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Off-topic forums => Completely Unrelated => Topic started by: ff7maniac on 2011-10-27 15:32:08

Title: anybody has tseng or elena or tifa or yuffie or cid or red or rufus rel 3dmodel?
Post by: ff7maniac on 2011-10-27 15:32:08
Title: Re: anybody has tseng or elena or tifa or yuffie or cid or red or rufus rel 3dmodel?
Post by: Vgr on 2011-10-27 15:33:58
You know, you could have posted that in your other thread. The answer is no for all of them which weren't mentionned in your other thread. Only Red XIII is worth mention, but it is not released.
Title: Re: anybody has tseng or elena or tifa or yuffie or cid or red or rufus rel 3dmodel?
Post by: obesebear on 2011-10-27 15:54:30
Right, well this is like the 3rd or 4th thread you've made asking for models, so now you don't get to post anymore.
Title: Re: anybody has tseng or elena or tifa or yuffie or cid or red or rufus rel 3dmodel?
Post by: Tenko Kuugen on 2011-10-29 02:27:18
And then people tell me im unnecessarily rude to such people when they clearly can't read what people are saying
Or just look around a little
Like at the bootleg thread

Title: Re: anybody has tseng or elena or tifa or yuffie or cid or red or rufus rel 3dmodel?
Post by: Covarr on 2011-10-29 02:47:48
Even if the other person is clearly wrong, you should avoid rudeness. It prevents drama, and frankly there's almost always a better, more mature way to handle it.
Title: Re: anybody has tseng or elena or tifa or yuffie or cid or red or rufus rel 3dmodel?
Post by: xLostWingx on 2011-10-29 03:38:49
If only people sought to avoid drama, strived for betterness, and wanted to be more mature  :P
Title: Re: anybody has tseng or elena or tifa or yuffie or cid or red or rufus rel 3dmodel?
Post by: Tenko Kuugen on 2011-10-30 03:11:06
From where I stand, sugar coating and not saying what you think has absolutely nothing to do with being mature
People like that don't have the skill to start drama anyway.
Title: Re: anybody has tseng or elena or tifa or yuffie or cid or red or rufus rel 3dmodel?
Post by: Covarr on 2011-10-30 03:38:39
I'm not asking you to sugar coat anything. But just saying anything you think isn't remotely productive, it doesn't help with anything. The way I see it, there are three possibilities:

1. You are unable to filter yourself. The lack of a filter is immature.
2. You are able to filter yourself, but choose not to because you think that being right makes it okay. A self-righteous attitude is immature.
3. You think the rules don't apply because someone else broke them first. This is known as the "he started it" way of thinking, common among second graders.

Your attitude does not help anything. We should be striving to maintain a peaceful community, not a hostile one, and you should make an honest attempt at that rather than saying "it's okay because I'm right".

Not to mention, the rules specifically say "Don't Be a D*ck". If you cannot be bothered to follow the rules, be prepared to be dealt with in the same manner as any other rulebreaker. It's nobody's fault but your own if you can't figure out what constitutes appropriate behavior.