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Miscellaneous Forums => Graphical => Topic started by: jeffdamann on 2010-06-29 02:06:36

Title: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: jeffdamann on 2010-06-29 02:06:36
This thread will be used to post updates/info/problems, etc related to the Battle-scene Enhancement Project.

Currently the project members are as follows:  Pyrozen

We need all the help we can get, so anyone interested in helping retexture any battle-scene in Final Fantasy VII please PM me and we can get you started!

Currently, we are working on the OP,OQ, and OR series of textures. There has been much work done on each one of the series, but we finally have a finished texture.

Here is the OPAC original.

Here is an extreme rough draft of OPAC-REMASTERED by sithlord48, after I applied some sharpening and despeckling and lighting.

And here is close to the final version, It was gonna be final, but I just noticed where my wife effed withh my shading, so I have to fix that and itll be released.

Please leave any suggestions so we can make this look good!

EDIT: I have completed OPAC, and can be made available to anyone interested, or just save the pic and insert it, either way.
Here is a video of the texture used in battle, I LOVE IT! Do you?
Once again watch the video in 720 p so you can see some definition, gotta get fraps to working again...
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Mirenheart on 2010-06-29 05:05:30
okay, a little unrelated, but how do you get the Battle Menu to look like that?

BTW looks awesome. If you could get better enemy models, you could seriously mess with the FFVII fanbase by making them think it's a remake. Think you could tell/show me how to get textures like that into my game? (Yes, I'm a newb)
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: jeffdamann on 2010-06-29 05:14:19
Getting the battle menu to look like that is as simple as me sending you the appropriate files and you replacing them.

As for getting that screen in battle, just download it and make sure it gets downloaded at 2048x2048, if not Ill make a file available. After you have the file in PNG format grab LGPtools or LGP/UNLGP (I noticed you run seven, so even though lgptools is buggy as hell, Id recommend it because you need command prompt for LGP/UNLGP)

With LGPtools just open and click no on the shell extensions, then click the open tab and go to your FF7 directory.There select data/battle.lgp (you may wanna back this file up first :) ) Then select the 8000-9000 block of files(youll see when you get there)

Once inside the 8k-9k block, go down to find the texture OPAC. Highlight it and choose replace, then select the new background file. Click OK and your done, you can now use the battle file all you want(only applies to the first battles(by the train and the next 2 screens)
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Mirenheart on 2010-06-29 06:13:42
Don't know if you got the PMs, but yes, I would like the Battle Menu files.

And, if you could maybe a link to whatever you used to get the high res Character Battle Models?

And thank you for the OPAC thing, i got it working. If I could figure out how to work Photoshop, i would try making a couple of these myself.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Nightmarish on 2010-06-29 10:23:52
It's looking good indeed, although with those models it looks a bit weird :P
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2010-06-29 11:14:25
Looks great, keep it up man
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Armorvil on 2010-06-29 20:55:04
Search function guys, I already uploaded the files in another thread.

Anyways, am I the only one who thinks that those letters on the ground are too bright ? I like the fact that in the original, it looks old, worn-out. Kinda like how the feel of Star Wars episodes IV to VI is better than I to III's, since spaceships and places look old and dirty. Like they've been around for a very, very long time. None of those crappy and unrealistic clean and shiny CGs that plague the movies industry. This texture gives me the feeling that those white letters have been painted seconds before Avalanche's assault. And this whiteness also distracts the player / viewer from what's actually going on on the battle field.

I know you want us to see your work, but I think you should tone the colors down, Jeff ;) Other than that, it looks perfect :)
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: jeffdamann on 2010-06-29 22:48:22
If you will notice by zooming in on the photos, in the rough render, it does look freshly painted, but look closely at the last pic I posted( second to final render, final render is in the video) Notice how the letters look painted onto the street and worn and faded?

If that is not enough wear and fade for you guys I can decrease it heavily, but, IMO, it looks horrible.Looks as if it were painted on 50 years before, and you can barely make it out I was well aware of the fact that ppl didnt like the 08 last time sithlord posted it, so I made sure to modify it heavily.

If you would like to see how it looks with a more heavily faded 08, I will be glad to whip it up for ya(will take like 5 seconds)

Keep the criticism coming, but I must tell you, that one o my goals is to make the images in ff7 sharp and crisp. No one wants blur all over their textures, if so why dont we blur the hell out of the models and see how that looks lol.

So keeping in mind that I want to stick to the original but lose any blur or low detail in the game, and replace everything with super-sharp, crisp, high detail textures to improve this game.

STATUS UPDATE: Nearing completion of OQAC, possible upload tomorrow.I have been the only one working on this project since it started, although sithlord provided me with his OPAC, so things will go slow atm.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Mirenheart on 2010-06-29 23:13:34
Hmm, you know you could probably make it look more worn out by adding in a couple cracks. If it were a street, I would suggest some tire tracks (but it's not). Maybe shade small parts of the 08 to look like they wore away a little faster than the rest. Hell, to go really crazy, maybe even a stain of some sort.

Just go with whatever you feel is right.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: sithlord48 on 2010-06-29 23:22:49
its getting there jeff. looking good.. now back im off to work on some other op** related items...
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2010-06-29 23:31:19
Keep the criticism coming, but I must tell you, that one o my goals is to make the images in ff7 sharp and crisp. No one wants blur all over their textures, if so why dont we blur the hell out of the models and see how that looks lol.

So keeping in mind that I want to stick to the original but lose any blur or low detail in the game, and replace everything with super-sharp, crisp, high detail textures to improve this game.

The problem is not that the images need to be blurred, it's that everything looks a little too clean. Midgar is polluted and dilapidated, so it makes sense that the 08 should look a little worn (NB worn =/= blurred).

There's also a loss of colour. Apart from being a departure from the original, this also goes towards creating the impression of a clean Midgar, which would be bad. Having a slight greenish-brown tinge in the backgrounds adds to the city's character and helps with the impression that it's controlled by a corporation that uses poisonous chemicals and doesn't care that it is destroying the environment.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: jeffdamann on 2010-06-29 23:36:16
Good point Kudistos, it does look as if the whole scene was pressure washed moments before the crew arrives at battle lol.

Anyway here is OPAC with the 08 modified to be extra worn. Check it against the other one and see which you like best(This one looks TOO worn IMO)
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2010-06-30 00:00:15
I'd say it's better than the other ones; they made it seem as if the 08 had been painted within the past few days, whereas this one makes it look older
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Nightmarish on 2010-06-30 00:16:27
I'd say it's perfect now.
Can we see a video with it?
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Mirenheart on 2010-06-30 00:32:17
Here's a screen shot of it (hope you don't mind jeff)


I say that looks pretty good.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: nikfrozty on 2010-06-30 00:49:09
Here's a screen shot of it (hope you don't mind jeff)


I say that looks pretty good.
Wow the texture of Apz Cloud with the background really blends in! :) Nice work man.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: halkun on 2010-06-30 00:55:57
The dirt is a little noisy. You may need to fix that up.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Mirenheart on 2010-06-30 01:01:10
Hell, just for the fun of it, lets make a comparison.


Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: jeffdamann on 2010-06-30 03:28:08
WOW that looks amazing in the comparison. Dont worry I will touch this file up more before we release the OP series( Opac-Opai I believe) We will be releasing them all together per series, until we get a large amount done.

For those of you that dont want to wait just save image as and put it in your game!(Just remember I will make a final runthrough of this thing in photoshop to help it out.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Marc on 2010-06-30 03:53:04
The dirt is a little noisy. You may need to fix that up.


I also feel midgar should look poluted and "green" as has been suggested.

keep up the good job guys.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Covarr on 2010-06-30 06:06:39
Whether you're going for clean or dirty, you don't want the texture to be smudgy:


A few other spots like this also. Check for them.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: jeffdamann on 2010-06-30 06:46:03
Good eye covarr, if you will notice there are four next to each other. You pointed out the first in the series. They were artifacts left over during file conversion when sithlord48 sent it to me I believe.I tried to smudge one out and forgot to undo apparently. Do not worry, they will be fixed by the release.

I am now currently working on finalizing OPAC as well as beginning OQAC, since others are covering the rest of the OP and OR series.I expect to have a rough draft out tomorrow if all goes well and Im not too busy. I also expect some things coming in the other 2 series as well, so lets keep our fingers crossed :)

Now I only have one problem in trying to complete all the bombing mission textures.I have nowhere near the skill needed, so anyone that can take this file as a base and create a new artistic image, with the Japanese translated(does it say reactor?)will not only be a huge help to us, but to TA as well.We are translating the Japanese images to have full localization, but if anyone feels like it they can make a Japanese version so we have both.

Here is the offending file.

I do not have the artistic skill to tackle that image ATM, maybe one day. Anyone who would like to do it is welcome to and will be considered a member of the project.

I will keep this post up to date as we progress along.

EDIT: Here is some work on OQAC


New- Is the color okay with you guys or do I need to go yellow-greener? Also what do you think about the wear on the floor?
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Mirenheart on 2010-06-30 07:25:05
Jeff, I'm looking into translating that symbol for you.

Also, could you give us a preview of OPAC with some cracks in the ground maybe? That would really give it an old, run down look. Maybe put a little bit of green in too, like the others said.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Gemini on 2010-06-30 07:56:04
Here is the offending file.
It simply means "1".
壱【いち】 (num) one (used in legal documents).
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Mirenheart on 2010-06-30 08:36:42
Alright, here's another screenshot, but from above. Sorry about the Pause in the middle, but the screenshot timing was off a bit.


Hmm, I wonder if something can be done about the shadows? Make them fit the models better. Ah, that's another project for another person.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: nikfrozty on 2010-06-30 13:55:54
Alright, here's another screenshot, but from above. Sorry about the Pause in the middle, but the screenshot timing was off a bit.


Hmm, I wonder if something can be done about the shadows? Make them fit the models better. Ah, that's another project for another person.
There's already a thread for the shadow's of the models(its in the TA forum although I'm not sure if its been moved somewhere else).
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: halkun on 2010-06-30 14:40:46
Here is the offending file.
It simply means "1".
壱【いち】 (num) one (used in legal documents).

Yea, I was going to say that it was a very fancy "1". You should just keep it the way it is.

One of the things that is bothering me about the road... The bricks are going in the wrong direction.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: sl1982 on 2010-06-30 15:35:08
Just to let you know if you translate any of the japanese it will not be able to be included in Team Avalanche.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: jeffdamann on 2010-06-30 16:30:54
We are gonna translate the japanese, but we will have 2 files for pictures containing japanes, one with the original fixed up, and one translated, so do not worry.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Cazador on 2010-06-30 17:40:51
This is looking very nice. My new copy of FF7 PC is on it's way, maybe I can start helping with all the stuff that has been going on lately.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: jeffdamann on 2010-06-30 18:28:18
I've decided from looking at the pic and thunmbing through ideas in my mind that I can do MUCH better than what I have presented.

I will begin work on finishing up OPAC today, here are my plans.

1:Increase the detail of the brick texture, and change them so they run vertically,not horizontally.
2:Decrease the business of the dirt(I thought it was sidewalk, but apparently a few of you think its dirt, considering there is electrical-looking equipment setting on it, and its not the slums, I would assume its sidewalk no?
3:A direct effect of fixing the bricks and dirt/sidewalk will be more detail in both textures, and no ill-looking effects(I.E. Blur, Speckles, etc.

Please name any other additions you would like and I will see what I can do.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: nfitc1 on 2010-06-30 18:53:36

If you want to beef that Japanese sign up, it's the word "非常事態"   [ひじょうじたい]. It means "a state of emergency". Literally translates something like "unusual business condition". Almost sounds like a euphemism for sick leave. ;)

If you find any other kanji you don't recognize, go here: http://jisho.org/kanji/radicals/
Helps me fake Japanese knowledge while on the Internet. :D
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: jeffdamann on 2010-06-30 19:01:11
I believe sithlord has made that sign say WARNING,(as well as a beefed up Japanese version, dont worry TA)
If he hasnt done too much work or wants to make another image for when APNGS become available, then my vote would be for EMERGENCY(Although that may seem like an Emergency Room sign lol), cause the troops know your there, they must have pulled an alarm.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2010-06-30 19:13:22
If you find any other kanji you don't recognize, go here: http://jisho.org/kanji/radicals/
Helps me fake Japanese knowledge while on the Internet. :D

すごい! Bookmarked! ;D
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Millenia on 2010-07-01 03:48:07

Here's what I'm working on, dunno if it's too good..

Still got a few things to retex, you can prolly tell which parts I've retextured
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: jeffdamann on 2010-07-01 04:00:18
Hell yeah! You want to help us millenia? Your the man! If so hit me with a PM!
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: sl1982 on 2010-07-01 04:42:31
Millenia is working for Avalanche. You leave him alone!   :P
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: jeffdamann on 2010-07-01 04:47:34
Millenia is working for Avalanche. You leave him alone!   :P

We have 401k...and dental... can you beat that?
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: sl1982 on 2010-07-01 04:49:53
Free health care! and complimentary beat downs for defectors.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: dragowulf on 2010-07-01 05:58:08
I'd like to offer my services.  I don't do too well on making textures, but I'd like to say I can edit them.  I mainly add HDR to textures and photos.


Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: halkun on 2010-07-01 06:03:30

Here's what I'm working on, dunno if it's too good..

Still got a few things to retex, you can prolly tell which parts I've retextured

Bricks are not rounded/cobblestone enough

I know. I'm the *worst* art director :)
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Klownboy on 2010-07-01 06:13:34
well all these textures i think look pretty good.
one of these days, i might just have to learn how to do this kinda stuff  :-P
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: dragowulf on 2010-07-01 06:32:08
Here's a comparison of the original "extra worn" 08 version vs. my 1 minute edit.  Please let me know if you need my help.

Original "extra worn" 08 version

My HDR 1 minute edit.  I might need to add some Gaussian Blur.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Mirenheart on 2010-07-01 07:11:22
You double posted... Ohh, that's bad Hojo... :D
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2010-07-01 13:00:45

Here's what I'm working on, dunno if it's too good..

Still got a few things to retex, you can prolly tell which parts I've retextured

Halkun's right about the bricks not being rounded enough; they look brand new and fresh out of the kiln. Other than that, the retexture is looking really good and faithful to the original; has a lot of potential.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: nikfrozty on 2010-07-01 13:18:28
The very noticeable difference with millenia's texturing is it looks a lot more cleaner. Although I seem to like it better when it looks like that. :)
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Timu Sumisu on 2010-07-01 14:56:19
not sure how you guys made yer .psds, but i'll chime in now, they all look pretty good, albeit the original is more cobblestone than brick. secondly.... you all have the bricks pointing the wrong way :P. the bricks go top to bottom in the texture, not left to right.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: sithlord48 on 2010-07-01 15:36:10
mine is made in GIMP and is not a psd file :P, well it prolly is now since jeff has been playing w/ it. i could fix the bricks but thats out of my hands now since again jeff has that one (and has changed it quite a bit..) mine is a lot of patterns on top of each other. using the fill tool and different layer effects between layers. (but i suck at lighting so thats why i never added that part).
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Covarr on 2010-07-01 22:21:02
The very noticeable difference with millenia's texturing is it looks a lot more cleaner. Although I seem to like it better when it looks like that. :)

In some ways, the cleaner textures are WAY better. Too much small detail and contrast can make a texture look like crap in action, even if it looks just fine in 2D on its own.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: jeffdamann on 2010-07-01 22:28:16
Lol are you serious covarr? You do relalize that millenia just ran a few filters to clean the old image, layed down a brick template, and thats about it.

The only thing I think he meant to point at is the tall Fuel tanks, generators, whatever behind the japanese sign, He added some scratched metal that looks good, but is less faithful to the original than my OPAC.

If thats what you guys wanted I wouldnt have spent hours learning lighting, filters, depth tools, etc to make my image look so good, I would have just cleaned the original up and layed down a brick template..... but to each his own.

Also looks as if millenia ran a few quick filters on the textures he left untouched to sharpen them,I just feel cheated, he worked on that like what, 10 mins? I realize Im not good with PS but I spent like 2 days now on opac, and I guess you guys dont really like it.

Now as far as millenias OTHER opac goes, its amazing, and if he posted that here and you guys liked it I would feel cheated in no way lol, but he clearly just threw this one together.

To each his own I guess...
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Mirenheart on 2010-07-01 22:32:23
Personally, I love your OPAC. It brings the scene back to life. Maybe a little bit more green in the bricks to make it more like the original, but it's still good.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: jeffdamann on 2010-07-01 22:38:44
Yeah I wasnt saying its great yet,still havent got arpund to hitting at it again, maybe in a little while Ill finish it up.Im gonna replace the dirt texture, crack up some bricks maybe, turn the bricks the other way, and then hand it off to dragowulf for a final rendering to see if he can improve it.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: dragowulf on 2010-07-01 22:48:37
It's good.  The point is to take what we've played and recreate it in HD, but at the same time retain the same style and visuals.  Make it more lively so the game will live on (and be pretty to look at).

Giving the game more facelifts.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: romeo14 on 2010-07-01 22:57:08
jeff, i like your version much better  8-)
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: jeffdamann on 2010-07-01 22:59:37
Well I have now decided to work on opac, since I dont have the original textures that sithlord used I will use my own, but they will look fine. I guess its off to work for me, check back in a few hours for some sort of update.

EDIT: Looking at it and at the field in game, are we sure its supposed to go brick, curb, dirt? Or is it bricks, curn, Sidewalk? I just cant see it looking like dirt.. tell me what ya think and Ill make it that way(has also never seen an off brown sidewalk, unless midgar is THAT dirty...)
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Mirenheart on 2010-07-01 23:13:47
It's sidewalk. The original had it look like a dark gray (Dirt is not dark gray). Plus, it's on top of the plate where there shouldn't be that much dirt.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: sithlord48 on 2010-07-01 23:47:33
here guys part two of my op remaster textures has a rough import done check it out


like my sign ?
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Mirenheart on 2010-07-01 23:56:28
Looking good. Looking at that pic, all that needs now is to make the MPs better. Don't count on me to do it, I'm only working on it to try and learn how to do it.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: dragowulf on 2010-07-01 23:57:50
May I suggest a different style font?  Something like:
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Timu Sumisu on 2010-07-02 00:10:45
also, afaik thers only a japanese text in the background, unless you can animate the two together :P
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: sithlord48 on 2010-07-02 00:17:46
yea i know there is only japanese text , but i have thats as a seperate layer, doing them both
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Timu Sumisu on 2010-07-02 00:18:18
why both?
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: sithlord48 on 2010-07-02 01:28:52
you can then decide what you want to use when you export it. since i don't really care if its in either language, but some people might so, i did both..thats about the best i can offer.. as an explanation.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: jeffdamann on 2010-07-02 02:23:20
Heres something for you fans of the originals.

Just for easy reference here is the original.

Here is the updated original.

As you can see I am getting there, but Ima postpone this till OPAC-REMASTERED is done.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Timu Sumisu on 2010-07-02 02:50:10
good stuff jeff, i like the dirt area, though try to blend up the color of the original, as the original blotches of pixels are still apparent. as to the bricks it looks a bit odd cuz there is a diff between the original brick sizes and the texture u used. also fade out the 08 a bit. Afterwards at dirt, wear and tear, grime etc. this is a road right beside a reactor!
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Mirenheart on 2010-07-02 02:54:51
Welcome to being successful Jeff. From now on, your probably going to hear either "AWESOME THAT'S GREAT", "Well there's your problem." or "Whine whine, gripe gripe, it sucks." fromn other people now. Hope it don't bother you too much. :D
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: dragowulf on 2010-07-02 05:01:23

Reduced clarity and increased highlight reduction.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Millenia on 2010-07-02 06:47:18

Need to tone the bricks down a tad I think
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Mirenheart on 2010-07-02 06:52:48

Need to tone the bricks down a tad I think

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Millenia on 2010-07-02 07:40:52
Uh, what?
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Tekkie.X on 2010-07-02 07:42:25
It's actually quite bright.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Mirenheart on 2010-07-02 07:50:03
Actually, it's cause it's too busy. Need  to tone it down a bit. Really distracts from the battle ( or at least i think so)
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: jeffdamann on 2010-07-02 08:01:25
Final update for OPAC(we will add normal mapping,what millenia used, when Aali implements it.)

EDIT: Rough draft of OPAD

Tell me what you think, and also what is that below the triangle shape to the left of the sign, I know its to hold the sign, but what is it? Its so blurry lol.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Millenia on 2010-07-02 08:52:34
I don't actually have normal mapping in that scene.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: jeffdamann on 2010-07-02 09:17:35
Oh sorry, thats what sl told me...my apologies.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: halkun on 2010-07-02 11:33:04
I really, really, really hate that the warning is in English.

It should in Japanese, like a stencil, with the light coming from behind. Like an (American) exit sign.

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: jeffdamann on 2010-07-02 19:46:15
Here you go halkun, a japanese version of OPAD
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Mirenheart on 2010-07-02 20:17:04
I kinda liked the English version (but maybe with a different font).

Is there a way to make it change between words, like how this sign does? (though, I doubt there is)
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-07-02 21:02:16
thought i would throw this up really quick:

just a first draft. I figuered i'd jump ahead so im not competing for battle scenes. I also hold all the original WMRP .ps files, so these will be able to match up perfectly with the world map. The background still needs some major work though, but this scene is really a piece of cake.

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: dragowulf on 2010-07-02 23:04:36
I'll make several different Warning signs in English.  Yall can tell me which ones you like better.  I need to darken it by about 20-40.

That particular English one actually uses the same font that is used for damage numbers in FFXIII.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Timu Sumisu on 2010-07-03 01:03:14
nice pyro, i'd scale it up a bit, as its a bit grainy.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-07-03 01:17:23
nice pyro, i'd scale it up a bit, as its a bit grainy.
noted and i will take care of it when i get back to this. Id really prefer to remodel it and have REAL mountains in the background, but this will work for now since its soooo easy to do. I can knock out nearly all of the outside battles in a matter of hours.

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: nikfrozty on 2010-07-03 01:25:19
nice pyro, i'd scale it up a bit, as its a bit grainy.
noted and i will take care of it when i get back to this. Id really prefer to remodel it and have REAL mountains in the background, but this will work for now since its soooo easy to do. I can knock out nearly all of the outside battles in a matter of hours.

The green parts in the back are mountains?? I thought they were only hills.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Timu Sumisu on 2010-07-03 02:11:31
nice pyro, i'd scale it up a bit, as its a bit grainy.
noted and i will take care of it when i get back to this. Id really prefer to remodel it and have REAL mountains in the background, but this will work for now since its soooo easy to do. I can knock out nearly all of the outside battles in a matter of hours.


although you could model mountains, it would give a wierd perspective, stick with the setup they have, as part of the skybox (though its really a cylinder for ff7 :P
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-07-03 02:41:57
thats the plan...for now ;)

Really, so long as the mountains are distanced far enough away, the perspective could be faked really easily. Similar to a 3D skybox that is used in nearly every FPS made in the last 3 years. We'll have to see how it develops, but right now im more worried about getting the originals retextured for the next release.

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: jeffdamann on 2010-07-03 04:23:53
I did Opaf, what do you guys think?



Lemme know your thoughts

Edit: Reduced graininess
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Mirenheart on 2010-07-03 05:43:40
It looks alright, but it's kinda grainy.

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: jeffdamann on 2010-07-03 05:48:25
Something I did to the texture made it have those black spots, ima try and fix that momentarily, and reduce the graininess as well.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Millenia on 2010-07-03 06:31:51

Still got one texture left to finish..
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: dragowulf on 2010-07-03 06:34:53
Off topic.  Millenia you're the one that does stuff for CSS did some stuff for CSP?
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2010-07-03 12:52:23

Still got one texture left to finish..

Looks fantastic! love the sky, compliments midgar very well i think
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Millenia on 2010-07-04 07:04:29
Off topic.  Millenia you're the one that does stuff for CSS did some stuff for CSP?

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Lilmookman on 2010-07-04 08:31:37
Nice...great work!!!
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Marc on 2010-07-04 14:55:44
Awesome work guys.

Love Millenia's sky, dirt and backdrop textures.  I rather like jeff's and sith's bricks too though.

I'd love to see the best elements from both of them together.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: sithlord48 on 2010-07-04 15:06:50
yea there is something odd going on w/ his road. everything else looks good..
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Millenia on 2010-07-04 15:54:36

I dunno, it looks fine in max but I guess the extreme angle in the game doesn't go too well with the high contrast >_>


Looks decent in-game now, at least I personally like it.

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Nightmarish on 2010-07-04 17:59:34
I still think the bricks on the floor are too shiny.
I mean, people walk there everday, rain falls and stuff. It shouldn't be shiny.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Timber on 2010-07-04 18:01:16
just a first draft. I figuered i'd jump ahead so im not competing for battle scenes. I also hold all the original WMRP .ps files, so these will be able to match up perfectly with the world map. The background still needs some major work though, but this scene is really a piece of cake.

That looks really good pyrozen.

Looks decent in-game now, at least I personally like it.

Nice work!
The floor is a bit distracting though, the gaps between the bricks are too big I think. It's also very bright.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: dragowulf on 2010-07-04 18:48:00
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Millenia on 2010-07-04 19:18:02
Sheesh fine, I'll tone the brightness down but then I'm done with this fucking scene :P
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: dragowulf on 2010-07-04 19:24:50
I didn't like the normal maps for some reason.  It just feels out of place.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2010-07-04 19:48:19
Sheesh fine, I'll tone the brightness down but then I'm done with this f*cking scene :P

Just lower the brightness in the area with the battle. Or make the bricks dirtier and you'll be perfect i think, Although even if you left it alone i'd still enjoy it :D
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Millenia on 2010-07-04 20:44:16
I didn't like the normal maps for some reason.  It just feels out of place.
What normal maps?
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-07-04 22:52:15
a quick hack for the background. Looks kinda wierd still, and the seam is caused by the game, not by me. The texture wraps seamlessly in photoshop. It also needs to be bigger, but it's really hard to find source images that are 2048x2048

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2010-07-04 22:54:46
The background is obviously farmland; I can see it working for the chocobo farm area, but not for Junon.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: sl1982 on 2010-07-04 22:56:08
Good luck getting rid of the seam. I had the same problem with one of the bahamut summons.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-07-04 23:16:16
The background is obviously farmland; I can see it working for the chocobo farm area, but not for Junon.
true, it was just the first image in yahoo image search :D it was more to see how difficult it would be to make it work, and it wasn't that hard at all. Though using it for the chocobo farm area would be a good idea.

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: jeffdamann on 2010-07-05 05:38:39
Oh you've done a WONDERFUL job pyro! Im glad I gave you the laptop.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Millenia on 2010-07-05 08:27:43

quick start
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Nightmarish on 2010-07-05 10:45:04
Looks promising already.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: nikfrozty on 2010-07-05 11:43:28
Looking great man! Keep it up! :)
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Timber on 2010-07-05 13:01:27
Very nice work!
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Millenia on 2010-07-05 15:02:21
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2010-07-05 15:47:50

Oh wow, Let me pick my jaw up off the floor here that looks fantastic. Are these just the original scene just retextured? Or remodeled as well?
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: sl1982 on 2010-07-05 15:49:40
Just a retexture. The original scenes arent that bad from a model standpoint. And textures can work wonders anyways.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-07-05 16:30:27
got a little work done this morning, need to blend the background with the actual ground a little more. It's getting there, though it still has quite a way to go. I'm doing the dirt battle field next, then the snow, and probably the beach.

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Timu Sumisu on 2010-07-05 20:03:45
@lee, the grass is still noisy, and for the background, make it more irregular (hills mountains).
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: halkun on 2010-07-05 20:16:14
The background just needs a touch of green to match the forground.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2010-07-05 21:55:49
for the background, make it more irregular (hills mountains).

This. At the moment, it looks very barren and desolate. There are also mountains on all continents, so there should be a few mountains or hills for both aesthetic and continuity reasons.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Nightmarish on 2010-07-06 00:53:00
The background just needs a touch of green to match the forground.

Agree. First do this, then the hills :P
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: dragowulf on 2010-07-06 02:45:18
Post the background image for the scene for me please.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Millenia on 2010-07-06 04:27:12
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: obesebear on 2010-07-06 06:33:44
Pyrozen, I think the desolate background looks really good.  I have no gripes besides matching it to the foreground a little better.

Millenia, just awesome dude.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Nightmarish on 2010-07-06 13:31:33
Again, it looks to me that the ground might have a bit too much lightning/not worn enough.

It looks like:

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: halkun on 2010-07-06 14:08:40
was gonna say, the floors a little high-contrasty for me. You think maybe you need to turn the brightness up on your monitor?
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Opine on 2010-07-06 14:11:09
gorgeous picture
That looks beautiful.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2010-07-06 14:16:17
was gonna say, the floors a little high-contrasty for me.

I'm finding this to be a general problem with the battle backgrounds; they're all great and very well made, but the high contrast causes them to overwhelm the foreground and divert attention away from it. It needs to be remembered that the foreground should stick out from the background rather than the other way around.

Of course, the situation might be different when the new character and enemy models are done, since at the moment we have untextured models on high-res textured backgrounds...
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-07-06 20:50:01
Pyrozen, I think the desolate background looks really good.  I have no gripes besides matching it to the foreground a little better.

Im going to do this and see how it looks. If i do add mountains, they will be very far off in the distance. This battleground appears in quite a few places on the world map, and not all of them have mountains immedietly nearby. The original background looks ridiculous, like your fighting IN the mountains.

Still haven't messed with the grass yet, it's easy enough to fix, the background is the more difficult(though not very difficult either). I'll try and get to it tonight once im done working on my house.

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Bosola on 2010-07-06 21:10:42
was gonna say, the floors a little high-contrasty for me.

I'm finding this to be a general problem with the battle backgrounds; they're all great and very well made, but the high contrast causes them to overwhelm the foreground and divert attention away from it. It needs to be remembered that the foreground should stick out from the background rather than the other way around.

Of course, the situation might be different when the new character and enemy models are done, since at the moment we have untextured models on high-res textured backgrounds...

Absolutely. Battle scenes must be designed with context in mind. Too many are far too 'noisy', bright or distracting. This is unacceptable in all but the simplest of fights.

I would assume (I'm no image wizard) that there's some value relating to the average or mode chroma of an image. If we could find the usual 'average chroma / brightness / contrast' for battle models, we could design our battle scenes to match them. Anyone know of such a figure and how we'd easily derive it?
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-07-06 22:08:08
changed the background and got a really close match, it looks good to me. I may add some mountains, but that is other people influancing me and not my opinion. I really like the desolate look :lol:
Im also in between grass textures. The floor grass texture is new one, the one on the side is the old pixilated one. The new one i created is nice, and i may replace the entire WMRP grass with it.  Im a glutton for punishment ;)

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: sl1982 on 2010-07-06 22:09:32
I like it, i dont really see a need for mountains. Was there originally one? That may be why people are carping.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Nightmarish on 2010-07-06 22:11:15
Looks good pyrozen, although i would aim for a gradient from the ground texture to the background texture so they would fit better.
Anyway, i also don't see the need for the mountains.

Btw, can someone post a picture of the original battle scene from the ground Milena did? I don't remember yellow floors in the bombing mission. :o
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2010-07-06 22:12:28
I may add some mountains, but that is other people influancing me and not my opinion. I really like the desolate look :lol:

Awww, can't you think of it as the original designs influencing you? :P

Or the fact that the FF7 world map is filled with huge mountains that would be extremely visible. Unless the right side of the battle screen is always pointing out to sea, but I won't accept that! ;D
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: sl1982 on 2010-07-06 22:13:32

I may add some mountains, but that is other people influancing me and not my opinion. I really like the desolate look :lol:

Awww, can't you think of it as the original designs influencing you? :P

Or the fact that the FF7 world map is filled with huge mountains that would be extremely visible. Unless the right side of the battle screen is always pointing out to sea, but I won't accept that! ;D

It was tough to make the camera act like that, but he managed to do it :P
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-07-06 22:14:44
I like it, i dont really see a need for mountains. Was there originally one? That may be why people are carping.
the original had these horrendous blobs that were meant to look like giant hills. Get into a battle near Junon to see what i mean. The hills dont make sense, because they are so large! This look makes sense in 90% of situations, so im going to stick with it.
I will try mountains and see what i think about it, but they will be farrrrrr off into the distance if i do add them, not in your face like the original.
Also, i do need to create the gradient from floor to background, right now it's just a placeholder i stuck in there. This scene is nearly finished.

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: jeffdamann on 2010-07-06 22:15:18
I think there may need to be 1 or 2 mountainous looking things even if it were FAAARRR back, that just looks like Im driving through new mexico with grass lol.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2010-07-06 22:18:52
The mountains/hills in the original weren't that intrusive.

There aren't any large areas of grassland in FF7 either; no matter where you are in the grassy areas, there are mountains fairly nearby. The desolate look implies that there are hundreds of kilometres of flat, open grassland with no distinguishing features, and there is nothing like that in FF7.

It also makes scenes look a little boring when the background is just flat.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: jeffdamann on 2010-07-06 22:20:33
I agree kudistos, and pyrozen is that line in the middle of the battlefield because you didnt seam it good or FF7?
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-07-06 22:35:01
here's the fixed grass, i did a gradiant but you cant see it because its on the backside of the hill. It looks a litte noisy in the pictures, but ingame it looks great.

and FINE, ill put some damned mountains in the background! You foolish people and your logical thinking...sheesh
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Armorvil on 2010-07-06 23:37:59
I love this scene without mountains. It's beautiful. And besides, I've always seen the world map in RPGs like a a symbolic representation of the world. The game strongly hints at things this way by the way (character as big as a city, small mountain, random battles, ...). When you think of Cloud on the world map as just a piece that you move on a paper map, Pyrozen's battle scene is perfect. Because to walk from Kalm to the Chocobo Farm in reality (for example), it doesn't take 5 minutes, but weeks. There is no doubts the party met people on the way, visited unimportant settlements, and the random battles show the rare times the party couldn't resolve a problem without using brute force.

With this logic in mind, it makes sense that the mountains are so far away you can't see them, since walking up to them actually takes days.

And [off-topic] this kind of symbolism is what I think is missing from most games today. By going the realistic route, everything ends up feeling narrow. With the details allowed today, developpers work on the infinitely small, instead of working on the infinitely grand. But enough of my rant [/off-topic].
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: halkun on 2010-07-06 23:47:18
I like it... This coming from the "art director" who whines about everything.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: sl1982 on 2010-07-07 00:25:23

I didn't think it was possible to please halkun. Good work pyro!
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Millenia on 2010-07-07 10:19:40
Pyrozen just unlocked an achievement:


oh and

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Bosola on 2010-07-07 11:47:08
Still a bit too noisy, in both cases. A little blurring would work, IMO.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Nightmarish on 2010-07-07 12:48:39
Please tell me where that battle scene is :<
I can't remember yellowish ground :<
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Millenia on 2010-07-07 15:27:05
oq**, inside the reactor
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-07-08 22:57:55
here's the grass scene with MOUNTAINS! I did the best i can ATM, im still learning the finer points of the patch tool, but man is it useful! I need to realign the upper sky with the lower, since i edited the lower portions seperately. All in time, i think it's coming along great so far.

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: dragowulf on 2010-07-09 00:34:31
I think the mountains are too far.  Make them seem somewhat closer. 

As for Millenia's Oqaa, this stuck out to me:
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-07-09 00:46:20
sorry, i didn't really want them in the first place so the mountains stay where they are. I think it looks realistic and it maintains the "epic-ness" that armorvil was talking about. Just because the mountains on the world map seem 100ft apart, that is not a realistic repesentation of their actual distance. The original battlefield felt like you were fighting inside of the battle arena... but outside.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2010-07-09 00:56:48
The original battlefield felt like you were fighting inside of the battle arena... but outside.

There are advantages to that. Making the fields too open makes the battle feel desolate, as I said earlier; I imagine that this is a bad thing in most people's eyes. It also highlights the player's lack of freedom; having so much open space draws one's attention to the fact that there is no freedom of movement, whereas a closed space does not do this.

You may notice that there are very few outside battles without tall and noticeable mountains or hills in the background in any of the FF games from 7 onwards. In fact, there are very few wide open spaces in video games generally. This is no coincidence; having such open spaces in a limiting medium such as a video game is bad design (and also makes it look like the developers are lazy).

Furthermore, the general consensus has been that one of the most important philosophies in the recent FF7 remodeling and retexturing movement recently has been authenticity (with good reason, since it's the best compromise, it limits the ego of the artist and it encourages uniformity). Getting rid of the mountains is not being authentic to the original and is simply a case of getting rid of something that one happens to dislike personally.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Nightmarish on 2010-07-09 00:57:39
The grass on the ground looks perfect but i kinda feel there's no connection with the ground grass and the background grass.
It's almost like theres a cliff right after the ground grass and we're seeing a forest in a distance.  :-X

Again, my opinion on the hills is that it's good as it is now, you could make them a bit more clearer though, even if in a distance.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-07-09 01:06:02
i dig it, and i dont really feel that it is the drastic departure from the original as you stated. I also dont understand how making the battlefield look like your actually IN a field makes you feel more restricted than fighting within a tiny arena. We all know you can't run around the battle scenes, its a final fantasy game. I agree with sticking to the original materials, but when they can easily be improved upon, it would be a mistake to not take advantage of that.

Sorry kudisto, though i do value your opinion, we'll have to agree to disagree this.
Also, a transistion is in the works for the foregound/background mismatch. I'll do what i can, but there isn't really much room to fade the 2 together. Your going from a horizontal ground immedietly to a false backdrop. Think looney tunes when they hold up the fake tunnel and wile runs into it. That is basically how the background is structured.
also, in the picture you are looking up a hill, which amplifies the "cliff" that you are talking about, because it basically IS a cliff from that perspective. These scens need to be good, but most of the small flaws cannot be corrected unless we remodel the entire scenes...which i intend to do once i give a bunch of them the once-over graphic treatment.

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2010-07-09 01:15:00
Sorry kudisto, though i do value your opinion

No you don't. Nor do you respect the opinion of the game's creators. Or the opinion of every game designer in history, nearly all of whom know that desolate backgrounds in a game look really, really awful. I hope you won't mind if I shoop some hills into the background. I also hope there's nothing else in the game that you didn't like and see the opportunity to rectify; we can expect to see that change as well.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-07-09 01:22:04
Or the opinion of every game designer in history, nearly all of whom know that desolate backgrounds in a game look really, really awful.
i would like to see a source on this quote. Just because i don't kneel to your wishes does not mean i disregard where you are coming from. And i dont appreciate you attacking me as if i am somehow "destroying" final fantasy 7. I love this game as much as the rest of you, see the WMRP and the hours i poured into it for reference. Feel free to modify the background to your liking, i have no problem with that.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: sl1982 on 2010-07-09 01:22:55
Sorry kudisto, though i do value your opinion

No you don't. Nor do you respect the opinion of the game's creators. Or the opinion of every game designer in history, nearly all of whom know that desolate backgrounds in a game look really, really awful. I hope you won't mind if I shoop some hills into the background. I also hope there's nothing else in the game that you didn't like and see the opportunity to rectify; we can expect to see that change as well.

No need to be rude about it. He has every right to change the scene as he sees fit. Just as you have every right to not use it if you do not agree with the way he chose to redo it.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2010-07-09 01:26:39
Or the opinion of every game designer in history, nearly all of whom know that desolate backgrounds in a game look really, really awful.
i would like to see a source on this quote.

My source is just about every game that has ever been made. As I said, there's a good reason why you never see backgrounds without some noticeable interesting features in there. How often do you see a background in a FF from 7 onwards with just grass and sky? I don't remember many. They all have big mountains or hills or cliffs or forests. Without interesting features in the background, you may as well have no background at all. But you obviously know better than I do and better than the game's designers, so meh :|
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Timu Sumisu on 2010-07-09 05:44:09
phew, do i smell flames? jeez kool it guys. to try and tone things down to less aggressive comments and more even remarks. Kudi's points about design arnt so much from a concious point of view of "i like it like this or that". The basic precepts of design have to do with the subconcious observation of art. we as developpers/modders can argue back n forth about mountains or peices of interest closer or further and personal taste about it, but the real reason is that depending how you design a scene in this case, its what effect it'll have on yer brain :P. when playing a game casually, (/not critically/) you'll be lookin at commands, stats, quick fast paced animations, and bam the fights over. however, the ratios of crap in your scene will affect your immersion. big things in the background will make you feel like yer closer to something significant, getting closer etc, whilst something distant will invariably give your subconcious a feeling of being in the middle of nowhere, despite its being more realistic.

/wall of text

Point being, I think kudi's points need a bit more analysis and explanation to their validity. Ultimately, if you dont want to make larger points of interest in the backgrounds to yer scenes... then don't! :P
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Mike.S.N_310-X on 2010-07-09 08:33:54
may I ask this, how to create new battle with new battle scene(not replace old battle scene, just add new) . :o I want to make some boss battles :P
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Nightmarish on 2010-07-09 13:34:02
Just as you have every right to not use it if you do not agree with the way he chose to redo it.

Exactly, no one is forced to use pyrozen scene.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Millenia on 2010-07-09 16:25:38
less talk more work, sheesh
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Armorvil on 2010-07-09 16:49:52
I read everything KM said, and I still think Pyro's scene is great.

Getting rid of the mountains is not being authentic to the original and is simply a case of getting rid of something that one happens to dislike personally.

Yup, and what's wrong with that ? It is logic to do what one likes, during one's free time. I like you KM, you're a great guy and all, but pretending that your opinion has more value than someone else's is quite pretentious. This is subjective matter we're talking about, here.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: sicatrix on 2010-07-09 17:15:28
I hail from Mugen forums, and from my experience there all creations should only receive bug report feedback, throw an opinion here and there and hope the creator would agree, and if not edit it yourself upon release = a much better form of freedom.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2010-07-09 17:31:37
pretending that your opinion has more value than someone else's is quite pretentious.

I'm not the one doing that. I'm saying that the opinion of just about everyone who has ever designed a video game has more value than the opinion of one person.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-07-09 18:29:35
I'm not the one doing that. I'm saying that the opinion of just about everyone who has ever designed a video game has more value than the opinion of one person.
your creating a false group of mystery developers whom you have never even met to back up YOUR personal opinion. Or maybe you only play games that keep the enviroment really small. Initally i cared about your opinion, but now i don't since you obviously have no consideration for mine, or the fact that I am the one creating it. Maybe you should have all of your developers create the FF7 that you are envisioning, because they obviously agree with you. Or download GiMP and show me that your way is better, simply repeating it does nothing to convince me.

Im done with this petty bullshit and i'm going to go do something productive, i suggest everyone else do the same.

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: halkun on 2010-07-09 19:10:24
Kudistos, cut it out. You are being antagonistic.

Try and hold opinions without an argument. If you are that passionate about it, you can try offering constructive criticism, or better yet,  try making something yourself as an example. It's not exactly hard to do a texture swap anymore.

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2010-07-09 19:36:07
your creating a false group of mystery developers whom you have never even met to back up YOUR personal opinion.

The Final Fantasy developers are neither false nor mysterious. Nor are the developers of all the other games that always have something significant in the background.

Or maybe you only play games that keep the enviroment really small.

Like RPGs? Or like all non-sandbox games, where having a small environment is a necessity?

Kudistos, cut it out. You are being antagonistic.

Try and hold opinions without an argument. If you are that passionate about it, you can try offering constructive criticism

What? When have I done anything other than offer constructive criticism? At no point have I resorted to personal attacks, and at no point have my criticisms been along the lines of "this sucks you suck everything you make sucks". No. I have offered general approval of most of pyrozen's work since he has been here but pointed out assertively that there is one part of it that has something wrong with it and have and said exactly how this can be improved. I have not based my criticisms on personal opinion but have pointed out general practice when it comes to making backgrounds in games. I have done so in language that is as unemotional as possible, even though I have been accused of "attacks" and ordering people to "kneel to my wishes". How can criticism possibly be more constructive?

Really, I fail to see how I am the one being antagonistic, especially when I was just accused of lying and told that my attempt at giving constructive criticism was "petty bullshit".
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Armorvil on 2010-07-09 20:19:09
Yeah, because the game designers you know so well are superior entities and never mess up. To be frank, in all my years of gaming (and god knows I have many behind my back), these professionnals disappointed me more than once - even in Squaresoft / Square-Enix (FFX-2, FFXII, FFXIII, ...). How could we trust you, when you keep them so high in your esteem ?... ...See how this works ? No one's opinion is better than someone else's when one's dealing with matters as subjective as this.

And I'm sorry, but I stand my ground. You sound pretentious, with your talk "I know what the best game designers think ! Their (and my) opinions are of higher value than all of yours ! You are wrong !"

Quit being childish and move on, if you don't like what Pyro is doing.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2010-07-09 20:27:22
I don't recall calling them perfect. Nay, it's such a basic design principle that even mediocre game designers know it. It's kind of like art classes in primary school; they tell you to not leave any white on the paper and have detail everywhere, even if it isn't very realistic. Why? Because bland backgrounds look bad except in very specific circumstances. Art may be subjective to some degree, but there are some basic principles that can only be broken in special circumstances by special people.

Also, I haven't used any personal insults, so don't call me "pretentious" or "childish", especially if other people are supposed to come to the conclusion that I am the one being antagonistic.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Armorvil on 2010-07-09 20:33:25
Look, you voiced your opinion. And the person you're talking to said he prefers his way. End of story. You can argue all you like, pull generalities and insult people's intelligence all you like (a basic design principle ? Art classes in primary school ? Ah ! Tell that to the game designers of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus), it won't change the fact that Pyro prefers his way. So yeah, your behaviour continues to be both pretentious and childish.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2010-07-09 20:41:34
So yeah, your behaviour continues to be both pretentious and childish.

Remember kids, Kudistos Megistos is the one who is flaming and attacking everyone. ;D

Since I think this thread is going this way, perhaps someone can make an ATTN: Kudistos Megistos thread in Completely Unrelated. Everyone I have ever disagreed with or who has a grudge for some other reason can go there and tell me what a big, mean poopy-head I am, whilst I respond (and yes, I will respond when people insult me or accuse me of things I haven't done).
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Armorvil on 2010-07-09 20:45:51
Poor thing. I have nothing against you. As I said earlier, I like you (no, this is not a love declaration :P). But that doesn't mean I have to always agree with you, either. And I also am childish and pretentious, at times. It's quite natural ; we're humans after all. The thing is, one has to let things go eventually.

Now come on, and give me a hug !  :-*
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2010-07-09 20:52:59
I have nothing against you. As I said earlier, I like you (no, this is not a love declaration :P). But that doesn't mean I have to agree with you, either. And I can also be childish and pretentious, at times, it's quite natural. We're humans after all. The thing is one has to let things go, eventually.

Really? You see, when I disagree with someone I get insulted and accused of lying and flaming, so I thought that I'd act that way when people disagree with me. :P

Poor thing.

Hey, I'm not poor, I'm just thrifty! ;D
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Bosola on 2010-07-09 21:58:58
Whatever the rights and wrongs, there's scarcely anything to be gained by thrashing this out.

I, though, agree that most wide-open battle scenes I've encountered look uneven, visually 'unbalanced', estrange the player from action and look unfinished. But then, I'm sure people will claim Rebirth is too hard, that my pruning of enemies reduces variety and that Libre shouldn't have copied WM's UI, so I'll never command complete consensus. Such is life.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: sl1982 on 2010-07-09 23:38:21
That's enough everyone. If you wish to discuss art in game design you can create a thread in unrelated. Everyone here is entitled to their own opinion but this is starting to degenerate into a flame war.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Grimmy on 2010-07-10 01:07:25

I know quoting images is a no no, but I wanted to help get this back on topic. I really think this is fantastic work. 100x better than the original IMO. It throws the lacking battle models into sharp relief. I hope we see much more of this from you pyrozen.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-07-11 02:41:39
here's an attempt to please the mountaineers around here. It looks okay, but the source image was low resolution so it doesn't look as good as it should. Ill give it another go tomarrow with better sources. I also tweaked the grass a hair to make it match a little better.

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2010-07-11 02:47:45
Mountaineers, eh? ;D

The mountains look a bit too far away, although that might be because the grass in the background doesn't match up yet with the grass in the foreground.

I also wonder whether it might be wise to try to make things in the backgrounds on the world map look like the things on the map itself. I remember reading a while ago that some people wanted the style of the backgrounds in the bombing mission to resemble the backgrounds in the field screen, so perhaps the same principle could be applied, so long as it doesn't involve great divergence from the original battle background.

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: sl1982 on 2010-07-11 03:15:10
Yeah, that is not happening in the bombing mission. The battle backgrounds will resemble the original battle backgrounds.

Sorry Kudistos, accidently clicked modify not reply :P
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2010-07-11 03:18:26
Yeah, that is not happening in the bombing mission. The battle backgrounds will resemble the original battle backgrounds.

Sou nan da ;D

It may have been in another thread that I read it. I suppose it might be impossible to make it resemble the field background and still be faithful to the original in some cases.

Sorry Kudistos, accidently clicked modify not reply :P

I'm just wondering when you gained mod power in this forum and in general
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: sl1982 on 2010-07-11 03:19:46
Before today, after obesebear became a global mod.

edit: And you did read it in the bombing mission, but the main problem with it is many of the battle scenes don't resemble field scenes. Or the same battle scene is used with multiple field backgrounds, that may not match up artistically.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-07-13 23:02:07
here's the newest version, this one is faithful to the original in that it has hills with vegatation instead of mountains. I've got another one like this in the works, but i really like this one the best. I'm working on fading the ground into the background...but even a decent blend is pretty obvious when ingame. I don't think there is really a fix for this other than the fact most people won't be paying THAT much attention when fighting. Even the original had a pretty poor matchup, but no one ever said a word ;)

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Nightmarish on 2010-07-14 00:17:13
Would be possible to use both:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v220/pyrozen/Untitled-1-11.jpg (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v220/pyrozen/Untitled-1-11.jpg)
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v220/pyrozen/Untitled-1-9.jpg (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v220/pyrozen/Untitled-1-9.jpg)

In the same area?
I mean sometimes the battle using one and sometimes the other.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-07-14 00:37:41
not without somehow adding additonal battle "zones" to the  game. Each area uses a specific battle scene, so you would have to hack a new one into the game in order to make it work properly. Im not even sure if we know how exactly the game choses a battle scene when walking on the world map ATM. I would be coold if it were possible, but in the short term its definitely not happening.

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: sl1982 on 2010-07-14 00:40:54
It would have to be something that Aali added into his driver. You would have to talk to him.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: jeffdamann on 2010-07-14 01:15:34
Im back on the prjoect, after a brief hiatus due to personal projects IRL,which are now completed, I am now continuing my work.

Question:When exactly does the bombing mission end in TA's view? After the explosion that burns wedge, or when you all get off the train in the slums?
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: sl1982 on 2010-07-14 01:16:11
The reactor explosion.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Nightmarish on 2010-07-14 09:50:07
not without somehow adding additonal battle "zones" to the  game. Each area uses a specific battle scene, so you would have to hack a new one into the game in order to make it work properly. Im not even sure if we know how exactly the game choses a battle scene when walking on the world map ATM. I would be coold if it were possible, but in the short term its definitely not happening.


I see.

I remember as a kid, when i was grinding, sometimes being only "walking" in the darker parts of the ground (shadow of the mountains) just like we have to do in the chocobo foot prints. I don't remember if it actually worked to get different kind of battles tho (probably didnt ^^)

Anyway maybe that feature of the chocobo prints could be used with the areas with mountains shadow (darker ground area) and the parts without, forcing battles with hills in the background in that dark area.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-07-14 23:29:30
well, the dark area actually shares its texture with the lighter areas as well, but im not sure how the game determines which arena to battle in. If it is based on what texture your standing on, or if it uses your location in the world. I would think that the latter would be the method used, but i honestly have no idea since im not a coder.

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: jeffdamann on 2010-07-19 05:00:12
Here is what I have done on pjac...


If you will notice after my bricks there is a brown area and then more grey bricks. They actually look like this.


I think it would look pretty odd if I were to make tiny bricks and replace the current textures with them, but then again who knows. I would like your input on what to do with them, and I will do the best I can.

Also the building and wall in the BG look pretty good, should I just do some advanced sharpening on it or retexture it?
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-07-19 22:35:03
your bricks look alright for a start, but as of right now they still look very unnatural. Add some grease smudges and dirt, decrease the brightness and up the contrast. Once you correct the bricks, then the background will definitely need to be retextured as well.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: jeffdamann on 2010-07-21 21:07:14
Is anyone still interested in this? Sithlord is busy with other projects and pyrozen is busy IRL, and I have basically lost motivation after my last round, because it seems interest has been lost in this WIP.

Please, continue to leave suggestions and critique as you all did before, I would really like to continue work on this, but have many projects IRL, so its hard to find motivation when no one is paying attention lol.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2010-07-21 21:08:24
TBH, energy spent on these battle backgrounds might be better spent on the bombing mission project over in TA.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: jeffdamann on 2010-07-21 21:16:29
Yeah but texturing is my strong point, and I have room to evolve my skills here, Im not really good with 3d yet, but if someone would send me some texture maps I would prolly get a great result on some enemies/ other things.

I would also texture the field backgrounds, if each object can have its own texture map, I.E. Ladders, Pipes, Catwalks, Etc.

They want me to remodel the train, And I've been messing with it but my 3d skills are not up to par yet.

Anyways maybe Ill figure something out...
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Clodus on 2010-07-21 22:25:37
Moooooooootiiiiiiivvvaaaaaaaashuuuuunnn...  No, but honestly all of these works look absolutely fantastic, way better than what I could do...  In any case, maybe those bricks look a bit...  I don't know...  Too in place?  They seem like...  Perfect... Seems kinda odd if you ask me, considering the slums is supposed to be frickin rat-infested dirty.  If you could, definitely work on the background as well just cause. =D
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Owenay on 2010-07-22 21:37:41
The battle backgrounds are wonderful and I certainly welcome any improvement on their quality (regular backgrounds too - especially resolution), however if I could vote for the one area of texture related improvement it would be the battle character textures of the other party members so they are on par with the Cloud and Barret ones.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-07-23 00:30:52
Is anyone still interested in this? Sithlord is busy with other projects and pyrozen is busy IRL, and I have basically lost motivation after my last round, because it seems interest has been lost in this WIP.
Please, continue to leave suggestions and critique as you all did before, I would really like to continue work on this, but have many projects IRL, so its hard to find motivation when no one is paying attention lol.
i dont think interest has been lost, most people are just focused on the bombing mission demo ATM. I will be returning to this sometime in the near future, but right now whenever i have free time im busy playing through FF7 w/the hardcore mod.

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Nazta on 2010-07-23 03:36:00
I want that battle menu!   ;D
{bricks Screenshot}
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Shankifer on 2010-07-23 04:19:19
Just wanted to offer up some CC:

Just a general "smog" in the city BG would be a nice way to blend everything, same with the roads, just darkening spots here and there. It would take away that. "omgosh they just restoned a road in the slums!" feeling :P
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: jeffdamann on 2010-07-23 08:28:28
The Image posted above is a main thoroughfare on the top plate of midgar, where the beginning of the first scene takes place, thats why you jump the train and head down towards the slums.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Clodus on 2010-07-23 16:33:25
Hummm... I know which part you're talking about. With that general area, given it just might be because it's a bit pixelated, on the field map those bricks seem a bit cracked up, old and musty, don't ya think? Maybe we should see some type of updated background as to see what you're trying to aim for, maybe... - -;;
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: jeffdamann on 2010-07-23 19:04:07
Good point, it may be because its pixelated, but Ill try and make it look more like the field screen bricks if possible. I agree they shouldnt look brand new, but not super cracker, dirty either.

Im also working a way to randomize the brick pattern to where it isnt 100% patterned like that, give it some randomness ya know?

Taking that there is new interest in the project, I will continue work,
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Clodus on 2010-07-24 08:39:44
I think I might understand.  I kinda found some type of random bricks, regardless if it's a wall, in a certain order that you might be able to use as a reference. I don't think that the bricks should be ultra, super cracked up either, maybe the same as the picture.

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: jeffdamann on 2010-07-24 09:19:26
Thanks clodus, lets see how it looks with that set-up, may still look a little too "perfect" though.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Clodus on 2010-07-24 09:21:42
Haha, no problem at all man. I appreciate the work that you're doing, that I'm not able to do mind you.

EDIT: I found another picture of an actual brick road. It's somewhat the same color scheme and as you can see, it looks used (teehee...). Maybe within the modification to the bricks, you could try and add a little color disfiguration, like the paint is withering away because of how many people walk on those roads.

EDIT 2: Forgot to add the link... - -;;


EDIT 3: Found more pictures of interest that might spark some types of ideas...

http://people.ku.edu/~jfdevlin/Lawrencefolder/BrickRoad.jpg (All of those cracks on the left, or upper left show lots of wear and tear.)
http://alloveralbany.com/images/yellow_brick_old_bricks.jpg (How there's dirt between the bricks, showing that a lot of people pass by carrying the dirt underneath their shoes.)
http://addins.kwwl.com/blogs/scribbles/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/img000751.jpg (Very up, close and personal with the detail of used bricks.)
http://www.jimgrey.net/Roads/NationalRoadIllinois/01g_Farm_Road.jpg (Looks like wear and tear from rain. It DOES rain in Midgar.)

Also, I couldn't find an image, but I was thinking of a bit of lowered areas or holes in the roads, maybe because of pressure pushing down on them or something...
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-08-21 18:34:19

im still working on this project, just at a slow pace. I started toying around with the battle arena yesterday. The new textures give it a slightly different feel than the originals, i went a bit more vibrant because the BA always seemed kinda muted for some reason. the pruple lava glow effects have yet to be added, so the floor will blend ranther than stand out like it is now.

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: sl1982 on 2010-08-21 19:14:28
Nice, and whats this with you not using Avalanche overhaul?
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-08-21 19:21:36
Nice, and whats this with you not using Avalanche overhaul?
i switch between 2 versions of ff7, on enhanced and one not. Makes it easier to mess with my LGPs and exporting whole projects when im not sidestepping other projects. Also, this laptop is barely able to run the overhaul, opening the menu is like molasses and so is the end of  battle EXP screen.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: sl1982 on 2010-08-21 20:11:41
Oh, well maybe v2.0 will help with loading.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-08-21 22:21:28

just a little more...luckily the chains still looks good, so i may not have to recreate them.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Timber on 2010-08-22 14:09:58
Is there any way to make the water look like its below the bricks?
I suppose this would require remodelling the scene.
Just looks very flat is all.

Texture is looking good though, although it is hard to read the text on the floor.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-08-22 14:52:23
Is there any way to make the water look like its below the bricks?
I suppose this would require remodelling the scene.
Just looks very flat is all.

Texture is looking good though, although it is hard to read the text on the floor.

yes, lowering the water would require a remodel. I tried faking it but it just looks odd. I was toying with the idea of adding a border to the arena though, which "may" make it look a little better. The text is kinda hard to read in the shots, but its clear as day when full screen. I went with a more worn look rather than the original one, which looked like it was just painted on. Im trying for a slightly more serious look in the BA, while still staying true to the original.

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Nightmarish on 2010-08-22 20:29:51
Imo, the ground tiles look a bit weird. Kinda like wood.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: drfeelgud88 on 2010-08-23 20:43:34
I think it looks nice.
But will it look good if you added some bloodstains and scratches and such?
It is a battle arena, but I don't know, I was just brainstorming on it.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-08-23 21:19:12
Imo, the ground tiles look a bit weird. Kinda like wood.

im working on a more "stoney" look ATM, but its hard since the default palette is brown. I made a grey texture that looked great, but im trying to stick to the original assets to get this into a TA patch at some point.

I think it looks nice.
But will it look good if you added some bloodstains and scratches and such?
It is a battle arena, but I don't know, I was just brainstorming on it.

simple answer, yes. I have yet to add any real details, and ATM jeffdaman is doing his own thing to it so i will get to once i see what he has come up with.

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: drfeelgud88 on 2010-08-24 01:37:16
simple answer, yes. I have yet to add any real details, and ATM jeffdaman is doing his own thing to it so i will get to once i see what he has come up with.

Nice, thanks for the feedback.
Can't wait to see what you guys come up with.  ;)
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-08-24 22:29:32

sweat, bloodstains, and scratches are added. I like the way they look, though i may have went a tad overboard. I also need to tone down the purple glow on the walls, its wayyyyy to big at the moment. Only really need to redo 2 more textures and then the rough draft is finished. I'll probably end up doing a LGP patch until better methods can be used to get this ingame.

Aali's driver will also be required.

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Nightmarish on 2010-08-25 11:58:38
The lava is purple on the original game? Can't remember :/
Tho purple doesn't seem a good color imo.

The scratches and stains look good, just think the ground tiles need some tweak. Have nothing on the ground being made of wood but that texture just looks weird in my eyes. Maybe is too bright.

If you're going for wood, could you try something like this to see how it comes?


Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-08-25 16:13:22
ya the lava actually is purple :) i made a red version but it conflicts with the fieldyou see just before entering the arena...so i left it purple. the floor could be changed to wood altogether, since its hard to tell exactly what it was supposed to orignally be. i was going fo large sandstone blocks...but fell somewhat short. i agree it needs more work, but the file is still layered so ican change anything without altering the other stuff...ill work on it some more later today...im currently in the bathroom @ work :D

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Grimmy on 2010-08-25 20:26:25
Since this Battle scene is used in the field prior to the battle we could use it to generate a new flevel scene as well. Then It would match up perfectly.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Nightmarish on 2010-08-27 04:00:03
ya the lava actually is purple :) i made a red version but it conflicts with the fieldyou see just before entering the arena...so i left it purple. the floor could be changed to wood altogether, since its hard to tell exactly what it was supposed to orignally be. i was going fo large sandstone blocks...but fell somewhat short. i agree it needs more work, but the file is still layered so ican change anything without altering the other stuff...ill work on it some more later today...im currently in the bathroom @ work :D


Well i never thought about it as being wood on the floor also. (i mean, wood and lava doesnt combine).
Always thought about it as some kind of dungeon with those cliché bricks it always have; something like super mario when fighting bowser with all the lava and bricks around it.

Kinda like:
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: refoopseman on 2010-08-29 12:14:52
Pyrozen can you post a link to your battle arena files?

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: drfeelgud88 on 2010-08-31 03:22:06
Hm, I like how that looks so far.
Is it too much if like say, there were some holes or tears within the floor?
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-08-31 21:18:25
Hm, I like how that looks so far.
Is it too much if like say, there were some holes or tears within the floor?
im still working on wearing it a little bit more, but i dont want to go overboard

ya the lava actually is purple :) i made a red version but it conflicts with the fieldyou see just before entering the arena...so i left it purple. the floor could be changed to wood altogether, since its hard to tell exactly what it was supposed to orignally be. i was going fo large sandstone blocks...but fell somewhat short. i agree it needs more work, but the file is still layered so ican change anything without altering the other stuff...ill work on it some more later today...im currently in the bathroom @ work :D

Well i never thought about it as being wood on the floor also. (i mean, wood and lava doesnt combine).
Always thought about it as some kind of dungeon with those cliché bricks it always have; something like super mario when fighting bowser with all the lava and bricks around it.

I agree that would look cool, but as per TA guidelines im trying to stick as closely to  the original as possible, while updating the look. Once battle scenes are more easily replaced, i imagine we will start seeing all types of unique takes on them.

I am very near completeing this, but i am busy as hell working 10hr shifts. I will hopefully start a release thread next week so i can start putting these out. There are a few more i have been working on, but i haven't show any shots yet.

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2010-08-31 21:32:52
Only complaint is that the bricks on the wall are two to three times as thick as they should be (looking at original texture. Seems out of place to me i guess haha. Otherwise looking good
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-08-31 21:54:01
Only complaint is that the bricks on the wall are two to three times as thick as they should be (looking at original texture. Seems out of place to me i guess haha. Otherwise looking good
nope, your dead on. I needed to tile them together so there are at least x2 as many bricks in that same amount of area. Problem has already been corrected, i just haven't had the time to upload shots.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2010-08-31 21:56:29
Only complaint is that the bricks on the wall are two to three times as thick as they should be (looking at original texture. Seems out of place to me i guess haha. Otherwise looking good
nope, your dead on. I needed to tile them together so there are at least x2 as many bricks in that same amount of area. Problem has already been corrected, i just haven't had the time to upload shots.

Awesome! i await for you to have some free time and upload some new shots :D
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-09-01 21:28:49
here are the new bricks, fresh from scratch ;) looks better, and they are better suited to the floor.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: ItchyPanda on 2010-09-03 06:48:33
Im so looking forward for this Mod...looking really sick so far~
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2010-09-03 11:24:17
wall look loads better, no comparison i think. floor looks great, as will the finish product. Keep up the amazing work pyro ;D
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Nightmarish on 2010-09-04 03:25:34
Looks great now indeed  ;D
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-09-10 00:11:47

just polished off the gate. The bars need some slight tweaking but its a great start. I only have to redo the ropes at the back, and one mystery texture that i cannot seem to locate anywhere in the arena.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Nightmarish on 2010-09-10 13:29:08
I think you should give some thickness to the ground  :o
1/3 or 1/4 of a brick (using bricks from the wall as measurement :-D ) should be enough.

Also noticed the glow stops in the gate. Can't you add some "side gradient" in there too?
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Tenko Kuugen on 2010-09-10 15:47:04
this is awesome work but Nightmarish has a point. the ground looks like its some sort of platform floating in a different space
It also looks really weird as ground
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-09-10 18:52:31
this is awesome work but Nightmarish has a point. the ground looks like its some sort of platform floating in a different space
It also looks really weird as ground
The texutre can be changed, but it is impossible to give it any "depth" because the viewing angle destroys the illusion. The walls are easy because you see them straigh-on, so it can easily be faked. I know the floor looks odd butting up againstthe water, but until i change the actual battle model, thats just the way it is.

Adding purple glow the the gate wall can be done, but the gate itself uses the same texture as the walls close to the water. Adding purple glow near the water makes it also appear where there is no water. Its a catch 22, but the original was even done the way i have. Ill see what i can do.

also, i appreciate the direct and precise feedback, makes it very easy to improve on this.

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: FeliX Leonhart on 2010-11-12 17:07:51

Here is the offending file.

I do not have the artistic skill to tackle that image ATM, maybe one day. Anyone who would like to do it is welcome to and will be considered a member of the project.

I will keep this post up to date as we progress along.

I tried to do that image)

If the project is not dead, I would like to participate)
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: willis936 on 2010-11-12 18:44:41
Now there's a first post.  Incredible texture work right there.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-11-12 18:57:28
very nice! This project is not dead, but it is currently comatose at the moment. I have alot of stuff going on right now IRL, and other  FF7 projects have taken my time as well. I would definitely encourage you to go ahead, pick a scene, and give it a go. your texture speaks volumes about your level of talent.

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: FeliX Leonhart on 2010-11-12 19:49:41
Ok, I'll try other textures=)
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2010-11-12 20:21:25
Wow dude.. If you haven't already check out Team Avalanche. They need as much help as they can, and i believe are currently short on texture artists.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: sithlord48 on 2010-11-12 21:39:07
very nice! im not sure whats up w/ this project as i have not talked to jeff in abit, but i would for sure say you should help TA , there is lots of work to be done, and the battle scene enhancements are just a small part of the larger TA project(s).
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: willis936 on 2010-11-12 21:54:25
Ah yes.  I suggest messaging sl1982 for details on what needs to be done next.  They decided to organize things by sections of the game where they redo everything (models, field scenes, battle scenes, spells, etc.)  They're still on the bombing mission because it's such a daunting task and everyone's busy with life and they're short handed on skilled artists.  I hate to be the devil's advocate and take away from this project but it'd be great to see you helping them too,
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: FeliX Leonhart on 2010-11-16 06:06:39
Now this gives me the head ache....
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: sl1982 on 2010-11-16 10:41:19
Yeah we had that problem too. The original doesnt line up properly either.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-11-16 13:11:21
if you move to scenes beyond the bombing mission i will gladly include them iin the next wmrp installer. we are in the process of breaking the installers up by sections and putting the battle  fields with the world map makes logical sense. i plan on releasing an update to the wmrp sometime soon and iit adds alot of new textures and fixes a few older ones.

Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: FeliX Leonhart on 2010-11-16 20:02:52
Ok, here I need your opinion:
To use more vibrant colours like in original:

Or a slightly desaturated version:
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-11-16 20:40:19
the desaturated version looks perfect to me! Nice job!
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: sl1982 on 2010-11-16 21:00:26
Nice work, if this is going to be avalanche work perhaps you might wish to create a thread there.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Hellbringer616 on 2010-11-16 21:31:05
Desaturated is my vote.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: pyrozen on 2010-11-16 22:27:19
Nice work, if this is going to be avalanche work perhaps you might wish to create a thread there.

took the liberty and just created one. I'll spiffy it up once i get back from class tonight.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Nightmarish on 2010-11-16 23:22:37
felix_leonhart awesome skills there!!
You should be texturing all new models from TA  :-D
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2010-11-17 15:00:30
I vote for vibrant. Come on guys, vibrant colours are the essence of this game!

In any case, that's a nice looking background.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Armorvil on 2011-04-03 18:30:13
In Felix's thread, he mentions that he's not working on the grassland battle scene, because Pyrozen already made one. Thing is, I can see the pics here, but the download link is nowhere to be found. Did Pyrozen upload it somewhere or not ?
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Kyo13 on 2011-04-04 12:59:00
There is another thread from Pyrozen, talking about the battle scenes enhancement : http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=11036.0

But as far as I know, only Felix has released his work. On that current thread you can save images like OPAC / OPAD and use them on the game, but I only have complete battle scenes from Felix. (And some others by MagoChocobo but I prefer Felix's works ^^).

Well using Felix's mod and MagoChocobo's mod is about 19 battle scenes (89 or 90 to complete) so we have to be patient. The project has started a moment ago, so it's a good thing to already have some of the battle scenes :)
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: darkey on 2011-04-14 20:44:44
I tried to do that image)

If the project is not dead, I would like to participate)

I think that is actually supposed to be wires in the black area.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: yarLson on 2011-04-15 01:34:39
don't quite understand what you mean but this is just a prototype man. It was his very first post on these boards. Take a look at felix's project thread to see what's really going on :D
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: FeliX Leonhart on 2011-04-16 08:46:09
I think that is actually supposed to be wires in the black area.
Yep, they are actually wires, but at that time I didn't know how to do them :P
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: ITCOMPTECH on 2011-04-16 13:12:16
sorry to be a pain but does anyone know where to paste these textures for some reason or another i can't find the file in my main root directory what is it called
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Vgr on 2011-04-16 13:43:02
Have you Aali's driver installed? If not, do so before.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: ITCOMPTECH on 2011-04-18 03:22:33
hey guys I'm absolutely infatuated with the ff series and ff 7 is without doubt my favorite one of the series..anyway! is it OK if i have a go at doing a texture for one of the battle scenes and if so where do you find the battle files/scenes to texture!!? and what program did you guys use to re texture the scene and if possible can one of you send one to me so i can make a start on it. I know it's a lot to ask for in one message but i really wanna help i have modded my ff7 with all the the mods that i know of.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: FeliX Leonhart on 2011-04-18 04:53:34
I'm using Photoshop CS5, also you can use GIMP or mspaint. Also "biturn" is needed to extract the files.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: ITCOMPTECH on 2011-04-30 06:31:00
Thanks FeliX i have all of them but GIMP cheers
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: sithlord48 on 2011-05-01 04:45:56
Thanks FeliX i have all of them but GIMP cheers

+1 :D The GIMP is awesome.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: syntax error on 2011-05-01 19:39:25
GIMP is awesome like the Photoshop plugin Genuine Fractals 8)
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: yarLson on 2011-05-02 19:30:36
Genuine Fractals is now called Perfect Resize!
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: ITCOMPTECH on 2011-05-05 00:01:22
hmm well looks like i might have to get it then :-)
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Nywie93 on 2011-08-27 14:07:52
where download complete battle scene enhancement lgp files? it's only png files? my battle scene enhancement  don't work to png , i have my folder battle in mods Final Fantasy VII\mods\avalanche\battle
 , world and field works but not battle , I do not know why
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Vgr on 2011-08-27 15:28:11
Post your APP log
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: PitBrat on 2011-08-27 15:37:34
You must move all the PNG files from out of the folders inside the ZIP and place them in 'Final Fantasy VII\mods\avalanche\battle\'.
There should be only PNG's and no folders inside the 'battle' folder.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Nywie93 on 2011-08-27 18:44:08
where i can download all png for battle scene? (all files exist create)
(the first textures battle after the scene of train) it's important for look my mods battle works or no thx
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: PitBrat on 2011-08-27 21:19:36
Save the sample images as PNG's and adjust the name accordingly:
osaf = stage12_t03_00.png
opac = stage09_t00_00.png
opad = stage09_t01_00.png
opaf = stage09_t03_00.png
oqac = stage10_t00_00.png
pjac = stage29_t00_00.png
pjaf = stage29_t03_00.png

These are for the first battle scene after the train and in the reactor.

Place the png's in .\mods\[MODSFOLDER]\battle\
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Nywie93 on 2011-08-31 13:59:10
I need The battle lgp files For after the train and reactor , problem to load to png , field and world loads to png but not battle , i prefer the files lgp files for battle.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: PitBrat on 2011-08-31 17:04:56
Look to my post above for the PNG and LGP file names for the first couple battle scenes in the game.
Zangan is a tool for viewing battle scenes.  It's good for identifying file names.
You can just count the scenes to get the correct PNG file names.
Zangan.zip                                      Pyrozen         Battle Scene Viewer                     Qhimm (http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=11036.msg153865#msg153865) FILE (http://www.mediafire.com/?ecc0cxpaad9e11w)
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Dark Matt on 2011-09-02 20:32:57
These battle scenes are awesome  :-D
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Johnny_Doe on 2011-09-19 10:56:15
Hello guys. Don't want to trouble you but could somebody teach me how to remake textures like ones you did here? I would appreciate it if you make a kind of short tutor document with screenshots or something. I'm writing here because I couldn't find any info about it and I really like what you've done. Please mail me at [email protected] if you wish to help. Thank you.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: KingMB on 2012-08-21 17:33:46
Hello, because I couldn't find a final version of the Sector 1/train-battle-field, I took this work:
I did Opaf, what do you guys think?



Lemme know your thoughts

Edit: Reduced graininess
And made the trancparenca by myself. I'm not so good in editing pictures/textures.
I think you all know this screen:
(http://www.kingsanimeboard.de/images/Sector 1 - way to reactor - old.jpg)
this is after I insert the field-textures from you, and made the transparency, in the one that isn't finished yet by you...
(http://www.kingsanimeboard.de/images/Sector 1 - way to reactor - new.jpg)
and here is the texture:
I know it could be better, but like I said I'm not so good in editing pictures or textures...

(hope all can understand what I say, because my english isn't the best. I'm from Germany)
And last but not least good work at all...
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Fischkopf on 2012-09-03 14:12:03
This looks awesome, please share and make it available for everybody.  :)
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: KingMB on 2012-09-18 21:18:30
This looks awesome, please share and make it available for everybody.  :)
if this is on my post you only need to save the texture (last pic) on you PC in the Folder [FF7-Folder]\mods\[Mod-Folder]\battle.
the [Mod-Folder] is the Folder registret in the file "ff7_opengl.cfg", on my PC it is named "avalanche", but it can some other on your PC.

here is one more time the link to that texture: stage09_t03_00.png (http://www.kingsanimeboard.de/images/stage09_t03_00.png)
right click it, and use "save as" (I think its "save as", because, my language is german)

you also need some of the other textures, which was postet somewhere else in this thread, which names as "stage09_t??_??.png" or "opad*.png"
{? and * are place-holder, ? means 1 character, * means 0 or more characters}
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: JLOUTLAW on 2012-09-20 13:46:52
I am interested in working on some battle scenes as well. Can someone send me the battle files please? I tried google searching for them, but found nothing.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
Post by: Toppanzoo on 2015-05-13 23:09:21
Now this gives me the head ache....

Hi, I am not the kind of NEAT CG Designer but tried to find out the source of this problem.
The original osaa-osau using Kimere shows the same result;


I foud that there IS two points that cause this problem;

1. Texture "0" transparent zone which resides in two places horizontally in "osac".
    The picture under the second transparent zone should be shifted by 2 pix downward.
2. Center line of rail IS shifted ; The rail is the top long horizontal line in "osac" but mirrored in game.

Here's the corrected png,

File Link;
Code: [Select]
Please shape up this if you have time. I am looking forward to your awsome work.
Title: Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement: STAGE10
Post by: Toppanzoo on 2015-06-22 04:13:41
I noticed that in STAGE10, the Shinra Logo on the floor IS NOT shown correctly , upper half of it was CUT and replaced by lower half attatched to its lower half.
I tried to correct this. and here's the result.



All I did are;

1 Open oqaa with Kimera.
2 Make oqam half leavinng -z side along with x axis.
3 save it as oqak.
4 make mirror image of oqam which is already cut half.
5 save it as oqal.
6 make texture oqac normal with Shinra Logo using Photoshop or some other image making software,
5 save it as oqac with Image2TEX.
6 copy "mirrored" upper half of Shinra Logo to the same position of the picture STEP6.
7 save it as oqah with Image2TEX.
8 Now re-open oqaa with Kimera.
9 Click oqam and add oqak. Remove oqam(we dont need it anymore. Don't worry it will be made again in Kimera).
10 Make sure texture is displayed correctly on oqak.
11. Add oqal(mirrored oqak) to the bone of oqak added in STEP 9.
12. Add texture to oqal and save the model oqaa.
    This saving action eliminates the crash problem of Kimera in my case.
13. Re-open oqaa and click oqam (it was united from oqak and oral in step12).
14 Add texture oqah (with mirrored upper half of Sinra Logo).
15. Set Texture ID to 5 in Group 1 Texture Property of oqam with Kimera.
15 All is OK ? you can see the whole Sinra Logo displayed correctly?
16 Save oqaa. Done

Files for dowaload;
Code: [Select]