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Off-topic forums => Completely Unrelated => Topic started by: Bosola on 2014-07-20 23:18:31

Title: Y'know, I just realized something...
Post by: Bosola on 2014-07-20 23:18:31
I owe my career to these forums.

I'd always been interested in computers growing up. Since the age of 8 or 9 I was obsessed with tinkering and exploring, and I took every opportunity I could to play with any computer I saw. Growing up, I kept a keen interest in programming and understanding how pieces of hardware and software 'fitted together'. I wrote several (bad) QBASIC programs, most notably 'Space Warrior', a repetitive space shmup with limited mechanics and flickery graphics (I don't think QBASIC's graphics API let me do any kind of double-buffer rendering). For my GCSE in electronics, I took the unusual route of programming a PIC controller in what was, retrospectively, a crude, stack-based assembly language.

But I stopped. Somewhere along the way I convinced myself that programming was outside of my capabilities. Perhaps I was burned by my attempts to program in C++ without the help of the internet and only a few snippets of tutorials I managed to read up on the school computers. Or maybe my other academic goals took over; by the time of my A-levels I'd decided I wanted to go into academia in the humanities. In any case, software was something I talked about passionately, but never pursued.

My plans took a diversion in 2010, though. With the recession in tow and trouble finding work before my planned (and abandoned) postgraduate studies, I found myself with a room, a poorly specced laptop and a lot of spare time. I'm not sure exactly when, but at some point the thought of modding FFVII crossed my mind and I made my first, tentative post on these forums. Somewhere along the way I learned I could gain a great deal from AI scripting, and began programming again for the first time since my teens. With the release of LiBrE (embarrassingly written in retrospect), I'd taken baby steps in my first 'proper' language, Python.

This didn't lead directly into a career as a software developer. But when I'd exhausted my options as a technical writer, then UX designer, my hobby led me to the conclusion that I always wanted to be a programmer. It was with some trepidation, as I still believed I might not succeed, but once I started (as a front end developer) my progress was rapid and my job satisfaction transformed my life. It's egotistical to say, but it became clear pretty quickly that I was an exceedingly strong engineer - much, much more than I'd written myself off as - and once that was recognized my confidence and self-esteem - and much more, my sense of worth - could grow properly.

And so, here we are now. As a self-taught developer I've still a lot to learn and do. And the field I work in has turned upside down over the last three or four years, with new technologies emerging every day. But wherever I go, my path will have started here - a little spark, in 2010.
Title: Re: Y'know, I just realized something...
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2014-07-20 23:42:44
I always thought that this was the place where I belong and when I found qhimm forums it truly gave a lot of meaning in my digital life... :) If distance was not an issue I would wish to hang out and exchange experiences face to face with all you guys! Thank you qhimm and qhimm forum members for giving me a reason to log in everyday to check my updates! Cheers!
Title: Re: Y'know, I just realized something...
Post by: nfitc1 on 2014-07-21 01:42:26
I owe my career to Tiger Electronics. :P

However, I certainly wouldn't have gotten out of my slump that I was in if I hadn't found these forums and started developing WallMarket. I've learned a lot about the process of writing code and what the best practices are mostly through its development.
Title: Re: Y'know, I just realized something...
Post by: Bosola on 2014-07-21 20:20:36
I've learned a lot about the process of writing code and what the best practices are mostly through its development.

I've always felt that I've mostly learned by either screwing up and picking up the pieces, or picking up the pieces of someone else's screwup. There's nothing like pulling your hair out after your assumption or shortcut trips you up for learning why not to do it. And I made plenty of mistakes in my FFVII work.

This, incidentally, is why I think it's healthy for junior developers to take ownership of their work and maintain it going forward, so they can learn first hand what does and doesn't work for maintainers.
Title: .
Post by: Jenova's Witness on 2014-07-22 04:37:30