Final Fantasy 7 > Releases

[FF7 PC]Wizard Staff: Modern Spell Names

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The goal of this mod is to update the spell names to their modern counterparts (E.g., Bolt2 > Thundara) as well as provide more informative spell/item info (E.g., "lightning element attack" > "Deals moderate lightning damage"). All spell names are real/official names you can find on

Compatible with New Threat 2.0

Spell Name/Info Changes

--- Code: ---Cure - Restores HP > Cure - Slightly Restores HP
Cure2 - Restores HP > Cura - Moderately Restores HP
Cure3 - Restores HP > Curaga - Significantly Restores HP
Full Cure - Restores entire HP > Curaja - Fully restores HP
Life2 > Full Life
Confu > Confuse
Barrier - Creates a Barrier resistant to physical attacks > Protect - Creates a barrier resistant to physical attacks
MBarrier - Creates a Barrier resistant to magic attacks > Shell - Creates a barrier resistant to magic attacks
Wall - Creates [Barrier/MBarrier] simultaneously > Wall - Casts Protect/Shell simultaneously
DeBarrier - Destroys function of any barriers > Breach - Removes Protect/Shell
Despell > Dispel
Fire - Fire element attack > Fire - Deals light fire damage
Fire2 - Fire element attack > Fira - Deals moderate fire damage
Fire3 - Fire element attack > Firaga - Deals severe fire damage
Ice - Ice element attack > Blizzard - Deals light ice damage
Ice2 - Ice element attack > Blazzara - Deals moderate ice damage
Ice3 - Ice element attack > Blazzaga - Deals severe ice damage
Bolt - Lightning element attack > Thunder - Deals light lightning damage
Bolt2 - Lightning element attack > Thundara - Deals moderate lightning damage
Bolt3 - Lightning element attack > Thundaga - Deals severe lightning damage
Quake - Earth element attack > Quake - Deals light earth damage
Quake2 - Earth element attack > Quara - Deals moderate earth damage
Quake3 - Earth element attack > Quaga - Deals sever earth damage
Bio - Poison element attack > Bio - Deals light poison damage. 48% chance to inflict status
Bio2 - Poison element attack > Biora - Deals moderate poison damage. 48% chance to inflict status
Bio3 - Poison element attack > Bioga - Deals severe poison damage. 72% chance to inflict status
Demi - Gravity-based attack. HP at 3/4 > Gravity - Gravity-based attack. Reduces HP by 1/4
Demi2 - Gavity-based attack. HP at 1/2 > Gravira - Gravity-based attack. Reduces HP by 1/2
Demi3 - Gravity-based attack. HP at 1/4 > Graviga - Gravity-based attack. Reduces HP by 3/4
Comet2 > Cometeor

Gunge Lance > Gungnir
Steel Bladed Sword > Zantetsuken

Loco weed - Uses "Confu" on all opponents > Loco weed - Uses "Confuse" on all opponents
Fire Fang - Uses "Fire2" on all opponents > Fire Fang - Uses "Fira" on all opponents
Fire Veil - Uses "Fire3" on all opponenets > Fire Veil - Uses "Firaga" on all opponents
Antarctic Wind - Uses "Ice2" on all opponents > Antarctic Wind - Uses "Blizzara" on all opponents
Ice Crystal - Uses "Ice3" on all opponents > Ice Crystal - Uses "Blazzaga" on all opponents
Bolt Plume - Uses "Bolt2" on all opponents > Bolt Plume - Uses "Thundara" on all opponents
Swift Bolt - Uses "Bolt3" on all opponents > Swift Bolt - Uses "Thundaga" on all opponents
Earth Drum - Uses "Quake2" on all opponents > Earth Drum - Uses "Quara" on all opponents
Earth Mallet - Uses "Quake3" on all opponents > Earth Mallet - Uses "Quaga" on all opponents
Deadly Waste - Uses "Bio2" on all opponents > Deadly Waste - Uses "Biora" on all opponents
M-Tentacles - Uses "Bio3" on all opponents > M-Tentacles - Uses "Bioga" on all opponents
Stardust - Uses "Comet2" on all opponents > Stardust - Uses "Cometeor" on all opponents
Light Curtain - Creates [Barrier] around all allies > Light Curtain - Casts "Protect" on all allies
Lunar Curtain - Creata [MBarrier] arround all allies > Lunar Curtain - Casts "Shell" on all allies
Holy Torch - Uses "DeSpell" on all opponents > Holy Torch - Uses "Dispel" on all opponents
Graviball - Uses "Demi" against one opponent > Graviball - Uses "Gravity" against one opponent
T/S Bomb - Uses "Demi2" against one opponent > T/S Bomb - Uses "Gravira" against one opponent
Cauldron - Uses [Poison/Confu/Sleepel/Silence/Small/Frog] > Cauldron - Uses [Poison/Confuse/Sleepel/Silence/Small/Frog]

--- End code ---

This is an IRO file which will require 7th Heaven Mod Manager (see:

If you enjoy the mod, consider a little something for the many many hours it took to put this together: Donate Here

Sweet. Thanks for the mod.

Hey, so I wanted to use this mod, but it breaks any changes I've made with the wall market tool. My weapons don't have the changed materia slots, stats, etc... Is this a known issue because of the text changes to the spells maybe?

Yes, that's because this mod is in itself, a kernel edit. so when this mod is active, it overwrites your custom kernel. In your case, you can unpack my mod and patch my kernel together with yours in wallmarket... Other option would be; you can edit your custom kernel with the changes I made manually, which I have posted in the OP.

hi, is there a way to use this mod without 7th Heaven thing ?
cuz when i use the mod manager, i'm unable to use the d-pad.. thats why i'm playing without mods


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