Author Topic: [FF7PC-98] Sephiroth Patch (1.10)(Missing Download)  (Read 21601 times)


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The Sephiroth Patch (for TNT patch version) is available here..
The Sephiroth Patch (for normal version) is available here..

One thing tough. It's always safe to install the Sephiroth Patch after applying all other patches you want to use (bear in mind - Sephiroth Patch alters the main FF7.exe, so if the file is changed by any patches (incl. Sephiroth Patch, Chocobo Racing), other patches (also incl. Sephiroth Patch) using the file might not work/not work properly - before applying make a backup of the file and check different combinations of patch-applying-order).. Most probably the readme.txt links/e-mails are outdated (file is of 08.08.2000).


Teknoman Midnight's Play as Sephiroth Patch for FFVII PC.

Title                   : Final Fantasy VII =Sephiroth=
Included File(s)        : ff7.isp, char.isp, tools.exe, readme.txt (this file).
Author                  : Teknoman Midnight (Michael Riseborough) edited to fit the TNT Patch
Email Address           : [email protected] (any suggestions/opinions/help please.)
           [email protected] (converted to the TNT Version)
Description             : A patch to alter Final Fantasy VII for the PC.
           With the patch you play as Sephiroth pursuing the Jenova
           infested Cloud across the world. (Instead of the other way
           around) Lots done, lots to do.
Additional Credits to   : SquareSoft (They kick ass!)
           And myself!
Available at      :

* Additional Information *

Version 1.10
Sephiroth in the Dress

Version 1.00

What's Done?

- Play As Sephiroth (In battle)
- Play As Sephiroth (In Towns, Buildings, etc... Note: His hair isn't quite right yet.)
- Play As Sephiroth with sword (In Towns, Buildings, etc... Note: His hair isn't quite right yet.)
- Original Sephiroth in battle replaced with Cloud
- Original Sephiroth in towns, buildings, etc... replaced with Cloud
- Original Sephiroth with sword in towns, buildings, etc... replaced with Cloud with sword
- Cloud In Wheelchair replaced with Sephiroth in Wheelchair (Note: His hair isn't quite right yet.)
- Character name is now Sephiroth by default instead of Cloud
- Music Swapped: LB1 (Bizzaro Sephiroth Fight) with BAT (Battle Music) and LB2 (One-Winged Angel) with CHU (Boss Music)
- Young Sephiroth replaces young Cloud in first Tifa & Cloud flashback (and all the other flashbacks)
- Young Sephiroth replaces young Cloud in Temple of the Ancients sequence
- Young Sephiroth replaces young Cloud in Cloud's Sub-Concious
- Small and large Sephiroth and Cloud images swapped on Menu
- Menu Text changed

What's Not Done?

- All references to 'Sephiroth' changed to 'Cloud'
- Other minor changes to in game text
- Cloud in Shin-Ra uniform replaced with Sephiroth in Shin-Ra uniform
- Fixed Sephiroth's hair
- Sephiroth in the Bike mini-game
- Sephiroth in the Chocobo mini-game
- Sephiroth in the Snowboard mini-game
- Sephiroth on the world map
- Sort out the Sephiroth battle animation (This will be really hard)
- Sephiroth head replaces Cloud head on the rail map monitor sequence

What will never be done?

- Cutscenes (DAMN IT!)

* Construction *

Base            : Final Fantasy VII PC
Time Taken      : The patch isn't finished yet but at current I'm looking at around two weeks.
Known Bugs      : Sephiroth's battle animation for steal, throw, item, and other commands is
        not present in the game so he just stands there, not to worry he still
        performs the action he just doesn't move. Using a limit break other than
        Braver delivers some really weird results and if you want to avoid these stick
        to braver until I can sort this out. If all else fails I'll give him summon
        spells and magic for limit breaks.

* Instructions *

I used to do patches for SNES roms and I found that I could
use the same type of patch for anything and because the patches
are so conveniently small I've stuck with them.

You will require the Maximum Install of FFVII
Remember to apply this patch after updating FF7.exe with the EIDOS TNT Patch!
Unzip the SPATCHTNT.ZIP anywhere on your hard disk.
Move FF7.IPS to your FFVII directory.
Move TOOLS.EXE to your FFVII directory.
Move CHAR.IPS to (FFVII directory)\data\field
Copy TOOLS.EXE to (FFVII directory)\data\field
Go back to your main FFVII directory
Select Apply IPS
Select FF7.IPS
Select FF7.EXE
Press ESC and exit the program
Go to your (FFVII directory)\data\field directory
Select Apply IPS
Press ESC and exit the program
Go back to your main FFVII directory

* Misc. *

You may distribute this patch and/or change it in any way. If it improves it that's even better.
Please give me credit in some form.
« Last Edit: 2014-07-21 21:55:15 by Covarr »


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Re: Sephiroth Patch
« Reply #1 on: 2004-12-23 15:19:27 »
cool thanks  :)


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Re: Sephiroth Patch
« Reply #2 on: 2004-12-23 18:54:02 »
Qhimm - maybe you could change the topic name..?


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Re: Sephiroth Patch
« Reply #3 on: 2004-12-23 20:25:53 »
i changed it...hows that? dunno what else to change it to..


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Re: Sephiroth Patch
« Reply #4 on: 2004-12-23 21:12:06 »
"Sephiroth Patch" sounds good enough.. I guess that for each and single mod, there will be a different topic. Not many out there though.