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Miscellaneous Forums => Gameplay => Topic started by: DeCujus on 2011-05-28 15:53:21

Title: [FF7] FF VII - Shinra Mod (unreleased)
Post by: DeCujus on 2011-05-28 15:53:21
Hi people,

A long moment ago, I have decided to edit and improve NameSpoofer’s « turk mod complete » which was rather good in comparison to  other mods/projects about Turks theme, but was very incomplete from my point of view, particulary because of weird battle character (the ragdoll Rude for example) and imperfect characters field (head of rufus for kid cloud, ect..). So I worked on it and when it will be finish well….I think about a public release. However before I share, I want complete every aspects of it.

The story begin from Rufus’s point of view after Last order and Crisis core events, I found Dyne would do a good candidate for the Turks after his gold saucer’s rampage, and Rufus’s disgrace in Shinra corp since his Avalanche’sponsoring would be a good reason for him and his fellow turks to try to overcome his father and his new staff : FFVII Avalanche themselves.

So I swap :

Cloud => Rufus (Vincent AI)
Barret => Dyne
Tifa => Elena
Red XIII => Walpurgis (a black wolf-like monster, last from GI’s Tribe from Cosmo canyon as opposite to Nanaki on who Hojo has performed some experience in Shinra HQ)
Cid => Reno
Yuffie => Cissnei
Vincent => Ryugan (Katana [male] turk from Last order with Cloud AI)
Jesse => Scarlet
Biggs => Shinra director
Wedge => Heidegger

I don’t include Rude with playable characters,because as a fist fighter we have Elena, and Barret is an inappropriate character to swap with. With Avalanche as antagonist we have Wedge for Palmer, Vincent for Tseng, Yuffie (as a ninjutsu and taijutsu fighter) for Rude, ect.

So my progress in this mod for now are :

Battle models : OK

Characters field (main team and ennemies): OK

Minigames : OK

World map : OK

Kernel : OK

Menu avatars: OK

As a little contribution I just ask for menu avatars, being a complete noob with picture editing and photshop.

If someone can turn in useable and transparent avatars, Rufus, Reno, Elena, Cissnei, Katana (male), Aeris, Sephiroth and Cait Sith  avatars from Before crisis and share it, this would be a great help.

Just a little problem, for Dyne and Walpurgis menu avatars…any suggestion are welcome.

I will post my results with images, soon.

P-S :  my apologize for bad English, I’m French.

Some stuff (click to enlarge) :

(http://nsa20.casimages.com/img/2011/05/28/mini_110528073744944983.jpg) (http://www.casimages.com/img.php?i=110528073744944983.jpg)

-Rufus Shinra- (Battle model)

(http://nsa20.casimages.com/img/2011/05/28/mini_110528074019124692.jpg) (http://www.casimages.com/img.php?i=110528074019124692.jpg)

-Dyne- (Battle model, right weapon handed)

(http://nsa19.casimages.com/img/2011/05/28/mini_110528074109129991.jpg) (http://www.casimages.com/img.php?i=110528074109129991.jpg)

-Walpurgis- (Battle model for my proto-Gi-monster)

(http://nsa20.casimages.com/img/2011/06/04/mini_110604081305277457.jpg) (http://www.casimages.com/img.php?i=110604081305277457.jpg)

-Ryugan (Katana male turk),Dyne, Elena in their updated turk outfit.

(http://nsa19.casimages.com/img/2011/06/04/mini_110604082618313458.jpg) (http://www.casimages.com/img.php?i=110604082618313458.jpg)

-I leave you guessing...

10/06/11 news: well, well, well contrary to I expected...this is not finish.Now, the mod is in testing phase, this is good because I have seen some missing fields models in the Character field tutorial,I found many models found by Makou reactor and I was not very happy about those discoveries. Anyway models are ready, now I work on custom weapons for Reno and Ryugan.I have difficulties to swap item symbol in menu for weapons between characters, then I'm not familiar with C++ and exe editing, so it will take time. Later I will post videos.
Title: Re: [WIP] FF VII - Shinra Mod
Post by: Vgr on 2011-05-29 17:03:44
Hehe excellent! Il y avait déjà un mod comme ça mais celui-là sera mieux j'espère ^^


Please stick to English on this forum - Bosola
Title: Re: [WIP] FF VII - Shinra Mod
Post by: ultima espio on 2011-05-29 17:31:11
Hehe excellent! Il y avait déjà un mod comme ça mais celui-là sera mieux j'espère ^^

There was already a MOD as that but that one will be better I hope

Well... ::)
Title: Re: [WIP] FF VII - Shinra Mod
Post by: DeCujus on 2011-05-29 19:01:01
Well it must be. When it will be finished, I will release my mod in a rar archive I think. I dislike patch and with the files (char/battle/world/minigames) there should be no problems of compatibility with any FFVII's PC version.

A little bonus for french version however, I work too on a edited story from FFVII for this mod (fflevel file).

For now, some other stuff :

Rufus Shinra 4th limit form, Ms Rufus, Weapon handed Rufus, Disabled president and Walpurgis model field.

(http://nsa20.casimages.com/img/2011/05/29/mini_110529085732327527.jpg) (http://www.casimages.com/img.php?i=110529085732327527.jpg)
Title: Re: [WIP] FF VII - Shinra Mod
Post by: Vgr on 2011-05-29 19:02:12
I can translate it to English if you want :)
Title: Re: [WIP] FF VII - Shinra Mod
Post by: DeCujus on 2011-06-04 18:33:09
Almost complete, maybe a video soon.
Title: Re: [WIP] FF VII - Shinra Mod
Post by: GoHurtSomething on 2011-06-06 20:14:55
is this a mod so you play as the turks? If it is I think there is one already, but the replaced characters use the original characters limits. It looks like your giving them their own limits. If you are keep up the work and let me know when you've finished.
Title: Re: [WIP] FF VII - Shinra Mod
Post by: DeCujus on 2011-06-07 09:46:04
Well their limit are barely the same as Team Cloud except for Rufus, then Turks are significaly stronger than Cloud and co were, so I edit limits with Wallmarket and Libre to change limit properties  I use the hardcore patch too to balance things.

However my actual trouble is not the avatars anymore (finished), but to switch some item menu icon. Because the weapons are fine, and Rufus limit works properly now, but in the menu and in the shop we see the sword icon for his weapons and I cant tolerate this flaw. I dont want release an incomplete piece of trash, but a really finished mod, so details as the mysterious hrc file used in snowboard minigame and the 3D objects which are used in the train map of Midgar Rail System (in the scripts scene 4) must be updated.
Title: Re: [WIP] FF VII - Shinra Mod
Post by: GoHurtSomething on 2011-06-07 15:08:41
mmm I see your a perfectionist. But from a players POV, I think we will understand you've replaced the original characters so a minor flaw as the weapons in the item shops still appearing as clouds is no biggie.  But if you figure it out, just use Vincent's weapon cymbal as his is a gun. would be easier than creating your own. I definitely would not call it a piece of trash, you can see you've worked hard on this. Be positive about it it's nice work!  :-)
Title: Re: [WIP/REL] FF VII - Shinra Mod
Post by: DeCujus on 2011-06-15 17:39:50
Well I had some trouble with fraps and CamStudio on my windows XP, anyway I will release its as a firts step in the mod's completion, I will post the flaws later. For now, here you have :

Link removed.  Please do not distribute lgp files.

Dont forget to read the post when I will update it, there are some "bugs" which will be explained and my credits.

P-S : thanks for your encouragement.
Title: Re: [WIP/REL] FF VII - Shinra Mod
Post by: GoHurtSomething on 2011-06-16 20:40:21
mmm fair enough...
yeah I read the updated post
but your file got removed.
have you posted it any where else like filedownload or something?
leme know iv just completed ff7 and fancy doing it again with Rufus.
Title: Re: [WIP/REL] FF VII - Shinra Mod
Post by: Bosola on 2011-06-16 20:57:12
He doesn't need to find a workaround. He just needs to distribute a patch rather than an LGP that still contains Square-produced material.
Title: Re: [REL/FF7] FF VII - Shinra Mod
Post by: Furzball on 2011-12-18 00:53:58
I was wondering if you had any screenshots of cissnei?
Title: Re: [REL/FF7] FF VII - Shinra Mod
Post by: PitBrat on 2011-12-18 02:22:16
I hope there is a release soon.
I'd like to assimilate this mod into Bootleg.
It would definitely be a feature!

Title: Re: [REL/FF7] FF VII - Shinra Mod
Post by: Tekkie.X on 2011-12-18 08:47:01
Guy hasn't logged on here for 6 months, project looks to be a bit dead.
Title: Re: [REL/FF7] FF VII - Shinra Mod
Post by: Furzball on 2011-12-18 09:43:41
Doh! Was hoping to get permission to use cissnei models. Anyone know of any released yet?