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Miscellaneous Forums => Graphical => Topic started by: omega res novae on 2012-08-11 12:01:32

Title: red xiii weapons
Post by: omega res novae on 2012-08-11 12:01:32
im gonna start weapons for red xiii in the near future. looking at red xiii in kimera he doesnt have an actual weapon model. i was thinking  remove the 2 feathers from his head and just move the weapons to wear they would be. looking at the pictures a bunch of his weapons seem like they would be to small to notice.

too small-  Mythril clip, diamond pin, silver Barrette, Gold Barette, adaman clip, plus barrette, centclip, hairpin, and spring gun clip

noiceable but still small crystal comb, magic comb, seraph comb, behemeth horn.

Idk what limited moon is

behemoth horn is eeasy you just make 2 and put them on. the combs (feathers) you can make two and put them on or make an actual headdress made of them.

the rest because their small idk if making the 2 would be enough or if a headdress would be needed to represent them

looking at these
Title: Re: red xiii weapons
Post by: philman on 2012-08-11 15:09:14
In this school time i must say i'm not working so much in this,but i must say that your strategy for red xiii weapons will not work how much do you try.
Red xiii have slots for weapons but they were never modeled,what you do is easy,pick a weapon like buster sword or ultima weapon and rename the files and replace with red xiii weapons,when you look in kimera,the weapons will be there.Now you must know what to do >.<
Another important thing is find a good scale for the weapons,to work good with animations,in the case of weapons have been animated to follow the model of course  :-P
Title: Re: red xiii weapons
Post by: omega res novae on 2012-08-11 22:14:35
im sorry philman but i do not understand what you are trying to say in your first line.
i understand the rest and already intended to do so.

My big concern is how to represent the weapons. If i make a model of a clip and post it on here people are going to be like why would i want that tiny thing i cant even see in my game. His weapons are headresses. Do i make a headdress to go with each weapon or just make the weapons as they are displayed?

If i did what i want itd deriviate from the original game. i would give red xiii knives he holds in his mouth and just change the names in wallmarket and release the change file with the models and texture
Title: Re: red xiii weapons
Post by: dkma841 on 2012-08-11 23:13:44
Maybe you could just make the weapons more bigger in size?
Title: Re: red xiii weapons
Post by: omega res novae on 2012-08-11 23:27:45
a giant hairclip?

tried using another characters weapon. used clouds buster sword. in kimera the model and texture showed correctly. In the game nothing no change. Ideas?
Title: Re: red xiii weapons
Post by: Mewsin (aka Zendar) on 2012-08-14 00:18:46
a giant hairclip?

tried using another characters weapon. used clouds buster sword. in kimera the model and texture showed correctly. In the game nothing no change. Ideas?

just one try the mod on a regular install instead of a bootleg install?
i base this sugestion on my first attempt to mod on a bootleg install  ;)
Title: Re: red xiii weapons
Post by: omega res novae on 2012-08-14 00:21:53
i did it on a bootleg install. tried a few times. maybe lgp didnt compile right. ill try again when my videos  are done
Title: Re: red xiii weapons
Post by: Mewsin (aka Zendar) on 2012-08-14 00:28:57
i did it on a bootleg install. tried a few times. maybe lgp didnt compile right. ill try again when my videos  are done
as i understand it when installed with bootleg it automaticly restores any alterations you make in those files

install without using bootleg program and mod that install to make it work
Title: Re: red xiii weapons
Post by: omega res novae on 2012-08-14 14:18:15
it was an issue with my lgp not compiling, his weapons can be done just like any other
 heres redxiii using the buster sword. uploading now so wait a few minutes
http://youtu.be/5tkGN3uewUA (http://youtu.be/5tkGN3uewUA)

ill start on some weapons soon
Title: Re: red xiii weapons
Post by: omega res novae on 2012-08-28 14:19:56
im gonna start some models today.

red xiii has 2 feathers on his head already. can i remove these and release the head with no feathers as part of the package?
Title: Re: red xiii weapons
Post by: obesebear on 2012-08-28 15:42:53
It would probably be best to create an installer package that unlgps the battle.lgp, adds your new content into it, removes whatever the .p file is that is his headdress, then recompiles it.
Title: Re: red xiii weapons
Post by: omega res novae on 2012-08-28 16:13:04
the feathers arent a standalone p file or weapon. they are apart of the head. the remove the feathers id have to edit the original model by deleting them.

idk anything about making an installer package. can i found out how to do it here on the forum
Title: Re: red xiii weapons
Post by: obesebear on 2012-08-28 16:23:26
The problem with distributing the head is having it fit in with any remodels that are done.  There's the original, Team Avalanche, and someone else currently doing FMV versions.

I would say don't distribute the original files, but redistributing the head from TA or the FMV's is fine with the author's permission.   Or you could just leave the feathers and model around them.
Title: Re: red xiii weapons
Post by: omega res novae on 2012-08-28 16:39:14
i knew about the fmv. i had no idea team avalanche put out a model for red xiii. itll be easy to model around them  but may look weird to see different feathers. itd work into what id like to do though. i know the idea of red xiii's weapons are not for cutting slashing etc but for strengthening himself. one feather on each side is kindof blah. thered be 2 if i went ahead and put mine along side them. id like 3 or 4 on each side. 6-8 total. heres what i have so far as the model for the crystal magic and seraph comb. basically done i just have to make duplicate and reposition to fit along the existing feathers. ill use the image in my op to texture it

(http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/128/newvsoldfeather.png) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/442/newvsoldfeather.png/)

Title: Re: red xiii weapons
Post by: omega res novae on 2012-08-30 22:40:09
what the feather looks like on his head. im gonna add 5 more. then those will be the models for 3 weapons. ignore the eyes for now. i know the problem and when i finish it theyll be fine
(http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/9471/adfasdfasdfa.png) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/21/adfasdfasdfa.png/)

Title: Re: red xiii weapons
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2012-08-30 23:52:57
Impressive work! Keep it up mate! I love the colors variations and shades!
Title: Re: red xiii weapons
Post by: omega res novae on 2012-08-31 01:02:25
im usin the image from the first post to texture them
Title: Re: red xiii weapons
Post by: omega res novae on 2012-09-01 00:45:21
too much?
(http://img843.imageshack.us/img843/8489/kygfjgfdhgds.png) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/843/kygfjgfdhgds.png/)

Title: Re: red xiii weapons
Post by: KingMB on 2012-09-01 09:44:27
Hello, I think its good work you do, and I only can imagine how hard you work, but...
wouldn't it be better, to work on the anhancen RedXIII-Model by kela51 (New RedXIII model (http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=13085.msg181737#msg181737)), I mean I think many use this Model instead of the original, because its look more realistic...
no matter what you do, keep on the good work.

(hope you could understand what I try to say, I'm not good in English)
Title: Re: red xiii weapons
Post by: Nightmarish on 2012-09-01 11:30:59
He's just modeling the weapons. They go on any Red XIII model.
Title: Re: red xiii weapons
Post by: omega res novae on 2012-09-01 11:31:56
These are weapon models for red not a character model. I will do my best to ensure these weapons work on all models of red. But glad to hear u like it unlike the othe weapon models ive nessed with this one is a lil more needy. after i set it in place if i change the battle animation the weapon is off so i have to set it in place for nearly every animation.
Title: Re: red xiii weapons
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2012-09-01 23:28:20
too much?
(http://img843.imageshack.us/img843/8489/kygfjgfdhgds.png) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/843/kygfjgfdhgds.png/)

redxiii (https://www.google.gr/search?q=advent+children+red+xiii&hl=el&safe=off&client=firefox-a&hs=Pfd&rls=org.mozilla:el:official&prmd=imvns&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=k5lCUMXpEaeV0QWhv4AI&ved=0CAoQ_AUoAQ&biw=917&bih=447#q=advent+children+red+xiii&hl=el&safe=off&client=firefox-a&hs=m0I&rls=org.mozilla:el:official&tbs=isz:m&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&source=lnt&sa=X&ei=vZlCUL6xG-2z0QWu54GYCA&ved=0CCIQpwUoAg&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=7e5f56d22a0761ec&biw=917&bih=447)