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Messages - Fewtch

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FF7 Tools / Re: [PC] Ultima - Real-Time game hacking tool
« on: 2024-12-30 00:12:23 »
This tool is such an incredible boon for those of us who make mods that require individual testing of nearly every battle and/or field!! THANK YOU, you are seriously going to make testing my next ReMusic update a breeze!

I'd like to ask, is there anything you can share about how/where the game is determining your position/location on the world map, and how it logs when you have entered a new location. For example, being able to track when you've left the Midgar area and entered the Kalm area. I suspect its related to what triangle you're on in the world map (since your tool seems to show when you are on a grass/beach tile) but I honestly dont know.


Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9991)
« on: 2022-10-01 00:08:20 »
That bit about having ReMusic work the classic way by changing mod load order is a really neat trick. I'll have to advise that as an option, thanks for that.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9991)
« on: 2022-09-30 17:32:59 »
Hmm - so a little more experimenting, changing the load order, I can get the victory fanfare to play at the  end of battle, but some of the new tracks will not work.

Specific example: in Sector 6 with the Load order having A New Threat above ReMusic, I am getting victory fanfare to playout after battles- but the new field music track from the Remake for Sector 6 does not play, instead the field music remains the same as the remixed version from the adjacent screen (I believe the Sector 5 theme).

With Load order set up the way 7th Heaven recommends, having ReMusic above a New Threat - the new track for sector 6 will play correctly in the field, but then victory fanfare will not play after battle.

The battle music itself, in each instance, works fine.

Any ideas? Not sure what to make of it myself.

I believe you're misunderstanding entirely how ReMusic works and what it does, but I'm happy to explain! :)

In ReMusic, for fields that have both field music & battle music in the Remake, those fields will follow that same music flow from the game, where it switches to the battle track during battles, then returns to the field music after the battle is over. By design, this means that those battles WILL NOT have the fanfare play, as this would interrupt the music flow, since the fanfare plays on the "same track" internally and messes with the sync logic. To summarize:

OG FF7: Field music is interrupted by battle > Battle music plays from the beginning > Battle ends and fanfare plays during exp screen > Return to field music from time it was interrupted

ReMusic: Field music interrupted by battle  > Battle music syncs in at same point field music was interrupted > Battle ends and battle music continues during exp screen > Field music syncs in at same point battle music was just interrupted from

The save point option to toggle battle music is inherently incompatible with ReMusic, so you wont notice any change when turning it on, except on fields where the battle music doesnt sync, usually a lot later in the game where there arent any tracks to mirror from Remake

My bad for getting off-topic in your thread Sega, but my guess is I may need to reference back to this post in the future

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.9991)
« on: 2022-09-29 21:50:31 »
Even with the compatibility option for A New Threat on - It seems like the newest update is preventing the victory fanfare theme from playing after battle.

What you're describing sounds like the default behavior for much of the mod, where it transitions from field music > battle music > field music.

Could you provide more details, such as where you are in the game and what is happening exactly when the battle ends? Thanks! 🙏

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v2.0.996)
« on: 2022-07-20 14:19:32 »
I am currently at the highwind after the rocket hit meteor. When I talk to the shopkeeper in highwind, the game now throws me into a boss battle against Ozma. Is this a bug? I am using New Threat v2,0996.
Here is a video and my save file:

If you still have this version, could you share it with me? I need it for testing purposes.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC] [7H] Enhanced Stock UI (2.0)
« on: 2021-07-25 21:22:39 »
there is 1 problem I wanna ask you

You have to sort your mod load order, you have everything jumbled together. In 7H thats the 1^V9 button on the right hand side

Releases / Re: [FF7PC] Ori's UI Thread
« on: 2021-06-21 21:05:37 »
Looks great, excellent work!

The "All_HD_scenes" .iro are in PNG or DDS?

I don't get the point of removing my presentation, it's only a few second FMV to show you're using my work...

This might sound a little odd but for me it kind of breaks the immersion by reminding me that my game is modded. My favorite kinds of mods are ones that just seem like they "belong" in the game.

I know you took an immense amount of time creating these and I'm very grateful (Seriously, THANK YOU for being so meticulous) but for me, the intro feels out of place, and since we're all modders here, finding a way to have what we like is what we do!  ;D

Is this for that first movie that plays with Cait Siths theme or does it disable the actual credits with the Prelude song?

The first movie with Cait Sith's theme

Releases / Re: Aavock UI 1:1Remastered
« on: 2021-06-02 17:35:43 »
semi transparent pixels are not game friendly.

Is that specifically for the chocobo minigames or are you speaking generally? I ask because a lot of menus/mods have been created with partial transparency.

Hey Satsuki,

Is it possible to disable the opening credits for the mod? The animation that plays when launching the game.

Thank you

Created a custom intro for this exact purpose, simply load it in your mod order above Satsuki's, enjoy!

General Discussion / Re: [Switch] How to mod?
« on: 2021-05-25 23:38:20 »
Root of microSD card\sxos\titles\0100A5B00BDC6000\romfs\ff7\workingdir\data\lang-en\kernel\KERNEL.BIN

This is going to sound crazy but try changing the file to lowercase and see if it works.

At the very least, it should crash if it doesn't like it. If it doesn't crash, there's likely something else entirely going on. You should take other steps to make sure LayeredFS is working as intended.

EDIT: Also, strongly consider upgrading to latest Atmosphere. I used to use sxOS and I promise you it created more problems for me than anything else.

General Discussion / Re: [Switch] How to mod?
« on: 2021-05-25 00:00:56 »
Please show us the folder hierarchy you are using (show us in what folder on the Switch you are putting kernel.bin)

Releases / Re: Aavock UI 1:1Remastered
« on: 2021-05-17 16:30:22 »
Due to bad coding in the original game I'm encountering a few obstacles. Here, you can see tons of misalignment, bad cropping, distorted texture display, unconsistent X,Y placements..

Yeah dude, my single least favorite thing I encountered when working onthe Remake font for ESUI. So many inconsistencies and misalignments inherent in the original. Often felt like I was being punished for being consistent with my own measurements, to have to misalign my own work in order to get it to display cleanly. *smh*

This error simply occurs intermittently. Just run it a couple times until it works, its not a complete failure to run error, only a temporary one. I don't know the mechanics behind the issue, I just know you have to try to run the game a couple times for it to "hook".

Sometimes it runs first time, sometimes it take a couple tries. At leas that's been my experience.

The man returns!  ;D ;D

Thanks for the update!

I took it down temporarily as it's all but done and release is imminent.


Now that I think about it. I don't think Reunion implements any disc checks. I'll have to test that out.

Go for it, try it out if you think you'll like it. Letting you know in advance though that it doesn't play well with nearly any other mod due to the way its implemented. Hilariously, sometimes it doesn't even play well with itself.

Alright that's fair. The way this game is coded, it shouldn't even have mods. I'm just upset that a lot of mods are like "use 7th heaven or JUST ours, that's it!" I hate the fact 7th heaven requires admin access to work. Like wasn't there a way around that? There must've been one. It totally messes up my game flow when I'm using steam and picture mode. I can't have that. So I just won't use it.

And the fact the disc checks are still active on an exe after all these decades. I thought someone would've just said "Yo, people can buy this game on steam, the disc version is ancient, I'm getting rid of the disc check. It's an inconvenience." I'm not the programmer though, that's on them. It's on me to figure out ways around that.

Frustrating is all.

A lot of mods can be applied manually, but it would be up to you to educate yourself on how to do everything the long way without causing numerous crashes. Once devs figure out an easier/more convenient way to do something, they move on from the older, more complicated one. Keeping support for the most tedious way to do something seems backwards, imo. In this way, 7H has evolved to fit that need. That it requires a check for a legitimate version of the game has been (from what I've been told) a necessary measure in keeping this long-running community in the company's good (or at least indifferent) graces.
If any of us garnered enough attention with a mod that led to company scrutiny of the community, the very last thing this place would need is finding out that the software distributed here made it possible to disable legitimacy checks. We'd have no one to blame for over a decade of progress being flushed down the toilets just cause people don't want to pay $4-12 for a game. In the name of self preservation, touching that as little as possible is the LEAST we could do.

That being said, if someone had a specific setup for how they like to play their games, with very little flexibility/adaptation-to-change/circumstances on their part, having them getting uppity at a mod developer for not catering to their very specific quirk would seem a bit selfish, wouldn't you say? Don't know if that helps put it in perspective for you

Releases / Re: [FF7PC] World Map Stuff
« on: 2021-03-12 15:44:11 »
I agree, although PMing a moderator might go a long way, dont know if you've tried that

Support / Re: ff7 international cd4 artwork - how to rip?
« on: 2021-03-07 11:59:44 »
You're in luck. I worked with Niemasd 2 years ago to rip the models from the bonus disk, we pretty much figured out how to rip everything else in the process.

The above link has 3 folders:

Raw files extracted directly from the NPKs using niemasd's scripts

PSicture, a very old utility that browses raw psx files for viewable images

Model and texture rips for all but 2 of the viewable models (helicopter and car would not extract correctly)

In PSicture, simply scan any of the raw directories and it will generate a list of images you can save. Have fun!

Its wild that Ive never noticed this before, nor have a heard any mention of it anywhere, but there it is, impossible to miss now that I see it.  ???

General Discussion / Re: Sephiroth in Smash Bros now...
« on: 2020-12-11 19:43:50 »
As someone that enjoys making game-related things and has a lifelong love of FFVII, its hard for me to be anything but excited. Its exactly the kind of thing I'd love to have worked on and brought to reality.
Then again, I still play Smash with family members so its still relevant to me.

Topically, I'm able to dissociate "Nintendo the Creative Powerhouse" from "Corporate Nintendo and its Interests", understanding that we are talking about 2 different groups of people who answer to and work under completely different heads.

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