Author Topic: [FFVIII-PCSteam] One unknown code and Counter tab <Solved>  (Read 2558 times)


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S'up guys
I've been trying to do some counter attacks for the AIs and faced this code: unknown(0x0A, X)
I saw alot of those around, being the X a bunch of numbers from 0 to 5, 6 and so on.
I have a list of unknown codes but theres no 0x0A, can anyone explain to me whats it does?
Talking about Counter, I wanted the enemy to recognize a physical attack and a magical attack, so depending on which, he have a different reaction. Does this 0x0A is related or something completely different?

The strange part of this code is that if I change any value (a simple domoveid for example) and the program wont save, saying about a syntax error.
« Last Edit: 2018-10-15 18:25:35 by Hazedge »


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Re: [FFVIII-PCSteam] One unknown code and Counter tab
« Reply #1 on: 2018-10-03 20:01:47 »
Unknown (0x0A, X) is a check for certain actions. For example, Diabolos' counter data checks to see if the last command was Magic, and if true, checks if the last spell cast was Demi and counters with Curaga if the conditions are true. Below that, it checks to see if the last spell was Scan and does nothing if that condition is true. Based on the limited info available, command checks seem to be numbered according to the list of battle commands in Doomtrain (where Magic is 2), and the spells are in the same order as Doomtrain's spell list.

I've also been unable to modify these or create my own without getting an error. I assume it's due to a flaw in the editor.


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Re: [FFVIII-PCSteam] One unknown code and Counter tab
« Reply #2 on: 2018-10-03 20:35:00 »
So whenever I see one of those the best thing to do is not doing anything huh?
This sucks, it will limit some behavior I was planning to do, like changing the magic ID.