To be honest I am surprised that this is my first post in ages, haha: but here is my opinion on Skyrim.
A big step up from the last Elder Scrolls Game, yes, but there are still a lot of spots in the game where the UV's are choppy: like half a rock appearing out of the dirt and the edge is perfectly straight which makes it look unnatural. On the all the graphics make the world very interesting and add to the immersion. The world is just plain fun to look at and explore. That being said they could have done a lot better; over all it feels slightly rushed, but still a very pretty game.
Game play:
The battle system is fun; the dual triggers thing pleased me. Still your standard hack and slash Elder Scrolls game though.
The magic system is a BIG yes, the saving factor of the whole game in my opinion. They have spells that actually interact with the environment around (e.g. the trap spells, and chain lightning.).
The down side being, the NPCs are not lippy enough; I mean all the quests seem too quick, and rushed. Which makes the whole experience reek of a mediocre game. The only NPCs I found interesting were the guards; they actually react to your style of play. If you play a player who is based in conjuration they actually remark on your "summoning" abilities.
The User Interface:
Simply put, disgusting. It's just a list. Plain and simple. Also the compass is in your face and breaks the immersion for me.
Crappy Port:
It is meant to be played on a council. Xbox 360, ps3. It wasn't made fully for the PC; it is playable, but clunky. The user interface doesn't react well to the mouse, I find myself stuck using the keyboard; and for the Love of God you cannot rotate the objects in the viewing screen: which was so blatantly emphasized at the E3 game play teaser.
Disappointing, and cliche' and overly rushed. I've come to expect more from a Bethesda game.
End Notes:
On the all it's not a game I consider worth my money. However, I am looking forward to when the modding tools of this game come out; the base Bethesda made makes me quite excited to see what some clever individuals can come up with. (User interface fixes, proper PC play-ability, smooth out some of the graphical problems and new quests.)
That is my opinion of Skyrim: I haven't fully finished the game, but this is the vibe I am getting so far.
- Mendelevium