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Messages - hobbitdur

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WIP / Re: [FF8 R - Steam] Project Ruby HD Battlefields
« on: Yesterday at 22:54:08 »
I am not sure it is the best version anymore, specially with recent work done, we do amazing job.
For example you can have real joystick movement, which is quite an upgrade haha.
And for field, we have no limit on what is possible.
Maybe you can try to put one of your battlefield in the original game with FFNx to see the result ?

WIP / Re: [FF8 R - Steam] Project Ruby HD Battlefields
« on: Yesterday at 09:54:38 »
Which system do you speak about ?
Because we are making new field texture that are superbe without any problem with FFNx. Check AxlRose WIP work on JunctionVIII

WIP / Re: [FF8 R - Steam] Project Ruby HD Battlefields
« on: 2025-02-14 21:36:18 »
We are also working on menu texture and we have some nice result, if you wanna join the teamwork :)
For field, I am not sure I understood what you meant. You did only some right ?

I know old topic, but there is valuable info for me.

Also, can says it took years to be able to edit text x)

There is valuable info I will paste here for reference even tho the pastebin still working:

-18 : status of actor
-0c: status of target
Hitvar:= -1
if 0x1 on Unknown Var then
Hitvar:= 255;
if unknownvar = 99 then
HitVar:= 255;
if TargetStatus is Death, Sleep, Confusion, Stop, Petrify, Manip, Paralysis then
  if TargetStatus = Sleep then
  Set 0x4 on Unknown Var
  if TargetStatus = Confusion then
  Set 0x40 on Unknown Var
  if TargetStatus = Manip then
  Set 0x400000 on Unknown Var
  HitVar:= 255
if 0x20 on unknownvar then
HitVar:= 255
[edx+00000260] = Attack%
ebp[-28] = (Attacker's Dex / 4) + Attack%.
ebp[-20] = attacker's defence rate
ebp[-1c] = target's defence rate
if HitVar  <> 255 then
HitVar = (Attacker's Dex / 4) + Attack% + ( Attacker's Df% - Target's Df%)
if HitVar < 1 then
Hitvar:= 1
RandomVar:= Random (0..99)
[Lucky Hit]
If RandomVar < Luck /4
 then HitVar = 255.
Skips the Lucky Evade check.
[Lucky Evade.  Ally only.]
if user is enemy and target is ally then
if RandomVar < Luck /4 then
HitVar is 0.
RandomVar2  (1..100).  Unknown mechanism.
5DDE31 : 
if Randomvar2 < HitVar then
Set Miss flag.

I wonder if the 5DDC31 is not the squall check, so making him always hit. Will try this

WIP / Re: [FF8 R - Steam] Project Ruby HD Battlefields
« on: 2025-02-14 12:53:39 »
I guess all data have been lost ?
Maybe with all new tools around it's a good moment to come back to this Yagami Light ? :D

Callisto !
Happy to see you here, I have lots of question.
There is now a mod manager and people ask a lot to have your mod in it. Would you agree ?

I work hard on documenting the game
And you have found info I am not able to found back anymore. I have really a lot of questions but one is bothering m for a mod I would like to do: How did you change the probability of Rare item of bahamut ? Reading your hex, it's not possible for me to find it there :'(

If you have time to pass on the discord to exchange i would greatly appreciate !

Thanks for passing by.

FF8 Tools / Re: [FF8Tools] Ifrit-enhanced - Monster editor
« on: 2025-02-14 08:05:11 »
Hi mate.
Yes this have been corrected some time ago.
I just release official version less often, and even less often for qhimm.

You can find the latest version here:
Same for IfritXlsx:

For latest finding, update and all as usual you can come to discord. I know you'll never come there but Qhimm forum is not my priority. The maturity of this tool is thanks to Discord and the community helping a lot on it.

Enjoy !

I am always amazed by how people mix everything and speak about thing they don't understand.
I think the message is pretty clear.
You want to discuss, chat, get troubleshooting, exchange with people, go to chatroom
You want to get technical data that will be true for the next 2000 years: go to wiki
You want to exchange on topic about complex thinking and new findings: go to forum

So the message his: go to the correct tool to do the correct thing.

For goat, and what happen if discord disappear ? We just move to the next tool that will help us communicate. As it's a tool to exchange short message and direct text, nothing of value will be lost.
After years of existence, discord didn't force us to pay anything. Heck I even paid my own money to thank them for this project. Amazing.

For mav, wikis are still getting updated, forum is still there but not flood anymore with "How can I install this mod ?" because now they flood the discord with it. But I see still lots of new post, but only the important one.

I will stop answering this post to not heat it, but wanted to give my humble opinion. No harm intented.

General Discussion / [FF8] New wiki
« on: 2025-02-05 21:03:32 »
Hi guys!. Following internal discussion, we want to not use anymore the old for the following reason:
- The tools to edit is not up to date with the standard of today (Adding image, color,...)
- Collaborating editing is not possible
- The website might go out at any moment for any reason (Main reason)
- Hard to keep it organized without being able to work directly to the root folder.

For those reason, we create a github dedicated that produce a website, here the link (might change if someone want to host it):

A warning will be added to the old wiki.

This wiki is for the moment mainly with technical stuff, but it could also contain guide how to mod the game, FAQ etc. It could be the ultimate tool to share all the knowledge we have.

Took me a while to set it up, hope you'll appreciate. All contribution are welcome !

If people from others FF community are interested to share, they are welcome !

Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] Succession Mod (v.1.0)
« on: 2025-02-02 16:07:14 »
They are available, my own installer got super seeded by Junction8
If you want to join in discord of qhimm, we can discuss for the integration :) Would be better if it's you that does it so you have your name on it ! Can help you through the process.

FF8 Tools / Re: [FF8Tools] Ifrit-enhanced - Monster editor
« on: 2025-01-29 15:19:16 »
Nice! but I think you linked to the wrong repo. :)

Fixed, thanks !

I am not surprised some files have no link, I had the same for ff8. Dunno if it's from the sync or github way of handlink file link or same in original wiki.

For synchro of my own editing, we can discuss yes, I made lots of change as for me it is the reference over the original wiki.

FF8 Tools / Re: [FF8Tools] Ifrit-enhanced - Monster editor
« on: 2025-01-27 18:15:29 »
IfritEnhanced V3.0.0 is here with improved IfritAI and ifritXlsx, enjoy !

Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] Succession Mod (v.1.0)
« on: 2025-01-10 08:03:31 »
Hi mate. Lots of people are asking me to add your mod to my installer, and also to junction8 the new mod manager for 2000/2013 version. Would you agree to have it there ?
Thanks for your work.

FF8 Tools / Re: [FF8Tools] Ifrit-enhanced - Monster editor
« on: 2025-01-09 12:14:32 »
albert, just released a 2.1.5 version that should fix your bug.

Also updated some data monster, working on new findings. Stay tuned all !

Maybe you could check what I did with ILP on FF8, I change all text from the english version, so you can play with english version (hext working) but all text translated to the desire one. Could be a path to achieve what you want. Took me 3 month to do it with heavy work, but I expect FF7 to be feasible the same way.

Releases / [FF8] FFVIII Reloaded - Hard mod by mexico
« on: 2025-01-04 12:51:07 »
A French modder, Mexico, did a long time ago a famous Hard mod called FFVIII Reloaded.
It's an amazing mod and you can find the trailer in French here:
I adapted it to make it works with FFNx and Junction8, so now all French can appreciate this masterpiece with graphical/sound mods !

But that's not all.

With the new tools for language, now we can adapt this mod to every language ! The author changed a lots of line of dialogue (like a lot !) which need to be translated.
If you are interested in working on the translation on any language, please contact me ! It will just be an excel to fill online, 0 knowledge of modding required except languages !

I will work on the translation to English, but any help is welcome.

It is really worth this little work of translation, the mod is amazing. It changes lots of thing:
- Enemy stats and AI adjusted.
- New bosses and enemies added.
- Magic spells modified in both power and attributes.
- GF abilities reworked and improved.
- The card mod is only accessible on Disc 4 via an item and only if you’ve completed your collection.
- Different enemy drops and magic steals, usually far less plentiful.
- Magic draw points altered.
- New side quests and changes to existing ones.
- And much more…

You can find it on J8.
Enjoy !

Version 1.3.0 is out and fully tested as it has been used and validated for all language. Now if you want to improve a translation or create a new one, it is totally possible. To contact me, only on discord with link in the first post.

Enjoy !

 ILPCurrent version: 0.3 Junction8   


Happy new year !

ILP (International Language Patch) is now out available in all language: German, Spanish, Italian and French !
That means:
- Echo-S got full sub
- New language can be added
- Improved language on the way (if you want to participate on those new translation, please ping me !)
- Futur UI development will be available in all language. In FF7 UI need to be done for each language. Here we can make UI for English, then just translate !
- All mods done for English can now be easily adapted to all language.
- Junction 8 is usable in all language

I would like again to thanks a lot @myst6re for all his work behind, and @Riccardo for heavy beta testing my tools.

You can find this mod on the mod manager Junction8, easy to install and setup.

If you want to help those tool and mods to keep coming, don't hesitate to help on Patreon
As usual, best way to contact me is on discord: Discord invitation to tsunamods

Hi it is. You should also check Junction8 which is a ream mod manager (mine is an installer).
You can also come to discord for further question so we can help you easier than here.

FF8 Tools / Re: [FF8Tools] Ifrit-enhanced - Monster editor
« on: 2024-12-04 07:30:00 »
What version are you using ? Long time I didn't touch it but those error are strange.

Hi. No I can't add them, they are mcindus mods that want to keep his work for his own installer he wanna produce.

 @alchemess17 Don't hesitate to come to the qhimm discord to exchange with all modders, will be easier to help you.

What do you means with credits ? You should look at my wiki: maybe you'll find what you are looking for.

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