First I would like to say this is a fantastic mod and thank you very much. This mod has helped make the original FF feel like the proper remake.
Im not sure if its the possible mod setup however, there have been a few models that are either missing or not working as intended throughout my play through.
- Female Cloud originally didn't load up the new model as was the old blocky style while the other two girls were fine. Had to relaunch the game a couple of times for it to load the new model.
- Weapon Seller behind the counter in Wutai uses the old model.
- Blue Hat and Jacket Man and the Pink Jacket and Hat girls uses the old models.
- Cloud when he was in the wheelchair loaded up his New Threat darker clothing colour blocky model and your model at the same time. Relaunching the game by turning off dynamic weapons seemed to load up your Cloud model properly.
- Ive had to use the Ninostyle Shinra Soldiers but would have preferred to use yours to keep consistency. However, doing so loads them with big fat heads.
- New Threat adds two black shinra soldier guys, the COMMANDOS found in Nibelheim, Corel Reactor, Junon Beginniners Hall, Whirlwind Maze, Highwind. They're using the default blocky models. Any possible plans to give them a model?
- Just done the Cloud's subconscious and Zack's face doesn't load. The rest of him and his hair loaded fine.
- I'm assuming its impossible to either remove the dynamic weapon whenever Cloud draws his sword. For example, during the Battle Square.
I'm aware that chances are it may be my setup but just briefly: Using New Threat, ESUI, Battle Models+Textures, Field Models+Textures, Spell Textures, Animations. All taken from the 7th Heaven Catalogue. All characters (except Shinra Soldier) is using Kaldarasha with Dynamic Weapons on. Resize Project is on.
Again, thank you very much.