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Off-topic forums => Completely Unrelated => Topic started by: Jaitsu on 2011-04-19 02:29:02

Title: surgery- clubbed foot
Post by: Jaitsu on 2011-04-19 02:29:02
alright, so this will probably my last topic i post in for a short while, as tomorrow morning i go in for yet my surgery on my leg.

has anyone ever heard of, been affected by, or known someone else affected by clubbed foot?

for thoughs who haven't, its a birth defect, its actually quite common but the problem lies in that there are huge variants in how bad it can be, i was one of the unfortunate bastards born with a very severe case of it, and while my left leg got repaired, my right one is still an issue, and has eventually led to me being told i'll need a bone fusion at some point in my life.

how it works is that i guess in the smallest terms, you could say my foot is sideways, for most that means walking on the sides of the feet and heels, mine was severe enough i was born with them ready to walk on the ankles.

anyway, wish me luck, post any stories relating to it, etcetera.
Title: Re: surgery- clubbed foot
Post by: xLostWingx on 2011-04-19 06:12:11
Good Luck.  I hope all goes well.
Title: Re: surgery- clubbed foot
Post by: Opine on 2011-04-19 16:41:17
Good luck with your surgery.
Title: Re: surgery- clubbed foot
Post by: idl12 on 2011-04-19 17:35:28
Good luck with your surgery dude, You'll be fine/
Title: Re: surgery- clubbed foot
Post by: Cupcake on 2011-04-20 02:13:30
You'll be fine

Unless he never wakes up from the anesthesia.
Title: Re: surgery- clubbed foot
Post by: DLPB_ on 2011-04-20 02:34:29
My mother had it, and she spent a while in hospital bored to tears.  The problem did not affect her much late in life.
Title: Re: surgery- clubbed foot
Post by: Kemlin on 2011-04-20 06:50:27
I wish you luck, Mister Strife.

Unless he never wakes up from the anesthesia.

...you are a terrible person.
Title: Re: surgery- clubbed foot
Post by: Mako on 2011-04-20 07:27:59
Good luck MR. Jaitsu! You should know that its a pretty common procedure now days...In some cases you don't even need to be put under. But just to let you know its considered a "Minor Surgery" still doesn't help with felling nervous I bet. I wish you a speedy recovery.
Title: Re: surgery- clubbed foot
Post by: xLostWingx on 2011-04-20 16:36:56
Evidently we can't have four posts about a truely human topic without being exposed to something disgusting.  That's ok Cupcake, I'm certain your inconsiderate comments stem from your own deep inner pain and I'm sure some of us hope that you can overcome your life's struggles too.  Be careful, generating hate in the midst of caring will not make life any easier.

Jaitsu, hope everything went well yesterday; it would seem that you have/had nothing to worry about based on what others have said   :D
Title: Re: surgery- clubbed foot
Post by: Jaitsu on 2011-04-20 18:02:55
i'm home now everyone, i'm in a severe amount of pain because the doctors are fucking idiots but i'm trying to recover, i'm unfortunately drifting in and out of consiousness whenever i need to use the drugs though
Title: Re: surgery- clubbed foot
Post by: BloodShot on 2011-04-21 02:56:57
i'm home now everyone, i'm in a severe amount of pain because the doctors are fucking idiots but i'm trying to recover, i'm unfortunately drifting in and out of consiousness whenever i need to use the drugs though

That doesn't sound too good...
Title: Re: surgery- clubbed foot
Post by: Kudistos Megistos on 2011-04-21 14:37:22
That doesn't sound too good...

It might just be a side-effect of the pain-killers.
Title: Re: surgery- clubbed foot
Post by: Prince Lex on 2011-04-22 13:39:03
Pain killers are an absolute bitch for drowsiness, especially post op ones.
Title: Re: surgery- clubbed foot
Post by: Jaitsu on 2011-04-22 15:17:52
hey everyone, an update

so i'm not sure of the exact name, but the drugs i'm on are called something like purniquettes or something like that, there very powerful right now. i'm slowly weighning of them so that i can stay awake longer.

i also wanted to thank everyone (save for that one post everyone knows about, i don't know why that was said but i'm glad i didn't see that before i went in for surgery), never the less, it was very warming to see so many people wishing me well and it made me very happy to see, i sincerely appreciate it from each and every one of you.
Title: Re: surgery- clubbed foot
Post by: Opine on 2011-04-22 20:29:20
Glad to hear you're doing well.
Never heard of purniquettes, but I remember getting something like Percocet (some knock off brand) when I got my wisdom teeth out. They made me rather loopy.
Title: Re: surgery- clubbed foot
Post by: Cupcake on 2011-04-23 00:15:06
hey everyone, an update

so i'm not sure of the exact name, but the drugs i'm on are called something like purniquettes or something like that, there very powerful right now. i'm slowly weighning of them so that i can stay awake longer.

i also wanted to thank everyone (save for that one post everyone knows about, i don't know why that was said but i'm glad i didn't see that before i went in for surgery), never the less, it was very warming to see so many people wishing me well and it made me very happy to see, i sincerely appreciate it from each and every one of you.

I would just like to state that I meant no ill will, I was just pointing out a possibility.  I'm also glad to hear you are doing well... Except for the drifting in and out of consciousness thing, but as you wean yourself off the meds that'll resolve itself.
Title: Re: surgery- clubbed foot
Post by: Jaitsu on 2011-04-23 00:26:34
I would just like to state that I meant no ill will, I was just pointing out a possibility.  I'm also glad to hear you are doing well... Except for the drifting in and out of consciousness thing, but as you wean yourself off the meds that'll resolve itself.

thanks, i had hoped you meant no ill will, i am glad to see that wasn't the case, and only time will tell.