and save it in the same directory as exe file. [Akari]

* [Application] Add resolution console command that allow change resolution on fly. It allow switch between fullscreen and windowed also. [Akari]
* [UI] Width and height now all relative to basic 1280x720 resolution.
* [UI] Add horizontal and vertical alignment. Add width and height of elements in % and pixels. [Akari]

* [Script] Fix that function "print" was output to console only when log level was set to 3. [Akari]
* [Console] Fix error on autocompletition of commands. [Akari]
* [Application] Rewrite tokenise function to work with escape characters to allow inner quotes. [Akari]
* [Console] Add script_run_string command to bind scripts to buttons. [Akari]
* [UI] Widgets how hide it's children when hided. [Akari]

* [Script] Rename globat UI and Entity tables in script. Now Entity (was map) and Ui. [Akari]

* [UI] Add XML loaders for UI. [Akari]

* [Script] Rework script managet to allow work with nested tables. [Akari]

* [UI] Add colors for Ui widgets test draw. [Akari]

* [UI] Add test draw for UI widgets. [Akari]

* [UI] Add placeholder for UI. [Akari]

* [UI] Make widgets relative to their parents. [Akari]

Now only padding feature left and i can go from formatting to visual features =)

+* [UI] Added posibility to set x, y, width and height in percent and pixels altogether. [Akari]

After a bit testing seting params in pixels altogather with % seems more efficient than padding or margins.
UI can be drawn with all aspects just great. widgets can dynamic change their size acording to aspects. Everything for a good UI.

Now it's finished with layout and start time for a widget's animations =)


New update. Sprites was added. But the most important thing that you can scale, rotate and translate them relative to their parents.

Now parent scissor test and animations on the way. Stay tuned.

The problem is I need to place objects on the field in makou reactor and if I don't know the correct coords it just ain't gonna work.  So what you are saying is, the Z is in fact determined by X,Y and T?

If you would, have a look at the exe with the address I gave, and run me through it?  Edit: Also where is the relevant source?  Maybe send me it here if it isn't too big?

It's sad but you need to know at least X and Y. Maybe someone can write editor to place models on walkmesh...

There are few ways to put model on walkmesh as I remember:
1) By X, Y and triangle id - Place on walkmesh with given X and Y. Calculate Z by triangle id.
2) By X, Y - Look for top triangle in walkmesh that have same X and Y and calculate Z for that triangle.
3) By X, Y, Z - Look for top triangle in walkmesh that have same X and Y, but locates lower than given Z and calculate new Z for that trialgle.
I don't remember it exactly though. You can look through reverse files. Walking are compleatly reversed in FFVII.

For the src look at function SetNextStep(const int model_id, const Ogre::Vector2& move_vector). It's not exactly like the one in FFVII ( but a lot like it.

The values for the coordinates of main character are around here at run time:  CC167D memory

However I haven't got a clue how it works. Makou reactor mentions X,Y,Z and ... triangle ID?  All of these seem to be linked to the walkmesh of a particular field map?

Does this mean it is impossible to work out where you are on screen with this system without knowing and seeing the walkmesh?

If anyone can shed some light on the workings of this coord system I would be much obliged.

Walking algorythm uses both X Y and triangle ID. Z calculates after move calculation based on triangle you standing. If triangle ID not set - game cant determinate where you are and model will not move. Without walkmesh model can't move, because all movement calculation uses walkmesh. You still can CLIMB and JUMP though cause it doesn't use triangle ID. But after fimish jumping or climbing it tries set you on walkmesh.

I programmed this twice already, you can look at Q-Gears source =D

Q-Gears / Re: Q-Gears v0.19
« on: 2011-06-20 10:19:06 »
Q-Gears is broken for linux. It's need to rewrite some sources that use Windows specifics and again and again rewrite project file.

Someone need to maintain Linux version. I don't have it and can't test Linux compilation.

By the way lastest source in mercurial now =)

I just add some info about palette opcodes to wiki. Strange than noone documented them yet.

At least this describes how it works on MD1_1 =D

Can someone tell me where RTPAL is used?

Q-Gears / Re: Q-Gears v0.19
« on: 2011-06-12 03:09:24 »
Progress! Even though I do not know much, I still love to see this project move along. ^_^

I've noticed the documentation is being updated pretty regularly! I do like to read them often, thanks for all you've contributed Akari (and others).

Thanks =)

Q-Gears / Re: Q-Gears v0.19
« on: 2011-06-09 13:07:27 »
A Makefile for Linux would be nice. Since I have not dug into the code to see exactly how it all works and links. I have no idea how to get it to compile under Linux, but it is suppose to compile for Linux. Some help would be appreciated.

You can install CodeBlocks ide and compile under it.

Q-Gears / Re: Q-Gears v0.19
« on: 2011-06-07 06:37:53 »
wait, are we starting to make content on this engine or is it the engine we are still building?

In game development this things always done simultaneously.

Q-Gears / Q-Gears v0.19
« on: 2011-06-06 18:50:46 »
New version just was released. Alpha of compleatly rewritten q-gears. Initial features like new console, new application structure and so on.

Console can be called by pressing ~
If you press any button and then press tab - console auto complete it with posible values
You can write LUA scripts directly to console
To load other map write "/map test_ffvii_2" to console or change initial load map in config.

Code: [Select] wait, no ground-up remake with dx11 and blender models and such? where's the fun in making a slightly updated engine? or is there something i'm missing?
No, the first idea was to make slightly updated engine. Now it is the generic engine that can use DX11 and blender models (just convert them to Ogre format). Among other things there are converters that allow you convert FFVII models to Ogre format and use them. in some future FFVII must be completly reproduced, but any time you can change any model or any animation with blender mode. You can even use full 3d for backgrounds =)

Q-Gears / Re: Current state.
« on: 2011-06-03 08:10:50 »
If you have any issues with the menu then run them by me.  I might be able to help.  Also look at the menu overhaul project by me and kramner, in the first post I have left most of the hex values we have found in a rar file.

It may prove useful to you...

If you are interested with UI system and can help create UI for Q-Gears you are always welcome. But it won't be easy task. =)
A look closely on your project and you've done great things. If you want to help we can discuss this in separate post or in ICQ or in PM.

Q-Gears / Re: Current state.
« on: 2011-05-30 08:44:57 »
Akari, You now have the keys to Q-gears. Don't wreck the car OK?


Set up bugtracker. Register everyone who want =)

Q-Gears / Re: Current state.
« on: 2011-05-02 17:09:39 »
In prepairing for new demo.


* [Data] Reorganise data in prepare for demo maps. [Akari]
* [Walkmesh] Mode walkmesh draw from SimpleRenderable to debug draw. [Akari]
* [Debug] Add Line3d debug draw. [Akari]

* [Game] Add grid and axis go game debug draw. Add console variables (debug_grid, debug_axis) to manipulate it. [Akari]
* [Console] After tab is pressed left only one space between parameters. [Akari]
* [Console] Add autocomplete string to input on enter. [Akari]

* [Entity] Add debug direction draw. [Akari]
* [Console] Fix crush when try get auto completition for functions without it. [Akari]
* [Entity] Add a lot of entity script functions (is_visible, is_talkable, set_talkable, get_talk_radius,
           set_talk_radius, is_solid, set_solid, get_solid_radius, set_solid_radius ). [Akari]

* [Entity] Mode debug draw to entity class from Game. [Akari]
* [Entity] Add solid and talk collisions to entity. [Akari]
* [Render] Add DebugCylinder prototype. [Akari]
* [Walkmesh] Add debug draw and debug draw config variable debug_walkmesh. [Akari]
* [Entity] Add some debug info for entities. Add config variable to control it debug_entity. [Akari]
* [Application] Make possible to change alignment of debug text. [Akari]
* [Application] Make posible to set default load map from config. Set it to field_test1 for now. [Akari]
* [Font] Make debug font work with alpha. [Akari]
* [Application] Fix pixel aligment when draw in screen space. [Akari]
* [Camera] Add function to convert world point to screen space. [Akari]


* [Application] Rename log_level command to set_log_level to indicate command (not variable). [Akari]
* [Application] Add debug fps config variable. Enabled in config. [Akari]
* [Application] Make toggle command work with Strings instead of reals. [Akari]
* [Script] Add script manager debug and console variable to manage it (debug_script). Draws state of entity. [Akari]
* [Application] Move classes to new Debug system. [Akari]
* [Application] Rename masros (remove QGEARS prefix) for easiness. [Akari]
* [Application] Add debug draw Text Line and solid Quad. [Akari]

* [Application] Get rid of video config and initialise render manually. For now we use OpenGl and 800x600 resolution. [Akari]

* [Game] Add <entity_script> to scene file. Allows add scripts not assosiated with models. [Akari]
* [Script] Add script priority sorting. [Akari]
* [Script] Add script call functions (request, request_start_sync, request_end_sync). [Akari]
* [Entity] Add sync for animation end function (animation_sync). [Akari]
* [Script] Add external script syncing. [Akari]

* [Entity & Script] Add animation sequences and functions to manage entity animations (play_animation, play_animation_stop, set_default_animation). [Akari]

* [Script] Add script:wait function to pause script execution. [Akari]
* [Script] Add script entity and priority for them. [Akari]
* [Game & Script] Add scene load of map script. [Akari]
* [Entity & Script] Bind basic entity functions to script. [Akari]
* [Game & Script] Bind get entity by name to script. [Akari]
* [Script] Rename q_pring to print. [Akari]

* [Entity] add try to run "idle" animation by default during adding entity to scene. [Akari]
* [Entity] add animation start and update. [Akari]
* [Script] add "script_run_file" console command that executes lua file. [Akari]
* [Entity] Add base Entity class and EntityModel to implement models in scene. [Akari]
* [Entity] Add <entity_model> tag into scene file with position and direction.
* [Script] Add script manager with Lua 5.1 and luabind.
* [Console & Script] Add posibility to directly print lua script from console (mainly for debugging purpose).
* [Script] Add q_pring global function to scripts.

Q-Gears / Re: Current state.
« on: 2011-04-29 10:32:17 »
I would suggest changing to Git, and hosting on github or so.

I prefer merkurial, though I don't want to change to anything unless there will be many people in development. =)

Q-Gears / Re: Current state.
« on: 2011-04-29 02:14:08 »
I've noticed MSE seems to be finding a lot of viruses and trojans in the repo when it's being checked out, specifically in the .svn folders, do you know any more about this akari?

I've been attacked by viruses lately. Now things seems better, but it seems that siruses are remain in .svn files. Don't know how remove them from there. I cant upload these files to svn.. they generated automaticly by server.

Q-Gears / Re: Current state.
« on: 2011-04-28 03:29:49 »
Well I'll build a loopable OGG player in OpenAL for the engine, it shouldn't be too difficult but from what I've read there's no standard way of storing loops in OGG files, as it's stored in the metadata which can have different formats, so I'll probably just support one and we can make the converter use that format.

No, don't use metadata, use description xml. When we thought about sound system we deside with this format
Code: [Select]
    <music name="opening" file_name="music/opening.ogg" loop="10.5" />
name - name of music to play from engine or script.
file_name - real file name of this music. Full path from data directory.
loop - time in seconds. Optional. If specified sound engine will jump to loop time after music finish playing.

From engine you can play music only by name.
music.xml stored in game_data directory.

With this format modders can easyly add their own looped music.

I added file and directory to project, use it to test.

Q-Gears / Re: Current state.
« on: 2011-04-27 12:49:34 »
Have you tried Javascript instead of lua btw? Those have blazingly fast VM's.

I read some articles about Javascript VS Lua. And I really don't sure about results. Sometimes Lua faster, sometimes javascript. But Lua is language heavy used by game industry. It uses very little space, has no dependancies on other library and quite fast while has really lot of power. I think we stick with it. Just want to wait until they release 5.2 )
Though I can use 5.1 with bitlib right away.

Q-Gears / Re: Current state.
« on: 2011-04-27 10:23:36 »
Aha sorry I forgot the new aim for the project is to just convert everything to new formats, instead of creating loaders for the originals. I mean I've taken a look at OpenAL and creating an AKAO sequencer is feasible, but yeah it'd be less work to just have it loop an OGG file.

I think you still need to create AKAO sequencer, because you need to export music from game. But write player for QGears itself maybe very good start.
I already started write dumper, but paused halfway.
G wanted to create dumper with psf player and modified playstation executable

And you can see his player which plays music from FFVII very good. it cant load second sample bank though.

So, what are the libs you are going with Akari? Ogre, OpenAL?
I have experience with OpenAL (Well, with a wrapper from Penumbra), but I've avoided Ogre to speak the truth.

The UI in 3D benefits from GPU too, well this can be done with sprites too... But like Akari said they could cause distortion when scaled and so, meaning same 2d elements for different resolutions. Unless you construct the UI from parts.

Library are: Ogre, OpenAL, Lua, LuaBind, TinyXML.
Why are you afraid of ogre? It's not that hard, but it is the most powerful opensource render engine. As for now I understand it pretty well and can do almost everything with it (it requires time though).

2D UI vs 3D ui is just adding one more dimension of freedom. You can not use it and render everything without perspective transformation. One of the main point is separate logic from graphic. Photoshop doesn't have 2d animation formats, while 3d editors have, and ogre already supports it. You just need to play specific animation in specific time and everything will works.

Q-Gears / Re: Current state.
« on: 2011-04-27 03:52:47 »
aha okay, so you're trying to base the UI off of 3D? I can see the merit for animations and stuff, but can't this all be done in 2D too? The only thing I'm wondering about for Sound is the scripting used to play the music, since it was all unique to that game

3d is an artist choise. If you want it 2d just create UI effects with Z == 0. Then all UI will be rendered without scaling and distortion. But if you want to create nice effect like 3d appearence of window or list with nice 3d transitions use of 3d is very convinient. Other point is that for fully change visual of windows and it's elements you don't need programing at all. Models incapsulate all positions. Programmer just run appropriate animation, if artist want change window it simply change what this animation hold. It's harder to use usual xml or some other markup for UI like simple engines. Scaleform are the good library to look at.

As for sound I don't really understand what are you talking about. Music in FFVII and other square games uses AKAO sequencer, sound effects uses same engine. But we don't need this thing in our engine. Simply because we dont have limitations from PSone. We are going to use music and sound convertet to ogg (or mp3) with small description file for them (to set loop points for example). Everything that can be preprocessed must be preprocessed. And adding new sound will be easy. So ffvii to ogg sound and music converter is needed. For now we can use FFVII OST as well =)

Q-Gears / Re: Current state.
« on: 2011-04-26 13:21:09 »
Well I guess the UI/Sound stuff would be a good start, is the code in src_new what you're working with at the moment?

Yes, UI and Sound both are not very hard. Sound maybe most easy, because don't require Ogre knowledge.

For sound we deside to use openal. you can look at src\core\media\ folder. there are G implementation. Create separate thread on forum to discuss it.

UI is harder. For ui I want to use effect system like one in our company. It's pack of 3d quads with vertex animations (maybe bone animations will be great too). Blender is needed to create it. It must be possible to create this kind of ui with it
I can explain idea for ui in more detailes if needed.

And yes. All code in src_new. Untill I recreate all functionality from src =)

Q-Gears / Re: Current state.
« on: 2011-04-26 12:25:05 »
I'd say start with FF7, since that has the most documentation on everything.

FFVII was already implemented earlier. Problem that FFIX and FFVII has almost compleatly different collision and walkmesh move detection system. FFVII a lot easier. But FFIX more advanced... it seems.

FFVII work almost directly. Itf you press forward came calculates all collision and if it can do the movement it do it. FFIX has separated walkmesh movement and entity collision system. Still don't know why they need such thing.

Do you still have a todo list of what's done, and what isn't? I'm interested in contributing but I'm not sure which part I should start on

I have one. Don't know if it is up to date.

Mainly things that needs to be done almost from scratch:
Camera system (implement 2d and 3d camera, add exporters for dat dumper and battle).
Sound system (implement sound in qgears engine and write dumpers for sounds and music in FFVII).
Movie system (implement system, implement camera for movies).
2D Background (i'm working on understanding how FFIX backgrounds work and implement it in game. Shader based depth sort).
Scripting system (delayed until LUA 5.2 is out)
Entity system (character controller and scene load)
Effect system (particle system and dumper for battle particles)
UI system (implement effect based UI, add exporter for blender, recreate ffvii UI)

Q-Gears / Re: Current state.
« on: 2011-04-26 08:42:07 »
Restored system from massive virus attack and ready for action =)

I restored walkmesh load from ffvii. Though still don't know is it convinient to use... maybe simple mesh will be better. Maybe it's good to implement recast navigation.

By the way ready for programming character controller. And question once again.. which is better: xenogears ffvii or ffix. They are different. xenogears and ffvii are similar (though xenogears has walkmesh material). FFIX works differently. Which is to implement?

Q-Gears / Re: Current state.
« on: 2011-04-08 16:37:16 »
If I may ask, what is the reason for the switch from Ogre to Irrlicht?

I'm not switched. I just tried other render engines. After trying to port things to Irrlicht I still think that ogre is a best way to go.

Irrlicht lacks of supporting normal materials/animations/mesh formats and many many things. You can write all of them by yourself but it seems to be less efficient and more time consuming.
Ogre is harder to use but it has much more posibilities. You can really use it to normal game. There are build for PS3 =)

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