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Off-topic forums => Completely Unrelated => Topic started by: PH03N1XFURY on 2012-04-14 11:42:41

Title: possibilities
Post by: PH03N1XFURY on 2012-04-14 11:42:41
would it be possible to port the mini games into a rebuild of ff7 with the unity engine
Title: Re: possibilities
Post by: Bosola on 2012-04-14 15:37:55
It's possible in the same sense that anything is possible with the right tools. Doesn't mean it's straightforward or worth doing, however.
Title: Re: possibilities
Post by: Covarr on 2012-04-14 20:07:34
One COULD spend hundreds of dollars in man-hours (time is money) remaking the snowboarding minigame, but it's easier to just buy the far superior SSX.

I don't know of any substitutes for the submarine game, but it's awful anyway. In fact, the only one I could see any value in is the motorcycle game, and even that's nothing particularly special.
Title: Re: possibilities
Post by: PH03N1XFURY on 2012-04-14 20:37:04
well i wont be spending anything as i have unity pro already am going to recreate ff7 with unity and just wanted feedback if people are bothered about the mini-games because am not either but other people may have different views on this matter
Title: Re: possibilities
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2012-04-14 22:08:39
well i wont be spending anything as i have unity pro already am going to recreate ff7 with unity and just wanted feedback if people are bothered about the mini-games because am not either but other people may have different views on this matter

Your project sounds very interesting! Good luck! I'll be following you!
Title: Re: possibilities
Post by: Covarr on 2012-04-14 22:14:35
well i wont be spending anything as i have unity pro already am going to recreate ff7 with unity and just wanted feedback if people are bothered about the mini-games because am not either but other people may have different views on this matter
I didn't mean literally spending any money on Unity or anything. I was referring to the fact that for a small fraction of the time it would take to remake a minigame, one could work at a job and make enough money to buy something better. However, if you're remaking the game anyway, and for the enjoyment of making it rather than for the sake of having the end result, I can see your point.

In a remake of FF7, the motorcycle minigame would be sorely missed if it was gone (if nothing else, it's rather important to the plot). Perhaps the snowboarding minigame as well. I'd actually be relieved, though, not to have to fight subs, or play that dang rock-paper-scissors gold saucer fighting game.
Title: Re: possibilities
Post by: PH03N1XFURY on 2012-04-15 01:37:43
Your project sounds very interesting! Good luck! I'll be following you!
thank you i will update with demo release as soon as i think theres enough detail for people to try out and see whatthey think and for feedback

I didn't mean literally spending any money on Unity or anything. I was referring to the fact that for a small fraction of the time it would take to remake a minigame, one could work at a job and make enough money to buy something better. However, if you're remaking the game anyway, and for the enjoyment of making it rather than for the sake of having the end result, I can see your point.

In a remake of FF7, the motorcycle minigame would be sorely missed if it was gone (if nothing else, it's rather important to the plot). Perhaps the snowboarding minigame as well. I'd actually be relieved, though, not to have to fight subs, or play that dang rock-paper-scissors gold saucer fighting game.
sorry i no what you meant now yeah this is fan based remake am not looking to make any money from it and i have a lot of spare time to work on it

if there are features i cannot add there will definately be new optional places to go like the ruins of banora and modeoheim from crisis core but i dont want to change the story line but the battle engine might be open field yet i dont know i havent decided
Title: Re: possibilities
Post by: Bosola on 2012-04-15 12:27:41
i have a lot of spare time to work on it

Doing this solo, and not re-using existing assets? I'd say you'd need over fifteen years.

I'm deadly serious.

Please, please don't invest any of your time in this until you try your hand at a more modest project. My own Rebirth project - basically a spell and difficulty mod - has taken me around a year to complete, on and off. I don't think you realise how much work this stuff entails.
Title: Re: possibilities
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2012-04-15 14:30:02
thank you i will update with demo release as soon as i think theres enough detail for people to try out and see whatthey think and for feedback

Thanks for replying! I'm going to notify some friends on youtube for this. Even if fanbased I'm really interested!

...am not looking to make any money from it...

When ur doing something good u r getting awards by people who appreciate ur work :) That's my motto in my field of interest and I always get to win if not money something good out of it...
Title: Re: possibilities
Post by: CloudxZack182 on 2012-04-15 17:14:42
i was inboxed on youtube saying that someone was doin a fan remake of ff7 , i think youve got alot of brilliant ideas if you ever need any help go check out my youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/CloudXZack182/videos or at my facebook page http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/CloudxZack182 thanks CloudXZack182 ;)
Title: Re: possibilities
Post by: PitBrat on 2012-04-15 17:28:02
Rebirth is complete?  Is it available?  Bootleg must assimilate.
Title: Re: possibilities
Post by: Bosola on 2012-04-15 19:22:07
I'll be releasing the disc one beta tonight.

Unfortunately, I only currently support the PSX version. I will try to produce a PC version at some point in the near future, however.
Title: Re: possibilities
Post by: obesebear on 2012-04-15 20:38:44
I'll be releasing the disc one beta tonight.

Say WHAT!?
Hellz yeah.  Slowly my interest in FF7 has been building the past few weeks.  This may just be enough to get me back into the game again.
Title: Re: possibilities
Post by: PH03N1XFURY on 2012-04-16 05:56:46
Doing this solo, and not re-using existing assets? I'd say you'd need over fifteen years.

I'm deadly serious.

Please, please don't invest any of your time in this until you try your hand at a more modest project. My own Rebirth project - basically a spell and difficulty mod - has taken me around a year to complete, on and off. I don't think you realise how much work this stuff entails.
no it wouldnt take that long not doing it solo theres 7 of us doing this and 3 of us used to work at team 17 so we are looking at 3 to 5 years and it nice to finally meet the rebirth project leader ive followed your work on moddb for quite a while

Thanks for replying! I'm going to notify some friends on youtube for this. Even if fanbased I'm really interested!

When ur doing something good u r getting awards by people who appreciate ur work :) That's my motto in my field of interest and I always get to win if not money something good out of it...
nice motto but try not to tell many people outside of quimms as i dont want to receive a cease and desist from square-enix please

i was inboxed on youtube saying that someone was doin a fan remake of ff7 , i think youve got alot of brilliant ideas if you ever need any help go check out my youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/CloudXZack182/videos or at my facebook page http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/CloudxZack182 thanks CloudXZack182 ;)
thanks alot will keep you in mind

Title: Re: possibilities
Post by: DLPB_ on 2012-04-16 08:10:21
team 17 8)  Worms armageddon is class!
Title: Re: possibilities
Post by: PH03N1XFURY on 2012-04-16 09:33:11
team 17 8)  Worms armageddon is class!
unfortunately i didnt work on that but thats a old games unless your on about the update that came out in 2010 or the xbla worms 2 armageddon i was there but i was working on the alien breed evolution and assault at that time but yeah same place
Title: Re: possibilities
Post by: Bosola on 2012-04-16 12:20:40
no it wouldnt take that long not doing it solo theres 7 of us doing this and 3 of us used to work at team 17 so we are looking at 3 to 5 years and it nice to finally meet the rebirth project leader ive followed your work on moddb for quite a while

Okay, that's a different kettle of fish. However, I do think a remake could gain some unwanted attention by S-E. Also, not being funny, but with a seven-person team, why not create a brand new game with Square's lawyers breathing down your necks?
Title: Re: possibilities
Post by: PH03N1XFURY on 2012-04-16 13:34:47
Okay, that's a different kettle of fish. However, I do think a remake could gain some unwanted attention by S-E. Also, not being funny, but with a seven-person team, why not create a brand new game with Square's lawyers breathing down your necks?
there not yet but i dont want that attention thats why where not posting on youtube there has been talks among us to ditch the idea and make a sequel of ff7 instead that way its something new and different and we wont be letting anyone down or destroy the original element of the game wheres with a sequel we can experiment different battle systems and story-lines etc or maybe now you suggested make a complete new game with the same sort of story and system but with that idea we could also publish it but lets not get carried away with that yet

at the moment where toying with ideas and different engines so we can get the best out of all the creating tools available please feel free to throw any ideas are way because Bosola is right remaking the original and getting caught would be bad as it would be alot hard work done for nothing
Title: Re: possibilities
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2012-04-16 14:57:06
...and just wanted feedback...

Sh* I've sent to all my contacts with the greatest intentions I hope I've not caused any trouble. The email I sent was quite discreet though:

FF7 fan-remake by PH03N1XFURY in unity engine!
Please support this guy PH03N1XFURY with your interest for his try fan-remaking the ff7 in unity engine sounds really interesting! Here the link http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=13008.0;topicseen
Title: Re: possibilities
Post by: PH03N1XFURY on 2012-04-16 15:22:18
Sh* I've sent to all my contacts with the greatest intentions I hope I've not caused any trouble. The email I sent was quite low profile though:

FF7 fan-remake by PH03N1XFURY in unity engine!
Please support this guy PH03N1XFURY with your interest for his try fan-remaking the ff7 in unity engine sounds really interesting! Here the link http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=13008.0;topicseen
well we have decided to go ahead with the remake but where not sure if we are going ahead with unity yet but if we do received a cease and desist we will have to change everything so this please be discrete and send to people you can fully trust. as your not the only person who would like to see this happen i would aswell not as a creator but as a long time fan
Title: Re: possibilities
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2012-04-16 21:57:07
well we have decided to go ahead with the remake but where not sure if we are going ahead with unity yet but if we do received a cease and desist we will have to change everything so this please be discrete and send to people you can fully trust. as your not the only person who would like to see this happen i would aswell not as a creator but as a long time fan

I always deny friend invites by people who are popular on youtube and send spam invitations but I add ff fans as friends... As i mentioned I thought sending to people would motivate in a positive way your team to work... I don't care if the result is rubbish as long as there is this or any ff7 re-make project going on as an idea and not get lost through time... (I sound so ffxiii-2 right now :P ) For anyone interested there's the link anyway and you are not obligated to finish anything of course.
Title: Re: possibilities
Post by: PH03N1XFURY on 2012-05-30 04:06:52
hi unfortunatly i have been away for a while so havent been able to do much but when i got back i had a email telling me to quit working on it as they was informed are team was going to remake the classic which is a shame as we remade nibelheim to release a progress demo bt now it will be turned in to a new game completely

shame on whoever reported this as no money was been made out of this it was purely for the gamer
Title: Re: possibilities
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2012-05-30 13:07:53
Don't give up! Same shit happen to many respectful modders. I was following IceLaGlace with his icenhancer mod and he got such stupid report recently. It was just a guy jealous of him. He posted his nickname on facebook and he was a scum too promoting that he can use DX11 support & tessellation on gta4... I'm very interested in your project and the fact you are creating in a new engine is far more interesting for me!