Author Topic: Biturn Contorting the Models  (Read 2480 times)


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Biturn Contorting the Models
« on: 2023-07-20 05:56:56 »
Hello, I've been trying to rip all of the battle models from FF7 to have them accessible. However, when I open the AA files in Biturn, it doesn't attach pieces to their bone positions. When I view the files in Kimera it is fine, and also with Leviathan. The Nodes for the bones are also present in the individual files, but when in the AA file they break.

I'm getting errors about Badly Triangulated because of normal as well, but I'm not sure if that is the cause. I have tried other versions of Biturn as well, including some where other users have shown images where it did not twist the models like this.