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Miscellaneous Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: StickySock on 2015-12-05 17:38:27

Title: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: StickySock on 2015-12-05 17:38:27
The gameplay for the FF7 remake has been revealed and it looks a lot like FFXV, Kingdom Hearts, and the original FFVS13 trailers...


Edit: Actually, after watching it again, some of the things I've noticed are:

The English voice actors are the same as from Advent Children.

Unfortunately, the design Cloud has is very much like Advent Children, in the worst way.

The movement, especially navigating narrow spaces, seems very similar to FFXV.

Even though they have not shown a lot of gameplay, it at first appeared to be real time, but I suppose there is a sliver of hope that it still could be something reminiscent of FF12, FF13, or Resonance of Fate, where it was very stylish but still turn-based. There was not enough gameplay in my opinion to really tell one way or the other. But this is Nomura, and the notable games he's worked on are KH and FFVS13, so the chance that this game will not be like them is very slim.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Bukharin377 on 2015-12-05 17:46:12
Woah didn't expect this! Looks incredible - was kinda disappointed with the combat the first time watching but there's no denying it looks like a lot of fun here's hoping they go for a compromise on action vs strategy. Liking the voice work so far too (excluding Wedge but he's not that important).
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: DLPB_ on 2015-12-05 17:57:18
Looks just like I said it would.  Crap.  Graphics good, everything else substandard.  Totally lost the charm of the original already.  And already going for that crappy Hollywood vibe in action and voice acting and cutscenes (that already look like they will be endless and verbose). 

Does anyone think this pile of doo doo is really going to have the soul of the original after seeing that wank?
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Gatchaman on 2015-12-05 17:59:04
Damn voice acting taking away my ability to rename em! Got over that problem ages ago but I still miss it.
Guard Scorpion looks sweet. Character models are pretty good, I think Barret looks a bit skinny, but that's about it. I also didn't see him wave his arms around in frustration.
Gameplay isn't identical then - that's solved that suspicion! I'm sure lots of people will be disappointed, but this site is probably the best site for you to be if you want remixed original mechanics. ;)
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: DLPB_ on 2015-12-05 18:00:44
Also, that Cloud seems (Advent Children springs to mind) like a whiny ass weed.  "I don't care about your politicssss"  lmao.  Also, since when did Barrett wear sunglasses?  Is he Morpheus now?
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: StickySock on 2015-12-05 18:08:01
Also, that Cloud seems (Advent Children springs to mind) like a whiny ass weed.  "I don't care about your politicssss"  lmao.  Also, since when did Barrett wear sunglasses?  Is he Morpheus now?
Cloud's horrible design and demeanor is probably my biggest complaint with the entire trailer. I actually don't mind Barrett's design aside from the unnecessary sunglasses.

Does anyone think this pile of doo doo is really going to have the soul of the original after seeing that wank?
Not really. It looks like a remake that fits exactly in with the compilation, which is nothing like the original.

I'm probably going to get it at some point, just because I'm a moron with way too much nostalgia and desire for more FF7, but I'm not going to lie that I'm more than a little disappointed.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Tekkie.X on 2015-12-05 18:09:07
"Remember kids: just because your favorite game is being remade, it doesn't mean your favorite game ceases to exist!" -Arin Hanson

But of course you're acting like it is.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: DLPB_ on 2015-12-05 18:12:16
"Remember kids: just because your favorite game is being remade, it doesn't mean your favorite game ceases to exist!" -Arin Hanson

But of course you're acting like it is.

Not at all.  But it doesn't change the fact that, already, those of us annoyed that this was going to be completely against the original style are now really annoyed because that's what's definitely happened. There is nothing wrong with being peeved that a remake, which was supposed to be aimed at fanbase, has been aimed at graphics junkies instead. Already you can hear and see the mindlessness of this compared to the original. Cloud dodging 1000 bullets like James Bond, for starters. The silly slow down Matrix effects are there, as always.  Oh, please, just fuck off with that. It worked in the Matrix because it was new and because it was underlining the idea that the world Neo comes from is fake (it was a program). When you put that effect into any other story, coupled with ridiculous out-of-control action scenes, you completely sever the audience from the fiction.

I am totally frustrated because it's a wasted opportunity and they've done EXACTLY what I said they would.  It already looks like a complete waste, just from that trailer.  Nomura has no idea what made the original game great, or just does not care. 
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Kaldarasha on 2015-12-05 18:39:46
those of us annoyed that this was going to be completely against the original style

SE also forbid to mod their games because these are perfect pieces of art. It does look cool but not like FF7. :cry:
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: DLPB_ on 2015-12-05 18:42:42
SE also forbid to mod their games because these are perfect pieces of art. It does look cool but not like FF7. :cry:

I wouldn't want to mod that piece of garbage. Even if you could mod it, the work involved compared to 1998 version would be ridiculous.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: obesebear on 2015-12-05 19:02:16
Definitely disappointed with Cloud's muscle mass.  Hopefully he'll be more along the lines of his smash bros counterpart, otherwise he looks kind of sickly.

It would definitely help if this trailer had some coherence to it.  So many jump cuts that it's hard to really figure out what's going on before it cuts to something else.

Also, Wedge's voice actor.  They aren't serious, right?
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: nfitc1 on 2015-12-05 19:17:46
Gag. Flashy numbers along with more flashy numbers in a very Crisis Core vibe. Sorta makes sense as this story is a sequel to that. Still, this doesn't have the same appeal that the original had. You'll never be able to replicate that either. The original was flashy because it was 3D, not because it had massive amounts of polygons and 2D effects. The summons only felt epic because it was the first time we had ever seen such a thing. Now, it's pretty much all been done and this isn't adding anything new to the table.

Also, crouching? skinny passages? Is this suddenly a horror game? What is the point of that?! I hate those unnecessary obstacles in the field. They aren't clever or interesting. They're only frustrating and making traveling between points A and B take that much more time. The original had vents, but they were usually in places that made sense (a few times they were in stupid places too).

Cloud needs some color on him too. He looks a bit too pale. Otherwise I think he looks fine.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: StickySock on 2015-12-05 19:20:25
Definitely disappointed with Cloud's muscle mass.  Hopefully he'll be more along the lines of his smash bros counterpart, otherwise he looks kind of sickly.
Don't forget the way Cloud runs away from the guards after he has one of his trademark mental twitches.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Tekkie.X on 2015-12-05 19:42:05
I know it's not exactly what we all wanted and yes I also would have preferred turn based or at least something with more turn based elements over this Crisis Core/XV/KH style action system but we can't all get what we want, the world does not work like that, never has but I'm not going to flat out dismiss it just because it's different.

Am I disappointed that Cloud looks like he doesn't even know what a gym or even food is, yes, am I disappointed that Barret is now Mr. T with a minigun strapped to his arm, yes.

I'm still going to play it and I'm going take off the nostalgia goggles when I do, see a new spin on something old and experience it all over again with a fresh take on what we already played through all those years ago, look at it from a different perspective to relive the game.

If it was a straight remake I honestly doubt it'd sell well, chances are it still won't sell all that well, you can't exactly remake a game in this decade purely for those of us who played and fell in love with the original nearly 20 years ago, that's asking for poor sales, you would need to appeal beyond your core audience and that's what they've done and it had to be done to even make the effort worth the cost of even a straight remake.

If you don't care for it, that's fine just don't act like it's going to ruin everything, it won't as that "everything" is already there, it's on your PS1/PC CDs, your Steam/Squeenix account, your PS3/4 or even your iPhone and those aren't going away any time soon so you can still enjoy FFVII as originally released just the way it was back on January 31st 1997.

Anyway, is this on Unreal or the XV engine? Kinda looks like UE4 to me with the lighting. I'm also guessing they're trying to make Wedge sound like that just because he's fat, not a fan. All we've seen so far is Bombing Run part 1, still a lot more to come, we've seen nothing of Tifa and the rest of the gang yet.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: DLPB_ on 2015-12-05 19:46:41
It's a dumbing down, and accepting a dumbing down invites more of the same. 
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Tekkie.X on 2015-12-05 19:53:17
It's a dumbing down, and accepting a dumbing down invites more of the same. 

Welcome to the state of the games industry for the last 15 years or so.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Covarr on 2015-12-05 20:53:18
This looks like it might be fun. I'm actually a big fan of the KH gameplay, so it doesn't bother me at all to see them reusing that. I'm less a fan of some of the visual choices they've made, and I never liked this voice cast. Seems like this can probably only be enjoyable taken as an entirely new thing and pretending it's not a remake.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Maki on 2015-12-05 21:16:13
>battle system
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Roden on 2015-12-05 21:27:25
Haha, the first place I checked for reaction was here, I expected the replies. Regardless of gameplay, the characters just don't feel like the characters we know from the original, hence it seems like a completely different game to me. Absolutely nothing there which interests me or makes me feel excited. Wow, what a missed opportunity going for this movie-like garbage instead of an amazing game..
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: DLPB_ on 2015-12-05 21:45:52
Haha, the first place I checked for reaction was here, I expected the replies. Regardless of gameplay, the characters just don't feel like the characters we know from the original, hence it seems like a completely different game to me. Absolutely nothing there which interests me or makes me feel excited. Wow, what a missed opportunity going for this movie-like garbage instead of an amazing game..

I wish the general criticism found here was common elsewhere.  But, like usual, it seems 10-1 in favour of fanboyism and hype. I don't think most of the fanbase, or what's left of it, even realizes what made the original game so good. Maybe for a lot of people having a "cool" character and a "hot babe" was enough to get them puking out 10/10. But that's not why I liked it.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: obesebear on 2015-12-05 22:01:23
After seeing Cloud's design in Smash Bros, it does kinda make me like the "realistic" look a little less.  However, this can still be a good game in its own right.   It's been 20 years since the original came out.  I'm more than happy to revisit all the familiar characters in a new imagining of the story.

In my opinion, the only misstep made in the compilation was Dirge of Cerberus.  Before Crisis, Crisis Core, the novellas, and even Advent Children were decent/respectable additions to the FF7 universe.  It's probably fair to say that if you liked the compilation, you'll like the remake.  If you hated it and thought everything was blasphemous, you'll hate the remake.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: uggabugg on 2015-12-05 22:32:07
It kinda makes sense that cloud is sickly pale. He has been in a tank for five years, and catatonic afterwards. Or am i remembering things wrong?  It has been a while since i even though about the game
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: StickySock on 2015-12-05 22:37:00
This looks like it might be fun. I'm actually a big fan of the KH gameplay, so it doesn't bother me at all to see them reusing that. I'm less a fan of some of the visual choices they've made, and I never liked this voice cast. Seems like this can probably only be enjoyable taken as an entirely new thing and pretending it's not a remake.
This is probably what I'll end up doing in the end. I'm actually into real time gameplay most of the time. I too am mostly upset with some of the visual choices (mostly Cloud). Too bad they haven't shown Tifa yet, the one thing that they could have distracted me with...

In my opinion, the only misstep made in the compilation was Dirge of Cerberus.  Before Crisis, Crisis Core, the novellas, and even Advent Children were decent/respectable additions to the FF7 universe.  It's probably fair to say that if you liked the compilation, you'll like the remake.  If you hated it and thought everything was blasphemous, you'll hate the remake.

I actually had fun with Dirge of Cerberus when I was younger. I don't think any of them are horrible in their own right, but the original was truly something special that the spinoffs felt like dilutions of. Being mediocre or just a bit better than that is not good enough to be worthy of the original in my opinion, and even though I am going to get this remake and have fun with it, if it isn't pretty spectacular I will be a little disappointed.

It kinda makes sense that cloud is sickly pale. He has been in a tank for five years, and catatonic afterwards. Or am i remembering things wrong?  It has been a while since i even though about the game
If I have to rationalize why something looks dumb it probably could have looked better regardless...
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Roden on 2015-12-05 23:11:34
I wish the general criticism found here was common elsewhere.  But, like usual, it seems 10-1 in favour of fanboyism and hype. I don't think most of the fanbase, or what's left of it, even realizes what made the original game so good. Maybe for a lot of people having a "cool" character and a "hot babe" was enough to get them puking out 10/10. But that's not why I liked it.
While I don't like dislike modern games, there's nothing interesting or cool about this trailer.. it's just marketing for the fanboys. I know now to leave this game alone as it will only disappoint me. If they had something new and novel that would honestly upgrade the original, ala Resident Evil-style, they would of shown something of it by now.. It's obvious they have no clue what they're doing, unfortunately.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: obesebear on 2015-12-05 23:13:41
I played Dirge of Cerberus, but I think it's the weakest in the compilation.  The gameplay was decent I suppose, neither spectacular or horrible.  I just think they altered the story too much.  The addition of deepground (?) was a far cry from the original.  The other titles in the compilation built off of existing lore, whereas DoC seemingly just added its own.

I do think the addition of Genesis could have been really interesting.  All the G reports in Dirge and his change to a good guy at the end of Crisis Core could have made for an interesting sequel.  It gave him some depth.  I just don't think his character was handled well in CC.  All the poem reading was a bit over the top for me.

Nothing will ever be the original though.  That was the first experience many of us had for such a huge story.  Even with the clunky translation, it always felt like an epic quest.  The FMVs were amazing.  The 3D wasn't the best for its time, but it still wowed us.  It's unlikely we'll ever get that same enjoyment out of a video game ever again.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: DLPB_ on 2015-12-05 23:14:56
I got a very close feeling to VII when I played FFX.  In fact, I loved the series until X-2 came along.  The direction then  changed completely post Sakaguchi and hasn't looked back since.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Travis on 2015-12-05 23:23:46
Oh my lord, get the wahmbulance.

If you don't like this then just play the original.

Like seriously these problems people have are so damn nitpicky.

Everyone and their mother has wanted a remake, you got it after more than a decade, just deal with it.

You know what you get with Nomura. We all know he is a narcissistic turd that hasn't produced anything good in a long time.

Regardless, I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy it.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Tekkie.X on 2015-12-05 23:27:49
Didn't really like Dirge, just didn't feel right, felt slower than I kinda expected it to be, don't even remember much about it other than a few bits in bobs.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: DLPB_ on 2015-12-05 23:34:06

If you don't like this then just play the original.

People who say that need to be shot. It's become a tired cliche when someone criticizes something. Those of us who have a problem with this remake have just as much right to post as someone who, for some bizarre reason, like it (apart from the ones who have been shot  ;D ).  We don't need to do anything. 

We certainly will "just play the original" - a game that had a soul and led to the enormous support that led to this remake. But we will also continue to post our feelings on the remake - which we feel (so far... and unlikely to change) is a crappy, soulless, little cash in, aimed at what I usually term the lowest common denominator.

My opinion on this remake is based on what I've seen, and I have every right to be annoyed at it and especially the direction that games continue to head in.

Also, I can assure you I have been very consistent in NOT WANTING A REMAKE for the last five years - and all based on what that trailer is clearly showing us has occurred.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: obesebear on 2015-12-05 23:38:36
I thought X was okay.  It just never really pulled me into the story.  I personally blame the voice acting; if it's not great, the game always suffers (and I'm not the biggest fan of the FF7 voice actors, though it could just be a problem with the director).  The only other games I've played that really pulled me into their environment and made me daydream of playing was Super Metroid, Ocarina of Time, and The Last of Us.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Tekkie.X on 2015-12-05 23:46:49
The VO in FFX is some of the worst next to mid 90's stuff, see also the original Resident Evil.

Wakka being a prime offender along with that damn laughing scene, DiMaggio is normally great but they wanted Wakka to sound Samoan or Maori or something like that and he just sounds like an idiot.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Vgr on 2015-12-05 23:50:10
I personally blame the voice acting


On another note though, it kind of reminds me (from afar) of Type-0, which is a very good game by itself, even though it originally was tied to the FFXIII universe. I played it thinking of it as a standalone game, and it did me wonders. If I'm going to play the remake, I'm going to play with that mindset again, in that it's a different game and not the original.

While I do agree that after FFX the quality went down by FF standards, it doesn't mean the games are bad by themselves. The games ARE good. FFXII was really great, I loved it. I quite enjoyed FFXIII, and I'm currently enjoying FFXIII-2. I'm not going to let nostalgia prevent me from playing new games, although lately I've been replaying FFIV. Classics are immuable, and they remain classics. New games are new experiences, and they may or may not become classics in their lifetime. FFVII wasn't a classic when it came out early in 1997. It became so over time. Let's say you disliked FFVI, would you have not played FFVII because of that? Well, you'd have missed out on a great game let me tell you that!

Just my perception on the whole thing.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Shard on 2015-12-06 01:55:50
Welcome to the state of the games industry for the last 15 years or so.
Quoted for truth.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: obesebear on 2015-12-06 01:59:56
Sooooo... turn based?
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Vgr on 2015-12-06 02:38:37
FFXII behaved very much in this way; this was real-time but you had your ATB fill up before you could act. FFXIII was similar yet different; haven't played the more recent ones. If they went for this venue in XII/XIII, this wouldn't surprise me if they decided to go there for this one too.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Covarr on 2015-12-06 02:42:27
People who say that need to be shot. It's become a tired cliche when someone criticizes something. Those of us who have a problem with this remake have just as much right to post as someone who, for some bizarre reason, like it (apart from the ones who have been shot  ;D ).  We don't need to do anything. 
Yes, but saying it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again doesn't add to the discussion. Once you've voiced your concerns, repeating them ad nauseum really does come across as senseless whining.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: StickySock on 2015-12-06 03:45:52
Sooooo... turn based?
I noticed the defend, hence why I edited my first post to say something more along the lines of that it might still be turn based because when I watched it again technically nothing was shown that explicitly showed it being in real time. Nice find with the ATB bar though, I missed it and could give more hope that it might still be turn based.

Edit: On another note - I'm still pissed that he looks nothing like either the new Dissidia Cloud or the Smash Bros Cloud, both of which look much better from a design perspective. The Cloud in this trailer is the worst looking one I've seen yet IMO.

Edit 2: Kitase says that he cannot say that the FF7 remake is completely action-oriented (or something along those lines) here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JYdkLp5XaQ
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Calone on 2015-12-06 07:13:57
Since this is going to be on the PC as well, will it be possible to mod the face so that Cloud doesn't look like he is a meth addict?
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: DLPB_ on 2015-12-06 07:47:12
Yes, but saying it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again doesn't add to the discussion. Once you've voiced your concerns, repeating them ad nauseum really does come across as senseless whining.

Pretty rude. So do people saying how awesome it is and how the rest of us need to stop criticizing.  When that stops, I guess the rest of us will. There is nothing more annoying than a hype machine that keeps on rolling.  If it is a whinge, so be it. I think you're a tad annoyed that pretty much everything I said would happen - did.  And Star Wars is next.  ;)

"I don't care about your politicsssss"

Since this is going to be on the PC as well, will it be possible to mod the face so that Cloud doesn't look like he is a meth addict?

lmao.  I know you're semi joking but... even if possible, most forums won't allow that content change to be hosted.  Plus the biggest issue aside from how crap "new" Cloud looks... is how he sounds.  There really is no fixing that. Plus I'm getting the distinct impression that things are far worse than I predicted, because the changes they've made to the script (total rewrite) imho are much worse than I expected. Some Hollywood type drivel included. I spotted the odd cliche line in there too.

On the "turn based" - having a "defend" option doesn't really say much.  They've probably just incorporated half damage as you're running around as normal in realtime. You never know, but it's a slim hope. They've changed absolutely everything else, so it's very unlikely they've kept something that a few of us "dinosaurs" actually found appealing.  The trailer does seem to support a more real-time oriented system.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Erik on 2015-12-06 09:36:12
You do realize this is just a video, in like what is it Alpha state? I don't even know. I haven't really researched much about it. Which may sound odd, but in an ideal state I would have ignored my curiosity for the trailers and just awaited the games release. Whenever that will be.

It seems though that SE is using a similar battle system as XV, and why wouldn't they? Save both money and time.

The negative stuff for me was the sunglasses for Barrett, that seems really off. I know it's because it looks "cool" but still. Cloud looks a bit off maybe, I think it's hard too say since the pacing was quite fast in the trailer. But I really dislike the crouching and moving through rubble, I have done that a million times in other games I don't need it here.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Fischkopf on 2015-12-06 09:40:40
The characters look okay, from a technical standpoint... I hate the style though. They should have made them more anime-like. Instead they opted for that awkward pseudo-realistic style which I started to hate ever since Advent Children came out.

I think it has a lot to do with the fact that you just can't try to be 'realistic' but at the same time give these characters stupid anime haircuts and boyish faces. It just doesn't work together. You either go in fully realistic direction or make them look more anime-ish, there is no inbetween, it looks stupid especially on male characters. I can't take any male character seriously because of this. Barret is the only one that looks acceptable, but he was always meant to look very masculine in the first place.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: DLPB_ on 2015-12-06 09:52:48

I think it has a lot to do with the fact that you just can't try to be 'realistic' but at the same time give these characters stupid anime haircuts and boyish faces. It just doesn't work together. You either go in fully realistic direction or make them look more anime-ish, there is no inbetween, it looks stupid especially on male characters. I can't take any male character seriously because of this.

That's an excellent point. It's like when you put crazy slapstick into a serious film. It's a different style that can't work when mixed. It's amazing that the people writing the game don't seem to know or care about that. Aside from the style, the original game wasn't anywhere near as crazy as that trailer looks.  You can say that the graphical limitations back then stopped the kind of James Bond bullet dodge we saw there, but I think it runs much deeper than that. This is clearly HEAVILY geared towards fast paced unrealistic action set-pieces.  The original game stayed within its own physical limitations - and this one isn't even trying.  Much like the prequel sequel stuff (Advent Children being the worst example).

It's important because, without a believable foundation, you don't get believable situations or characters.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Kaldarasha on 2015-12-06 11:44:11
My biggest wories are how they work out the story. I assume it will the same confusing flat shit as in KH2. I like the KH universe but only because of its Disney characters.
At the time it Loks like "Cloud May Cry" with the Dessidia RPG battle system.

Why they ruin the charm oft the game is beyond my understanding. The camera does not need to be in the third person mode. It would look incredible with the old camera position as well. Also would the old design together with the new graphic engine take the game over all these hack'n Slash pseudo RPGs.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: hian on 2015-12-06 12:44:50
Everything is pretty much the way I expected it, so I'm pretty torn on the issue.

I was expecting the transition to an action based system, however it does seem to be going the route that my insider suggested it would, with attacks being real-time, and the commands only being accessible once the "ATB"/attack gauge powers up - which to my mind is better than the other action system alternatives
Also, it seems that characters will have more personalized skills besides the limit breaks. Cloud's braver attack, and Barret's big shot have been reduced to regular power attacks accessible when the ATB fills up rather than actual limits (the limit bar is never charged during any of the attacks, and the attacks lack any sort of consistent signifying charge up, like the original limit break).
Character swapping is retained as well.
So, although it will certainly be a game with its share of hacking and slashing, it might actually be able to retain some semblance of the original strategy of the older games (if the can get the A.I right that is).

So in conclusion, I think the game-play looks okay. Nothing special, but not horrible either.
I actually welcome the new 3D camera set-up and the exploration aspect, since that will add to our ability to experience more of the world in a new way, and you can still retain the cinematic camera angles in events and cut-scenes in either case.

The bigger issue, which I am surprised more people haven't picked up on, is how an action system without transitional battles is going to effect world-design, enemy model count, and the more large-scale battles of the original.
There are just so many areas in the original game and boss encounters that don't lend themselves well to an action based system where battles take place in the same environment as the exploration. Also, now they're going to have to create much more extensive animations and A.I scripts for the various enemies, meaning we're likely to see a large cut-down in enemy model count - so get prepared to hack through hundreds of Soldier grunts and whatever ad nauseum.

My biggest issue here is probably the style.
Don't get my wrong though, I already knew they were going to go the realistic route, but seriously though - this Cloud looks so stupid it hurts my eyes. How is it they can fail to make Cloud look good right after the new Dissidia game managed to make him look at least half-way decent and, Smash Bros made him look completely awesome?

When he's in motion, and the details are blurred he looks okay, but seriously, when you get the opportunity to absorb the details in still scenes, he looks retarded.
The hair looks like one of those cheap greasy wigs that Cloud cos-players tend to use, his face is creepy as hell, and his arms and wrists are so skinny it looks like he's suffering from some sort of eating disorder.
Barret looks like Wesley Snipes, nuff said.

This is extremely grating to me, since Biggs and Jessie look really good. How is it that two minor support characters have better models than the actual main cast characters?

It's insane - I'm pretty much an FF7 purist, still I can learn to live with almost everything in this trailer and play and enjoy this game for what it is - but that Cloud model just completely messes with my mind. I don't want to spend 40+ hours looking at that freakishly ugly mug and that weird god damn hair. I'd even prefer the AC or CC model to whatever that's supposed to be.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: DLPB_ on 2015-12-06 14:11:33
The most hilarious thing to me has always been that, while I get slated for "changing FF7" by numerous fanboys online, these same people  have absolutely no problem with the entire style, gameplay, translation or otherwise being changed by Square. The exact same people (not gonna bother posting links, just visit most fan forums), an even bigger change, and yet no outcry. Actually, the complete opposite: the changes are applauded as a master stroke. It gets me every time. I can only imagine the wave of hate I would get if I used phrases like "I don't care about your politics" (I never would use that) and other dialogue we heard from the trailer.

"You're doing this for the planet... same as us"  "Not interested"  hahaha  The delivery of the lines is terrible.  Even amateur VA can do far better than that.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Calone on 2015-12-06 14:41:35
To be honest, I'm just glad I'm not the only one who thinks this. It's nice finding a place with such similarity in opinion. I thought maybe it was just me being overly critical, but yeah, these are the same complaints I have and I'm just beyond disappointment. I saw someone post a picture of Cloud's portrait from the Nibelheim flashback and compare it with the remake's close up stating they "don't see virtually any difference". Like really?
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Covarr on 2015-12-06 15:58:36
Pretty rude. So do people saying how awesome it is and how the rest of us need to stop criticizing.  When that stops, I guess the rest of us will. There is nothing more annoying than a hype machine that keeps on rolling.  If it is a whinge, so be it. I think you're a tad annoyed that pretty much everything I said would happen - did.  And Star Wars is next.  ;)

"I don't care about your politicsssss"

lmao.  I know you're semi joking but... even if possible, most forums won't allow that content change to be hosted.  Plus the biggest issue aside from how crap "new" Cloud looks... is how he sounds.  There really is no fixing that. Plus I'm getting the distinct impression that things are far worse than I predicted, because the changes they've made to the script (total rewrite) imho are much worse than I expected. Some Hollywood type drivel included. I spotted the odd cliche line in there too.

On the "turn based" - having a "defend" option doesn't really say much.  They've probably just incorporated half damage as you're running around as normal in realtime. You never know, but it's a slim hope. They've changed absolutely everything else, so it's very unlikely they've kept something that a few of us "dinosaurs" actually found appealing.  The trailer does seem to support a more real-time oriented system.
I have only seen a few people speak positively of this game here, and they have not done the fanboy hype thing. Not on these forums, anyway; that's more of a gamefaqs thing. The people on this forum have largely posted their opinion once and moved on, whether that opinion is positive or negative (and negative actually seems to be the majority opinion on this forum with only a few people like myself even going as high as mixed and almost nobody being legit hyped) , only posting again to add to their opinion such as if a new video easy released. I have seen you post almost the exact same thing word for word several times in this thread alone complaining about fanboys and hype, and it definitely gives the impression of going well beyond disliking the game into doing so obsessively.

There's nothing at all wrong with not being excited for the game, with thinking it's gonna be crap, but is it really that hard to say so and move on like everyone else?
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: DLPB_ on 2015-12-06 16:15:16
I guess it is.  My level of hate to it is very great and I believe for good reasons.  And I'm sure before the end I'll have to endure another load of cutscenes and trailers and posts that piss me off no end. And then I'll probably be back.  I'd much rather be here saying how well they've done and how much they've proven me wrong - but it's just the opposite.  I'm sure a lot of people here, even  those critical of the remake so far, will enjoy it for what it is.  But I can't ever be one of those people, because I see this game and many like it as an affront to game making and a slap in the face of intelligence.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Travis on 2015-12-06 16:50:27
I guess it is.  My level of hate to it is very great and I believe for good reasons.  And I'm sure before the end I'll have to endure another load of cutscenes and trailers and posts that piss me off no end. And then I'll probably be back.  I'd much rather be here saying how well they've done and how much they've proven me wrong - but it's just the opposite.  I'm sure a lot of people here, even  those critical of the remake so far, will enjoy it for what it is.  But I can't ever be one of those people, because I see this game and many like it as an affront to game making and a slap in the face of intelligence.

See you have a condescending and incendiary tone. As covarr said, just deal with it and move on. You want to continue to express this obsessive hatred, then go blog about it because it's really annoying to see the same tired "argument."
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Fischkopf on 2015-12-06 17:01:52
To be honest, I'm just glad I'm not the only one who thinks this. It's nice finding a place with such similarity in opinion. I thought maybe it was just me being overly critical, but yeah, these are the same complaints I have and I'm just beyond disappointment. I saw someone post a picture of Cloud's portrait from the Nibelheim flashback and compare it with the remake's close up stating they "don't see virtually any difference". Like really?
How ignorant does one have to be to not see that difference? If it wasn't for this kind of "fans" there would be a huge strawberriesstorm over the whole art direction already. The sad part is that most of these "fans" didn't even play FF VII back in the day when it came out, if at all. A lot of them only got introduced to FF VII by the compilation and AC and think that's the definitive art direction for every future FF game.

We as fans of the original game seem to be a small minority these days and our complaints don't get noticed or taken seriously when in fact our complaints ARE very justified and NEED to be noticed by Square Enix, but now it seems too late anyway. :(
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: DLPB_ on 2015-12-06 17:07:27
See you have a condescending and incendiary tone. As covarr said, just deal with it and move on. You want to continue to express this obsessive hatred, then go blog about it because it's really annoying to see the same tired "argument."

Thanks for the advice.  :-*


Without a proper fanbase like us, Square wouldn't be anywhere.  But as you say, we're no longer needed as part of their long term plan.  It's obvious looking around the forums at "fan" reactions that the game will sell  well regardless of how bad it is and that's been true for years where FF is concerned. The good news is that this forum is the place to be, generally, when it comes to having a real passion for what once made the series great. And here, we can at least mod the game to improve things further.  There is  whole backlog of games I have to finish too, so it's not like I NEED to rely on these sham releases.  It's just very annoying it's come to this and that after FFX I personally haven't been able enjoy a FF game (and I stopped buying them after XII).
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: obesebear on 2015-12-06 17:38:25
I haven't supported SEs releases after X.  The series just isn't enjoyable to me anymore.  To me, it feels like the stories just aren't as good as they used to be.  The fact that they used to be turn based means little or nothing to me.  If the story looks good, and the characters are interesting, I'm in.
I already know the story in the FF7 remake is going to be good, and the characters will still be interesting.  They seem to be making a genuine effort to keep it close to the original.  There aren't buckles everywhere, Cloud isn't emo, story progression seems very similar.  The gameplay is changed because turn based would look ridiculous with realistic style graphics.  Nothing is going to feel like the original, there was never any need to hold onto hope that that would be the case
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: StickySock on 2015-12-06 17:52:24
The reason I'm not too bitter of the remake is because it's easy to understand that this is all we are ever going to get. We still have the original, we have all of the spinoffs (be they good or not), and now we have a remake in the style of the spinoffs (which may or may not be good). I'll play around with the remake for a while and judge it based on its own merits, and if it isn't that great I'll still fondly keep memories of the original and continue to replay it every year or so.

If there is anything to be worried about, its that "Cannon" Cloud will now be Advent Children Cloud, while the original will be repeatedly shat on by people who only know him from the new stuff. But at the end of the day, convincing people that FF7 is great and that Cloud is awesome isn't something I pictured myself doing either way, so I guess it's not that important. For those who are genuinely fans of AC, CC, and the rest, I am happy for them, because all of the content of the original in a style that they seem to like would probably be pretty amazing.

It's just very annoying it's come to this and that after FFX I personally haven't been able enjoy a FF game (and I stopped buying them after XII).
The funny thing is that means you only missed one main entry non-MMO FF, even though FFXII came out 9 years ago (nearly 10).

Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: DLPB_ on 2015-12-06 17:58:31
Well, haven't played any of the spin offs either (like cc ac bc cc dc ec or acdc whatever)... or any other releases.    :-P

But that is a shocking truth you mention.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Covarr on 2015-12-06 18:01:00
Crisis Core is a surprisingly solid game. It completely wrecks continuity, and I can't recommend it for the story, but it's quite fun.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: StickySock on 2015-12-06 18:10:07
After watching the trailer yet again, I've noticed something odd about the ATB bar. A portion of it fills up with each attack, and when it's filled it seems to be when Barrett and Cloud are using their limit breaks, while the limit bar is never shown filling up (but then again, Barrett Cloud aren't shown being hit either).

How much trust should we have in these menus not just being there as a conceptual placeholder? I'm pretty sure some of the early FFVS13 footage was also said to have fake menus or something like that.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: obesebear on 2015-12-06 18:29:44
After watching the trailer yet again, I've noticed something odd about the ATB bar. A portion of it fills up with each attack, and when it's filled it seems to be when Barrett and Cloud are using their limit breaks, while the limit bar is never shown filling up (but then again, Barrett Cloud aren't shown being hit either).

How much trust should we have in these menus not just being there as a conceptual placeholder? I'm pretty sure some of the early FFVS13 footage was also said to have fake menus or something like that.
I'm pretty sure the same thing was noted in a Kingdom Hearts trailer with menus not working but actions happening on screen, so I wouldn't put too much stock into how it does or does not work at this point
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: NeuroticNinja on 2015-12-06 22:11:22
I dunno it brought some nostalgia back from my childhood especially seeing that kick in the beginning I was like "haha i remember that!"
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Gatchaman on 2015-12-06 23:11:43
Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if the interface we see is a 'dummy' one to show the intent rather than a final build. I heard that it's not "completely" action based, and "strategy" will be involved, although in FF strategy is mostly in your menu /set up, so it wouldn't need to be much to be authentic! :L

I did like how AVALANCHE looked, Jessie is cute. That kick was spot on. Wedge sounded weird, but I guess it's supposed to be endearing because he's a softie ("I'm rolly poly!"), have to wait and see.

I enjoyed Crisis Core for what it was, especially considering it was a hand held title. Seeing locations and monsters in greater detail was fun. Genesis and Angeal though... Argh! Apples, poetry, honour... It's too much.

Also, I hadn't noticed the AC, BC, CC, D(o)C thing before! Neat.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: FatedCourage on 2015-12-07 01:30:47
FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE will be told across a multi-part series, with each entry providing its own unique experience.

While I'm trying to remain neutral on the remake(even though there are parts of the trailer that irked me), not sure how I feel about this statement. I could be reading/understanding it wrong, but it feels like, to me, it's going an episodic route? I doubt they'd sell the game in pieces(or rather I dislike that method), but knowing SE I wouldn't put it past them. But like I said, I could be reading it wrong.

Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: -Ric- on 2015-12-07 02:02:27
While I'm trying to remain neutral on the remake(even though there are parts of the trailer that irked me), not sure how I feel about this statement. I could be reading/understanding it wrong, but it feels like, to me, it's going an episodic route? I doubt they'd sell the game in pieces(or rather I dislike that method), but knowing SE I wouldn't put it past them. But like I said, I could be reading it wrong.


It most likely means that games like Crisis Core might also get remade in order to have the "whole storyline".
I doubt they would split up the game into parts... They could also be considering some DLC extras.

Is it just me or does Wedge sound like Bugs Bunny after a decade of heroin abuse?

Also about Barret, the sunglasses are definitely new but they do add to his "badass" look, looks nice overall.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Vgr on 2015-12-07 02:09:22
FFIV: The After Years (which is *really* good btw) was episodic. Each main character had their own little story, and then you could load your completed save games in the final chapter and play with all your maxed out characters. I'm guessing that this is the route that they're going to take (or rather, I hope so). It's a good mechanic IMO, but I have no idea how it will work with that game.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Gatchaman on 2015-12-07 02:13:57
I can see it now... "Final Fantasy VIIR-3: Aerith Returns"
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: FatedCourage on 2015-12-07 02:50:51
It most likely means that games like Crisis Core might also get remade in order to have the "whole storyline".
I doubt they would split up the game into parts... They could also be considering some DLC extras.

Is it just me or does Wedge sound like Bugs Bunny after a decade of heroin abuse?

Also about Barret, the sunglasses are definitely new but they do add to his "badass" look, looks nice overall.

I'm not against that. CC had solid combat, even if the story(Angeal and Genesis) didn't appeal to me that much. It would increase my chances of picking it up. I'm not sure myself. I'd just rather have the whole game up front and not have to wait for episodes. "The Walking Dead" is an example I mean, but I do enjoy the games. The reason I thought this was because I have doubts about them having the game done before whatever date they'll have set. FF15 was in development purgatory for the longest time for whatever reason. Not against DLC. I invite it as long as no content from the original game is taken out to be sold later.

Not sold on the sunglasses myself. Just don't see a reason for him to wear them. Just keep picturing him as Blade for some reason. :P And "deal with it" memes with him keep popping into my head too because I'm strange.

FFIV: The After Years (which is *really* good btw) was episodic. Each main character had their own little story, and then you could load your completed save games in the final chapter and play with all your maxed out characters. I'm guessing that this is the route that they're going to take (or rather, I hope so). It's a good mechanic IMO, but I have no idea how it will work with that game.

I'm not against it if it's in that fashion. I like FFIV: The After Years, too. Enough to get it on Steam. :P If that's the route taken then even I'm curious on how it's implemented.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: KnifeTheSky77 on 2015-12-07 04:13:26
I hope the remake touches on what happened to the drugged and defenseless Cloud at the end of Crisis Core and how he made his way into the bombing mission, I never understood how he survived on his own inbetween those two time periods
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Fischkopf on 2015-12-07 05:02:06

FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE will be told across a multi-part series, with each entry providing its own unique experience.

While I'm trying to remain neutral on the remake(even though there are parts of the trailer that irked me), not sure how I feel about this statement. I could be reading/understanding it wrong, but it feels like, to me, it's going an episodic route? I doubt they'd sell the game in pieces(or rather I dislike that method), but knowing SE I wouldn't put it past them. But like I said, I could be reading it wrong.


They can't be fcking serious!!!

This really pisses me off to no end right now. How can they casually make such a cataclysmic announcement, like it's nothing? It seems they are seriously trying to ruin everything that was good about the original game. One of the greatest things about the original game was the nonlinear nature and by going episodic they simply destroy that whole aspect of the game. Free-roaming was also a very integral aspect in the original. Will this mean you won't have access to the whole world map as you progress through the story? Another great thing about the original was that as you progressed, people in places you have visited before would have new things to say, depending on the progress of current events.

I think this announcement just ruined the game for me and robbed me of the last bits of enthusiasm I had left for this game. I seriously thought it was going to be this big huge game, similar to the original. How naive of me, I guess.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Kaldarasha on 2015-12-07 05:14:10
Didn't I say that they will split the game to reach the anniversary and max out the profit for the game... Wait what if they do reading this page...
 Whoops :-[
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Covarr on 2015-12-07 05:28:36
I'm holding off on judging the episodic nature until I see:

1. How they're splitting the episodes
2. How much they're charging per episode

I'm not opposed to this intrinsically, but there is an exceptionally high chance they'll do it wrong.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: hian on 2015-12-07 06:56:01
To be fair, it doesn't actually say that it's going to be episodic, but that it's going to a part of multi-part series, which sounds more to me like they might be planning to remake the entire compilation I.E that FF7 will be the first part of the series, and then perhaps Crisis Core and AC being delivered after.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: olearyf2525 on 2015-12-07 07:57:21
This looks like it might be fun. I'm actually a big fan of the KH gameplay, so it doesn't bother me at all to see them reusing that. I'm less a fan of some of the visual choices they've made, and I never liked this voice cast. Seems like this can probably only be enjoyable taken as an entirely new thing and pretending it's not a remake.

I completely agree, except I don't like the voice actors except for clouds but even his, I would rather they just keep the text format and not dumb things down for kiddies or even adults who don't like to read. Dubs almost always sound forced with a few exceptions(Fullmetal alchemist, some parts of dbz, and a very few other shows/games). I think I would have liked ffX a lot more if it was just text instead of dubbed. Or maybe give us the option of the original Japanese voices with subs in a game for once!
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Kaldarasha on 2015-12-07 08:10:42
It sounds to  me as if every character gets his story as they have done it in FFXIII.

Anyway this means that a traditional remake by us isn't in danger. Well as long we don't make it to good, so it won't a danger for the Re-what-ever-they-think-it-is in SE eyes.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: DLPB_ on 2015-12-07 08:33:53
Haha, you couldn't make it up.  Assuming that this isn't a part by part release of FF7 (which would be the most laughable thing for 100 years), why on Earth would we need the spin offs re-releasing?  I mean, I know they're crazy for cash - but not even I saw that coming.


Although I always favoured the idea that they'd work chapters into a remake (seamless gameplay of the original would be much harder to do - and they don't want that.  Heaven forbid).  I just never thought they'd stoop this low.  Assuming they have.  I can't even believe they'd do that.  But if they have... WOW.  :P  But, if so, I guess this really shouldn't come as too much of a surprise.  When you let a game company rip the piss out of fanbase for over a decade, these things happen.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: hian on 2015-12-07 10:04:45
Seems I was wrong about this AKA right all along about the format of this game, as per my insider and my industry knowledge.

Interview is in at famitsu. Translating it now, since the gematsu one leaves a lot to be desired, but they pretty much came out and said that the game has to be split up in parts because the original is just too big, and has too much content to be "remakable" in the fidelity that they've set for themselves.

Now ignoring how this statement is obvious BS, because splitting the game up in no way changes the amount of work if you truly plan on remaking everything, it just allows you put out something to the market quicker which may or may not allow you to prolong the total development-cycle, it really proves my point of how the AAA industry and the "we have to make pretty games that satisfy everyone"-mentality screws over the entire art and the medium of gaming.

I'd happily accept lower-end graphics if it meant that they'd be able to faithfully recreate the entire world in full 3D and release the game in a single package. In fact, as I've already stated, the Smash Brothers design and graphical level would still be more than enough to satisfy my wants for a remake.
They've completely shot themselves in the foot.

Now they'll release the game split up into segments which means :

A.) probably huge content cuts, because there is literally no need to provide a world-map or most of the non-essential segments to the plot (such as the Chocobo farm, the first Fort Condor battle, most of the dungeons/areas that you traverse in-between towns and essential plot locations etc. when you can simply segue from episode to episode of the only truly important scenes of the plot on a select menu.

Originally, I had though that the vague statements I had to go on originally from my friend combined with the first trailer meant that they were going to use Future Midgar as a hub to re-tell the story, but now it might actually mean that all we're getting is an interface with an episode selection menu, and then being transplanted into self-contained story-segments and locations with only character stats carrying over.

B.) That the game will probably see a much earlier release than we first though, but that each episode will be separated by large chunks of dead-time while we wait for the developers to complete the next segment, which essentially means that we'll be forced to play the game on and off for years, or wait until the entire thing is out.

C.) Extra expenses - and seeing as how the format is excellent for micro-transactions and optional side-content, we're possibly looking at another really contrived entrance in the PSN store with a ridiculous total cost.

D.) Bugs. When you take your time developing a game and deliver it in one chunk, chances are you've play-tested the game from start to finish several times to make sure the different elements truly work with one another, and that everything has been given the same quality control.
Rushing out one part at the time truly throws into question how well these parts are going to work together, and how much time and quality control will be given to each one of them.
Taking into account the transition into a much more technically complex game-play system with much larger room for bugs, such as clipping issues, A.I issues, etc.
Look forward to having Guard Scorpion getting stuck in rails and making endless pirouettes trying to get out - or Cloud falling through a wall into black oblivion forcing you to reset the game.

Seriously SE go F yourselves for ever. I seriously hope this project bankrupts you, and you end up having to sell the IPs to Mistwalker studios or something. Sad thing is, they probably wouldn't buy it, because Sakaguchi has already moved on from this train-wreck.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: gjoerulv on 2015-12-07 11:21:58
If it was a straight remake I honestly doubt it'd sell well, chances are it still won't sell all that well, you can't exactly remake a game in this decade purely for those of us who played and fell in love with the original nearly 20 years ago, that's asking for poor sales, you would need to appeal beyond your core audience and that's what they've done and it had to be done to even make the effort worth the cost of even a straight remake.

Hmmm, I dunno. I think it would be fully possible for SE to make a "simple" remake using the original source material. The production cost would drop significantly. No, they obviously want a blockbuster with this. With that in mind, all you said here is pretty much true.

But why MUST it be like that? I get this presupposition from most people that it HAVE to be a blockbuster, AAA production. Without this mentality, they could cut the production cost in 1/100 and make a solid profit off of it (and at the same time keep the "core-fans" happy).
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: DLPB_ on 2015-12-07 12:53:18
and has too much content to be "remakable" in the fidelity that they've set for themselves.

Which I have said all along was what they would do and a fundamental reason why this would suck.  Welcome to reality, not hype :P They started with the completely wrong mindset and are creating a game that none of the original fans asked for.  All we wanted was pretty much what I mentioned here: http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=14179.msg198182#msg198182

But no.  They want 1080p bollocks and out of control cutscenes (I mean, is that silly ass James Bond sequence at the start really needed?).  I still didn't think they'd release in parts though - that's just so insulting I don't know where to begin.  This is where gaming is at now... they can't even recreate a game from 1996 hahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

It's fun reading around the forums, you want to try it. People are doing their best to stay in their self deluded state. "This will mean they can do the game justice"

As if this has anything to do with it.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: SuburbanKnight on 2015-12-07 13:28:49
RE: the whole multi-part thing - it's easy to immediately assume SE will opt for the biggest money spinner available to them and go all episodic. At this point though, one dubiously-translated sentence isn't enough info to start flailing about uncontrollably and start shouting profanities at strangers in the street.

In fact, there was a similar game that came out a while back that was split into 'multiple parts', if only because storage constraints meant devs had to split big games into separate discs. I'd even go so far as to say that each disc 'provided its own unique experience' in terms of both story and gameplay.

My point is, it could just as easily be a way to emulate the feel of that 'please insert disc 2' achievement I felt from the original. Just a thought.

Or, it could totally be a ten part thing that lasts three years with each bit costing the same as a full game. Who knows!

EDIT: I am aware there's been an interview. It still hasn't been explicitly stated sections will be sold separately. We'll see.

While I'm here, I might as well share a couple of thoughts about the thing.

They seem to be taking a few unexpected liberties with design (i.e Barret's new shades, and the fact that despite the buster sword thing being quite a huge point in CC, they've reverted to the original design for that). Minor things. I'm cool with this, it's all artistic license as long as it doesn't screw with anything major. We'll see.

What I'm slightly more concerned about is the overall colour (or large lack of) in the trailer. There is a worrying trend with blockbusters of a similar ilk to suck all the colour out of everything to make things look 'cinematic'. To me, it just makes everything look washed out. I get that maybe Midgar is dark and so that particular section's been done on purpose. And yeah maybe a bright purple uniform and blindingly orange hair won't work as well today as it did in the 90s. But annoyingly, they seem to have stolen the art direction from XV, and I'm not sure if anyone at SE has realised that they're separate games. We'll see.

But that's the main gripe I have with the trailer so far. Looks as though they've copy-pasted FFXV and stuck some fresh models in over the top. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if that was part of the reason for switching engines and all the development complications etc. The battle effects just look way, way over the top. I'm actually personally really excited by XV, but what works for one won't necessarily work for the other. Again, we'll see.
Title: So apparently the ff7 remake is gonna be released in multiple parts
Post by: Travis on 2015-12-07 13:31:46

This kind of confirms their incessant bitching for all those years saying "it would be too big of a project to remake the game"

So they are going to expand Midgar and stuff which makes the game bigger

The pros of this are we are going to be able to play the game sooner rather than later

The cons are this is going to be a huge cash grab, and we will probably beat the episodes long before the next ones get released.

I am not too happy about this. I was looking forward to buying some limited edition version.

If they price any of these episodes at $60 then that's a middle finger to us.

This is shit news.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Fischkopf on 2015-12-07 14:15:06

What I'm slightly more concerned about is the overall colour (or large lack of) in the trailer. There is a worrying trend with blockbusters of a similar ilk to suck all the colour out of everything to make things look 'cinematic'. To me, it just makes everything look washed out. I get that maybe Midgar is dark and so that particular section's been done on purpose. And yeah maybe a bright purple uniform and blindingly orange hair won't work as well today as it did in the 90s. But annoyingly, they seem to have stolen the art direction from XV, and I'm not sure if anyone at SE has realised that they're separate games. We'll see.

I don't like lack of colour either, but maybe it's just Midgar looking like that to give it a even more desolate feel, we don't know yet.

I wouldn't say that each disc had a "unique" experience, apart from the first disc being the start of the game, disk 2 the middle part and disk 3 the ending part. Splitting it to 3 discs was really just a necessity of the time because of the cd's limited storage capacity rather than the intention to give each disk a unique experience.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: -Ric- on 2015-12-07 14:26:57
why on Earth would we need the spin offs re-releasing?

Why not? Crisis Core is actually a pretty fun and solid game and its gameplay style would fit the whole "1080p uber graphics" perfectly. Your needs do not represent the needs of every single Final Fantasy 7 fan.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: DLPB_ on 2015-12-07 14:33:40
Why not? Crisis Core is actually a pretty fun and solid game and its gameplay style would fit the whole "1080p uber graphics" perfectly. Your needs do not represent the needs of every single Final Fantasy 7 fan.

No, they don't.  But that's not answering the question.  They were hardly released in 1996.  It's just a cash grab.  I don't speak for people who think buying games again and again and again is a cool thing; I speak for what I see as plain sanity.

Where does this end?  Do you have a limit on when you say "enough is enough" or do you just continually buy the same game ported or arranged slightly a ton of times?  I fail to see the logic of that. Is there a limit?  At what point are people just going to stop feeding a company that is clearly laughing in their faces?
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: -Ric- on 2015-12-07 14:47:40
No, they don't.  But that's not answering the question.  They were hardly released in 1996.  It's just a cash grab.  I don't speak for people who think buying games again and again and again is a cool thing; I speak for what I see as plain sanity.

Where does this end?  Do you have a limit on when you say "enough is enough" or do you just continually buy the same game ported or arranged slightly a ton of times?  I fail to see the logic of that. Is there a limit?  At what point are people just going to stop feeding a company that is clearly laughing in their faces?

I don't really get what your problem with that is, people can waste their money on whatever they feel like. My personal limit is quite simple, when i don't feel like replaying a certain game on a new platform... i don't buy it. Simple. That doesn't mean someone else will feel the same way as me, someone might want to re-play the game on that new platform, someone might not have the console it was released on and might want to play the game. Is it really such a terrible thing to have the option? You are not forced to buy them and "feed" the company.

Again, your needs do not represent the needs of every fan. Just cause you don't enjoy remakes/re-released doesn't mean they shouldn't exist. They are selling so obviously there is a market for them.

Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Vgr on 2015-12-07 14:50:07
Type-0 was originally released for the PSP in 2011, with PSP graphics. It was re-released earlier this year (in March, if my memory serves me right) with upscaled graphics and some things changed around. Granted, performance is crap, translation leaves a lot to be desired and the English voice acting makes my ears bleed, but there are Japanese voices so I'm fine for that. The difference with Crisis Core is that Type-0 never got a release outside of Japan. But really, re-releasing a PSP game with upscaled graphics isn't that bad. Yes, it's a cash grab, but given that Type-0's port was truly an HD upscale (and not just some filters applied), I believe it would be nice to experience that game in HD again.

To me, I draw the line where it makes sense to. Type-0 ported with HD graphics and available to the whole world? Worth it. Crisis Core ported with HD graphics for everyone without a PSP to enjoy? Sounds alright. It's not inherently bad just because it's not new.

Otherwise, I pretty much reflect Ric's point. Don't like it? Don't buy it. It's as simple as that, really.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: DLPB_ on 2015-12-07 14:52:41
I don't really get what your problem with that is, people can waste their money on whatever they feel like.

a. Wasting money on the same product is stupid. And I don't like stupid.
b. In this case, it impacts ME - because by doing this I never get to see NEW content or well designed content (nor do you - as mentioned previously, the MAIN FF game releases are WAY down).  I get mindless content, like this disease of a remake, which is already all over the place and being split into parts. This is a direct result of there not being more people like me - People who speak out against what is going on in this piddly ass little games industry.  If people wasted their money and it didn't impact on me in any way - it would still annoy me.  But I wouldn't feel the need to whinge about it. I'd just weep for humanity, which is what I do quite often.  But no.  As I said, this current mindset is reinforcing Square's belief (and it's a correct belief) that they can get away with whatever they want, and do whatever they want.

This is replicated in politics. When good people do and say nothing, you get crappy leaders.

Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: DLPB_ on 2015-12-07 14:59:00
Frustration and anger are to be expected. You should worry more when it turns to apathy.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: StickySock on 2015-12-07 15:04:19
I was cautiously optimistic with the announcement, gained a little more hope with Smash Cloud and Dissidia Cloud, then lost a decent amount when the PSX trailer was revealed, and pretty much lost it all now that it is episodic.

The only way they could save it for me now is if they are planning on splitting the game up into three separate parts (three discs like the original at the same story points) for $20 each. That way they aren't over charging and the multi-part release is somewhat a throwback to the original.

Obviously it will be worse than that though, because each time I've given them the benefit of the doubt on this thing they have went and annihilated my good faith in one way or another.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: -Ric- on 2015-12-07 15:12:46
a. Wasting money on the same product is stupid. And I don't like stupid.
b. In this case, it impacts ME - because by doing this I never get to see NEW content or well designed content (nor do you - as mentioned previously, the MAIN FF game releases are WAY down).  I get mindless content, like this disease of a remake, which is already all over the place and being split into parts. This is a direct result of there not being more people like me - People who speak out against what is going on in this piddly ass little games industry.  If people wasted their money and it didn't impact on me in any way - it would still annoy me.  But I wouldn't feel the need to whinge about it. I'd just weep for humanity, which is what I do quite often.  But no.  As I said, this current mindset is reinforcing Square's belief (and it's a correct belief) that they can get away with whatever they want, and do whatever they want.

So, you are right and everyone else is wrong. Screw the people who want to buy the remakes and have fun playing them just because you don't.
You seem to have a belief that Square Enix should cater to your needs and opinion somehow and if they don't, they are complete idiots who have no clue what they are doing... Well... the Final Fantasy 7 remake will blow up and sell like hot cakes whether you want it to or not and that will just once again prove that your opinion is just that, an opinion, and that your needs are just YOUR needs.
Just get over it. As its been said before countless times, don't like a product? Don't buy it. Just spare us the verbal (in this case written) diarrhea of how everyone else is stupid for using their money however they want to and buying stuff that actually provides them entertainment. I'm done arguing about this, it feels like arguing with a religious person and there's just no way to win against that.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: DLPB_ on 2015-12-07 15:14:37
So, you are right and everyone else is wrong. Screw the people who want to buy the remakes and have fun playing them just because you don't.

Err, that's a straw man.  Suggest you go back and read what I wrote.  And if I want to call people collectively dumb, then I will.  I am not singling any one person out here.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Covarr on 2015-12-07 15:37:16
This thread is becoming toxic, so I'm putting it on notice. Criticizing FF7 Remake or Square Enix is one thing, but not attacks aimed at other members. Any and all hostility directed toward any forum member or generic group which may include forum members ("haters", "fanboys", "whiners", "gamers", etc.) will result in an immediate +50 warn level. Cut it out, ALL of you. ~Covarr

Also I merged Travis's thread in here because we don't really need a separate thread just for the "episodic" announcement.

by doing this I never get to see NEW content or well designed content (nor do you - as mentioned previously, the MAIN FF game releases are WAY down).
I disagree with this. Other big studios (Ubisoft, Activision, EA) have no trouble releasing annual installments of their biggest franchises even with inflated budgets and bloated "graphics before gameplay" design philosophies. They manage this by having multiple teams all working on different entries at once, and putting them on alternating release cycles. If Square Enix can't pull this off, this is the result of incompetent upper management not building enough teams, not of the internal studios' design decisions.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: DLPB_ on 2015-12-07 15:51:50
I disagree with that because those other companies you mention are not peddling so many cash ins (because they wouldn't get away with it, probably) in the same way as SquareEnix are with a ton of remakes, rehashes, rereleases and spin offs. The sheer volume of what SquareEnix are releasing these days - and have for a while - is directly harming quality, imho.

Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Kaldarasha on 2015-12-07 16:01:40
Crisis Core is actually a pretty fun and solid game

And nothing more (it's full of senseless game decisions - "Activate combat mode" great they say it I wouldn't have realized it without the reminder). We want at last a 9 of 10 game as Square or Enix has made in the past and not another solid 7 of 10. SE has made since ages not one FF the fanbase does ask for and now they remake the most symbolic game in the franchise and they ignore the wishes again because of the current game industry environment. Only dead fishes swim with the stream...

There is a reason why old JRPGS came to steam, why not follow this route, if they have to go one, we have enough of these action games. Many of the current AAA games have a conservative style so the statement that the 'gameplay of back then doesn't work' today is bullstrawberries.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: jeffdamann on 2015-12-07 16:48:50
So, you are right and everyone else is wrong. Screw the people who want to buy the remakes and have fun playing them just because you don't.
You seem to have a belief that Square Enix should cater to your needs and opinion somehow and if they don't, they are complete idiots who have no clue what they are doing... Well... the Final Fantasy 7 remake will blow up and sell like hot cakes whether you want it to or not and that will just once again prove that your opinion is just that, an opinion, and that your needs are just YOUR needs.
Just get over it. As its been said before countless times, don't like a product? Don't buy it. Just spare us the verbal (in this case written) diarrhea of how everyone else is stupid for using their money however they want to and buying stuff that actually provides them entertainment. I'm done arguing about this, it feels like arguing with a religious person and there's just no way to win against that.

Am I the only one who wholeheartedly agrees with DLPB? Obviously the fanbase has withered and degenerated into a group of people who are OK with this sort of thing. This is not okay. Square has shafted us once again. I realize I am in the minority, but I feel adamantly about this.

What about the Resident Evil Remake? The entire game was improved substantially, but they didn't destroy the original game's feel in the process. There arent ton's of hollywood style scenes, the characters havent been heavily redesigned, the script wasn't reworked. There wasn't a 3d camera decimating the environmental creepiness that the original one had. They simply did what was right. They made the game better in every way, while retaining the original feel.

Why can't Square just do that with FF7?
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: DLPB_ on 2015-12-07 17:02:54
Yeah, the RE1 remake was done properly and with respect to the fans of the original game. Square, on the other hand, has no care for that.  And I'm not even sure they understand anymore what made the original great, as I said before.  So... where does one go from there? 

let's put it this way.  If someone had asked Square to piss off as many of the original fans as possible... I can't imagine it would be all too different to what they HAVE done. It's about as different to the original game as it can possibly be.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Tekkie.X on 2015-12-07 17:12:28
What about the Resident Evil Remake? The entire game was improved substantially, but they didn't destroy the original game's feel in the process. There arent ton's of hollywood style scenes, the characters havent been heavily redesigned, the script wasn't reworked. There wasn't a 3d camera decimating the environmental creepiness that the original one had. They simply did what was right. They made the game better in every way, while retaining the original feel.

While the REMake was amazing it was only 6 years later while they were still actively making RE games in that same style with 0 coming a little bit later, RE4 then came out in 2005 but was still like the older games during early development(see the RE3.5 footage where it's RE meets Silent Hill and Leon was meant to be killed off) until it's switch to 3rd person, FF7 has been 18 years at this point and close to 20 by the time the remake comes out and several different styles of FF gameplay development later including the semi realtime gameplay of Crisis Core, XII and Lightning Returns, and the MMO style of XI and XIV.

It's triple that time gap and a very different generation of gamer that Square has to deal with and thus appeal to now.

Capcom has announced they're remaking Resi 2, whether it'll be done in the old style or like RE4 through 6 we shall see.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Covarr on 2015-12-07 17:32:53
Capcom has announced they're remaking Resi 2, whether it'll be done in the old style or like RE4 through 6 we shall see.
Capcom really loves their fans. They're often buffoonishly incompetent (especially where their handling of the Mega Man franchise is concerned), but they try their hardest to give fans what they want and to their franchises justice. I think it's a safe bet that RE2make will be more like the original and not like the new style, especially if they're trying to keep the costs low. Though I've heard rumors you'll be able to switch between fixed cameras/tank controls and over the shoulder/third person shooter controls, because they seem to have swallowed up the team of a fangame that was going to do just that.

edit: http://kotaku.com/sounds-like-the-final-fantasy-vii-remake-will-be-episod-1746564216
It means instead of concluding in one entry, multiple entries are being considered in development. Each entry will have its own unique story. As a gaming experience, each entry will have the volume of content equal to a full-sized game.
This goes a long way to assuage my fears regarding it being episodic. This won't necessarily mean it'll be good, but at the very least it means they (probably) won't be ripping us off by charging more for less game.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Tekkie.X on 2015-12-07 17:47:48
Capcom really loves their fans. They're often buffoonishly incompetent (especially where their handling of the Mega Man franchise is concerned)

Even Inafune himself away from Capcom can't keep the Megaman spirit alive, Mighty No 9 is already on track to be a gigantic flop.

It's also been confirmed that the FF7 Remake is being made on Unreal Engine 4.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: FatedCourage on 2015-12-07 19:05:31
Since it did turn out to be episodic, I really have no interest in this game for now. I'll just wait a year or two for the "complete" edition. Even then, I might not bother. One good thing, for me, is since it is episodic I'll get to hear how good or bad the game is before all episodes release/the full game is released. Which saves me time and money. Thanks Square. :D It might seem like milking the consumer by doing it this, too. But if people don't like how the first episode goes, I highly doubt(or like to think) they'll waste money on the others. Well, outside of the hardcore/dedicated fanbase. It seems to me Square will be riding on if FF7:R and FF15 are successful... If they don't meet expectations and become poorly received, I don't see SE coming back from that easily. Though, at this point, I don't really care if they do.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Aerith-san on 2015-12-07 19:42:45
This whole episodic thing doesn't seem too promising... but I'm trying to stay positive. Hopefully they clear up the whole thing in the Jump Fiesta... I hope that when they release FFVII-R for PC (c'mon it will happen eventually) they already have the whole thing out.

I liked the gameplay trailer, good thing I already liked Kingdom Hearts' battle system from the 1 hour I played it. :P We didn't see much of it yet, though.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: obesebear on 2015-12-07 19:48:30
Episodes eh?  Most likely I'll be reading reviews and checking let's plays of the first episode or two before I spend any money on this.  If they will truly have the "volume of a full sized game", well awesome!  That makes it sound like it will be an even bigger game than the original meaning there must be plenty of side quests to occupy time.

Unfortunately I'm not holding out much hope for that to be true.  This might end up being one of those ones where I wait for all episodes to come out and then buy it during a steam sale.  Willing to bet each "episode" will be $50 or more at the time of release.  I just don't have that kind of time or money to put towards gaming these days.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Tekkie.X on 2015-12-07 23:09:56
At least the cross dressing scene will be intact.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: KnifeTheSky77 on 2015-12-07 23:52:34
Thank god the cross dressing scene will be in there, everything will be fine.

I wonder how they'll cut this up into separate games. In the original, you can't start disc two until you've finished disc one. Square is implying that you could just buy the second game and start there with no save data or carnal knowledge of the first game, it just feels dirty. I can't complain about them wanting to produce the largest possible version of VII that they can. At least I like the characters in ff7, can't say the same about ff13.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: StickySock on 2015-12-08 00:46:16
It seems my prediction that Nomura's ideas for FFVS13 were transferred to FF7 when he was replaced as director was correct. The combat has been described as like KH but a little more strategic (I would assume like FFVS13), character switching is in, and the multi-part release (World of Versus Epic, anyone?) are all present in FF7.

The only way I'd get this now is if each game they release is actually good, each game has save transfer that carries over level, loot, gil, etc. (standard levels and gear for people starting on that game without save data), and once all the games were out they compiled them onto one disc as a "complete trilogy" or whatever. Then, if none of the games were crap, I would buy the trilogy for no more than $60. Writing this now it seems that the best case scenario for me is that these games turn out to not be trash (they are adding new stuff and cutting old stuff, and since Squaresoft > Square Enix, this isn't likely) and I finally get to play them 12+ years down the road when they're all out....
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: picklejar on 2015-12-08 05:09:27
Lots more info here:
http://gematsu.com/2015/12/final-fantasy-vii-remake-details-reason-multi-part-release-cyberconnect2-collaboration-more (http://gematsu.com/2015/12/final-fantasy-vii-remake-details-reason-multi-part-release-cyberconnect2-collaboration-more)

ATB and Limit Breaks will still be part of the game, but they won't play exactly the same role. It will be less action-based and more strategic than other recent games.

Each "episode" will be the size of a full game. If your data carries over from game to game, will be interesting. I'm guessing many people will probably max out their stats while waiting for the next release.

Article also explains Cloud's pale appearance and confirms cross dressing story stays.

Anyway, read for yourself...
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Kefka on 2015-12-08 08:58:42
Oh... my... god... the confirmation of both Advent Children style graphics and over-the-top hack'n slash gameplay was to be expected, but it's still a big bummer to me. Basically, this remake is now going to be the exact opposite of what I had hoped for (not that I had much hope to begin with, my faith in Square Enix was shattered one too many times in the recent years). That alone will already be reason enough for me to NOT be getting it.

But now the additional confirmation that it won't even be released as a full game, but rather in episodes? It's very hard to put my feelings on that into words. It's like my disappointment just hit a whole new level that I didn't even know existed.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: gjoerulv on 2015-12-08 10:29:53
That it will be released in an episodic-like fashion makes sense considering how little time there is for development. I even jokingly told myself this would be the only way they could possibly make a release before 2018.

This format doesn't bother me that much if it is made "correctly". However, knowing this is a AAA company, and SE to boot, we all know it will be milked to some extend. It's utterly unavoidable.

If they somehow made each episode within the $20 area, with a solid amount of content and option to transfer saves between episodes I wouldn't blame them too much. I see no reason why it would not be possible to have a shared worldmap, and other resources, for all episodes. But the worldmap thing probably wont happen anyway...

The way I predict it is more like a FF13 kind of thing. No option to go back. Stuck in episode etc.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: DLPB_ on 2015-12-08 11:27:47

Article also explains Cloud's pale appearance and confirms cross dressing story stays.

The style they've taken this Cloud in can't be explained away as "part of the story" or anything else.  The original game had a brash and strong soldier with a memory and ego problem.  Psychologically damaged. The new Cloud is based on the kind we saw in AC and some other media = weedy arms, emo, looking like some gangly teenager with no balls. The style of the original manga and the new pseudo-realistic (to use someone else's description) graphics are polar opposites. As for the paleness, you can find any number of reasons for it, but to me it's just more faffing about by Nomura.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Fischkopf on 2015-12-08 13:34:42
Oh... my... god... the confirmation of both Advent Children style graphics and over-the-top hack'n slash gameplay was to be expected, but it's still a big bummer to me. Basically, this remake is now going to be the exact opposite of what I had hoped for (not that I had much hope to begin with, my faith in Square Enix was shattered one too many times in the recent years). That alone will already be reason enough for me to NOT be getting it.

But now the additional confirmation that it won't even be released as a full game, but rather in episodes? It's very hard to put my feelings on that into words. It's like my disappointment just hit a whole new level that I didn't even know existed.
And you know what sucks even more? The existence of the remake will discourage people even more to keep modding the original game. Either way, for us original fans it's a sh1tty situation.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: DLPB_ on 2015-12-08 13:36:49
And you know what sucks even more? The existence of the remake will discourage people even more to keep modding the original game. Either way, for us original fans it's a sh1tty situation.

Yay!  I get to say something positive:  I think this is actually a good thing.  The renewed interest in Final Fantasy VII will be win-win for Qhimm's, modders, and projects already released. It's true that a lot of the people introduced to Final Fantasy through this won't want to play an "old" game.  But a lot of people - especially those alienated by this "remake" - will.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Fischkopf on 2015-12-08 13:50:17
Yay!  I get to say something positive:  I think this is actually a good thing.  The renewed interest in Final Fantasy VII will be win-win for Qhimm's, modders, and projects already released. It's true that a lot of the people introduced to Final Fantasy through this won't want to play an "old" game.  But a lot of people - especially those alienated by this "remake" - will.
I hope this will be the case, maybe I'm not optimistic enough. Could have to do with the fact that Square Enix robbed me of all my optimism since the initial announcement.

I see no reason why it would not be possible to have a shared worldmap, and other resources, for all episodes. But the worldmap thing probably wont happen anyway...

The way I predict it is more like a FF13 kind of thing. No option to go back. Stuck in episode etc.

I also don't think they are gonna make a worldmap (would be too good to be true) but as I recall there are some places you have to visit multiple times. So if they structure the remake as a linear game I wonder how they justify the characters going back to some place you had visited earlier. If they had a world map it would be not as problematic because you simply went there yourself.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: DLPB_ on 2015-12-08 13:56:31
It's very easy to drop content in those cases... or if using a chapter based approach, simply factor that into the chapter.  In that way you can easily return to same places.  The story has to be altered slightly and script changes making - but they're doing that already.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Calone on 2015-12-08 16:02:51
The style they've taken this Cloud in can't be explained away as "part of the story" or anything else.  The original game had a brash and strong soldier with a memory and ego problem.  Psychologically damaged. The new Cloud is based on the kind we saw in AC and some other media = weedy arms, emo, looking like some gangly teenager with no balls. The style of the original manga and the new pseudo-realistic (to use someone else's description) graphics are polar opposites. As for the paleness, you can find any number of reasons for it, but to me it's just more faffing about by Nomura.
This is something I still don't understand. I've seen people use this excuse everywhere, but mako poisoning/lighting does not justify the extreme changes to Cloud's bone structure and hair. Also I am seeing a lot of people saying they prefer this more "masculinized" version of Cloud, despite one key point in the game is for him to pass as an attractive woman. Seriously, someone said he shouldn't be prettier than Tifa, but my argument would be - if played right - Don chooses HIM over her... so yeah... I think that was supposed to be the joke in the game. It will just fall flat if he looks like a meth head.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Covarr on 2015-12-08 16:08:11
A masculine look can still become pretty enough for cross-dressing when paired with the right makeup. I'm sure they'll add a few more parts to the crossdressing mission to compensate.

Overall I like the new look of Cloud compared to his looks in Advent Children and Kingdom Hearts, even if not compared to concept art or the original game. It's still not really in line with the original at all, but I really appreciate that he doesn't look like Lightning anymore.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Calone on 2015-12-08 16:39:08
There is only so much makeup can do with the bone structure. It's true make up can work wonders, but if you have a masculine frame, you're still going to look obvious.

Check out this picture:


I wouldn't call it hyper masculine but there are clearer traits to this model, that will make it difficult for him to blend in for that portion of the game, and to be frank, I just prefer a more feminine style anyway. It lends itself to Cloud's struggle, I feel. He was always this weak character who never made it into soldier, and I feel it shows with a more baby face/innocent design.

Take for instance the ending of Crisis Core. Cloud's reaction to Zack's fate is heart breaking, because we see those innocent puppy dog eyes as he registers that his hero is no more. Those eyes never change - or at least I like to think that - through out the game. Everything he experiences, once you slice past the layers of his "tough, uncaring" persona, I think Cloud is actually in a perpetual state of vulnerability. All these terrible things keep happening to him, and the people around him.

My biggest complaint is the close up at the end of the trailer, though. it's very "uncanny valley"
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Gatchaman on 2015-12-08 16:46:07
I think one of the most noticeable things is how his eyes can no longer be cartoon big for his face, but his face is the same sharp shape - I think now he's going to look even more similar to Sephy, apart from the hair.
I'd love for how believable /beautiful his dress and makeup look would be affected by how much effort you put in to the quest. Rushing through it, he's obviously a dude in a dress and a wig. Would be a lot of fun.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: obesebear on 2015-12-08 16:49:02
When I first played through wallmarket, I just assumed Dorn Corneo was an idiot for choosing what was obviously a man.  Albeit, a man wearing a necklace, earrings, and tiara,  but still obviously a man.

I'm actually fine with Cloud's sickly appearance now that I think about it.  Even within the original, you find out that he was experimented on and that Zack had to look out for him for weeks until he was able to snap out of it.  My problem with it now is that when playing the original, all of that info was a complete surprise.  I'd like Cloud to not look well at the start of the remake, but only so much so that you wouldn't really know, so that once you reached the part where you find out about him and Zack you could kinda look back at the beginning and think "Yeah, I can totally see how he was sick".  Right now it's just too in your face I think.
I also like that the old style buster is back, and am really curious about the reasons he chose to cover the gold hilt(?) like that.

I'm also not a fan of Nomura saying he wanted/wants to redesign the characters.  The douchebag needs to stick to the original designs.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: KnifeTheSky77 on 2015-12-08 17:56:11
I'm actually fine with Cloud's sickly appearance now that I think about it.  Even within the original, you find out that he was experimented on and that Zack had to look out for him for weeks until he was able to snap out of it.  My problem with it now is that when playing the original, all of that info was a complete surprise.  I'd like Cloud to not look well at the start of the remake, but only so much so that you wouldn't really know, so that once you reached the part where you find out about him and Zack you could kinda look back at the beginning and think "Yeah, I can totally see how he was sick".  Right now it's just too in your face I think.
I also like that the old style buster is back, and am really curious about the reasons he chose to cover the gold hilt(?) like that.

My thoughts exactly. Cloud was totally drugged/poisoned? out of his mind at the end of Crisis Core, he also saw his only friend shot into swiss cheese by Shinra soldiers right in front of his eyes, with blood everywhere. I don't know how much time passed between the end of Crisis Core and the bombing mission but Cloud should probably be fairly emotionally damaged, confused and full of vengeance at the beginning of FF7. He should look slightly deranged and angry.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: StickySock on 2015-12-08 18:16:11
Does anyone think the first "game" will be out in holiday 2017? I've been looking at FFXIII's trilogy as a reference (FFXIII 2010, FFXIII-2 2012, FFXIII:LR 2014), and I wouldn't be surprised to see something similar here. They have been working on this game since 2014, a while before Nomura was removed as director for FFXV. FFXIII took like what, 4 years to make? And that was building an engine and game from the ground up. FF7 is using Unreal 4 in order to speed up development, so it's not unreasonable to believe the game could be finished in 3 years. Then, reusing assets, they could easily crank out another game every 2 years.

So my guess is that it is going to look like this:

FF7: Midgar (2017)
FF7: Aerith dies and Cloud goes crazy (2019)
FF7: Cloud recovers and they finish off Shinra and Sephiroth. (2021)
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: KnifeTheSky77 on 2015-12-08 19:03:58
I can't guess how long they will take but can assume that development in general should be much faster with ff7 than 13 or 15. Three big factors for why I think this: they already have the main plot points of the story and characters worked out, square is contracting out dev work this time around instead of struggling to do it all in-house, and they chose to use a well supported, pre built 3rd party engine. Even if they choose to take their time, the dev process should still be far more productive than the last few games they've made.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: DLPB_ on 2015-12-08 20:24:16
2021?  I wouldn't think so.  They will want this all out asap.  I reckon all of it by 2019 at the latest.  Have they given a release day for any part yet?
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Tekkie.X on 2015-12-08 21:18:20
Not yet but smack bang on the 20th anniversary would be a smart guess for part 1.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: DLPB_ on 2015-12-08 21:23:21
Hmm so jan 2017?  I'd think they may even get a part out in 2016.  But we'll see.

[edit. This was a bad prediction.  Looks like being 2017 - but I still wouldn't be surprised if all parts are fired out before 2020.]
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Tekkie.X on 2015-12-08 21:25:59
They probably could but they wouldn't be that stupi- never mind, they would.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: StickySock on 2015-12-08 21:31:47
I don't think they will release anything in 2016 since FFXV is coming in 2016. I am guessing the two year intervals because each game is supposedly the content of a "full release". To me, that means each entry needs to have the content of FFXIII: LR and FFXIII-2, which I don't think they can release any faster. I am guessing each "game" is a 25-30 hour story (padded out in a way similar to the Hobbit Trilogy, with side stories and crap added in), released every two years.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: obesebear on 2015-12-08 22:00:47
I don't think they will release anything in 2016 since FFXV is coming in 2016. I am guessing the two year intervals because each game is supposedly the content of a "full release". To me, that means each entry needs to have the content of FFXIII: LR and FFXIII-2, which I don't think they can release any faster. I am guessing each "game" is a 25-30 hour story (padded out in a way similar to the Hobbit Trilogy, with side stories and crap added in), released every two years.
I would guess faster than that. Characters and animations would already be mostly done. I think the time would come from recording voices and designing maps since very few if any of them are palette swaps
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: DLPB_ on 2015-12-08 22:03:21
I'd be willing to give them longer if I thought real effort was being placed in or some - you know - leadership and order.  I don't get that vibe at all.   I also think it's telling that some English voice acting has already been recorded.  That's very telling.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: olearyf2525 on 2015-12-08 22:18:16
"there will be three-member parties in Final Fantasy VII Remake and free switching between them, and while the ATB gauge will be present, it won't be the type that fills up while you wait to attack but instead its own system that "lends to the action of this game".

Wait what.... only three members or do they just mean for the first episode...I hope?

EDIT: Nm I misread that, so three member parties like how it originally was as opposed to the four member parties in some of the other ones, but with the ffx  system where you can swap out mid battle? Kind of a confusing sentence.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Tekkie.X on 2015-12-08 22:55:16
The switching means you'll be able to change over and control Barret or Tifa instead of Cloud.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Tekkie.X on 2015-12-08 23:04:25
I also think it's telling that some English voice acting has already been recorded.  That's very telling.

It's possible they've recorded both VO sets from the get go instead of the JP dub first and then the Eng one later on nearer the western release as is often the case, you can see the JP lip synch not matching the Eng voices, it's also possible they've simply pulled the cast in for just that trailer which would also explain the non-matching lips.

EDIT: Oops didn't realise I wasn't modifying my previous post.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: DLPB_ on 2015-12-08 23:13:57
They don't generally pull in a VA session for a trailer.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: obesebear on 2015-12-09 00:45:20
They don't generally pull in a VA session for a trailer.
To me, Cloud's "not interested" sounds like I've heard it before.   Maybe in Kingdom Hearts or Advent Children, but it's definitely very familiar.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Vgr on 2015-12-09 00:48:44
To me, Cloud's "not interested" sounds like I've heard it before.   Maybe in Kingdom Hearts or Advent Children, but it's definitely very familiar.

I wouldn't be surprised if they re-used the same VAs for the main characters, but may or may not have used placeholder ones for Avalanche & co.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: DLPB_ on 2015-12-09 01:27:06
To me, Cloud's "not interested" sounds like I've heard it before.   Maybe in Kingdom Hearts or Advent Children, but it's definitely very familiar.

It's a signature Cloud line - he says it in probably all media (the line is spoken by Cloud in original FF7 at least ten times. Edit.. far more than that).  But there's also the jessie, Barrett and Wedge dialogue in that trailer. There's no way they've just plucked some dudes off a street for a trailer.  It's highly likely these are the final VA.

Edit/.  There is also "I don't care about your politics". 
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: StickySock on 2015-12-09 03:06:03
Actually, as sad as it is, I can tell you exactly where you recognize that line. The only time I know of that the line is actually spoken by a voice over is a cringe-worthy scene in Advent Children where Rufus makes a half-assed attempt at teaming up with Cloud. That exchange irritated me so much, mostly because of the weird dialogue attempting to match lip-syncing, that I can't seem to forget about it.

You can hear it at 3:20 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KR-t1UyQ2e0

Edit: He actually says it twice, both in that same scene, the earlier one is just hard to hear because of the weird, aforementioned terrible dialogue exchange that has Rufus talking over him.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: KnifeTheSky77 on 2015-12-09 03:47:53
Their voice acting really is crappy compared to other media at that budget. I can't watch advent children in English. Too much cringe. Here's to hoping the remake will be better.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Calone on 2015-12-09 09:15:31
It sounds like Steve Burton is back for Cloud's voice, which to be honest is the only thing I really liked about the trailer. I don't know, I prefer the original dub to the English, but they could have done far worse for Cloud. That said, I'm still incredibly disappointed. Oh god, what if they get Lance Bass back for Sephiroth... I mean if anything I would assume they hire George Newbern again. On that note, how much do you think they will mess with Sephiroth's appearance?
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Covarr on 2015-12-09 14:42:56
They'll surely use their most recent voices for all characters, where possible. That means Steve Burton, George Newbern...


Seriously, if they don't bring back Quinton I'll be annoyed; his Reno was one of my favorite parts of the compilation.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Az on 2015-12-10 23:27:31
I don't really want a 1:1 remake, honestly. If we'll get a trilogy encompassing (or reimagining) FFVII with lots more content, I'm more than happy. The trailer would get me hyped, but I generally tend to not care about games until they're a week or two from release.

Yay!  I get to say something positive:  I think this is actually a good thing.  The renewed interest in Final Fantasy VII will be win-win for Qhimm's, modders, and projects already released. It's true that a lot of the people introduced to Final Fantasy through this won't want to play an "old" game.  But a lot of people - especially those alienated by this "remake" - will.
I'd say the FFVII modding community would grow rapidly if tools and mods were all readily available in one place such as the Nexus. Having lurked for years, I can say that it can be a tremendous pain to find anything here. Many links are dead, and the person whom the site is named after has seemingly been AWOL for years (little to no relevance). Nexus Mods has literally millions upon millions of members, and a page dedicated to FFVII already exists (courtesy of Kaldarasha, I believe). Moving projects and tools over there is the only way I can see modding for these games having any real future at this rate. Not only is it a consistent and reliable place to host your files, but it will also welcome new blood into the FFVII modding community.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: cmh175 on 2015-12-11 00:39:58
Personally I have no problems with the gameplay changes. FF7 is iconic for it's story line, not necessarily it's battles (other than the ridiculously long animation that plays in the final Sephiroth battle lol). The more active battles will probably be more engaging this way. I also love that they're using the Unreal Engine 4. After seeing what Rocksteady was able to do with the UE3 (though heavily modded) in the Arkham Knight it really makes you wonder about it's potential. And it could have great potential for modding. Plus although incredible looking their new Luminous engine sounds like a pain in the ass and would probably much up development.

I do agree, I'm iffy about the episodic releases. I personally hate Tell Tale Games in this regard, and always wait to buy the whole package when it's completed. The tidbit about each release being the size of an entire game sounds interesting though. I just hope though as we progress through the story we can revist and explore different locations as we please, instead of having to load a particular episode. On a side note I'm not sure how it'll work, as in needing to play episode 1 before 2, as the game does include character development and customization. I'm hoping they'll release bits of the game as it's ready and just have each new part downloaded as dlc for the core game.   
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Tekkie.X on 2015-12-11 05:24:07
Unless they release tools and they won't, best we could do would be textures.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Dark_Ansem on 2015-12-11 09:34:24
UE4 is definitely a win-win. Could allow for some tremendous modding.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Vgr on 2015-12-11 18:43:28
Yoshinori Kitase made a post about the remake and their decisions behind it (http://na.square-enix.com/us/blog/final-fantasy-vii-remake-psx-2015-message-yoshinori-kitase).
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Covarr on 2015-12-11 20:07:08
That is really vague and full of marketing speak and doesn't really explain anything.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Travis on 2015-12-12 01:25:28
After hearing that this won't be episodic like Telltale games, I'm more optimistic.

I've also heard that there's a possibility for level caps before the next release so we could carry at least some semblance of progress forward.

I would accept this and probably enjoy it. Getting to play earlier would be great if it all lines up and adds on.

My other hope is the free-roaming of the world map added on and not some garbage map with location choice like in final fantasy 10.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: -Ric- on 2015-12-12 09:37:49
Truth be told...  If space limitation is really the issue they could just do the same thing they did 20 years ago, 1 release with more than 1 disk inside of it. Anyway, we shall wait and see how it all turns out.
I have a feeling they might take the FF13 saga approach though, a storyline divided across 3 games but all of which can make the average gamer spend anywhere from 30 to 80 hours in it.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: hian on 2015-12-13 01:40:55
Since it's on Unreal 4, I hope it's mod friendly, so I can make it look more like this, and less like FFXV with its drab and colorless vibe.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: gjoerulv on 2015-12-13 02:15:07
Since it's on Unreal 4, I hope it's mod friendly, so I can make it look more like this, and less like FFXV with its drab and colorless vibe.

That pic looks much better than the trailer haha! It actually looks like FF7.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: hian on 2015-12-13 04:40:53
I did some tweaking on a bunch of screens from the trailer using approximately the same set-up in my image processing software that I use for filter on my video-game project, a soft cell-shade filter, some bloom and increased saturation, and the above is how it came out (threw the hud together just for fun) - here are the rest of them, just for comparisons sake.

Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: StickySock on 2015-12-13 05:50:35
@hian, would you mind doing one of those for the shot of Cloud's face after he hops off the train at the end of the trailer? That shot of him bothered me the most, because he looked like a meth-addict, and I want to see if your color tweaks makes him look somewhat normal again.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: hian on 2015-12-13 06:13:52
Nemo problemo -

Here's a comparison for you -
Not all that much I could do to save this model though. Thankfully, it seems to be one of those "cut-scene" HD models that SE use to cheat to make their games look better during close ups in scripted events, rather than the model you have to look at throughout most of the game.
Nomura also hinted at in the interview that Cloud only looks like this in the beginning due to just having awakened from his test-tube.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Covarr on 2015-12-13 07:01:25
I love that you've really livened up the purpleness of his outfit.The reduced saturation is my biggest gripe with the art in the remake from what I've seen, much more than the models.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Zetaman on 2015-12-13 07:19:02
In Team Avalanche I am currently working on the guard Scorpion.. I took inspiration of the design from the trailer for my current sculpt, hoping to post some pictures soon of my progress.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: hian on 2015-12-13 07:34:31
The purple is actually in the game natively, it just doesn't show until you raise the saturation levels with about 50%.

The reason I'd want a filter for this game, is because even adjusting saturation on most TV's is not going to give you this result since it requires the combination of both a bloom effect and a cell-shade effect to make the colors pop like that.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Tekkie.X on 2015-12-13 09:58:56
Bearing in mind that in comics and animation purple is often used instead of black because clothing or hair would look flat and lifeless.
http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PurpleIsTheNewBlack (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PurpleIsTheNewBlack)

Thus why he was a much lighter purple in the original game than in the artwork although in battle it was a bit darker than in the field.

Even in Crisis Core and Advent Children you could still see the blue in the outfit.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: gjoerulv on 2015-12-13 16:48:47
@hian, would you mind doing one of those for the shot of Cloud's face after he hops off the train at the end of the trailer? That shot of him bothered me the most, because he looked like a meth-addict, and I want to see if your color tweaks makes him look somewhat normal again.

Aerith: Cloud, you used to be in SOLDIER didn't you?
Cloud: ... How did you know?
Aerith: You look like a meth-addict.

If he was supposed to look like this in the original it's a miracle no one asked him: "Dude!! Are you alright!?!"
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: DLPB_ on 2015-12-13 16:55:44
Aerith: Cloud, you used to be in SOLDIER didn't you?
Cloud: ... How did you know?
Aerith: You look like a meth-addict.

If he was supposed to look like this in the original it's a miracle no one asked him: "Dude!! Are you alright!?!"

Exactly.  The only thing that was wrong with him in the original story were his eyes.  His psychological issues manifest themselves and are a key part of the story.  If he turns up looking like a meth addict then those clues are wasted.  This is just rather poor design and a divergence from the earlier style.  I think people are starting to fall into the trap of understanding these changes as "part of the story" or believing crumby explanations from the writers that contradict the earlier work.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: KnifeTheSky77 on 2015-12-13 17:08:53
I think the really well maintained hair threw them off.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: gjoerulv on 2015-12-13 21:58:30
At least someone in-game in FF7R have to mention his looks haha.

His hairstyle looks very awkward in the realistic artstyle too.

There is far less room for abstraction as well, leaving it much more open for criticism and questionable situations. Like, for instance, Cloud running through those bullets... It's a common cliché for the hero to run though bullet-rain, but the problem here is the presentation. You just don't buy it. You have to make excuses, in your head, on behalf of the game to make it work.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: DLPB_ on 2015-12-14 22:38:52
At least someone in-game in FF7R have to mention his looks haha.

His hairstyle looks very awkward in the realistic artstyle too.

There is far less room for abstraction as well, leaving it much more open for criticism and questionable situations. Like, for instance, Cloud running through those bullets... It's a common cliché for the hero to run though bullet-rain, but the problem here is the presentation. You just don't buy it. You have to make excuses, in your head, on behalf of the game to make it work.

And it really isn't necessary to add that cliche, either.  It bloats the game and it means even more work where it wasn't needed.  FF7's cutscenes were great already, and mostly adhered to FF7's own internal logic (which, in many respects is the same as our planet). Jumping through bullets just makes things worse.  Less is often more.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: StickySock on 2015-12-15 03:23:24
@hian: I think that your version still looks 10x better, and I'd be happier with a less ultra-realistic style.

EDIT: Accidentally posted before I was ready to.

It really is a shame that they are so focused on how light reflects off skin to realize that it looks like strawberries regardless.

Anyways, here's a video I think you all might find interesting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpIlShZ2tEI (It's Jim Sterling's opinion on the remake situation.)
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: Kefka on 2015-12-15 14:52:20
Anyways, here's a video I think you all might find interesting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpIlShZ2tEI (It's Jim Sterling's opinion on the remake situation.)

Yeah, he covered it quite well in that video, turn-based combat is far from outdated, at least not for me. What I always liked most about turn-based combat systems was the strategic aspect they offered. My issue with action-driven systems (from FF12 onward) was that you lose track of what's actually happening on the screen way too easily with everyone acting at the same time and damage numbers flying all about. This loss of control over the battle gives me the feeling that I'm a bystander rather than an actual participant. Thing is: the faster a combat system is designed, the less strategic it gets (because you don't have the time to ponder your next move anymore). And it's not funny when your AI-controlled comrades kill that one enemy that you still wanted to steal an item from. With turn-based combat systems, everything was much better "organized", if that makes sense.

Oh, and I agree that hian's Cloud looks a lot better than what Square Enix has given us. Good job, hian.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake Gameplay Reveal
Post by: DLPB_ on 2015-12-16 03:14:08
That's absolutely it, Kefka.  The goal of having great visuals has pushed out the gameplay aspect. And, er, we are talking about a game.  If I went to a movie, I wouldn't expect a joypad to drop down during it and have to fight random enemies in order to progress the plot. People shouldn't be accepting this as the norm for the genre.  It isn't.  FF and jrpg in general are supposed to be tactical affairs - which, as you noted, cannot happen with a real-time combat in anywhere near the same fashion as turn-based combat.
Title: More updates on FF7R from Famitsu
Post by: picklejar on 2015-12-19 07:58:32
http://www.novacrystallis.com/2015/12/nomura-kitase-talk-final-fantasy-vii-remake-development-progress/ (http://www.novacrystallis.com/2015/12/nomura-kitase-talk-final-fantasy-vii-remake-development-progress/)
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: Covarr on 2015-12-19 17:00:33
We really don't need a separate thread for each announcement or update. Merged and renamed. ~Covarr
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: Gatchaman on 2015-12-21 01:33:23
Thanks for the link!

I'm glad they're finally sorting out that damn asphalt! Don't want big grains in my tarmac- that's unrealistic!

I am interested to see how they'll change the soldiers, I thought they looked recognisable.

I love how they half- mention things, as if they just want to generate more discussion over tiny topics. Things like "online content" (! I guess they mean DLC?), or the party ability ("it's not cooperation!")

Also weird that they keep saying Jessica.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: gjoerulv on 2015-12-21 03:59:01
Some parts in the Compilation that have been difficult to understand will be connected better in the Remake.

oh God...

VII’s famous opening, where the camera zooms in all across Midgar, etc., will probably be changed in the remake.

What the actual fern?!?! Ha, ha are they trying to piss us off? Well, it depends on whta they mean by "change" here. Imo that opening is one of the, of not the best opening to any video-game with a story.

Real ≠ Photoreal “Real” is an important keyword for 7R, but Nomura says this does not mean photo realism. The “real” comes from maintaining integrity and unity of the world.

Not quite sure what to make of this. Sure, integrity is all good, but the art-style clearly has a photo-realistic approach at the very least. Has the above quote nothing/little to do whit art-style then?

The remake will have more scenes of people actually living in Midgar.

Fleshing out Midgard is something the original lacked. All good in my book. Online play also gets a thumbs up from me. Had been fun to play original FF7 PvP.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: DLPB_ on 2015-12-21 04:14:02
The camera thing probably means they hired Lucas to have a big elephant like creature wander aimlessly across the screen because cgi is good.

There was a moment during the Star Wars prequels when I wondered if Lucas was either senile or had taken a knock to the head in order to transform what he was into what he is now.  And I'm getting that same feeling regarding the original writers of VII.  Sakaguchi leaving can't be blamed for everything. How is it possible for these guys not to realize that what made FF7 great in the first place was none of the things they are currently trying to peddle as essential or necessary?

They're even falling into the "alter it later" trap that Lucas did.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: picklejar on 2015-12-23 03:22:24
Another update: SE discusses fully voiced staff, world map, mini games:

http://www.novacrystallis.com/2015/12/final-fantasy-vii-remake-will-be-fully-voiced-staff-discusses-world-map-mini-games/ (http://www.novacrystallis.com/2015/12/final-fantasy-vii-remake-will-be-fully-voiced-staff-discusses-world-map-mini-games/)
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: Calone on 2015-12-23 15:08:03
These are dark, non-mako powered times, for sure. Changing the opening? Really? If it isn't broken why fix it? Is it jusrt me, or did that last update give the feeling that they are going to make this a corridor simulator?
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: Covarr on 2015-12-23 15:41:55
Is it jusrt me, or did that last update give the feeling that they are going to make this a corridor simulator?
After all the flak they got for doing that with FF13, and even explicitly acknowledging it as a problem, there's no way Square Enix would allow that to happen again. The tight corridors shown in the trailer are in places where there were tight corridors in the original, such as the tunnel they escape through after the reactor explodes.

edit: Not to mention, the action-focused combat they're doing outright requires open spaces. Consider how areas tend to be laid out in Kingdom Hearts, where there are corridors when appropriate, but also arenas when appropriate, as well as obstacles (buildings, fountains, etc) to make it more interesting. For all Nomura gets wrong on a regular basis, I've noticed his games tend to have well laid-out levels, so that's the one thing I'm truly not worried about here.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: picklejar on 2015-12-23 20:58:40
Worst case would be something like FF13, but (like Covarr) I seriously doubt they'll do that.

"Best" case, they'll create an entire planet with every single square inch detailed out, with a full world map, and you can travel to every possible coordinate in the world. But, I put "Best" in parentheses because I'm not sure if that's truly necessary. Do we really want Square Enix to spend development time fleshing out an entire planet?

I'm guessing it will be somewhere in between:

Another thing to remember, SE needs to do underwater detail too, not just land detail, at least for the submarine portion of the game. (But even in the original I think you could only travel to a part of the underwater part of the planet, not the entire ocean.)
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: RVallant on 2015-12-24 02:58:29
Eh, my friend went out and bought the PS4 port, the trailer put him off but, when they said it was episodic he just threw in the towel.

I'm in agreement with him. This is looking like it is all flash no substance, and that highly amuses me, as it is exactly the mistake they made with FF14. In fact, they identified that as a problem, too much focus on art assets, too many polygons/pixels in background art that has no bearing on the game, and no enough focus on the interesting bits.

Was it Yoshida (I can't keep track of Japanese names), who produced this wonderful analysis on the failure of Final Fantasy? He pointed out the bloated art departments, the lack of cohesion. I only subbed ARR for a month or two, but when the announcements for updates were made, he seemed on point, for example, refusing to make things group-centric in the normal battles precisely because the average gamer doesn't want to be a wuss, getting owned by normal creatures. The average MMO gamer wants to feel like a hero. I think he's on point with what people wants, and that is why ARR feels more like a FF than any FF post-X.

I don't know what Nomura is doing, but I think his marketing/PR justifications basically highlight the issue, which is that Square is still woefully out of touch with the core fanbase. Has been for ages. It doesn't surprise me that they may be struggling for money, given the design decisions seems to be a return to 'max graphics' and the episodic decisions seems to be a 'ooh, how will we pay for this?'

Ugh, I'm so frustrated with SE, they really dropped the ball on everything post FFX in my opinion. Bah!

Anyway, this remake, I see lots of people were lapping it up on other forums and yet, were having second thoughts when it was announced as episodic. Personally, I was weary from the start, the Barrett sunglasses (Morpheus lol), and the action combat just bothered me.

So, I probably, 99% sure I won't pick it up, and/or if I *do* end up picking it up, and this will be once I conveniently ignore all the reviews going 'omg it's sliced bread version 2' and listen to genuine fan reactions, I'll pick it up on the cheap. Though, every bone in my body says that I shouldn't bother, as it will just kill my experience of Final Fantasy, don't even get me started on the compilation rubbish.

Instead, since it's the Winter Sales, I've picked up the PC version of FF7. And my eyes get misty over the music, why have I picked it up (for the third time), considering I already have one opened and one unopened copy on the PS1? Modding! ;) Ah well! :)
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: Fischkopf on 2015-12-24 11:38:11
Another update: SE discusses fully voiced staff, world map, mini games:

http://www.novacrystallis.com/2015/12/final-fantasy-vii-remake-will-be-fully-voiced-staff-discusses-world-map-mini-games/ (http://www.novacrystallis.com/2015/12/final-fantasy-vii-remake-will-be-fully-voiced-staff-discusses-world-map-mini-games/)
My thoughts on this:

Nomura: "Basically, it will be fully voiced."
I guess this will mean the game will be cut short quite heavily in regard to trivial dialogs. There is NO way they will have every single line voiced that was in the original game. This makes me wonder, why the hell do they present themselves with such a challenge? This is something NOBODY has asked for. I'd rather have all the dialog from the original, with voice acting added for cutscenes. Nobody will argue, even today that the way they did it for FF-X was already perfect.

We shouldn't forget it was because of constraints like this, that FF XIII has become the sh1tty linear game it was.

Kitase:“We want to put the mini-games that remain favorable among fans in as much as possible.”

Nomura: “There were a lot of things from big to small, but we need to consider a bit whether it’s necessary to create them all with the latest technology.”

Whether it's necessary? NECESSARY??!

Are they short on budget already making statements like this, or what? We want nothing less than all the mini games. ALL of them.

Nomura: Personally, I’m waiting for Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 and World of Final Fantasy in 2016. I think when they’re completed, I’ll be able to release new information.”

Are they seriously prioritising development of some MMO-spinoff and a Kingdom Hearts game over FF VII?? I don't know about you people, but I never cared about KH not in the slightest. I just can't take it seriously and it doesn't grip me at all, which probably has to do with the fact that it's based on the completely RIDICULOUS premise of mixing Disney characters with Final Fantasy. And I couldn't care less about yet another Final Fantasy MMO either. Now that FF XV is near completion, all their focus should logically be on the newest game in their main franchise, which is the FF VII Remake.

It should have been obvious to them from the beginning, that FF VII Remake will be literally their biggest project ever and should get all the development resources it needs, which basically are all of them.

Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: hian on 2015-12-27 03:40:03
My thoughts on this:
I guess this will mean the game will be cut short quite heavily in regard to trivial dialogs. There is NO way they will have every single line voiced that was in the original game. This makes me wonder, why the hell do they present themselves with such a challenge? This is something NOBODY has asked for. I'd rather have all the dialog from the original, with voice acting added for cutscenes. Nobody will argue, even today that the way they did it for FF-X was already perfect.

I don't think we should assume that what he means by "fully voiced" is that every single NPC in the game will be voiced - rather that everything of importance will be voiced.
Even if that weren't the case, I'm pretty dialogue heavy games like the Witcher already do this, so it's far from impossible.

We shouldn't forget it was because of constraints like this, that FF XIII has become the sh1tty linear game it was.

This is on a new platform though, with less restriction, using a much more developer friendly engine, being partly outsourced to multiple outside companies, being released in parts presumably to avoid this being an issue.

Whether it's necessary? NECESSARY??!

Are they short on budget already making statements like this, or what? We want nothing less than all the mini games. ALL of them.

You really gonna miss Sumo Arm Wrestling that much?
Especially if the trade off is, for example, a better, and more fleshed out Chocobo breeding/racing mini-game with online multi-player?

Are they seriously prioritising development of some MMO-spinoff and a Kingdom Hearts game over FF VII?? I don't know about you people, but I never cared about KH not in the slightest. I just can't take it seriously and it doesn't grip me at all, which probably has to do with the fact that it's based on the completely RIDICULOUS premise of mixing Disney characters with Final Fantasy. And I couldn't care less about yet another Final Fantasy MMO either. Now that FF XV is near completion, all their focus should logically be on the newest game in their main franchise, which is the FF VII Remake.

That's not what Nomura was talking about in the Dengeki interview though. He referred to being swamped in other work preventing him from giving out more news in the near future, not about the pace of the development.

SE is a developing and publishing company - their focus should, logically, be on whatever projects they've already pooled time and resources into, that have promising near-future economical pay-offs, in the order that they were initiated.
FFXV isn't finished yet, and has yet to generate any revenue. They have multiple other projects closer to completion that have yet to generate any revenue either.

You're saying it would make sense for them to pool loads of money, time and resources into a project  that is nowhere near finished at the expense of other projects despite having dumped loads of money, time and resources into them already?
Where exactly are the funds for salaries and continued development of FFVIIR going to come from then?

It should have been obvious to them from the beginning, that FF VII Remake will be literally their biggest project ever and should get all the development resources it needs, which basically are all of them.

It is getting all the development resources it needs - that's why its being developed by multiple outside companies on a 3rd party engine, while also stealing resources from in-house teams like the KH3 team.
This is literally 100 times better than it being developed on their in-house engine for instance, which would limit their development potential to a much smaller pool of developers who're all currently tied up in FFXV.

Timing was a thing in even getting this project of its feet. They've been candid about this several times - they'd only do this once the original members could get back together.
This was their time-window - however, they can't just have SE, a giant company responsible for several major IPs, drop everything to the floor for this one game.
Because regardless how bloated the confidence of the original fan-base is - this game is not an instant cash-grab when developed on a new system, with this generation's graphics and level of content. Certainly not to the extent that they can sacrifice all their other IPs and still make up the difference with FFVII alone.

Now, I'm under no illusion that this game is going to be the next best thing after sliced bread, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if what it ends up we're looking at is essentially "Final Uncharted of the Old Republic 7" rather than a what a good remake or good re-imagining would be -
but non of what Nomura and Kitase have said so far is really all that controversial knowing at least in part, based on the trailer, what this game seems to be aiming for.
It's a reboot plain and simple. It isn't going to retrace the footsteps of the original.
That however, does not mean that we can safely assume that what it ends up being won't be a good game.

It can be a strawberriesty remake, and still be an excellent game in its own right. Is that unfair towards fans of the original? Yes. But, if that's what we're getting, let's at least rate it for what it is - not for failing at being something it never tried nor pretended to be.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: DLPB_ on 2015-12-27 11:23:15
The "true to the original" ship has long sailed. It's no good being disappointed by every new announcement that content is being changed, dropped, or completely warped.  We all know now that that is how they're doing it.  And I've known that's how they'd do it for well over 5 years which is why I never wanted them to start.  Your best bet is to stop reading their interviews and forget the game is even being made - like me.  And then not buying it - like me.

I disagree with Hian that what they're saying isn't controversial.  Their entire game plan has been a slap in the face to the original fans and will continue to be.  But my point is - that's how it is. There's no changing it.

They're going for maximum graphics, maximum hype, and maximum flash.  Substance isn't really their main consideration - revenue is.  As people keep repeating, this remake is nothing to do with the fans or making a faithful game.  It's all to do with money.  I expect the game to be decent in its own right - but completely void of a soul and for that and other reasons, not a game I personally will ever want to play.  A lot of content will be dropped, for sure. And their approach (part releases) is already piss poor and a symptom of crap management and milking the remake for all it's worth. Since it's Christmas, let's let Jesus do the talking:


Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: Zara9 on 2015-12-27 11:28:22

i hope the ff7 remake is good
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: hian on 2015-12-27 14:55:02
The "true to the original" ship has long sailed. It's no good being disappointed by every new announcement that content is being changed or completely warped.  We all know now that that is how they're doing it.  And I've known that's how they'd do it for well over 5 years which is why I never wanted them to start.  Your best bet is to stop reading their interviews and forget the game is even being made - like me.  And then not buying it - like me.

I disagree with Hian that what they're saying isn't controversial.  Their entire game plan has been a slap in the face to the original fans and will continue to be.  But my point is - that's how it is. There's no changing it.

What I meant to say is - it's not controversial from a design or industry perspective - it's perfectly "reasonable". It's hilariously insulting and sad for long-time fans though.
But, that's what I was expecting to happen to begin with - this isn't Squaresoft - it's Square-Enix, a monolith of a company, and one of the last bastions of AAA console gaming in Japan.
They have "better things to do" than cater to their old fans =P
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: Neophyte on 2016-05-14 22:40:04
Damn, had to create a new account as I forgot my old one >_<

Anyway, if there was a like button on here, I'd probably like every one of Dan's posts and moreso on this subject.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong but is there some kind of backlash going on over in "generic flashy fps shooter land" right at this moment? Yeah, even the modern gamer dudes are starting to rebel against the mighty dev houses over the CoD franchise. Even they want something more akin to "old school" (for them at least).

This FF7 remake is absolutely not what we wanted. I'm guessing a fair percentage of you, like me, simply wanted a graphical spruce up with some sweet, modern graphics and sound alongside a fixed translation. That really is all I want. At what point did any hardcore FF7 fan actually request a complete reboot of the game?

Let's be honest, reboots are quite pants. We only have to look at the recent run of movies which are complete bab. Robocop, Total Recall, Terminator Genysisysis... There was no need to remake or reboot FF7, all we ever wanted was a technological update.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: gjoerulv on 2016-05-15 19:57:30
They have "better things to do" than cater to their old fans =P

They aren't catering to them directly; they don't have to. They know a good bunch of 'em will buy it anyway, no matter how skeptical.

Most people I've talked to also want something similar. Things like: Polished graphics, fix bugs, better translation, more gameplay options (such as difficulty), online play and added content (like materia, sidequests tec.). Absolutely no one I've talked to personally wants an uptodate-action-RPG-DBZMatrix-FF7.

However, many of these "fixes" are already released by mods. In that sense SE's approach is somewhat understandable.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: DLPB_ on 2016-05-15 20:24:14
I doubt Enix or the people doing the remake are even aware of some of the mods here.  I mean someone will be aware that there are mods, but I doubt any of them sat down and used them. As for translation - they've gone for a totally different script, as I always feared they would.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: gjoerulv on 2016-05-15 21:39:02
True or not, I should have phrased that better. It's safe to assume the modding community has next to no (probably no) effect on FF7R. What I was getting at was that we will always have the original to "fix" ourselves. I'm not trying to justify SE's approach on behalf of the mod community.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: Lein on 2016-05-25 22:26:58
It looks to be a mixture between FFXII and crisis core. You'll probably have an action battle system similar to crisis core and your team will be AI controlled then you'll be able to switch to them at any time. Also I got a Mass Effect vibe when I saw Cloud walking through narrow spaces. I guess it'll be a mixture of:

Crisis Core
Final Fantasy XII
Mass Effect

I hope they keep the world map and try to relax the camera a bit. Less Michael Bay more Akira Kurosawa. I'm not a huge fan of the look of the characters, Barret's sun glasses look unnecessary and Cloud's muscly arm look odd. I know a thing or two about anatomy and the muscles are too defined.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: jbi on 2016-06-19 18:39:12
I don't like how they have Barret wearing shades.

The original Barret would never wear shades, he was a practical, realistic guy who was not interested in "street cred" He certainly wouldn't wear sunglasses in a place as dark as midgar.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: hian on 2016-06-23 09:07:57
I don't like how they have Barret wearing shades.

The original Barret would never wear shades, he was a practical, realistic guy who was not interested in "street cred" He certainly wouldn't wear sunglasses in a place as dark as midgar.

As I said before, and said again, shades are not illogical in lowly lit/dark places when you're wielding a gun that has a pronounced muzzle flash - which Barret's Gatling gun would have.
When you enter a dark places, your eyes will adjust to the lack of light - if however, you're then subjected to a bright flash of light, your eyes do an immediate readjustment - this screws up your entire night-vision, and demands your eyes readjust all over again.
Not only, will bright flashes look even brighter when its dark - the dark will look even darker after the flash - which means that if Barret is supposed to be firing that gun non-stop, he wouldn't be able to see anything at all most of the time in combat - which would be dangerous as all hell.

There are plenty of things to pick on about the new art-direction - Barret's sunglasses is not one of them.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: DLPB_ on 2016-06-23 09:29:58
I think it looks ridiculous, though.  That would be my gripe.  It's clearly being done to make him look "cool" = like Morpheus or something.  I agree that it isn't something Barrett would wear - but regardless it simply draws far too much attention for the wrong reasons. It's an addition that isn't needed and a symptom that the writing dept / design dept aren't thinking.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: White Wind on 2016-06-23 14:34:48
The explanation about his gun's fire flashing in dark places makes sense in the real world, but that's no video game consideration, it's just too far-fetched.
Then what, we'd have that degree of realism, along with a damaged little plane roaming the seas and Chocobos with belly buttons?

And what if Barrett faces Rude? haha.. But you could argue that if they're all jumping all over the place, their sunglasses won't have much room to draw much attention (like a lot more things).

And his one-on-one with Dyne.. Okay I'm in a junkyard in the middle of the desert, trying desperately to settle what results from a major issue from my past.. but that doesn't mean I don't have to stay classy and cool heh
naa  kinda kills it for me, although he might already have dropped the glasses already up to that point.

IMO it's just not his character. That's more fucking Rude. When I think Barrett, I think tough life, scars, passionate, generous, flaring up, low-brow, concrete;  but no way cool, classy, stable, self-retained, "don't worry bro", "I hide behind something"
He'd find those ridiculous on his face, as I do, and would never give 10 Gils for such a thing  x)

For me  that's a sign they got the character wrong (or changed him deliberately), and that's no detail and assuredly something one can pick on about.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: KnifeTheSky77 on 2016-06-23 18:13:43
People tend to wear sunglasses when they commit crimes -- they help conceal their identities. It isn't too crazy to think that the head of a terrorist organization would wear sunglasses in the act, but I doubt he is going to wear them 24/7 like the reading rainbow guy that was in star trek
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: DLPB_ on 2016-06-23 18:30:52
It's a totally stereotypical portrayal.  Real criminals do not work like that. But if we are going down that road - don't you think a man with a gun arm would be a little suspicious?

This change is nothing to do with story (I can come up with things pulled out of my brown end but they would be things pulled out of my brown end). It's to do with the idea that sunglasses = cool.  It's just a small symptom of a much bigger problem.  Changing something for the sake of trying to be cool without thinking whether it looks silly or will bring to mind people like Morpheus. It's a grab for flashy visuals over substance.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: KnifeTheSky77 on 2016-06-23 19:13:37
That is true, sunglasses in this context show a distrust in Barrett of his surroundings. They show that he is concealing his identity/personality/emotions from his crew and his adversaries. I think this is adding some depth to his character, as it implies that he'll open up to the player later on.

Just playing devil's advocate here
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: gjoerulv on 2016-06-25 02:29:37
I dunno... Barret wasn't exactly the shy, deep type of character to hide his "true" self....
No, those sunglasses are all about looks. Market research baby!. It's blatantly obvious. If everything is added to his characters, it's on behalf of the sunglasses. They didn't change his character and then decide to add the glasses to make it fit lmao.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: KnifeTheSky77 on 2016-06-25 03:10:40
I wasn't thinking shy, but more like a vigilante with a lot of walls up, the less everyone knows the better kind of thing. But who knows, maybe they just wanted him to look like morpheus who also chain smokes because that's just the epitome of cool according to market research. If that legitimately were the case, I'd be pretty salty about it. I'm skeptical that they intentionally added sunglasses for that reason though.

Cloud wore sunglasses/goggles while riding fenrir in advent children, for five seconds. I don't think they defined his character or were the sole reason that movie sucked
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: gjoerulv on 2016-06-25 20:59:06
Cloud's sunglasses were also based on cool-factor. Case in point: They made a (semi) big deal of it in the trailer. That alone did not ruin the movie, off course. Barret's glasses will not be the central factor when judging FF7R. It just may be one of those small pieces that drags the experience down.

Hey, they may have a super good reason for those sunglasses, but, as I see it, the most reasonable assumption here is cool-factor.

EDIT: Unrelated, but why is "o_f course" always "corrected" to "off course"?
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: DLPB_ on 2016-06-25 21:13:24
FF7 joke...  the misspelling of "of course" at the Battle Arena.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: JohnLynch on 2016-06-26 13:46:45
I started playing FF back in 1997/1998 when VII was first released in Australia. I've since played every non-MMO FF (main series only) and enjoyed FF V, VI, VII, IX, XII. So I'm not some "new fan who didn't grow up with FF" and yet I'm actually optimistic.

If I want the original FFVII, I've got it (both the PSX version and now the Steam version). Thanks to this community I've been able to update the characters, and while I was skeptical of the retranslation, I grew to love it after only an hour. This community has really given the original a new lease of life.

It is true, however, that my love of the new FFVII would be guaranteed if it was a faithful update to the original with only new graphics whereas it is quite likely I will dislike the new remake. However I'm willing to give it a chance (once it gets rereleased on PC or an emulator comes along that can reliably play it). It's quite possible I'll only buy a he first episode, and I'm okay with that as I still have the original.

Regarding the idea that an episodic approach will by necessity destroy the nonlinear nature of the game, I disagree. Here's one potential split that doesn't require linearity. You might say "that requires a lot of duplication", however it's reusing assets from the earlier episode so it's minimal additional work.

Episode 1:
* Midgard - This will get fleshed out much further. Where Jesse says things like "We've heard X" in the original, I expect for the remake it will be Cloud who goes and gets word of X. We also might help go through the wreckage of Sector 7 for survivors. And I expect a lot more flashbacks when people ask Cloud about his past.
* Outside Midgard
* Kalm
* Flashback Nibelheim
* Flashback Mt Nibel
* Chocobo Ranch
* Mythral Mines
* Fort Condor
* Junon
* Cargo Ship

Episode 2:
* Costa del Sol
* Mt Corel
* North Corel
* Gold Saucer
* Corel Prison
* Junon
* Fort Condor
* Cosmo Canyon
* Cave of the Gi
* Nibelheim
* Mt Nibel

Episode 3:
* Rocket Town
* Wutai
* Bone Village
* Gold Saucer
* Fort Condor
* Junon
* Costa del Sol
* Mt Corel
* North Corel
* Gold Saucer
* Cosmo Canyon
* Temple of the Ancients
* Bone Village
* Corral Valley
* The Forgotten Capital

Episode 4:
* Corral Valłey
* Icicle Inn
* Great Glacier
* Gaea's Cliff
* Whirlwind Maze
* <Everywhere in the world except Temple of the Ancients and Cave of the Gi>
* Final Crater

For me, I'm curious what a "full game per episode" actually means. FFXIII: Lightning Returns apparently clocks in at 20 hours for the main story (5 hours less than XIII-2 and half of XIII). Given this I expect we'll get episodes of 15 hours with reliance on side quests to pad out the playtime. My 4 episode split would give us 60 hours of main story (adding an extra 20 hours). Although I'd hardly see 15 hours of story as a "full game". I personally think anything short of 20 hours is a lie to the "full game" promise (which would be doable if we instead got 3 episodes at 20 hours of main story). The first episode could potentially end at either Corel Prison or the Cave of the Gi if it was 20 hours.

My line in the sand is the removal of the world map. If we don't have an open world that can be explored by airship I'll have no interest.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: itoikenza on 2016-07-31 01:20:12
*sigh* why he so skinny?!
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: hian on 2016-07-31 04:43:29
*sigh* why he so skinny?!

Because he's spent how many years in a giant test-tube?

I think there's a lot of issues with the lighting. Depending on the scene and the lighting in the trailer, his looks changes a lot.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: KnifeTheSky77 on 2016-07-31 07:30:00
*sigh* why he so skinny?!

Because it looks completely ridiculous when a scrawny guy, who could realistically bench 150 lbs, throws around a 5-600 lbs slab of metal like it's a bag of cotton balls.

I think in the anime scene, the formula for highlighting proficiency in a skill is to make it look as improbable as possible. The huge muscle guys are weaklings and the masters look emaciated.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: Tsuna on 2016-07-31 14:21:29
The way i get round my minor issues with the game is to understand the game is named Final FANTASY. That means it's not meant to resemble realness so cloud can swing this human sized sword. Like if you wanted to pick at things then how come barret has a gun arm? It's not possible? Plus he never runs outta ammo in there. You have to take with a pinch/mound of salt. Plus on the bright side we can fix the crap they do that we don't like so it's not that much of a big deal. I know people here have earned the right to be fussy after all these years of modding but if it's such a big problem, let's make our game up to our standards. Without any copyright of course
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: DLPB_ on 2016-07-31 14:29:28
That isn't a sufficient argument - in fact, it's the worst argument of all. It excuses bad writing and means you could not criticize any fiction remotely for any of its flaws. Bad writing and other poor choices should be highlighted.  I care about good writing.  I don't watch shows where anything can happen for any reason, because I find no enjoyment in brainless writing, or situations that are too phony to believe.  I, and millions of others, cannot immerse themselves in a story that makes no sense.  Anybody could write such a story.

I got into FF7 originally for many reasons, and one of them was the mostly clever writing within the confines of its own internal logic.  It isn't perfect, but adding in tons of other crap is not going to make the "remake" superior to the original - it's going to make it wholly inferior. Why are people settling for something that is more bloated, more ridiculous, among other absurdities like chapter-based approach? Why should we accept something that has gone backwards in so many ways since 1997? It's ridiculous. They deserve no excuses or absolution. All they deserve is to be smacked hard in their pocket, but they won't be. That's why Star Wars Episode 8 is coming out to laugh at people, and why the Terminator series hasn't been put out to pasture.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: hian on 2016-07-31 15:43:35
Because it looks completely ridiculous when a scrawny guy, who could realistically bench 150 lbs, throws around a 5-600 lbs slab of metal like it's a bag of cotton balls.

I think in the anime scene, the formula for highlighting proficiency in a skill is to make it look as improbable as possible. The huge muscle guys are weaklings and the masters look emaciated.

Here's the thing though - The original FFVII's Cloud doesn't have the necessary muscle mass for what he's doing either. In fact, wielding the Buster Sword efficiently is already physically impossible since the forward momentum of wielding that blade with any meaningful speed would send Cloud flying off like rag-doll.

If you're being entirely selective with the physics of your world to begin with - what way in which you're being selective matters little if at all.

Also, notice that Cloud is not wielding the blade in the remake like he was in the original. His visibly struggling with each swing, whilst in the original he twirled it around like a god damn cheer-leader's baton.

At the end though - Cloud is a person enhanced by alien cells and Mako energy - why Cloud being relatively skinny and wielding the buster sword like it's a feather is worse than Cloud being slightly more skinny and wielding the sword like it's actually big and heavy makes no sense what so ever.

If people want to rag on the remake - there are plenty of good places to do so - like how they ditched the anime aesthetic of the original, for this uninspired quasi-realistic manure that they've been doing since VIII, the fact that they're taking the game-play in the direction of action which is wholly counter-productive for strategical game-play involving a party of several characters, or the fact that they couldn't even get Uematsu back to work on the soundtrack.
Let's not get bogged down on non-essentially changes that don't make a meaningful impact on quality one way or the other because the original already did it poorly.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: hian on 2016-07-31 15:44:21
Delete this.
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: KnifeTheSky77 on 2016-07-31 18:31:16
I wasn't saying it as a dig against the game, just a silly observation. I think incorporating 'caricature of strength' as part of the styling is cool. It shows that strength isn't directly correlated to physical attributes like muscle mass, but can come from proficiency, mental state, drugs etc
Title: Re: FF7 Remake general thread
Post by: Tsuna on 2016-07-31 23:10:19
Well no, i agree that the spelling and grammar should always be perfect in a game that was pure laziness on there side. Not everything is excused it just seems unfair to accept certain impossibilities and not others. You have to take the whole pack