Managed to find the v55 files again... Spectacular !!!

...easy copy/paste install once you have
Demaster running on your FF8 "Remaster" steam version...
tip: if it's a fresh Steam install, be sure to run (play the game) least once before you install Demaster to avoid an error that might still exist...(note: game updated past v1.00 required to work with "demaster" properly)
V55 (August 2022 - The Rinoa / Angelo Gamecrash Fix) - reuploaded December 2024 HBFS v55 (aug22) by KLITLIKA - requires Maki Demaster Launcher.rar 258.74MB
FF8R HBFS v55 by KLITLIKA - Optional Alternative Enemy Colors - Texture Pack.rar 120.12MB(decided to split up the mod to exclude the Optional Enemy Texture pack from the main mod .rar )
also optional: someone may choose to omit some of my gameplay changes...
main.fs - Main Rebalancing done to game feel / Junctioning Gains / Starting equip (fresh saves only)
battle.fs - Enemy/Boss vs Player LVL scaling TWEAKED... countless Hours also on the Individual Enemy files here, gradually going from simple stat changes to new moves (burrowed some from other enemies etc) to a probably a dozen or so of the enemies getting actual script changes for entirely new behaviour + New Custom Battles added to help with Field battle Variety ... (the .dat enemy editor was one of the problematic parts of the modding last i checked... as it would sometimes cause texture problems on that enemy... i had to revert a few enemies to stock & tried again, seemed to correlate with number of textures an enemy has / larger or complex enemies more prone to issues)
(world map wasn't able to be customized as much, but i had an enemy list which helped to still figure it out (working backwards to also do what i could at times)menu.fs - Text changes like "Draw" to "Draw Magic" (had mixed feelings about this)
field.fs - changes to Field Encounter Variety & rates led to me including this rather large file...
* Field edit also allowed the Junction-ing Tutorial Skip at the Fire Cavern Entrance ...
& the special
Debug Rooms via the
Balamb Garden's Training Center's "CC Joker" NPC Location...
(forgot he can appear there when i picked that spot to make into a Debug Room Shortcut... Save (backup?) before entering, if doing so... i did create an "exit", but despite appearing outside of Balamb Town/Village when using it, the saves can be messed up by changes you made via the debug NPCs... though most things worked well, viewing disc 1 FMVs / listening to the Soundtrack / giving the party temporary members back as permanent... *Squall as Leader is safest, but Laguna Kiros Ward Seifer Edea are great fun to switch in... before visiting some of the Battle rooms (once you find that NPC)... 0000-0800 or from memory but you enter the number in reverse if that helps anyone... Lists online exists (wish i still had my list of changes though, many hours of documenting my changes lost to HDD fail years ago now...)
Top Right Corner / Bottom Left Corner of each Debug room take you forward/back a room if that makes any sense... you spawn in center of them when it switches... with NPCs around you...)
SeiferVIII Gaming's Run... for some footage... old version but still, Fire Cavern 1st attempt love to work together again, if you do see this... having a tester felt like a self imposed Crunch-Time which was great for the progress made, though i felt bad when i got burnt out)
Mod made with :
Deling: Final Fantasy VIII field archive editor (and for access to the files for the others)
Cactilio: FFVIII Battle Structure Editor
Doomtrain: Final Fantasy VIII kernel.bin editor
ifrit version ? (old secret version) *: Final Fantasy VIII monster .dat editor - will be great to try out the "ifrit-enhanced" replacement to what had my the tool causing me the most frustration when i got to my patience limit seemingly back then...
Quezacotl: Final Fantasy VIII init.out editor
Junkshop: Final Fantasy VIII wepon.bin editor