Miscellaneous Forums > Graphical

How to add new textures to the modpath?

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So I'm importing a new potion model that is made of two parts.  The container, and the liquid.  I want the container to use alpha blending by way of the mod folder, but can't figure out how to force the game to apply it.   The model is ccha.hrc and its texture is ccha.tex

In mods/reunion/char/ I have put ccha.tex, ccha.png, and ccha_00.png.  But the app.log doesn't appear to be looking for it anywhere.  It seems to be that since the original ccha.hrc doesn't use a texture, that the modpath isn't expecting one, so it isn't searching for one.  Any idea how I can make it start searching?

Is ccha.tex in the char.lgp as well (or in the direct folder if enabled)? Actually ccha_00.png should be enough in the mod path.

Yeah I've tried it both with it in the lgp and not.  I've also tried in the direct folder, but the only search it does is for ccha.tex within the direct folder.   I've converted the png to a tex with textool when putting it in the direct folder, so I know the alpha channel has been preserved, it's just not applying it.   I can send you the files if you think you might have an idea of what to do.

From looking at the app.log, I don't think it's searching the .hrc and .rsd files to see what texture to load, I think it's getting that information from somewhere else, otherwise it would show that it either succeeded loading ccha_00.png or failed, yet it shows nothing.

 You can send it to me maybe I find out why it isn't. But at the moment I'm as clueless as you.  :|

pm sent


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