hmmm well I know how to pack an Iro that I've unpacked from the 7th Heaven, but it would be great to know how to pack an iro from a non iro mod it would help a lot since I've seen tehre are a lot of mods that still doesn't seem to have a iro for themselves.
Also, thank you iDerek759, I'm checking the link you posted and it doesn't look bad ^^
I managed to make the models and textures work packing them into an IRO file, however I had to lock it only for chm15 since I had to put together the rwaa and rwda files with the weapons models files so they wouldn't be white textures. The mod comes with various folders for various models of Red XIII so it could be made into a bunch of folders for the mod for each of the models that it comes with, or somehow tell the scripts to load Red's model from the folders and the weapons from the weapon folder, don't know how that would work sadly u.u
---Edit 2---
Now that I got weapons for Cloud, Aeris, Yuffie, Red XIII, Reeve- I mean... Cait Sith and Sefiroth (yes even his masamune had a retexture

I would like to ask if there is any mod around so I can add them to remodel the weapons of the remaining main characters (Barret, Cid, Vincent, Tifa) I don't mind if they are separated I think i know how to meld them all together in a single IRO file now, but I can't seem to find any around this site :/