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Messages - IzzacSturnburg

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Indeed! might want to check that version on PC.

Edit: new textures just released so I posted pictures and updated the post since today.

Heeey nice move there Tir, That should keep people composed awhile on the wait. Sorry to hear you lost your magic stick, hopefully you find it.  Thank's for the beta release and your time. Can't wait to see it evolve in the future.

I hope he's still working on it. I'm waiting the steam version of HW sooo much.

He might have some life things to do, so I'll be patient. Doing the same stuff for long periods of time will burn out a person. So I completely understand.

He will come back to it eventually sometime.

I use Farplane ,Final Fantasy x-2 21+ trainer, and cheat engine to have all the features, they work hand in hand. Blitzball cheats are in cheat engine forums, and just about every mini game is in it.

the 2nd mod is more like: "Final Fantasy X-2: Feminist Edition"  :(

I don't think so.

*Clothes are clothes, Men, Women wear clothes, nothing feminist here but only a choice of preference in "style" , it's like saying a woman wearing long sleeves with jeans is category to Feminism. No need to worry man, political equality makes no sense to me.

just my side opinion on the mod, i think it's nice cause it adds a little more personality to there previous character build from there story. You don't have to be showy to pop out to a crowd. But the stockings on Yuna in that mod should be changed and designed, I'm thinking sky blue with yellow lace leggings blended in with the shorts into a different style of pants.

Oh Ric maybe you should try designing some outfits for the game you're self you might be good at it, my first texture was on dissidia 012 duodecim

Video of my first texture for squall here:

*Who knows maybe someone will do one of Beta Tidus with the black hair from E3.



Oh nvm it's been done!


Thought i would just post this information in the General since it's not my own tool. But incase people want to pitch in on textures! Now's the best time to start!

for i have been browsing the web and came across this Tool and some textures that can be installed on FFX-HD.

   ** The tool's features are in the link in the description.

 So here's some samples.

Link to Kaldaien's Project X tool:

Download mods here:

Use the tool to extract textures or inject them.


HD 4k Auron:

Gull-wings Costume Redesigned (less reveal):

Yuna gunner Tidus Design:

UPDATED - 6/19/2016

Moddest Lulu-

8k Tidus -

BETA Tidus E3 Design:  - not released ( note - someone or I need to make the textures.)


    Final Fantasy X-2
    • Character EXP and stat modification

    Hey Topher I can't seem to edit a status at all on Yuna. I even remained out of menu, and phased in and out of battle, but no change to LUCK on status, have not tested it on any other character nor stat.

    Oh. that seems a little more reasonable.  Crazy confusing numbering system....

    still it's quite the money grab since i'd just be paying for the birth by sleep part.  And 3d without the touchscreen really isn't anything close o the same game.

    Yeah and the Birth by sleep section is actually an extended chapter untold in the door to darkness with Aqua from what i seen in the video. And the PS4 has a touchpad.   :-)

    But it's time for me to stop changing the topic of this thread now. Just wanted to inform you the new's is all!

    Hey just watched one of you're recording today, that Zell segment in prison was pretty nifty stuff, it got me talking out loud saying "that's cool!"

    Good stuff man!

    I'm definitely interested.  Getting them High Quality models swapped might be a nice experience to.

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