Author Topic: Two Mod sugestions for OG VII  (Read 4460 times)


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Two Mod sugestions for OG VII
« on: 2022-06-20 18:03:42 »
Heeeeeyyyy everybody! I'm just here to drop this idea for whomever feels like picking it up, as I'm no modder of FFVII and don't know if this would be too hard to do or not. Also I hope posting this in this subforum is not wrong, I just didn't know where else to put it.

I'm a big fan of RedXIII as I'm sure others are too. And as of now in Final Fantasy VII Remake he's a non controlable character, and it seems like they are not introducing out of battle party lider swapping :/.

So the idea is basically, making a mod that allows the player have RedXIII as the main character of the original game, making him the party leader and unmovable character from the team.

Once again I'm no modder myself so I don't know if this'd be easy or not to be done, so yeah I decided I'll just put the idea up in dome modding forum and see if someone gets interested in it and picks it up, who knows? Maybe someone will ^^

Anyways, that was all, thanks beforehand and for reasing this suggestion. Have a nice time.


PS: Also if this mod is easy and possible, adding events like fighting with Cobalt XIV and Inigo XV, who ambush RedXIII when he's alone, as you progress through the game and they follow Nanaky it would be cool too, that would be a mod I'd fall in love with.

Edit 1:

I've decided that while I think on more things for this mod as addons to it since the main idea is above, I'll be editing this post. So here's a few more ideas I've thought of:

I've got tow ideas as of why Cobalt and Indigo would be pursuing and ambushing Red alone. I came up with two ideas. 1 They are his clones and Shin-ra has sent them to either capture Red or kill and collect his body and bring him back to the building for more experimentation, which doesn't make sense as the whole of Shinra changes after the death of the president and the ascend of Rufus to the throne of the company. Other idea is that these two are Gi (which would take the numbers out of their names and probably give them more tribal ones like Aukyn for Cobalt and Yakun for Indigo) that want revenge for their clan's loss at Cosmo Cannyon and since Seto is dead they go for his son instead.

Their fighting style is similar to Nanaky's they both use magic and physical attacks with limit break abilities at random but of course, one would be stronger than the other on a different type of damage Magic or Physical. The Player could steal gear for Nanaky from them (already existing RedXIII's weapons or armors according to the area) and when the player defeats them instead of disappearing they run away from battle.

I've come up with few places for them to attack Red as examples:

- One would be Kalm, after Cloud's flashback, that night Red goes out as he hears the planet crying and this reinforces his plan to get to Cosmo Canyon, but when he's about to leave town these two ambush him and after a bit of conversation a battle happens in the outskirts of Kalm to not cause troubles to the denizens of the town (and as to avoid having to make up a Kalm battle scene xD) and after the battle he goes back to rest (perhaps some comment from someone in the morning about him looking tired as if he has had a bad sleep or something).

- Other moment Red gets ambushed could be while the party is trapped in Corel Prison, when one of the humans in the party is sent up to participate in the Chocobo races to earn the party the right to leave the prison, Red goes on his own to have a stroll and wait, being ambushed by these two in the middle of the desert, after passing one or two screens of the desert the dialog of the ambush pops up, these two appear and attack him. and once the battle is over, Red returns to the town (teleported back to the town's desert exit) and to the party to know the race was won and they are free to leave.

- Another place could be at the Gi cave, when the party leaves Nanaky and Bugenhagen alone at Seto's grave right after Gi-Natak fight, taking advantage of their objective being weakened for the fight through the cave and the Gi ghost. Red fighting to protect his Granpa.

- Other place could be at the Gold Saucer around the same time the date scene would play, instead we find Red having a stroll and ends up in the battle square and runs into the arena when these two ambush him, where the fight goes on.

- Yet another place could be while the party is held captive at Junon, while Cid tries to get the Airship he stays outside guarding that no one approaches and buying time for Cid to get the crew on his side and the bloody ship to work, at this moment the two could attack Red once again. (This probably could be set when Tifa is left starting to get gassed and after Barrett is freed by Cait... Caith... by Reeve with his robot cat)

- Only other place i can think for another battle would be on the return to Midgar. After beating Scarlet and Heidegger the party is ready to go stop Hojo, but Cobalt and Indigo jump in their way. Red tells the party to go forwards since they only want him and thus starts what could be the final battle against these two, where they are finally fully defeated, then we gotta rush to the party to fight Hojo and stop him from shooting the Sister Ray again.

Yeah that's pretty much all the places I've got thought out so far, and I think those are enough and far enough from one another as to not make fighting with them a nuisance. Also I know some scenes I've described for Red to be ambushed at are too many and might require a lot of work to do. Of course the party doesn't know anything of these two ambushing Red until the last battle with them and after that event that's when Red explains what's been happening with those two, briefly at least. Thing is I would love the addon to be made as well, but I'll be happy with the main mod and no more as said above. I'm just sorry putting so much work on modders that might be busy with their own projects and wouldn't want to ad more on top of them. I can only hope you like the idea, and as said. I'm not a mod maker myself so... yeah I'm in no hurry for this to be a thing ^^


So the second mod idea is just to change how to obtain Bahamuth Zero. I'd like it if it could be that, to get this Summon you gotta go through a Dragon's Lair. A Cave of sorts. My idea is that the entrance is at the unnused Cave in Ancient Forest, that cave leads into the tree fields from Northren Crater but the encoutners are changed and all of the encounter there are dragon enemies from all over the game. When you manage to cross the cave you get to the KOTR cave field, which is the chamber where Bahamuth Zero would be. As you interact with the materia to get it you get a promt that says "The Materia pulses like the beating heart of a mighty beast." And throws you into a boss battle with a dragon. As the battle progresses, the boss will cast the three Flare's from this. Not summons, they'll be his own version of these attacks. To utterly destroy you, with Tera Flare being the one he uses when you beat the bopss in a last ditch attempt at killing you. If you survive this attack you win and, as things pop back to field, you get the message. "May the might of the dragons serve you true.", and then you get the summon materia.

Of course this leaves the question where and how to get KOTR, maybe put it somehwere in a locked chest. In some post midgard area, and you can only get the key to the chest from somewhere you can onlly access on disc 2.


Well those are my two mod ideas that  I've had in my head for a long time and I've got no time nor the knowledge to get them done u.u. here's to hoping someone gets interested in this enough to give it a try or soemthing. Even then, thanks for taking your time to read all this and I hope you like 'em all the same.


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Re: Two Mod sugestions for OG VII
« Reply #1 on: 2022-06-21 16:56:33 »
I think this is in the wrong section . its not a WIP its a request for a mod.


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Re: Two Mod sugestions for OG VII
« Reply #2 on: 2022-06-22 05:50:37 »
Yeah agreeing on wrong section to request mods.

First off I will recommend downloading the Seventh Heaven mod loader. It’s a good and easiest start to modding FF7. I don’t know of any mod turning Red into a party leader but I think New Threat has Cobalt and Indigo as enemies. There’s also a mod to turn Red into a werewolf but it may require some jerry rigging you’re nit ready for.

As for your Behamut idea, some of the field and battle stuff can be done but it would take quite a bit and effort that probably only you would want to do.

Modding FF7 is not like Minecraft, Skyrim/Fallout, or other games with modding capabilities. The folks on here had to craft their own tools and figure out the things they can tinker and jerry rig to work. Think of FF7 as a college level course with a hands off professor. You want something you have to put in some effort and research. Play with the tools, look through the threads, etc. We’ll help but we’re all working on our own class projects.


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Re: Two Mod sugestions for OG VII
« Reply #3 on: 2022-06-22 14:19:32 »
Well,i made something similar for Cobalt and Indigo(also Deneh xD),in my mod, "Des-Enlace".
I put Cobalt and Indigo as optional enemies, with his own history and random encounters to fight with them in the forests of world map. But........the mod is in spanish :/

Well ,mod all of that could take some time, its not an easy task ,as Furzball say. Think that you need to create the models, the battles, create dialogs,create the events without fuck the rest of the game xD, etc,etc ,you need maaaany time to do that,but  all that you say could be done  :wink:.


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Re: Two Mod sugestions for OG VII
« Reply #4 on: 2022-06-23 00:32:39 »
I think this is in the wrong section . its not a WIP its a request for a mod.

Well I could not find an "ask for mod" subforum anywhere so this was the best second.

Yeah agreeing on wrong section to request mods.

First off I will recommend downloading the Seventh Heaven mod loader. It’s a good and easiest start to modding FF7. I don’t know of any mod turning Red into a party leader but I think New Threat has Cobalt and Indigo as enemies. There’s also a mod to turn Red into a werewolf but it may require some jerry rigging you’re nit ready for.

As for your Behamut idea, some of the field and battle stuff can be done but it would take quite a bit and effort that probably only you would want to do.

Modding FF7 is not like Minecraft, Skyrim/Fallout, or other games with modding capabilities. The folks on here had to craft their own tools and figure out the things they can tinker and jerry rig to work. Think of FF7 as a college level course with a hands off professor. You want something you have to put in some effort and research. Play with the tools, look through the threads, etc. We’ll help but we’re all working on our own class projects.

Again... didn't see an "ask for mod" subforum on the FFVII section, maybe I am blind...

About 7thH yes i know of it, I do use it and love being able to mod this game ^^. that's actually where these ideas came from. I know I'm being nitpicky wanting both Bahamuth Zero and the Red Submarine, or even wanting to follow the story from Red's PoV but hey... i doubt Square wil ever allow us to play as RedXIII in overworld, not even i the Remakes so this is my only other hope. And, as I said, I'm not a modder nor have the knowledge to mod, and there's not tutorials anywhere so I'm pretty much screwed into hoping that someone that knows what they are doing picks this up and works on it u.u


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Re: Two Mod sugestions for OG VII
« Reply #5 on: 2022-06-23 08:07:03 »
Well,i made something similar for Cobalt and Indigo(also Deneh xD),in my mod, "Des-Enlace".
I put Cobalt and Indigo as optional enemies, with his own history and random encounters to fight with them in the forests of world map. But........the mod is in spanish :/

Well ,mod all of that could take some time, its not an easy task ,as Furzball say. Think that you need to create the models, the battles, create dialogs,create the events without fuck the rest of the game xD, etc,etc ,you need maaaany time to do that,but  all that you say could be done  :wink:.

Opps, I may have been thinking of your mod when commenting it was New Threat. Sorry if that was the case. Just knew I saw pic/clip of Cobalt and Indigo on the Zack Cliff overlooking Midgar.


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Re: Two Mod sugestions for OG VII
« Reply #6 on: 2022-06-23 18:19:54 »
Well I could not find an "ask for mod" subforum anywhere so this was the best second.
Makes sense since people here usually make their own mods.
I think FF7 General Discussion would be the place for this.


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Re: Two Mod sugestions for OG VII
« Reply #7 on: 2022-06-24 13:50:40 »
Opps, I may have been thinking of your mod when commenting it was New Threat. Sorry if that was the case. Just knew I saw pic/clip of Cobalt and Indigo on the Zack Cliff overlooking Midgar.
Yes, that is a scene of the mod, but i think in New Threat 2.0 i saw a battle with Cobalt, so maybe you are not wrong about that O_o