Author Topic: Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v0.8.1b]  (Read 503956 times)


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Re: Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v0.8.1b]
« Reply #375 on: 2019-11-10 17:05:57 »
That is, using this mod, you can attach to the game (FF VII (Steam ver.) Without downgrade and 7 Heaven) Remako mod?  :?


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Re: Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v0.8.1b]
« Reply #376 on: 2019-11-10 18:11:32 »
That is, using this mod, you can attach to the game (FF VII (Steam ver.) Without downgrade and 7 Heaven) Remako mod?  :?
This is not a mod.  It's a replacement graphics driver.  Remako wouldn't work without it.
« Last Edit: 2019-11-10 18:19:34 by LordUrQuan »


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Re: Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v0.8.1b]
« Reply #377 on: 2019-11-10 18:37:57 »
This is not a mod.  It's a replacement graphics driver.  Remako wouldn't work without it.

With this graphics driver, can I make Remako mod work with the current version of the game? That would not be necessary to use 7th Heaven and did not need to patch the game to the 1998 version.


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Re: Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v0.8.1b]
« Reply #378 on: 2019-11-10 18:43:39 »
With this graphics driver, can I make Remako mod work with the current version of the game? That would not be necessary to use 7th Heaven and did not need to patch the game to the 1998 version.
Yes, but...
1.  That you're even asking this means you wouldn't know how.
2.  Your question doesn't even belong in this thread.


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Re: Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v0.8.1b]
« Reply #379 on: 2020-02-19 19:17:34 »
Hey. I've got a problem with anything related to this drivers.
Before updating windows, i had remako and New Threat mods installed running great.

But after installation, everything crashed

Ive made a new fresh install, removed the keys in registry using the .exe from forum

Copying a steam ver of ff7 to another location, ive applied a game converter and then installed The Reunion mod

Whichever exe i choose, game runs only in window mode and changing .cfg doesnt do anything.

There is no difference when i start it with 7th heaven. I get only a small window.

Has any1 had a problem like this?


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Re: Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v0.8.1b]
« Reply #380 on: 2020-02-24 15:41:05 »
Hey. I've got a problem with anything related to this drivers.
Before updating windows, i had remako and New Threat mods installed running great.

But after installation, everything crashed

Ive made a new fresh install, removed the keys in registry using the .exe from forum

Copying a steam ver of ff7 to another location, ive applied a game converter and then installed The Reunion mod

Whichever exe i choose, game runs only in window mode and changing .cfg doesnt do anything.

There is no difference when i start it with 7th heaven. I get only a small window.

Has any1 had a problem like this?

Your problem is with Reunion. It takes over your graphics settings whether you like it or not.


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Re: Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v0.8.1b]
« Reply #381 on: 2020-02-24 23:14:08 »
To clarify

IF reunion takes over, then it's settings should work, but still they don't.
They are in Reunion folder and ini file.

I tried to start it without reunion, still i got a window no matter of my settings

I spent several hours trying and i have no motivation to spend another day trying to get things to work.

Thx for replies.


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Re: Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v0.8.1b]
« Reply #382 on: 2020-03-06 17:25:59 »
To clarify

IF reunion takes over, then it's settings should work, but still they don't.
They are in Reunion folder and ini file.

I tried to start it without reunion, still i got a window no matter of my settings

I spent several hours trying and i have no motivation to spend another day trying to get things to work.

Thx for replies.

7th Heaven 2.0 has been released which totally and properly disables Reunion's driver when using 7H to launch the game. After game is launched, Reunion driver is back to normal so you can choose to play with Reunion later outside of 7H if you want. Your graphics settings are determined in 7H under Settings>Game Driver. For Reunion, they're in the ini file somewhere which you need to manually edit. But one will no longer affect the other now.


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Re: Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v0.8.1b]
« Reply #383 on: 2020-03-06 17:28:32 »
7th Heaven 2.0 has been released which totally and properly disables Reunion's driver when using 7H to launch the game. After game is launched, Reunion driver is back to normal so you can choose to play with Reunion later outside of 7H if you want. Your graphics settings are determined in 7H under Settings>Game Driver. For Reunion, they're in the ini file somewhere which you need to manually edit. But one will no longer affect the other now.

I d'ed 7thH 2.0 yesterday and it works flawlessly.

The problem occured not only with Reunion, but base game as well.
Still, problem solved by 2.0 version


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Re: Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v0.8.1b]
« Reply #384 on: 2020-05-05 18:57:09 »
Not sure if this is the right place for this, but I keep getting these black screen crashes on exiting battles. It happens randomly. It's not any specific battle. After a crash I can load back up and clear the same battle no problem. Or maybe it crashes again. Who knows.

EDIT: It isn't just battles. During the long Nibelheim flashback sequence I got this exact crash during one of the transitions near the end. That's a looong time to mash through all that dialog just to get back to where I was since there are no saves. This makes the game more or less unplayable unless it's in the non-modded version. And who wants to do that?

[00176739] [BATTLE] Entering FRAME_QUIT
[00176739] [BATTLE] endof battle.
[00176739] TRACE: *** Exception 0xc0000005, address 0x10123dc9 ***
[00176739] TRACE: in E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\7H_GameDriver.dll
[00176739] TRACE:    at new_dll_graphics_driver, address 0x10115910
[00176739] TRACE: in E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\7H_GameDriver.dll
[00176739] TRACE:    at new_dll_graphics_driver, address 0x10115910
[00176739] TRACE: in E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\FF7.exe
[00176739] TRACE:    at new_dll_graphics_driver, address 0x10115910
[00176739] TRACE: in E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\FF7.exe
[00176739] TRACE:    at new_dll_graphics_driver, address 0x10115910
[00176739] TRACE: in E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\FF7.exe
[00176739] TRACE:    at new_dll_graphics_driver, address 0x10115910
[00176739] TRACE: in E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\FF7.exe
[00176739] TRACE:    at new_dll_graphics_driver, address 0x10115910
[00176739] TRACE: in E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\FF7.exe
[00176739] TRACE:    at new_dll_graphics_driver, address 0x10115910
[00176739] TRACE: in E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\FF7.exe
[00176739] TRACE:    at new_dll_graphics_driver, address 0x10115910
[00176739] TRACE: in E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\FF7.exe
[00176739] TRACE:    at new_dll_graphics_driver, address 0x10115910
[00176739] TRACE: in E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\FF7.exe
[00176739] TRACE:    at new_dll_graphics_driver, address 0x10115910
[00176739] TRACE: in E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\FF7.exe
[00176739] TRACE:    at new_dll_graphics_driver, address 0x10115910
[00176739] TRACE: in E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\FF7.exe
[00176739] TRACE:    at new_dll_graphics_driver, address 0x10115910
[00176739] TRACE: in E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\FF7.exe
[00176739] TRACE:    at new_dll_graphics_driver, address 0x10115910
[00176739] TRACE: in E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\FF7.exe
[00176739] TRACE:    at new_dll_graphics_driver, address 0x10115910
[00176739] TRACE: in E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\FF7.exe
[00176739] TRACE:    at new_dll_graphics_driver, address 0x10115910
[00176739] TRACE: in C:\Windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll
[00176739] TRACE:    at BaseThreadInitThunk, address 0x74e3343b
[00176739] TRACE: in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll
[00176739] TRACE:    at RtlInitializeExceptionChain, address 0x76f7979f
[00176739] TRACE: in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll
[00176739] TRACE:    at RtlInitializeExceptionChain, address 0x76f7979f
[00176739] ERROR: Unhandled Exception.

# 7th Heaven Custom Game Driver-1.0.x.x Config File

## Basic window, fit/stretch, resolution, and v-sync options. ##
## If you notice all graphics are cut off, or off-center, then try ##
## changing your display scaling/DPI to 100% in Windows Display Settings.  Or, you ##
## can try the High-DPI Scaling Fix in 7th Heaven's Game Launcher Settings. ##

# Displays the game in a window with borders if off, or borderless fullscreen if on.
fullscreen = off

# Adds black borders as needed to preserve a 4:3 aspect ratio.
# If this is off, the graphics will stretch to fill the screen instead.
preserve_aspect = on

# Set the window size (or fullscreen resolution) of FF7.
# 0 means use original game resolution in windowed mode, or if in fullscreen
# mode, your current desktop resolution will automatically be used.
window_size_x = 1920
window_size_y = 1080
internal_size_x = 0
internal_size_y = 0

# Sync the frame rate of the game with the monitor refresh rate. May negatively
# impact performance or break 60 fps mods. Turn on if you experience screen tearing.
# Check your AMD/Intel/Nvidia driver control panel if this option doesn't seem to work.
# You should set your graphics card's driver to Application Controlled or similar.
enable_vsync = on

## Additional options for how things are rendered on screen. ##

# Make all dialog boxes transparent. Same effect as the transparent dialog boxes YAMP patch.
transparent_dialogs = on

# Displays the Frames Per Second transparent overlay in the top right corner of the screen.
show_fps = off

# Displays the Frames Per Second in the title bar. Only visible in windowed mode.
show_fps_titlebar = off

# May improve low resolution texture quality. Not recommended when using high resolution mods.
# If you see cyan or purple artifacts on screen, turn this OFF.
linear_filter = off

# Post-processing shader, used to apply effects to the whole screen.
# This must be enabled for the shader in post_source to have any effect.
# Shaders may cause instability.
enable_postprocessing = yes
post_source = shaders/

# Max size of the texture cache to hold in RAM, in megabytes.
# Use high values if you experience texture corruption or crashing due to out of memory errors.
texture_cache_size = 2048

## In general, you do not want to change these options unless you know what you're doing! ##

# Enable to use VGMStream to play OGG Vorbis high-quality music. Required for music mods.
# If disabled, the original low-quality MIDI music will be played.
use_external_music = yes

# Enable to use FFMPEG for in-game movies (FMVs) playback.
# Disable to use the game's original renderer, which may not support as many movie codecs.
use_external_movie = yes

# Use mipmaps (anisotropic filtering) for high-res textures.
# Can improve performance and image quality, but uses more texture memory.
use_mipmaps = yes

# Use pixel buffer objects to speed up texture loading.
# Do NOT use if you have an AMD/ATI card. It will cause crashing!
use_pbo = no

# Display some real-time debug information in overlay on screen.
show_stats = off

# Display some real-time debug information in the title bar. Only visible in windowed mode.
show_stats_titlebar = off

# Enable alpha blending for textures without an existing blending effect.
fancy_transparency = yes

# Subfolder of FF7/mods/ where textures will be loaded from.
# Make sure 7th Heaven points to the same subfolder in General Settings.
mod_path = Textures

# Compressed lossy disk cache for low-VRAM GPUs for increased performance.
# Clear your texture cache after any change or mod that affects textures.
# Otherwise you will not see changes when you select different mods.
compress_textures = no

# Read files directly instead of using LGP archives - This is REQUIRED to be ON for most mods to work properly!
# For example; if FF7 is looking for aaab.rsd in char.lgp, this option will make it open direct/char/aaab.rsd first.
# If this file doesn't exist it will look for the original in the LGP archive.
direct_mode = on

# Replace FF7's default framelimiter timer source with high precision QPC timer.
# This has NOTHING to do with timers/countdowns in the game as rumored in the past.
use_new_timer = yes

# Include armor in magic defense calculation. Fixes a bug in the original game.
mdef_fix = yes

I've also tried with PostProcessing on/off and fullscreen on/off. Neither helps. EDIT2: I also tried with all GameDriver settings to default. Still getting crashes.
« Last Edit: 2020-05-06 00:23:16 by Darxide »


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Re: Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v0.8.1b]
« Reply #385 on: 2020-05-06 08:39:06 »
You shouldn't be having crashes when running without mods. Perhaps another issue with DEP. Add ff7.exe to Windows' DEP whitelist and give it another shot.


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Re: Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v0.8.1b]
« Reply #386 on: 2020-05-06 23:21:54 »
You shouldn't be having crashes when running without mods. Perhaps another issue with DEP. Add ff7.exe to Windows' DEP whitelist and give it another shot.

It ran a lot longer than usual with that, but did eventually crash. This time it was during a transition from one screen to another. No cutscene or anything special going on. Just changing rooms in the empty Shinra Mansion in the Nibelheim flashback.

I started just before running up the Shinra tower to fight the elevator boss and Rufus. The highway sequence and end fight all happened fine. In the APP.LOG file I then get this as soon as I exited Midgar to the world for the first time:

[00198331] -=-=[START OF WORLD MAP!!!]=-=-
[00198331] ERROR: texture cache is full and nothing could be evicted!
[00198331] ERROR: texture cache is full and nothing could be evicted!
[00198331] ERROR: texture cache is full and nothing could be evicted!
[00198331] ERROR: texture cache is full and nothing could be evicted!
[00198331] ERROR: texture cache is full and nothing could be evicted!

And that error continues a couple hundred times. I ran straight to Kalm and straight into the inn when I got there to do the flashback sequence. Made it all the way to close to the end after Sepheroth has been in the basement and you go back to see him. That's when it crashed. Just leaving the room where Cloud was laying on the bed. This is the end part of APP.LOG:

[00242645] ERROR: texture cache is full and nothing could be evicted!
[00242645] ERROR: texture cache is full and nothing could be evicted!
[00242645] ERROR: texture cache is full and nothing could be evicted!
[00242645] ERROR: texture cache is full and nothing could be evicted!
[00242645] ERROR: texture cache is full and nothing could be evicted!
[00242645] ERROR: texture cache is full and nothing could be evicted!
[00242645] ERROR: texture cache is full and nothing could be evicted!
[00242645] ERROR: texture cache is full and nothing could be evicted!
[00242645] ERROR: texture cache is full and nothing could be evicted!
[00242645] ERROR: texture cache is full and nothing could be evicted!
[00242645] ERROR: texture cache is full and nothing could be evicted!
[00242645] ERROR: texture cache is full and nothing could be evicted!
[00242645] ERROR: texture cache is full and nothing could be evicted!
[00242645] ERROR: texture cache is full and nothing could be evicted!
[00242645] ERROR: texture cache is full and nothing could be evicted!
[00242645] ERROR: texture cache is full and nothing could be evicted!
[00242645] ERROR: texture cache is full and nothing could be evicted!
[00242645] ERROR: texture cache is full and nothing could be evicted!
[00243071] ERROR: texture cache is full and nothing could be evicted!
[00243071] ERROR: texture cache is full and nothing could be evicted!
[00243071] ERROR: texture cache is full and nothing could be evicted!
[00243071] ERROR: texture cache is full and nothing could be evicted!
[00243071] TRACE: *** Exception 0xc0000005, address 0x1011449c ***
[00243071] TRACE: in E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\7H_GameDriver.dll
[00243071] TRACE:    at 3|%%3~|‘~|‘, address 0x8a0e990e910e510e
[00243071] TRACE: in E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\7H_GameDriver.dll
[00243071] TRACE:    at 3|%%3~|‘~|‘, address 0x8a0e990e910e510e
[00243071] TRACE: in E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\FF7.exe
[00243071] TRACE:    at 3|%%3~|‘~|‘, address 0x8a0e990e910e510e
[00243071] TRACE: in E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\FF7.exe
[00243071] TRACE:    at 3|%%3~|‘~|‘, address 0x8a0e990e910e510e
[00243071] TRACE: in E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\FF7.exe
[00243071] TRACE:    at 3|%%3~|‘~|‘, address 0x8a0e990e910e510e
[00243071] TRACE: in E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\FF7.exe
[00243071] TRACE:    at 3|%%3~|‘~|‘, address 0x8a0e990e910e510e
[00243071] TRACE: in E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\FF7.exe
[00243071] TRACE:    at 3|%%3~|‘~|‘, address 0x8a0e990e910e510e
[00243071] TRACE: in E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\FF7.exe
[00243071] TRACE:    at 3|%%3~|‘~|‘, address 0x8a0e990e910e510e
[00243071] TRACE: in E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\FF7.exe
[00243071] TRACE:    at 3|%%3~|‘~|‘, address 0x8a0e990e910e510e
[00243071] TRACE: in E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\FF7.exe
[00243071] TRACE:    at 3|%%3~|‘~|‘, address 0x8a0e990e910e510e
[00243071] TRACE: in E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\FF7.exe
[00243071] TRACE:    at 3|%%3~|‘~|‘, address 0x8a0e990e910e510e
[00243071] TRACE: in E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\FF7.exe
[00243071] TRACE:    at 3|%%3~|‘~|‘, address 0x8a0e990e910e510e
[00243071] TRACE: in E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\FF7.exe
[00243071] TRACE:    at 3|%%3~|‘~|‘, address 0x8a0e990e910e510e
[00243071] TRACE: in E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\FF7.exe
[00243071] TRACE:    at 3|%%3~|‘~|‘, address 0x8a0e990e910e510e
[00243071] TRACE: in E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\FF7.exe
[00243071] TRACE:    at 3|%%3~|‘~|‘, address 0x8a0e990e910e510e
[00243071] TRACE: in C:\Windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll
[00243071] TRACE:    at BaseThreadInitThunk, address 0x74ae343b
[00243071] TRACE: in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll
[00243071] TRACE:    at RtlInitializeExceptionChain, address 0x76f8979f
[00243071] TRACE: in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll
[00243071] TRACE:    at RtlInitializeExceptionChain, address 0x76f8979f
[00243071] ERROR: Unhandled Exception.

EDIT: I think it's important to mention that while these errors began as soon as I left Midgar and was in the open world for the first time, I experienced half a dozen crashes before ever leaving Midgar before I decided to come here and ask about it, so it has nothing specifically to do with the open world map. I don't have any other example of a non-battle related crash although it had happened several times within Midgar over the last couple of days.

As for the GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, I've got 4GB of vram on my graphics card and I've got the maximum 2048 set in 7H.
« Last Edit: 2020-05-07 00:49:45 by Darxide »


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Re: Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v0.8.1b]
« Reply #387 on: 2020-05-07 04:37:00 »
Open the 7H_GameDriver.cfg file in your ff7 folder and you can change the texture memory manually from 2048 to 4096 if you want and that may help, or it could even make things worse. FYI, if you use the UI and click save, it will overwrite the setting though. Some fixes are coming with 7H 2.1 within a few weeks also.


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Re: Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v0.8.1b]
« Reply #388 on: 2020-05-07 06:37:04 »
Open the 7H_GameDriver.cfg file in your ff7 folder and you can change the texture memory manually from 2048 to 4096 if you want and that may help, or it could even make things worse. FYI, if you use the UI and click save, it will overwrite the setting though. Some fixes are coming with 7H 2.1 within a few weeks also.

I changed it to 3072 manually. I didn't know if it would actually work since in the UI it showed 512. I played a while, but quit without a crash. The APP.LOG was full of the "texture cache is full" messages, though. I'll try 4096 now since you basically confirmed for me that it works. We'll see. Thank you.

EDIT: With it set to 4096 I got the texture cache error immediately in the log. Going back to 3072 and I went for 3 hours without a crash. Texture cache errors didn't show up until after two hours.. Looking forward to the updates. Hopefully it can fix this problem.

EDIT2: And tonight I get the same crash after 30 minutes with no cache errors. I guess they aren't related?
« Last Edit: 2020-05-09 03:30:13 by Darxide »


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Re: Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v0.8.1b]
« Reply #389 on: 2020-05-11 16:13:22 »
Hello everybody,
I love this custom driver from Aali but as some mentioned somewhere here in the forum, I also got an error message when the rocket takes off which is not a problem but it's an issue I'd love to hide by turning off the error messages. However it seems as if the display_popup command does not work anymore wit the newest driver so I was wondering if there might be a different command for it?

Also after defeating Diamond Weapon it goes away and there is a short scene in which the characters are talking to each other discussing why it goes away. In this scene my whole screen gets white for a few seconds starting on the side getting more and more ... does anybody know if this is a problem with the driver? Is it a known issue at all?
« Last Edit: 2020-05-11 17:42:53 by MarkoH01 »